Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Bob Thiel Is Funding A Criminal


From Terry Nelson:

Radson Mulozowa has hired a Lawyer and filed A Defamation Lawsuit against Terry Nelson, Forster Abraham, Lewis Wahera, and members of the Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God.

This suit came within days of the Police entering Radson Mulozowa and his wife's house. Radson was very sick that day and was suffering from health problems, otherwise, the police were going to arrest him that day and place him in jail until his court hearing for Fraud- Stealing church Bibles. 

Police told him to go to Hospital and turn himself in within 2 Days. He did not do this; hence Police are still looking for him and he's on the Run. Dr. Thiel is funding a criminal and unless he fires Radson, he will make a more complete Fool of himself than he already is.  

I will be sending a video soon of the Detective of the Blantyre Police Department explaining the case against Radson. Hopefully, Dr. Thiel, if you're Reading this, I would hope you know this is all true and if you continue to fund a criminal that represents the Continuing Church of God in Malawi, you can be sure you will be shut down in Malawi and most likely in all of Africa. 

You are without excuse. 

The Case against Radson is solid. He lied in front of me and many people that he didn't really know me. 

He lied I had nothing to with sponsoring the Bibles.

He said in front of Everyone, "I Deny" 

This Man has stolen upwards of $30,000 in tithe-payer money, maybe much more, since 2017. Plus he has a Kissing Cousin Wife, and many Mistresses, with whom he committed adultery with when he was married to Priscilla and after he was divorced. 

Evans Ocheing is in compliance with all these Evil Deeds and his own Evil Deeds as well and is also has his own pending investigation from the Government of Malawi. 

You Best snap back into Reality and do the right thing, instead of pleading, "I Never Knew/" I am sure your Oldest son Michael has tried or will try talking to you about his concerns as even he is on 
record back years ago, saying your claim of being a Prophet is not right. 

You are bringing curses on your Family because you are too Prideful to admit you are wrong. 

Remember you taught us, "Cursed is he who does the Work of God Deceitfully". 

Please wake up for at least your family. It's never too late to admit a grave mistake and repent of your bad decisions. You could at least do the right thing, while there's still time.

I really hope you do!!! 


  1. Hi Dr Bob!

    How are things going in Africa?

  2. Looks like bad things are happening for Bob before the feast this year! In the old WCG days, wasn't that almost a proof that it was the true church? (couldn't resist taunting just a little!)

    1. Ha! He'll probably spin it that way if he cant just avoid talking about it. TRIALS! PERSECUTION! FAMINE OF THE WORD! JOHN CHRYSOSTOM!

  3. When people see how crooked the courts are, and the political lawfare, is it really a shame to be wanted by the police these days?

  4. But you guys take care for yourselves too. When you close your minds to "conspiracy theories" that are true, you block truth from your mind and are separated from truth. So you go down the path like Dr.Thiel.
    Are there some conspiracies you don't want to hear about?

  5. The post has nothing to do with crooked courts, political lawfare, or conspiracies. Give it a fucking rest! The post is about a self-appointed self-righteous narcissist who is funding a criminal to sue church members. Why does every conversation here have to be derailed by conspiracy nuttiness?

  6. Bob apparently has faith in Malawi's courts, otherwise he wouldn't have paid Radson to pursue that lawsuit. Of course, we have no proof that Radson hasn't pocketed the money for his own purposes (and legal defense) instead of pursuing a false case against Terry Nelson.

  7. How could you have missed the connection, 4:07? Amstrongism is largely based upon and explained by conspiracy theories. We learned them, and how to use them at the feet of Gamaliel (HWA)!!! It is not possible to even discuss Armstrongism without referencing conspiracy theories.

  8. "Why does every conversation here have to be derailed by conspiracy nuttiness?"
    You don't get it? Thiel refuses to believe the accusations because he has created a mental block against "conspiracy theories". You yourself are espousing a conspiracy theory about Radson.

  9. What a powerful leader dr. Thiel is, in his own mind of course. Would rather fund criminal activities in Africa just so he can pretend to be a mighty church leader. What a joke Bob is really. I feel bad for his family having to put up with the nonsense that spews from his lips. Hopefully the Malawian police will catch up with Radson.
