Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, February 5, 2024

Would You Pay To Fund "Worldwide Church of God" Websites?

Samuel Kitchen needs your money! The true remnant Worldwide Church of God needs your money! Give it now!

No existing splinter group out there has any truth left. They are all apostates, including and especially Bob Thiel's group.  All have abandoned the vital truths that God revealed ONLY to Herbert W Armstrong, God's ONLY apostle.

Return now to the truth once delivered and support this amazing work, the spiritual organism that is the true Worldwide Church of God.


  1. Paul made tents. What honest work are the Kitchens willing to do?

  2. What happened to the window washing business?

  3. Give him a break he only got baptised in 2012. He must be young.
    Herbert's an illusion, an enigma, the cold reality of dealing with a man such as Herbert is lost on Kitchen.

  4. In a word, no! It is useless to spread false information that messes peoples' lives up.

  5. Not just no but hell no. I always thought it would fitting if a bunch of the pampered & coddled church leaders had to get up at 4 am and go work a real job, one they had to struggle to arrange around the Sabbath or work as a nurse's assistant at night at a hospital or nursing home. That might would make them a little less arrogant. On 2nd thought I doubt it would because I think personalities like HWA, Flurry or Pack think so much of themselves that working for living is "beneath them"

    1. Bob T. is the only one who sells vitamins, runs a clinic, & printing shop too, must all be at least 12 hr. days, SIX days per week...

      He might fund big projects overseas, but he doesn't skim any tithes toward himself. Has no church salary, he is an entrepreneur full time

      You can assume he is the only one of those leaders who does "get up @ 4 a.m."

      Him & his wife basically are unpaid "nurses aides" too, they have a grown, energetic, difficult but fun down syndrome son

    2. I've always said that if you read what the Levites of old Israel had to do as part of their duties, you'll see there's NO comparison between them and the COG ministurds. We should put the ministurds to work.

  6. And these pampered ministers fancy that they'll get the top positions in God's kingdom. It's laughable since they don't understand the real world.
    I recommend these ministers go and lift weights at a gym to get a taste of real work.

  7. There is already https://www.hwalibrary.com/ which is a very useful resource. It seems that Kitchen would be doubling up on effort, where it would be better for him to contribute to improving that existing web site. Eg to convert scans of old PTs to text.

    Anonymous at Feb 5 11:00:00pm said "no! It is useless to spread false information that messes peoples' lives up." On the contrary, an unbiased repository of WCG sermons, articles, booklets is a tremendous resource for people to accurately assess the truth claims of WCG. It is better than hearing an account filtered through the biases and fading memories of nostalgic and devoted old members.

  8. 3.29 pm, my problem with the repository of old WWCG booklets and articles is that it's all based on a narrow map of reality. Herbs endless and useless two trees sermons is a good example of this. The ten commandments were deliberately not expanded upon in order to keep the members dependent on the controlling ministers. Their's an ongoing knowledge explosion, and it's foolish to not tap into it by reading good articles and books. Christ at 12 years old is described as getting instruction from the elders. The material would have been beyond basics.

  9. Actually, some illustrious contributors of the past have stated that they used HWA's own words and prophecies from the Kitchen libraries to prove that Armstrongism was a false church. So, these materials from the past cut both ways. What a gas!
