Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, August 27, 2023

PCG: Watch Those Germans! We Are!

It is another day in COGland and the Germans are creating havoc. Never being able to just live their lives quietly and stay in Germany, they choose to instead occupy the minds of COG leaders and members. After all, Herbert and crew made them future pariahs of the world even claiming that Hitler was still alive in Argentina where he was continuing his plan of world domination.

It is a toss-up today as to which COG leader is more obsessed with them. We have the Living Church of God which lives in constant fear of concentration camps and meathooks. Bob Thiel has them waging war in his little mind in the endless dreams he claims to be having, and then there is the Philadelphia Church of God which continues to take crazy to the extreme.

PCG's Jeremiah Jacques writes in a letter to the church's young people:

Germans want change. Having witnessed their partner America’s international blunders again and again, Germany is now steadily charting its own course into the future, independent of the United States. Analysts around the world wonder what will come next for the European nation. Will Germany keep relying on nato? Will it turn to France or focus on arming itself, making Germany a military powerhouse once again?

Actually, not everyone is wondering what will happen. One group is watching the news about Germany—and many other nations—with confidence in the future outcome, and that group is God’s Church.

Following in the rhetoric of Herbert, PCG sees itself as the "watchman" for the church and particularly the Laodiceans. PCG members and followers are exhorted to put o their "spiritual night vision glass" so they can decern world events. Since Bob Thiel is too stupid to do this, PCG has to step up to the plate.

News is not just for Pastor General Gerald Flurry and other ministers to watch. It’s not just for your parents or grandparents. News is something youcan also benefit greatly from. 
Let’s look at a few reasons why it’s so important for you to develop the habit of watching world events—and then we can examine a simple, practical way to get started.

Again, following in Herbert's rhetoric, the vast majority of humanity is too stupid to comprehend things so it is necessary to rely upon PCG ministers to tell you what is right.

The late Herbert W. Armstrong said that one third of the Bible is prophecy, and 90 percent of that prophecy is to be fulfilled in the end time—the time we are now living through. That means that of the 1,230 pages in my Cambridge Bible, around 410 consist of prophecy, and 370 of those pages contain prophecies that are being fulfilled in the headlines of today’s newspapers! 

It is easy to tell this person has had NO real education in Biblical studies other than the junk hermeneutics and escatology that Armstrongism created for in-house use.

George Friedman, Melanie Phillips, Peter Zeihan, Ian Bremmer and others can see much of what is going on in the world today. Many of these experts have studied geopolitics and international relations for decades, traveling the world, analyzing events, studying human behavior, and observing how it plays out on the national level. As a result of their education, they can see and understand a great deal about the world around us. 
But what they see is just a fraction of what we can see. 

Ah, yes. Everyone is dumber than we are. We have the answers to everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! COG leaders have decoded the Bible and restored lost truths, or so they claim. 

Even with the best of this world’s observers and analysts, Christ’s words in Matthew 13:14 ring true: “You will listen carefully yet will never understand, you will look closely yet will never comprehend” (New English Translation). 
Christ continues, speaking about another group with a different capacity to understand: “But your eyes are blessed because they see, and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it” (verses 16-17; New English Translation). 
We in God’s Church see and understand so much. Jeremiah the prophet said he had more understanding than all his teachers, even when he was young (Psalm 119:99). How could this be? Because his eyes were “blessed”! They were open to God’s truth.

Other than Bob Thiel's church, there has never been a church so blinded by such self-importance as the Philadelphia Church of God. No one in the entire span of church history has understood the Bible better than Flurryism. Even the half-truths and outright lies by Bob Thiel cannot compare.

So what happens when you follow the exhortations of PCG leaders?

Studying into the way nations deal with each other sometimes feels like peering into the night: Human eyeballs can see very little. But the Bible is a game-changing tool. It’s like slipping on a pair of night-vision goggles. Suddenly, there is a clear picture! The image doesn’t always have perfect detail because God only tells us what we need to know—but the shape is clear. 
Our eyes are blessed because they see, and our ears are blessed because they hear. When we watch the news, we can understand it in a way that no Friedman, Phillips or Bremmer can. That’s because they don’t have access to the night-vision goggles! It is a high honor to be able to see through these coveted goggles, and it should help us fall in love with watching news.

Note how they subtly brainwash their youth and members with the following:

This Is Not a Suggestion 

Another reason to get serious about news-watching is that we are commanded to stay apprised of what’s going on in the world. It is crucial to our survival and success as God’s people. 
In Luke 21:36, Christ told His disciples: “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” 
Being able to understand the news and to know how events will unfold is an incredible blessing. But it is also a command, right alongside prayer.

This is not necessarily easy to do, especially at first; but we are told that we must watch and pray.

Zoom Out 
Another reason we should strive to become news hawks is that it enables us to “zoom out.”
Consider this nugget of wisdom from Eleanor Roosevelt: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” 
It is so easy for us, especially when we’re young, to have a narrow worldview. We may see our family and friends as planets orbiting around ourselves—the beautiful star at the center of the universe. It is very easy to be small-minded, self-centered and to get swept up in the he-said, she-said of this tiny solar system. 
But becoming a news hawk enables us to zoom out! We can better see the larger world and the trends and ideas that matter. We can see that there’s a whole planet and universe out there, and it will broaden our view and help us to develop “great minds.”

So what is a poor church member to do? Read PCG literature, of course! Don't be a Jesus follower but read our literature, it will literally save you!

If you would like to improve in this area, there is a simple, powerful way to keep your finger on the pulse of the world. Are you ready? Here it is: Read each upcoming issue of the Philadelphia Trumpet from cover to cover. 
The Philadelphia Trumpet is a special tool. Several of God’s ministers and other Church employees spend hours and hours each month sifting through the news, reading it, discussing it with each other, and researching what the Bible, Herbert W. Armstrong and Gerald Flurry have said about certain topics. Then they pray, study and spend hours writing about the most important news stories. They reach out to experts to learn more. They read books to help put it all in context. They write, edit, rewrite and bring it all to life with the help of a team of skilled artists, photo researchers and layout specialists. And all of the volumes’ worth of news from the month are finally condensed into 40 pages of the most prophetically significant material—10 times per year. 

Slick propaganda at its finest!  

Remember that your eyes are blessed because they see! You can understand the basics of what will happen with Germany and so many other nations. Remember that as exciting as news-watching is, it’s also a command—like prayer. We must do it to survive and thrive spiritually. Also, remember that becoming a news hawk can help you expand your perspective to become a more broad-minded, balanced and interesting person. 
What an awesome time we are living through! The events leading up to Christ’s return are in rapid motion. We can watch them happening every day in our daily news. So read the Philadelphia Trumpet from cover to cover each month, and learn to really fall in love with news-watching.

Instead of being at rest in Christ, as Christians have for centuries, and standing in confidence with faith Armstrongites choose to live in a constant state of fear. Don't pray enough? Cursed! Don't study enough? Cursed! Don't watch world events? Cursed! Don't belong to the one true church? Cursed!

Maybe the part that Jeremiah Jacques got right is the members do need to put on goggles in order to see through the filth the PCG claims is true.


  1. Ha, I had some weirdo go on a rant at me the other day about how the Germans were basically responsible for every perceived societal ill in America since circa 1940. It was like he was trying to sell this idea of a sort of evil apostolic succession. I did not ask if he was a COGlodyte.

  2. 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of Germans could care less about Armstrongism and the crazy lies of their ministers.

  3. Now, don't worry folks! They're only s-p-e-c-u-l-a-t-i-n-g! Just like HWA! So when this never happens, you'd better not dare accuse them of being false prophets! Or, Mr. Blinders will correct you!!!

  4. I can picture Flurry doing a Seargent Schultz (Hogans Heroes) saying ...


  5. One of Armstrongism's biggest failures has been its predictions regarding Germany. Only the documented flop of HWA's 1975 prophecies probably are close. Looking back, it is hard to reckon how they did without being held more accountable. I guess since it was operated much like a communist dictatorship they had they power of fear of being excommunicated and for the most part a compliant ministry (in some cases their own NKVD) that were able to survive this failure.

  6. The EU is failing. Germany is a shell of a country. when the Eu falls apart, and it will, what will the armstrongites say?

  7. Gerald Flurry is the worst false prophet that Satan ever sent against the Worldwide Church of God people. The PCG is a satanic filth cult full of old sex perverts and liars.

  8. I am watching one German very closely. Sure hope he is found guilty of his crimes and can't be president.

  9. 10:33

    Psychology Today suggests you and the others here stop using the word cult. It is used by bullies trying to justify their own failings. Also, in another source, since you spoke of sex, the word cult triggers another c word in the subconscious mind that also has 4 letters. That is one reason a psychologist wrote of why the word cult is so popular among critics of other people.

    Here is a quote from the article on Psychology Today. Com on why one should not use the word cult. It actually tells a lot about the person/s using the word to label others. I suggest one look up and read the whole article.

    “ Cult” is just another sleazy slur word. It provides a counterfeit confidence that enables people to feel good about their own questionable beliefs and group memberships. Please see it for what it is — a mean-spirited label unfairly applied. In principle, using it in either serious writing or in casual conservation is little different than using pejorative terms to describe gender, sexuality, or racial identity.

    All people who strive to be accurate and fair when communicating should jettison “cult” from their vocabulary. It is not difficult to function without it. Should one need to identify an unpopular or potentially dangerous organization, describing it as “unpopular” or “potentially dangerous” works just fine.”

    Just sayin… “what you are speaks so loudly we can’t hear what you are saying saying.”

  10. In case one can handle it, here is the link to the cult article.


    Have fun.

  11. Generally speaking, black and white thinkers (aka i-o or "binary" thinkers) have a need to put all of those around them who have different perspectives into nice, neat little boxes. There is generally a broader spectrum of nearly any given thing than i-o thinkers can perceive, let alone acknowledge. We had numerous discussions on this topic in another venue, years ago, and one astute lady observed that not all of what we might call cults are harmful. Some in fact actually provide self-discipline which gives members some very necessary structure in their lives. However, there are also "toxic" cults, so-called because they are destructive in members' lives and cause others close to that person to become their co-dependents. We began differentiating on that forum, and used the modifier "toxic" from that point forward to describe Armstrongism.

    So, yes, Jesus may have been a cult leader, because he provided specialized knowledge which differed from the wisdom of the mainstream of that day. And, that complies with one of the definitions of the word "cult". However, Gerald Flurry is a toxic cult leader, because his "specialized knowledge" diminishes or destroys the lives of his followers. PCG is a toxic cult.

    Attention any PCG members who might be sneaking a peek here: Please forward the above to your toxic spiritual guide! This will not make Gerald happy, but it'll probably bring a smile to Jesus' face!
