Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Will RCG Members Step Out In Real Faith And Not Waste Money On Feast Plans This Year?

Last Days FOT DOA


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God brought a faux mind-blowing concept to light when he explained during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 461)” on July 29, 2023, that The Last Days had already begun.


That's right. We have been in the prophesied Last Days since 2015, and nobody knew it. Not even David C. Pack. Just as the fickle 1335 of Daniel has an annoying habit of starting and stopping without notice, we are almost eight years into The Last Days and had no idea.


Just to keep it simple, Jesus Christ will return on the Opening Night of the Feast of Tabernacles in 2023. That is at “the split-second” of sunset on September 29. In Wadsworth, Ohio, sunset will be 7:12pm ET.


The Last Days began during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2015 because Dave whatever. The Last Days are sixteen years long because Dave says so. And because pigs sprout wings and glide across the sky, it points to the Feast of Tabernacles of 2023 as the dead-bang middle.


Exercise your faith, brethren. Book a one-way ticket this fall.


Part 461 – July 29, 2023

@ 16:23 I finally had to acknowledge because I was learning some very powerful things. That the Last Days are the Last Years, and there are eight of them. There are eight years of Last Days and Last Years. In effect, the Millennium is when the Last Days are over.


@ 23:48 I believe I can tell you exactly the day the Last Years the Last Days began, and it's been some years now. But, I believe I can absolutely prove to you exactly when they began before the Eight Years continued them to the Millennium.


To Dave, revealing when the Last Days began gave him the key to the "midst of the years," which marked X on the calendar as to when the Kingdom of God arrives. There is a logic at play. Psych ward logic.


Dave occasionally says things during these messages that might as well have a light and buzzer attached. Some words leap out at me, and my gut reaction is later validated. This was one of them.


@ 28:39 Now, as I lay out this absolutely stunning proof to you, I’m gonna I’m not gonna tell you. I’m not gonna tell you when the Kingdom comes.




When I heard that, I knew Dave would not be able to resist over-explaining his prophetic Rorschach drawing. He has OCD when it comes to forcing his temporary certainty onto the brethren, like when he asks questions and projects the answers they have in their heads because that is what he wants to hear.


Later, Dave reinforced my instincts:


@ 44:11 In light of what we just heard about the end of the year, when do you think God’s feet touch down? I’ll tell you. The split-second the Feast of Tabernacles begins.




A rule of thumb that is the safest position to take is to understand that David C. Pack will do and say the opposite of what he says he will.


@28:47 I’m not gonna tell you when the Kingdom comes.


Oh yeah?


@ 1:00:58 You could almost, if you knew nothing else, just fold it up. Let’s go home. And you could almost say, “Wow, it’s this Feast of Tabernacles.”


Technically, if the Kingdom God arrives at sunset on the Opening Night of the Feast of Tabernacles, brethren do not even need to travel to a Feast site since Jesus Christ will return at the exact moment the Feast begins. There is no commanded assembly at sunset on the first night. That is only a church tradition. Recheck your Bible. It is not there. The brethren in The Restored Church of God can truly express their noble faith by choosing to not make ANY travel plans for this year. They would still be obeying God the moment the “midst of the years” triggers everything.


You and I know David C. Pack will not sit on this teaching for the next 55 days. In fact, I suspect Part 462 will bring "additional clarity" to the situation because the window is too wide for those on the fence to bail from RCG and still have time to make alternate FOT travel plans with another organization.



@ 1:05:37 Anybody, anybody doubt when this would be? Anybody doubt when the Kingdom comes?


The members of The Restored Church of God should have nothing but doubt. It is healthy and wise to doubt the doctrines of David C. Pack.


Flashback Part 189 – June 26, 2019

@ 1:02:12 The Days of the Son of Man are the days before the Son of Man comes. So, lemme just tell you: we’re in the Days of the Son of Man. I wanna remove all doubt.


Flashback Part 197 – August 7, 2019

@ 32:08 Only recently did I finally come to truly truly truly understand blow by blow exactly what is happening in this chapter [Zechariah 11] and when. What and when sequentially. Exactly. And you won’t doubt it either.


Flashback Part 297 – March 17, 2021

@ 13:37 I’m gonna throw some knock-out punches here that removes all doubt about Christ arriving on Passover.


Flashback Part 403 – November 5, 2022

@ 01:51 Now, more than ever, I can tell you this: Salvation will come in November 2022. See if you doubt that when we’re done.


Flashback Part 413 – January 4, 2023

@ 1:17:08 If these guys die in the next three days, we’ve removed all doubt. And God would know this, and I can't tell because it's so cryptic. If they die in the next three days, nobody will doubt that Christ is coming.


Flashback Part 415 – January 17, 2023

@ 31:47 I said on Sabbath we’re not waiting 27 days…And you won’t have any doubt of that after the first point, and I'm gonna give you probably about 50 or 60…


Flashback Part 435 – April 15, 2023

@ 00:04 Good evening. Here we are…We're still just fine. You will (perhaps) more than ever before, not doubt that after tonight.


Flashback Part 436 – April 20, 2023

@ 00:02 This will be the single most important sermon I’ve ever given. You won’t doubt it. Or, if I lived twenty more years and we had to wait twenty more years that I ever could give.


Flashback Part 440 – May 5, 2023

@ 55:24 [Part] 440'd be the end of the line as far as the Series. But nobody would have any doubt that this is right.


If you are a member of The Restored Church of God and have doubts, that is not the devil putting evil thoughts in your head. Use the discernment God gave you to know what you can know and see what you can see. David C. Pack is a biblical fraud, a false apostle, a false teacher, and a false prophet.


Observations of reality are not accusations.



More Dark Dave came bubbling to the surface.


Part 461 – July 29, 2023

@ 29:04 You will absolutely know and know that you know. And nobody with a machine gun to your head could convince you it's other than what I'm gonna show you. All questions are gonna be dead and buried long before we get through this list.


His inexplicable obsession with graphic violence comes out at random moments. There must not be a more "Christian" way to communicate the same idea.


David C. Pack suffers from conflicting thoughts firing through his brain at the same time. He interrupts himself to insert an aside and returns to his original idea. His speaking flow is erratic, confusing, and unstable. This is not the communication style of a sound mind.


One of the side effects of his disjointed thinking is that he sidetracks himself so much that he winds up saying the opposite of what he intended.


@ 1:07:04 I’ll bet there’s not a person in here (I’m still nowhere near done) not a person in here who could begin to believe that the Kingdom of God (in every year that ever happens for the rest of eternity) to start a year (we’ve seen over and over and over) will be the Feast of Tabernacles. And you know why? Because that’s the kinda God we serve.


Dave disrupted himself with unnecessary fluff and forgot how he started his point. He winds up saying the opposite of what he intended. His overly-confident lean-back was perfectly timed right after botching his statement.


He meant to say, “I’ll bet there’s not a person in here who could begin to believe that the Kingdom of God does NOT start a year on the Feast of Tabernacles.”


Speaking with double negatives is tricky business, and Dave should leave that to the seasoned professionals. He forgot the second negative, which would algebraically make it positive. Instead, he said, “Not a person in here could begin to believe the Kingdom of God starts a year on the Feast of Tabernacles.”


God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. In an interesting twist, Dave’s mocking comments and misspeaks wind up being accurate, while his intentional doctrines are proven false. That will be the case here. Wait for the inevitable abandonment of this theory or the egg timer proving David C. Pack a biblical fraud.


Brethren still have time to bail from RCG, join another group, and still get to the Feast of Tabernacles. If you remain, by the time the Opening Night song leader tells everyone to rise and pick up their hymnals, you will know seven days of spin are on the agenda, and it will be another FOT DOA.

Marc Cebrian

See: Last Days FOT DOA


  1. "Brethren still have time to bail from RCG, join another group, and still get to the Feast of Tabernacles. "

    Join another group? Out of the frying pan and into the fire...

    Get out of the ACOG madness altogether!

  2. What a Charlatan. With a clear conscience, how do these deceivers miss the clear concise words of Jesus? No one, not even I know the time of my return except my father who is heaven. What is there to miss in that statement? Nothing, nothing at all, yet big eared Dave thinks he knows? It is no wonder these groups are so divided. It is because of men like this.

  3. Packs overtly anxious over the Tribulation and this profound fear must have been churning in his mind for decades. It's destroyed him basically and made him a laughing stock.
    He's not dealt with the fear and is wasting his old age trying to control it. Controlling how and when may be his way of coping. But when you strip all the hype out what your dealing with is a frightened man child not able to cope with the Tribulation.
    It's similar to when peopke who hate and spread gossip about others, it's about fear, fear of others telling the truth about them so they destroy and gossip.

  4. Now remember, folks, what some of the Laodiceans from the golden age of Armstrongism are now saying about how the entire church understood and reacted way back in the 1950s and '60s. According to them, members were all admonished that Mr, Armstrong was only interpreting the news from a Biblical standpoint, 1972-75, the Germans coming, the church fleeing to Petra, and Jesus Christ returning were all theory, and you most certainly should not plan your life or finances based on Mr. Armstrong's interpretations! Oh and remember, everyone took the child-beating booklet with a grain of salt, too, so very negligible abuse. Ta-loo-ta-loo!

    Of course they are not telling the truth, but it would certainly be a pretty damned good way of treating the false prophecies of all the ACOG leaders who claim to have inherited the conch!

  5. What a total waste of time listening to anything that he says. He is even worse than GRF and that's saying a lot.

  6. Given that Dave has so mangled prophecy, why do the members not question ALL his doctrinal teachings? God does not start someone off correctly understanding His Word, then allows that person to go off the deep end. That is a sign the person was never God's in the first place and indwelled by the Holy Spirit.

    Dave never understood the basics of Scripture, as a gentile living on our side of the cross. He understood Scripture as taught by HWA. He understood Old Testament, Jewish system do's and dont's, which are light years from Christian, New Testament doctrines. His 8 year detour to nothing but end time events will benefit the members absolutely nothing, even if he did somehow manage to guess the correct date. I wish they could see that.

    Damn that BI to hell! It will be the cause for thousands of souls to endure unimaginable suffering for eternity. And it isn't even true but even if it was would it benefit the believer. Jew and gentile are saved the same way now, so living like an OT Jew will never make the adherent right with God. Only Jesus makes us right with God and He is missing in action in the COGs.

  7. Dave is full of it. He just enjoys being the center of attention and stringing people along.

  8. Get out of the ACOG madness altogether!

    Get out of religious and ideological madness altogether.

  9. Dave fits the definition of a false prophet to a T. Ramble, ramble, ramble, and not a thing comes true. This exercise really is all about hearing himself speak.

  10. The Evolution (that is, the Degeneration) of David C. Pack

    David Pack was educated and trained at Ambassador College. He became a minister in the Worldwide Church of God. He resisted the Great Apostasy of 1995. He seemed to be standing up for the truth.

    Back when David Pack started his RCG cult, he said that his Real Truth magazine was going to bring responsible understanding rather than reckless speculation. This sounded so absolutely wonderful at the time. It seemed like exactly what a church needed: responsible understanding rather than reckless speculation.

    Unfortunately, David Pack went on to lose all of his marbles and now he comes up with more reckless speculation each week, week after week, month after month, and year after year -- and no responsible understanding at all.

    Who would have ever expected that David Pack would end up being so stupid and evil in the end?

    1. He seemed to be somewhat on track until Sirley died... though he was never an apostle of course

  11. Anonymous at 11:34 AM said...“He seemed to be somewhat on track until Sirley died... though he was never an apostle of course”

    Well, Dave is an apostle now -- a FALSE apostle.

    Dave's first wife Shirley died right around the time that Dave was claiming that all sorts of great miracles were happening in his RCG cult and nowhere else.
