Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 10, 2024

Bob Thiel's African Members Would Rather Starve Than Accept Food From A Muslim Or Pentecostal


Many of the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu's followers in Africa are currently suffering from drought conditions and hunger. He has promised to send them money to help alleviate the situation.

Notice though how proud his representatives in Africa are of this following comment.

Another problem is that last season brethren did not harvest well because of cyclone
The encouraging news is that though the Muslims and Pentecostal churches are distributing food to their members every month but our members are not shaken to join them but are still following the true gospel

Sadly, the so-called "gospel" they think they are following as the truth is anything but the truth. 


  1. I could see maybe being wary of Muslims, but Pentecostals? Armstrongism truly is weird!

  2. Does this mean if conditions worsen they will still defend Thiel/Armstrong gospel even if it means starving? If only option to avoid death for some is Pentecostal aid - what will Thiel do? If say drought is prolonged and he can't afford it?

  3. I guess Bob hasn't taught them about "meat offered to idols."

    Or maybe he doesn't understand the principle himself, otherwise I can't imagine he would publicize this as a choice his African members made to let their families starve instead of living by the principles Jesus Christ taught.

  4. Bob doesn't realize that the people who come to his CCOG services on Saturday for laptop computers and seeds are the same people who attend Muslim prayer services on Friday to get free wheat and who attend Pentecostal services on Sunday to get free corn meal.

  5. A couple of the posters here seem not to understand that the Muslims and Pentecostals aren't offering food to the CCOG Africans. Their food is a BRIBE for becoming Muslim or Pentecostal. Just like Bob bribes his improperly overseen CCOG Africans with seeds for their farming and laptop computers for their witch doctors and ministers.

  6. What we see from this, the takeaway, is that the situation in which the poor Africans find themselves makes them susceptible to an incredible level of carrot dangling. There are most likely groups who readily provide the carrots, as a humanitarian effort, and there are some who preach that there are blessings (carrots) which will come to them if they do as their carrot dangers teach them to do. We all know which choice is the typical methodology of Armstrongism. The problem for an African in these circumstances. would be, how do we feed ourselves and family as we wait for the blessings to kick in??? It must be tempting to go where the food is, watching Papa Legba, local witch doctor, feed your neighbors.

    I've actually contributed from time to time to organizations which set up water purification facilities in Africa, provide shoes for children, and perform rescues of workers in the sex trade. I imagine some good was accomplished, but the need is so incredibly great that any assumptions on my part would most likely miss the mark by a long shot. I know that Armstrongites were programmed to believe that the true relief was to preach their half a gospel, but the thing is, in order for any sort of gospel to be effective, one must first deal with the basic survival needs. Extreme poverty ruins all but the strongest. Extreme hunger, when one has no financially viable resources, causes people to steal, to kill, to prostitute themselves, and to seek relief from illicit stimuli. It brings out the feral nature, quickly reducing a human to animal status.

    The interesting thing is, although people try, in their own ways and in accordance with their deeply held beliefs, religious groups bring along negatives. The Muslims circumcise the women. Pentecostals get people rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth, and speaking jibberish. We all know the negatives Armstrongism inflicts. The Africans not only need food. They also need protection from the warlords who freely conscript young men and turn them into killers. There is no sense of nationalism, as many of the African countries are failed nations. Che Guevara knew this back in the '60s, from his attempts to foment communist revolution. One would have thought that the people would have been susceptible to the promises of communism, but one would have been wrong. Che was never the same after his failure in Africa.

    It appears to me that nobody has anything about which they can brag regarding their work in Africa. The needs are so catastrophically enormous, that, despite our intentions, anything we might do is as a single droplet of water in the middle of the ocean. That should be humbling. It should not be causing people to brag.

  7. Well, I'm not endorsing ccog here, but one could say that the Africans attend his services so that at least it can be a witness unto them. Same could be said for almost any cog. Trouble is that their leaderships get in the way, and this is certainly true of our LCG. And what of the part of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 that is overlooked and even ignored by these cogs that says to make disciples of all nations. Just getting the gospel out there and letting the chips fall where they may is not good enough.

  8. At COGWA's Foundation Institute, students have an assignment to visit an "outside" church service of their choice and write a report on it - BUT they cannot attend a "Pentecostal" church to do it.

    FI Director Dave Johnson said that at a Feast site a few years ago. He did not explain why Pentecostals were off-limits.

  9. James says that true religion is taking care of widows and orphans in their distress. Jesus said, whatever you do to the least of these, you've done it unto me. We should do good unto ALL men, but especially to the family of God. How much time and money went from the WCG to meet the physical needs of others? How we spend our money says a lot about our real values. Where you heart is, there will your treasure be. Churches are sometimes big on giving lip service but they have much less money or time to help others.

  10. So what did the Ccog Haitian sector end up with?

    Are they stuck without any more aid there after warlords halted the progress that continues bolting forth in Kenya?
