Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Lack of Peace In The COG Movement


The only way you can have peace according to LCG is to keep the law. 

Forget about being a follower of Christ or the New Covenant. 

Thanks to this distorted viewpoint it is no wonder there is no peace within the Church of God movement.

All we have are rebellious men filled with disdain for the government they claim to follow. There is no peace between COG groups, especially between self-appointed church leaders. 

The Churches of God can no longer wag their crooked old fingers at Christian churches or the world around them when their very own churches and souls are filled with darkness.

The Way to Peace: At this time of year, we hear a lot about “Peace on earth and goodwill toward men” yet the news is full of reports of war and suffering. The desire for peace is universal, but that hope has remained elusive for most human beings. While world leaders talk of peace, and religious leaders pray for peace, and the UN sends “peacekeepers” to trouble spots around the globe, the world simply does not know the way to peace (Isaiah 59:8). However, God’s word reveals that the way to peace is to learn to love and live by the laws of God and that way leads to peace and quietness (Psalm 119:165Isaiah 32:17). The world will learn the way to peace when Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace returns to this earth and the laws of God are spread from Jerusalem by teachers who are in training now (Isaiah 9:6–72:2–430:20–21). Let’s prepare for that day.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Garner Ted for all his faults (that are not to be overlooked) repeated alot publicly, to his own amusement, a 'joke' that "If you take a group of WCG ministry stranded in a rowing boat and all they've got to do is work together as a team and row to saftey.....they wouldn't.. they'd argue and throw each other out of the boat and capsize the boat"
    I heard him repeat this remark more than once.

  2. The problem with the ACOGs is that "the laws of God" are rigged, Ministers behave as if they have the right to lord it over their members and are entitled to be partial toward the wicked. And the victims of abuse are expected to fake reality and pretend that nothing is wrong. Their "laws of God" are nothing but man made constructs.


    It does seem like there is nothing but drama continually with the so-called “Churches of God.”

    From spoiled, fucking hypocrites like Garner Ted Armstrong rebelling against his own father and the Worldwide Church of God and starting his own tiny little rebel cults, to apostates like Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. and his son Joseph Tkach, Jr. totally changing the teachings of the Worldwide Church of God and turning it into a Sunday-keeping church called Grace Communion International, to Satan-sent, Satan-directed, false prophets like Gerald R. Flurry and David C. Pack raising up satanic imposter cults to destroy cruelly everyone they can, to self-appointed false prophet wannabes like Ronald E. Weinland and Robert J. Thiel, to old fools like Alton B. “Don” Billingsley and Norbert Link who still cannot stop guessing wrong, to Roderick C. Meredith starting his own religion business and messing up major teachings with his “doctrinal upgrades” that he made to compete against Herbert W. Armstrong, to endless little splinter “leaders” like Norman S. Edwards preaching and practising division, to the so-called “United Church” doing nothing but supporting ministerial paychecks and sinful behavior, and splitting, the so-called “Churches of God” are not stable or safe places.

    In fact, most are not really Churches of God at all. They are actually Satan's false churches full of imposters and evil.

  4. So Anon 220 .. I get that you like none of the slivers/splinters etc..

    Why though do you defend HWA? He is the father of all these and the sins of the father were definitely transmitted to the next generations

    1. Ssshhh! he's just doing what he was programmed to do. Heh Heh

  5. While attending services, I use to look down on those who left HWA's denomination and joined a splinter. I've come to realize that some only left because they were being victimized by the minister, including certain protected-by-the-minister members. This parallels the dynamics of a toxic family system. Christ's own family fled out of self defence, so it's hardly wrong.

    1. The prejudice went both ways I can assure you.

    2. The Armstrong family unit was allegedly toxic and therefore its common sense for that toxicity to have seeped into the church.

  6. 2.20,

    Glad that the true remnant group Church of God, The Eternal is not mentioned. It is the original Radio Church of God, unadulterated, pure and holy, striving to be perfect and obedient to God and His way of Life.

    1. That's a laugh. Church of God, the Eternal is one of the most corrupt groups out there. The very fact that the leader of this group speaks out of both sides of his mouth, disqualifies him. They have ALL gone by the wayside, and Brisby is no exception.

  7. I've encountered a certain breed of person whose basic method of operation is to keep people perpetually unsettled, and on the edge. I had a long term girlfriend who did that, and of course got a double dose because her mother did it too. I found that situation to be something I could not live with, because my former church, the Worldwide (Radio) Church of God, had practiced that very thing on an institutional basis, and I got burned out on it after so many years. It's a game, and a very bad form of manipulation. I've had managers at work who deliberately keep those who report to them agitated, particularly over a weekend. Fortunately, I'm at an age and place where I feel comfortable not letting such people, or any others who attempt to bring bad vibes into my life. Phucque 'em!

  8. The unadulterated scriptures seem to have all the answers to our problems - e.g.

    1 Cor 3:

    3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

    4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?

    5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

    6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

    7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

    10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

    11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

  9. Doug, who still believes his another Jesus to very soon return to reign 1000 years (MMM) on earth, tells us:
    "...The world will learn the way to peace when Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace returns to this earth and the laws of God are spread from Jerusalem by teachers who are in training now (Isaiah 9:6–7; 2:2–4; 30:20–21). Let’s prepare for that day..."
    Just how prepared is Doug for "that day?" If Doug were to fill out an application form to show he was qualified to enter God's Kingdom, would his application be accepted, or rejected, perhaps with a statement of: "Rejected. No need to reapply?"

    Is Doug turning over a new leaf about that MMM (Mickey Mouse Millennium), or is he just exposing his ignorance again regarding Jesus' return to planet earth? Doug insists his readers "prepare for that day," like that day were just around the corner. Doug told us about that day, but when is it? Doug doesn't even know how he contradicts himself, as he has been doing for decades.

    We know that at the end of the 1,000 years there will be war again! Why? Satan, the primary principality for war, destruction, disease, depression, racism, etc. comes out of the pit and finally does realize that he has but a short time, a little season, to accomplish more of his dirty deeds upon a blinded humanity (just like in today's world) and encourage humans to blame/judge one another, and yes even blame/judge God (Satan was made without fear: Job 41:33).

    What day relative to the 1,000 years are we to prepare for?

    Revelation 20:7 "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
    8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle:..."

    Battle have anything to do with war? War will exist after 1,000 year, but Doug says: "Let's prepare for that day."

    Doug cited scriptures from Isaiah 2:1-4 to explain that day:

    Isaiah 2:1 "The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
    2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, [that] the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
    3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
    4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

    "That day," according to Isaiah 2:4, is when: "...neither shall they learn war any more."

    Doug is really asking us to prepare for that day. What day? That day when: "...nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

    That day is way off yet. Now, Doug is still seeking, hoping (as he has for decades), that day comes "very soon," but is that day going to be before or after the 1,000 years?

    Time will tell...



  10. Someone might check but I think ¨Peace on earth, goodwill toward men¨ would rightly be rendered ¨Peace on earth, toward men of goodwill.

  11. Jesus is not very impressive to people who are enamored of social, cultural and religious codes. Jesus was born under very special circumstances, miraculous circumstances. His mother had never known a man. His birth was accompanied by the singing of angels. Wise men from among the Gentiles traveled great distances to see him. Yet, when he was 30 years old he had been deemed just a carpenter’s son. A worker in stone and wood, with his brothers, in the area of Nazareth and Sephoris.

    The social code said he was not important and had no authority. The Messiah came to his own and his own received him not – probably due to whatever codes of behavior they vaunted in their personal lives. Think about it. The Pharisees were very particular about keeping the Old Testament laws, to the point of tedium, and yet there was nothing in this law-keeping that caused them to have a recognition of Jesus. In fact, these perfectionist law-keepers par excellence were the enemies of Jesus much of the time during his ministry. Jesus who was and is love.

    The Circumcision Party, the great opponents of Paul and consisting of mostly “converted” Pharisees, was not impressed with Jesus. They did not see that anything had really changed that much. One would expect that when they encountered the idea that “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us”, they saw it as empowerment so we can now keep the Old Testament law perfectly in this flesh. The ability to keep the law perfectly was likely the only really big new thing that Jesus brought in their minds. All the rest of the NT could be carried forward from the Law and the Prophets. Receiving the promises made to Abraham was still contingent on the prescription of circumcision.

    There is much more to this debate, on both sides, love set over against law, as you all know. What can be said, in summation, is that the OT Law, if it does not become an object in itself, is based on love but it is an anemic rendition of the magnified love exemplified by Jesus in the NT. As Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”


  12. "We know that at the end of the 1,000 years there will be war again!"
    There wasn't war during the 1000 years? Who was ruling, in charge, during these 1000 years?

  13. Anon, Sunday, December 31, 2023 at 9:46:00 AM PST, said:
    "..."We know that at the end of the 1,000 years there will be war again!"
    There wasn't war during the 1000 years? Who was ruling, in charge, during these 1000 years?..."
    Interesting question. Who did you think would be in charge during that 1,000 years?

    Who has been in charge since the day Satan was presented to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

    My short answer during the future 1,000 years is: the spiritual principalities: namely, the good angels.


  14. Anon 9:46 am, The question you asked was: Who was ruling, in charge, during these 1000 years?

    And FWIIW, my longer answer during the future 1,000 years is: the spiritual principalities: namely, the good angels.

    Perhaps you may answer your own question by thinking about the parable of the talents/pounds, or just asking some other questions. For example, who is the author of sin: any sin, evil thoughts, etc.?

    "He that committeth sin is of the devil;..." I John 3:8

    Do we live in a present evil world?

    "Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:" Galatians 1:4

    Who is the god of this present evil world?

    "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Cor 4:4

    For the past approximately 6000 years who have been the enemies of all human beings?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." Eph 6:12

    So, for the past approximately 6,000 years, since the most subtil beast of the field was introduced to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, who/what has been ruling, in charge?

    If you think, believe, Satan and his angels, the evil principalities, have been in charge, then you may be close to answering your own question, because those powerful spirit beings have the ability to control, not merely influence, thoughts of human beings with evil thoughts, as well as control (2 Tim 2:26) actions of humans.

    This is only tip of the iceberg; do your own studies and learn why: "...the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually..."

    Overall, humanity has survived about 6,000 years living under the invisible control of the evil principalities. Not too bad, huh? That's a lot of evil of the principalities' inhumanity to mankind.

    Now, you want to know about a period of time of 1,000 years, which is only 1/6th of what we've experienced under Satan and his angels, who will be in some pit for a 1,000 years and unable to control human beings during that period.

    So, who will be in charge during that 1,000 years? The good principalities: the good angels. Now, mankind has not been “seeing” how the evil angels have been involved for the past 6,000 years, and during that 1,000 years mankind will not see the good angels, but time will tell.

    Read Ezekiel 38 and elsewhere relative to Gog from the land of Magog and you will read of the "latter years" at the end of the 1,000 year human utopia where the people are at peace, welling safely, living in unwalled cities, without war, neighbors being their "brother's keeper," etc.

    What happens when the 1,000 years ends? Satan and his angels exit the pit and you will see where an "evil thought" comes back into the picture:

    "Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, [that] at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:" Ezekiel 38:10

    Again, why no evil thoughts prior to those "latter years?" Satan and his angels, the evil principalities were in the pit, but when loosed from that pit, like in the movie The Terminator, that most subtil beast of the field and his evil angels return and basically say: "I'm/we're back!"

    This is all such a big subject, and part of God's overall perfect Plan of Salvation to save humanity, and intimately destroy Satan and his angels.

    For what it is worth, God's kingdom will not be established on this earth until after those latter years, until after Satan, as Gog, is killed, but time will tell…

