Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 9, 2024

CGI's Adrian Davis: "Satan has been studying them and waiting for an opportunity to strike."


Fruitiness That Remains: Adrian Davis

This past Sabbath, Canadian Church of God International Pastor Adrian Davis delivered a broadside to CGI’s leadership in Texas. For the first time in five years, he was able to speak in person to Bill Watson’s Medina congregation and cheer on his mentor. The sermon was titled Fruit That Remains, and guess who immediately posted it to their sermon archive on their website? That’s right, the Church of God International – the very folks he was castigating for criticizing his and Bill’s messaging! Talk about insanity and appeasement!

Adrian began his message by describing what some have called a “polycrisis” – the many existential threats currently facing humanity. He quoted one of the favorite scriptures of Armstrongists, Matthew 24, “a very familiar scripture to any of us who have been walking with Christ.” His point? That, being deceived is our (CGI’s) existential threat. He went on to say that if we don’t endure to the end, we won’t be saved. In other words, unless you continue in the doctrines and teachings that Bill and I have been feeding you, you won’t make it into God’s Kingdom!

Adrian then went on to make very clear which messaging he was talking about. He said: “There are going to be men, like Pastor Bill Watson, who do not buckle under pressure – who do not resort to political correctness to please the Globalists – that will teach truth and will teach the Gospel without apology and without cowardice.” He went on to tell his audience that it was their responsibility to discern that what he and Watson are teaching is true. Davis told them that this was a collaborative effort between teacher and student, and that they would have to do their part if they wanted to avoid getting caught up in “this sweeping Age of Deception.”

He went on to say that Christians like him and Bill have courage – that “we’re ok to be humiliated.” Davis noted that America has changed – there is a hostility toward Christ in our government and society. To underscore his point, he proceeded to quote a passage from the third chapter of Paul’s second epistle to Timothy: 

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them. (II Timothy 3:12-14, NKJV) 

According to Pastor Davis, however, the deception is not confined to the outside world. He said that it is also inside the Church of God International (as evidenced by some of the brethren practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and getting those nasty vaccines).

According to him, Satan has been studying them and waiting for an opportunity to strike. Davis made very clear that he believes that a “wave of deception” is sweeping through our lands and the Church. He said that Satan was trying to take their focus off of Christ and his kingdom by focusing our attention on social justice. The good pastor then declared: “I’m embarrassed to see how easily brethren were just swept up in these Marxist ideologies at the same time claiming to follow Christ,” and “if we don’t want Christ, he doesn’t want us!” He went on to assert that “everything you see in the media is a lie.” According to Pastor Davis those vaccine mandates were part of the spirit of Antichrist, and he said: “I thank pastors like Bill Watson who didn’t buckle.”

He said that folks like him and Bill “had to sit in humiliation…because we love the truth.” Davis went on to say that the powers that be “want us to think were crazy.” “No,” he continued, “we’re the sane ones.” According to Pastor Davis, “the conspiracy theories turned out to be facts.” You see, for Adrian and Bill, Globalism is EVIL! He went on to imply that Christ’s sheep would continue to hear their messaging, because they were proclaiming Christ’s message (Although I don’t remember Jesus saying anything about Globalism, Marxism, vaccine mandates, or social distancing). At any rate, Adrian made it very clear that he and Bill would NOT be intimidated by those evil Globalists. He went on to assert: “We may be persecuted. We may be humiliated, but we have the truth!” Hmmmm, I’m not so sure about that!

Lonnie Hendrix



  1. CGI is an existential threat, including Bill Watson and Adrian Davis. Those who fancy eternal life should look elsewhere for spiritual guidance. Globalism has been the solution which has prevented World War III, has boosted the economies and food security of developing nations, and has facilitated the management of problems which are so large that they require international management. Globalism in and of itself is not a problem. The problem with any system of government is tyrannical authoritarian leadership which fails to value human life and well-being. That is the problem with the hypothetical Beast power, not the globalist approach in and of itself.


  2. Adrian's never been persecuted a day in his life. GTFO with that mess.

  3. CGI's Adrian Davis: “Satan has been studying them and waiting for an opportunity to strike.”

    Satan already got to these insane CGI rebels back in the late 1970s when he got them to rebel against Herbert W. Armstrong, leave the Worldwide Church of God, and go a whoring after Teddy the Dink and his little CGI rebel cult. They became people that God would never use, but that Satan would use. Their children came under a curse.

    They mistakenly thought that it was Teddy the Dink's Great Flapping Mouth that had grown the Worldwide Church of God and that his babbling could grow his tiny little CGI rebel cult too, but it could not.

    1. Their defense of that, 8:54 is that they have evolved past the individual who founded their organization, and that the main center of importance is the doctrines.

      These groups just don't get it though. Most of them assume that HWA was pure as the driven snow and restored truth, and everyone else (competing splinters) have forsaken the truth once delivered. They have serious things they need to discover about HWA, his core doctrines, how his church began, and the disappointment of 1975.

  4. sadly I very much doubt God was with the parent WCG - the so called ''work'' was one of men as the fruits tell us so. Not their one true church propaganda - so it/s a bit unfair I sthink to be singling out Teddy as being deceived.

  5. Thanks for posting this, Lonnie. I looked it up and found it to be a good message. (20 minutes too long), but some solid and good information in this message

  6. Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 7:40:00 PM PDT,

    That was Adrian being brief. He's very impressed with his own speaking skills. Glad you enjoyed it - you must be sane too!

  7. Criticus Legiticus not from LeviticusThursday, May 9, 2024 at 10:49:00 PM PDT

    Isn't it interesting! Some of the ACOGs have their own versions of Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Kari Lake, and Marjorie Taylor Greene. As ministers! Oh well! Not really too terribly shocking.

    1. Some have tethered themselves to a cartoon caricature of the American political landscape, that is true. I would argue that that is a terrible mistake for a ministurd to make, especially in COGdom. But stupidity knows no bounds.

  8. Wasn't it also a tad bit "social justice" when Jesus passed out the loaves & fishes to the folk

    or was that just the original COG potluck

  9. I think the point that Adrian and Bill are getting at is nationalism. If this nation is one of the 10 tribes of Israel, then the belief is, it is the role of the Church to warn the nation against coming calamity brought on, in part, by the rejection of this knowledge. Taking steps to be part of "the world" would certainly be a cause for concern.

  10. There wouldn't even be any problem with social justice if somebody hadn't made it into a political issue, and then a negative. You might say social justice is a corollary of the Golden Rule or the Good Samaritan Parable. Or in Old Testament times, farmers leaving the corners of the fields for the gleaners. Or, hey, what about Jubilee and 1/3 of one's tithes going for the OT version of welfare 3rd and 6th year?

  11. I saw a news item several weeks ago involving the pastor of a large church. Knowing there are laws against a pastor using his authority to instruct his congregation as to how to vote, he left the pulpit, walked into the congregation, and spoke as a lay member, and "suggested" how they should vote. Within the law? The letter, possibly. The members would still regard him as being their pastor whether he made a proclamation from the pulpit, or while standing in their midst in the congregation.
