Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 17, 2024

BREAKING: Restored Church of God Lashes Out At Christophe Binette's Resignation With A Shamefully Hypocritical Letter


BREAKING: RCG Responds to Christophe Binette’s Resignation

The response to European field minister Christophe Binette’s departure from The Restored Church of God this morning was swift. His RCG access was cut off in about an hour, which means that Bradford Schleifer received the same pre-5 AM phone blow-ups I did.

Rough morning, Brad?

I imagined Brad in his boxer shorts, still rubbing the crust from his eyes while quickly navigating their internal systems to shut off Christophe's access. Emails resting on the RCG servers were recalled, and others were intercepted to avoid exposing the innocent sheep to the logical mind poison of David C. Pack.

Yes, the most embarrassing words in that letter were not from Christophe Binette but those of David C. Pack. The Pastor General is quite effective at dissolving his own credibility. No blade cuts David C. Pack and the members of The Restored Church of God deeper than the words of David C. Pack. The exrcg.org website was built upon that fact.

God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. The ministerial exit letter contained approximately 1,574 words of “disagreement” from Christophe Binette and 1,478 words of “disagreement” from David C. Pack. So, Dave authored about half of the letter. Ponder the concept of a man having his own words used against him to discredit his own declining organization. It takes an exceptional human being to be able to pull that off.

When current RCG members reach out, I suggest they re-listen to "90 Reasons to Follow the Truth" and read, Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets. The decisions are usually open and shut after doing that.

Boy, the poor guys at Headquarters thought they would have at least ONE restful Sunday with their families while Dave was out of town. So much for that.

I wonder if their human idol is going to add one more name to his death-threat list when he comes back from his trip today. 


Bradford Schleifer was not the only enabler to lose sleep on Eagle Point before sunrise this morning. Jaco Viljoen had better not have left his phone on vibrate charging in the kitchen, or a frantic knock on the front door would have been in order. It would not have come with fresh Starbucks coffee and a muffin.

Kevin Denee and I mused about how long it would take for RCG to respond to Christophe’s departure. It is reasonable that conducting a thorough character assassination like they did in December takes a bit longer to craft. Fully anticipate a sharper follow-up this week with a high likelihood of David C. Pack going on another thief-and-liar rant during his next message.

The ways of Dave's god's government are a mystery. After four years, Jaco is still not experienced enough to be considered the Director of Church Administration. However, they still allowed him to put his name on an email addressing all remaining 1,248 members.

The highlights have been added.


From: The Restored Church of God
Sent: March 17, 2024
Subject: Update: Christophe Binette – Paris, France Pastorate

Dear brethren,

We recently learned that Christophe Binette removed himself from the Body of Christ due to doctrinal disagreement. His wife, who was recently in contact with my wife and showed no concerns, has also decided to leave.

Sadly, instead of voicing his concerns to Headquarters first and through the established channels of God’s government, Christophe reached out directly and covertly to Church members to express his disagreement. Christophe was far more expressive in his “open letter,” which obviously took a lot of time to put together than at any time over the last nearly decade and a half he was with us. This approach, disguised as sincerity, took away our opportunity to help him and properly address his concerns.

Christophe should know that Headquarters would have been happy to help him. He knows it is false to suggest that Headquarters wouldn’t answer questions or help him if he had chosen to contact us. We have worked with him in multiple instances over the years, showing mercy and patience when often finding himself entangled in strange ideas due to his proclivity toward conspiracy theories and fringe medical ideas. Christophe would always seem settled after receiving counsel from the ministry, which is why he was able to remain in his leadership position. We do not share this information to bash him but to tell the whole story to members who would otherwise not know the man reaching out to them and claiming to be standing for the truth. For his own reasons, Christophe decided to forego counsel on the most important matter—his membership in God’s Church.

A tree is known by its fruits (Matt. 13:33). These are the fruits of a man who has decided his path instead of humbly yielding to authority and a Church that has not left any of God’s core doctrines and is simply doing all we can to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (I Thess. 5:21). God’s leaders have the responsibility to learn what God has in store for the world and His people. If His Church is not taking the lead in this vital pursuit, who on Earth would be?

To lay out just one example of his lack of experience and tenure in the Church, he took issue in his letter with us preaching the gospel using Public Bible Lectures. He clearly does not understand that this was a major way the Worldwide Church of God under Mr. Armstrong did the Work.

It seems that Christophe has decided not to join any other group. As a result, he won’t be able to participate in preaching the gospel (which he accuses us of not doing), tithing, or fellowshipping with God’s people. He must believe he is exempt from these expectations and requirements from God. However, he still considers himself a minister of Jesus Christ, which is impossible if he is not a member of God’s Church and under an apostle.

Please pray for the French work and any brethren Christophe may be trying to influence. We here in Church Administration are putting contingencies in place to support the members, and we remain confident that God will see us through this time. Members are holding strong from all that we can tell so far.

If you receive any communications from Mr. Binette, you should ignore them. We are letting the ministry know about this and will share any other relevant information we learn with everyone as needed.

God continues revealing vital truths to His Church, and the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4) is not pleased. Remember that the next few weeks are a time of self-examination and assessing your spiritual progress as we near the Passover. Remain sober and vigilant (I Pet. 5:8) and focused on the coming Kingdom we have recently learned even more about.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your minister, who will be happy to assist. You may also want to review the article “When Ministers Disappear...” (https://rcg.org/members/articles/when-ministers-disappear).

F. Jaco Viljoen
Associate Director of Church Administration
The Restored Church of God
(330) 334 2266 [Ext. 4067] 


The Associate Director crafted subtle jabs to undermine Christophe’s concerns without addressing them. The "accusers are not to be answers” excuse is a versatile Uno Wild Card.

“disguised as sincerity,
took away our opportunity to help him
and properly address his concerns."

In other words, you cannot trust a disguised man, folks. Christophe’s sincerity was not genuine but a ruse.

Nobody at Headquarters can adequately address his concerns because all the hirelings are trained to continue defending a hypocritical, blaspheming liar, false prophet perpetuating antichrist doctrines. By all accounts, the staff in the Hall of Administration receive plenty of opportunities to help with that.

“often finding himself entangled in strange ideas
due to his proclivity toward conspiracy theories
and fringe medical ideas."

Entangled in what strange ideas? Dunno.

That is Headquarters manipulation disguised as discretion. By providing just the right colorful words, they can steer a reader's thoughts down the desired path. "I don't know what it is, but it is strange, and he is entangled in it." Everything else written beyond that point is framed that way. None of his concerns matter anymore because he is already entangled in strange ideas.

Do not buy it.

The fringe medical idea is that the COVID vaccination is potentially lethal, and some brethren feel uncomfortable receiving it. It is still a hot-button topic for brethren in Europe and Canada. Internet search results now provide well-covered information and news reports supporting that those concerns are justified. Calling it fringe is disingenuous.

Conspiracy theories are an effective, non-specific way to suggest mental instability.

Well, at least Christophe does not see himself in the Bible and preaches he is receiving special knowledge from God as Elijah the Prophet. That could appear mentally unstable, but I digress.

Jaco is throwing chum in the water. It does not matter what kind of blood or fish guts it contains. It still attracts the desired target: creative doubt. One person may read this thinking Christophe might be a Flat Earther while another could wonder how many UFO sightings he documented on his living room wall.

Once again, this is manipulation disguised as discretion.

“members who would otherwise not know the man”
"instead of humbly yielding to authority”
"his lack of experience"

Jaco is saying that brethren need to disregard this prideful, self-willed man along with all of his concerns. He is inexperienced and you do not know the real him like they do. We cannot give you all the information, because we love him, but be warned anyhow.

This letter is peppered with manipulative backhanded slaps.

“God’s core doctrines”

That is the flag hoisted when you stand upon the hill of prophetic doctrinal confusion.

The amorphous Kingdom of God changes weekly, but at least RCG still knows about the Sabbath. Dave may preach he is the Branch instead of Jesus Christ and, as Elijah, will judge people alongside the Father, but Pentecost is still a thing. The Restored Church of God may now observe new moons despite being unable to prove why, but—oh, never mind that one.

RCG used to criticize the Splinters for only adhering to "core doctrines," but not ALL God's doctrines restored by Herbert W. Armstrong, like make-up, skirt length, and frowning on loud paisley ties. So, it is interesting how Jaco is cornered into using a phrase once reserved for Satan-led organizations pretending to be part of the Body of Christ.

“preaching the gospel using Public Bible Lectures”

In Jaco’s rush to call this out, he failed to consider the implications of his writing: “He clearly does not understand that this was a major way the Worldwide Church of God under Mr. Armstrong did the Work.”

According to this CAD rebuttal, it only took The Restored Church of God twenty-five years to finally figure out that maybe they should start to some day implement a major way to do the Work like WCG did under Mr. Armstrong.

What took you guys so long?

This also means that the RCG ministerial policy that “only an evangelist can preach publicly” got tossed into the compost heap alongside what defines a false prophet.

Jaco, thank Peter Baerg in Canada for making that point. Thanks, Pete.

Surely, having financial issues and declining attendance has nothing to do with the sudden desire to preach to the unwashed masses for the first time after twenty-five years of corporate procrastination. A major Work RCG has not even started to do yet.

“not to join any other group. As a result,
he won't be able to participate in preaching the gospel”

I suppose nobody at Headquarters was awake enough this morning to think through the points of this letter because they contradict decades of RCG doctrines.

You delegitimize Christophe for not deciding to join a Splinter because he will neglect “preaching the gospel, …tithing or fellowshipping with God’s people.”

1) RCG teaches that the Splinters do not have the "true gospel."
2) RCG teaches the Splinters are stealing God's tithes.
3) RCG teaches brethren not to associate with former members at all, even if they attend a Splinter, and to have fellowship with them is a sin.

That is called speaking out of both sides of your mouth, Jaco. Google it if the point escapes you.

By accusing Christophe, RCG exposes ignorance about their own doctrines and the hypocrisy of their defense. By their fruits, indeed.

“under an apostle”

David C. Pack is a false apostle, a false prophet, and a false teacher by every biblical definition. Yet, you and the hirelings at Headquarters ignore it. You serve a human idol who blasphemes and lies to the brethren on the Sabbath, taking the Lord’s name in vain.

The signs of an apostle do not follow David C. Pack, and he admitted he has zero dunamis. But, because Christophe does not want to follow such a man, he is the bad guy in this scenario.

Jaco, I suppose you did not carefully read the quotes from your boss that Christophe noted. Maybe doing so rather than just reacting would have been the wiser choice.

“Members are holding strong from all that we can tell so far.”

This comment is premature, and the hole in it is so hilariously large that you can ride a Campus horse through it.

Jaco knows there is no way they can possibly gauge the actual impact of Christophe’s departure among the European, African, and French Polynesian brethren within a few hours. Hence, the linguistic wiggle room of “all that we can tell so far.”

“the ‘god of this world’ (II Cor. 4:4) is not pleased.”

By implication, Christophe’s efforts are motivated by the devil. Classy.

When a man quotes the Pastor General for almost half of his exit letter, that is clearly an indication of an evil spirit driving him. When you use David C. Pack’s words to support your concerns, Satan must be behind it. Jaco, did anyone proofread your letter before you hit Send?

“focused on the coming Kingdom we have recently learned even more about.”

This must be referring to the Kingdom NOT coming on April 8, 2024 at 12:03 PM ET during the new moon on the day of a total solar eclipse while it is already Abib 1 in Jerusalem.

I am only an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic, but I would postulate that even David C. Pack will eventually deny “the coming Kingdom we have recently learned even more about” before April 8 comes.

When that happens, David C. Pack will legitimize Christophe Binette’s points just as he has legitimized the observations posted on exrcg.org. Dave helps the website so much, perhaps HE is the leaker(s).


With Christophe Binette’s departure, Headquarters may have to reverse Wulphert de Graaf’s demotion despite his fumbling in the U.K. Pray for the brethren in that region if they are forced to conduct a battlefield promotion of Andre Lloyd. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Jaco, if Headquarters was fully aware Christophe Binette lacked experience and was entangled in strange ideas with a proclivity for conspiracy theories, and you knew him unlike the brethren did because he would not humbly yield to your god’s government, then why was he allowed to remain in the ministry?

This sounds like a lack of proper leadership at Headquarters. Since you and Ryan Denee were responsible for him, does that not signal a profound failure of judgment on both of your parts?

Thank Peter Baerg again for that one.

Maybe it is the time of year for careful self-examination.

If Ryan Denee departed RCG, it would be no significant loss for anyone except the lawn.

But Jaco, maybe it is time for you to re-listen to "90 Reasons to Follow the Truth" and re-read Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets. Consider your ways. You are supporting a blaspheming false prophet who is destined for perpetual failure because God is not guiding him to teach any of his presumptuous malarkey.

Brad already knows this. Have you not yet figured it out?

Christophe Binette left The Restored Church of God like no other minister had before. The motto of exrcg.org is “The more people who come forward, the louder all the voices will be.”

A voice from France was heard all over the world today and reached the mighty halls of Wadsworth, Ohio. Now…who’s voice will be next?

Marc Cebrian

See: RCG Responds to Christophe Binette’s Resignation


  1. Well at least Brad actually read Mr. Binette's detailed account.

    Might be 1st time Brad has read real truths in a lonngg time.

  2. I had no proclivities and was fired without any counsel or offers of sincere help. So grateful for that ...

  3. Should all COGs ignore France now (especially for Feast sites), because the government has made abortion a constitutional right?

  4. Ya know? These ChurchofGoddian ministers somehow never realize that once someone has just plain had it up to here with them and their manipulative tricks, of course they're not going to volunteer to come in and counsel about it! They are leaving because they don't want these Adam Henrys f¥(king with their heads any more.

    And, Brad, it's just laughable that you'd call the snakepit known as the RCG the "body of Christ".

    Hope you find peace and resolution, M. Binette! Congratulations on taking the first step back into sanity!

  5. "...took away our opportunity to help him and properly address his concerns."

    Many members experienced this "help" in the old Church of Herb. It amounted to being verbally brutalized and mind raped. We don't need no stinkin "help" from these splinter ministers.

  6. So what is RCG membership number down to now?

  7. Run away from the false prophets, false teachers, false doctrines.. run. Don’t walk. Don’t fear. Don’t turn around like Lot’s wife. Run. Do not let them trick you into believing in them. Trust God. Do not fear false prophets.

    Fear the Lord only.

    ““I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber! But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice. They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭

  8. Binette's resignation letter holds up much better than the response.

  9. The fixed times (Lev 23:2-Tanakh) of 3 feasts of God - Ex 23:14-16; Deut 16:16; 2Chr 8:13, the times of resurrections?

    Nisan 14-20 - Eze 45:21, from the beginning of the 14th to the beginning of the 21st - Ex 12:18, when Jesus was resurrected
    Pentecost - the feast of harvest, a resurrection of the "firstfruits"
    Tishri 15-21 - to be when everyone else are or have been resurrected

  10. A shameful hypocritical letter indeed, but one that could serve as an outline against those who would oppose THE "science", or the "narrative", the agenda, or whatsoever the leaders of the age have planned.

    Lonnie calls it, PATHOCRACY! It's not just an Armsstrongite thing, the "World" runs on it. Christ knows, He experienced its brutality.


  11. Anonymous Sunday, March 17, 2024, at 9:54:00 PM

    "So what is RCG membership number down to now?"

    I take it you are one of the skimmers. I gave you the exact number as of yesterday. Read it again. Hint: I even made the text red for people like you.



  12. Pack an apostle? Ha, a false prophet for certain, but in no way an apostle.

  13. Dave and his lackeys certainly aren't very converted, are they?

  14. "the exact number" (of RCG membership) (printed in red)

    Is this over at Ex-RCG?

  15. [Exact RCG membership stat (printed in red)]

    Okay, found it, 1248, thanks for info.

  16. I'm getting the impression that Pack isnt surrounded so much by yes-men as by caretakers.

    1. Pack's caretakers are likely "waiting in the wings" ready to all rush in each one (whoever gets there 1st), & step in to fill Dave's shoes after he is carted off in strait-jacket safely, to retire gracefully (& with purpose) at Windfall Industries.

      Each underling waiting to assume control of RCG during a probable upcoming corporate hostile-takeover of the landscaped Wadsworth grounds, is a well-rehearsed understudy to portray in real life, the part of Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Cæsar.

      Imagine after squandering the last bit of scammed "common", Dave soon corporately spinning around in a swivelling office chair & figuratively exclaiming, "et tu, Binette/Bell/Ambrose/et al/etc.?"

  17. Marc, do you have someone on the inside giving you attendance numbers, or is that a best guess?

  18. PCG membership now 1248, below critical mass. Pack stands up, video cuts to wide shot, reveals sea of empty seats at HQ.

    Are they using multiple cameras for Bible study now!? Must have moved video switcher from Media Production Bldg? And it's HD video gear at that! What brand is his HD cameras? At AC World Tomorrow studio in Pasadena they has early Norelco PC60 cameras, maybe $100k each in 1960s, half a mil in today's dollar.

    Same cameras as used on ABC's 1960s Lawrence Welk show, had large format Philips Pumbicon pickup tubes capable of 400 lines resolution at center, but not corners of picture - https://www.tvcameramuseum.org/norelco/pc60/pix/pc-60datasht.pdf
