Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 29, 2023

The German Military Might Is Rising Up! Concentration Camps Not Too Far Behind!! Oh Noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who would ever have guessed that the Living Church of God would have ANOTHER little article about Germany? It is shocking, I know!

But, here we are in all its fear-mongering glory. 

The Germans are rising up militaristically. Oh noes!!!!!!!!!! 

Concentration Camps cannot be too far behind. They probably are polishing up those old meathooks to hang Church of God members on as you read this. 

New world Nazis will soon be arriving in Pasadena and see the former Ambassador Campus and will stand in awe and wonder. "We cannot destroy this magnificent place! Let's make it our occupational headquarters."


  1. Turkey can field an army of 2 million men in 30 days. Way more than either Germany or the USA.

  2. HWA's and his minions monstrous abuse of prophecy has created a stumbling block to believing all future prophesies. Another example of throwing members under the bus while preaching outgoing concern.

  3. Because HWA totally misread the outcome of WWII, he relaunches Nazi paranoia as a conspiracy theory 10 years later: "1975 in Prophecy"
    This booklet was later withdrawn, but too late: it found its way into the hands of critics!

  4. There may be here an odd convergence between political realism and Armstrongist historical fantasy. The Germans, without a doubt, are not the genetic descendents of the ancient Assyrians. The Armstrongist view of Germany and its political role is based on this faux biological connection. Though that connection may be a part of the Hoehish Legendarium, it is entirely possible that Germany may be the leading nation in a European Union of some sort. I believe Germany may enter into ascendancy but it will never compare to the combine of Russia and China on the world scene.

    I could even envision a civil war in the United States that would require Western Europe, including Germany, to put peacekeeping missions in North America. All of this would play into the hands of Armstrongist idealogues. But their real problem is that genetics has completely shot down the "Germany as Assyria" idea. Armstrongists have never made a credible response to the genetics. Their strategy apparently is to ignore genetics for as long as their audience will not create a ruckus. Truth be damned.

    Have a look at the following:



  5. The "Assyria is Germany" concept is just as whacky as British Israelism and again , has no historical, linguistic and most importantly DNA evidence to back it in any way.

  6. Armstrongism really lucked out in that prosecutors and defense attorneys have found that dna backfires in court very frequently, largely because the "man on the street" types (typically found in the jury box) are incapable of understanding it, and do not trust it. What was seen by the more intelligent or better educated classes as a sure shot has, therefore, not been very useful. This made it very easy for Armstrongites to treat dna in exactly the same way as the already existing mountain of evidence against British Israelism.

    As an observation, back when I was involved in Armstrongism, we self-isolated in our own little bubble. Outside cultural influences were carefully controlled, and minimized wherever possible. The usage of television, movies, and radio was carefully controlled, and emerging trends in clothing and hair styles were repudiated, and avoided. Politics we did not become involved in, as ambassadors for Jesus Christ. We looked at political activity from the standpoint of seeing signs of prophecy being fulfilled, or the endtimes being nigh. In fact, we looked at other fields in that same way. We were attuned to the break out of new and horrible disease epidemics, record setting devastation from horrific weather events, heightened global tensions and unwinnable wars, and the emergence of religious authoritarianism. Much of what we saw was subliminal for the vast majority of the population who had witnessed man's ability to combat and minimize such threats, but we were told that since these things were coming from God, and fell in line with a proper understanding of prophecy, there was nothing that could be done to combat them.

    We saw national shame in events that violated the principles which HWA assured us that were God's. Therefore, it was absolutely scandalous for Jackie Kennedy to take up with Aristotle Onassis, who was of a "non-Israelite" ethnicity. It was an example of the stranger amongst us rising against us when Tom Bradley was elected Mayor of Los Angeles. Forced integration of the schools, and bussing were regarded as not only wrong, but something for which our then views would invite persecution for the church, especially if anyone came upon the original bylaws for Imperial Schools or Ambassador College. Riots were seen as being "Negro" events, throwbacks to an African heritage, and fomented by outside communist infiltrators. No legitimacy was assigned to the grievances that black leaders were attempting to address, the wrongs they sought to right.

    All of what I described above was virtually in the dna of the church during the time I was a participant, as part of the "converted" outlook. My own consciousness, understanding, and world view have grown exponentially since I left in 1975, and because I'm not around any ACOG people that I know of, I do not know if these guiding paradigms are still present amongst Armstrongites. Reading the latest missive from one prominent ACOG minister leads me to believe that in spite of all that has taken place since 1975 to counter them, these same outlooks and attitudes have most likely just morphed like a virus, have adapted to current conditions, and are still used to preserve the Armstrongite line of thought.

  7. If an organization bases their prophetic word on physical genetic descendancy, then they don't have the sure word of prophecy.

  8. Poor unfortunate is the one who publishes this Blog.
    It is a stanic blog, full of ridicule and resentment.

    How can they be so blind to see us beyond the tip of their nose?

    The day will come when all your mockery will be silenced and the King of Kings will act and erase dark characters like you, owner of this site, a malicious and mocking blog, from the face of the earth. All these foolish words will remain there and your followers will be watered with horror, at that moment it will be crying and gnashing of teeth.
    For now, continue doing your work of iniquity promoted by your mentor Satan, we are confident that not even with you working will the true work of God be silenced.

  9. Germany's Historic Military Deployment mentions: "...Bible prophecy sheds powerful light on Germany's role in the future of Europe. It will eventually lead a group of ten European powers politically and militarily. This agreement with Lithuania could be the first step in German troops being stationed around Europe - and even the Promised Land..."
    Well, that agreement is perhaps the latest “could be,” would be, maybe, speculative guess regarding that group of ten since at least 1956, if not from an earlier date.

    Where are those ten kings, ten nations, that have been prophesied? Did those of the "living group" finally get something right? Of course not, but time is telling.

    Revelation 17:10 “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
    11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
    12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
    13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”

    Is anything new under the sun? Another document said this: “…The Germans are coming back from the destruction of World War II in breath-taking manner. Germany is the economic and military heart of Europe. Probably Germany will lead and dominate the coming United States of Europe…There will be ten Dictatorships, exerting iron rule over ten European nations. These TEN will give all their military power to the central over-all LEADER-pictured under the prophetic symbol, "The BEAST." The prophecy does not reveal exactly which ten nations will be included-but this resurrected Roman Empire will bind together some 250 to 300 millions of peoples!...... Remember again, prophecy does not identify the MAN. More probably he will be a German. We shall not have to wait much longer to know! IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK!....

    We shall not have to wait much longer to know? R E A L L Y!???

    That document was titled: “1975 in Prophecy” written by Herbert W. Armstrong and published in 1956. What happened? Can we say: “Duh?”

    Doug Winnail, among the living group, is looking forward to another Jesus to very soon return to earth to start some 1,000 year reign on earth. Where is He? Where are those ten?

    Scriptures indicate that the ten will not exist until Satan exits the pit, after 1,000 years, as Gog and again incite deception worldwide, and worldwide war, which will again be learned by human beings who come out of the other side of the 1,000 year human utopia (while Satan was in that pit).

    Tonight at midnight, it becomes not 1956, not 1972, not 1975, not 1986, not 1995, not 1998, not 2023, but 2024! Oh, yes, but we’re another year closer! Closer to what? Those of the living group assisting another Jesus so as to lord it over the rest of mankind to force us to be happy?

    Or, is it possible Jesus Christ will not reign on earth until after Satan as Gog, 7th head of the Beast, exits the pit for a little/short time/season and is killed? And, if yes, when will the living group (& other xcog hirelings of the former WCG) revise their outdated, and false, theories?

    Time will tell…


  10. Koke61:

    This is a blog that you chose to visit. This is no radio program, no newspaper or television show. It’s a blog, I’m pretty sure many other things are problematic in this world.

    You see the splinterdom cogs that descended from worldwide didn’t think the internet would come into this world to give other information. It also allowed other people to have a voice if we disagreed, and they want to shut our voice out.

    The cogs should have practiced love. But they practice lord it over.

  11. A more fitting title for their little booklet is: Germane In Profituc

  12. If there is a more race-conscious group of people than Armstrongites, I've never met them!


  13. This post and the one with the dancing black child on the desk has got one of our reader's lace panties all in a twist. Racism is alive and well in the Church of God, even in 2024


  14. A hilarious little personal excursion. Back in the '90s when I still believed it might be possible to have a relationship with my cult-infested family, I took my new wife back to meet them. Before we left, I had the following conversation with my wife:

    "Babe, there's something I need to tell you if we are going to be able to have any sort of civil time with my parents and some of my siblings! There are many relatively normal things which they find very offensive. So, if you are speaking, and I suddenly say "Ah! Jackson Browne!", please stop, and subtly change the subject,"

    "Got it!" she replied. "But, what do you mean by "Jackson Browne?"

    "Oh" I said. "Remember Jackson Browne's song "Redneck Friend?"

    "Yeah." she replied.

    "One of the lines in that song is "They've got a little list of all the things of which they don't approve!"

    "And I just hit on one of them!" she giggled.

    "Yep!" I said.

    My wife had quite a bit in common with one of my girl cousins who was not a member of the church, a rock n roll party girl, and she shared our little game plan with her. Later on we were all in the living room, and my wife did bring up an opinion that would be very offensive to Armstrongites.

    "Jackson Browne!" I said.

    "Yes!!! Jackson Browne, big time!!!" added my cousin.

    Some of the family members looked puzzled, but we didn't give any explanation. And I didn't need to "Jackson Browne" my wife any more times throughout the visit. Poor gal was very careful from that point on. I, on the other hand, managed to offend the parents several more times. It's just in my dna!

  15. That's hilarious 12:54! I'm going to have to check out Jackson Browne's song now and might even use your code from now on too lol!

  16. I was a member of the congregation in Dallas which Mr. Wachuku led. Now, 6 weeks later Mr. Wachuku is unemployed, struggling spiritually and financially and praying for a sign from God as to how to proceed. We've encouraged him to form a church of his own but his experience at RCG has left him dejected and concerned that if he did so he would ultimately become like those who've rejected him.

    Please join me in praying for him.
