Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

David C Pack: The Double Minded Elijah


ht: Marc Cebrian


  1. I guess it's a good thing that I don't have supernatural powers. I'm just afraid that I'd be so angry with David C. Pack that I would feel compelled to rain down diarrhea on his little kingdom there in Wadsworth.

  2. Next think you know Dave will be declaring "I'm Spartacus", "no wait, I'm not Spartacus", "Well maybe I was Spartacus for about a week". "No, I'm a type of Spartacus". "Actually, Indeed I am Spartacus..."

  3. So the answer to the question of whether Dave is Elijah is simply "Yes and no."

  4. Doublemindedness is an epidemic among cog leaders.....


  5. Dave knows that his remaining members are sticking with him because they regard him as some sort of god. So he feeds this belief with endless self-title granting. I got this self aggrandizing crap with my last Herb minister before I left.

  6. Correction translation of Dave Pack's claims: "I am the asshole spoken of in Jude."
