Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Living Church of God: Hey, Look At Us! Who would have thought?


Now we know where the Great Bwana Mzungu Bob gets his braggadocio from, the Living Church of God.

Both of these groups can take a minuscule number of people and turn it into the most amazing thing the church ever seen. 

Here is LCG bragging about how in two recent Tomorrows World Presentations in a Canadian and a UK city brought in a combined total of 33 people. Subtract from that the 15-20 LCG members at each location that are used a seat fillers and you get an idea of the amazing work LCG is doing. 

Tomorrow’s World Presentations in Canada and the United Kingdom
The Work of God is not limited to just the United States—not by a long shot! Last weekend, two TWPs in Canada and the United Kingdom drew a combined total of 33 guests. This weekend we will host a follow-up presentation in Manchester, England, and four initial presentations in Canada—Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, Alberta; and St. Catharines and Guelph, Ontario. Your prayers are appreciated!


  1. one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  2. "Guest" refers to non-LCG members.

  3. Will they preach against doctors in Medicine Hat?


  4. Yep. These are some of the people who ought to be calling Monte for art lessons!

  5. The warnings of the prophets in the OT were ignored. That doesn't mean that they weren't successful. Rather it means that God had fulfilled His moral responsibility of a call to repentance before national disaster struck.

  6. The OT prophets were in direct communication with the Lord or an angel. They were precise with their timeline and dates in prophecy. Like 70 years from when Daniel looked at Jeremiah’s prophecy. Unlike some 1975 false alarm.

    Don’t put these current ACOG ministers in comparison to the OT prophets who were persecuted or went to jail or in captivity with Israel.

  7. 6.27, Christ warned His followers of 70 AD, but He didn't wasn't precise with His timing. God used a morally challenged Balaam, so I wouldn't automatically dismiss the ACOG ministers.

  8. 9:51 oh alright, I’ll just wait another five to fifteen years. Then I’ll listen to them.

    Maybe the COG can follow in the doctrine of Balaam (Rev 2:14).

  9. did the men all bring their briefcases? It's kind of an unspoken COG requirement to carry one, be it empty, or full

    part of the full COG male "costume"/uniform
