Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Obsessive Defiled Religion And What It Has Done To The Kitchen Family And The COG

Screenshot of Facebook post

Oh Sam why?
Now he is stealing The Worldwide Church of God Archives name.
I have Original Use, and his private messages revealed I had original use.
Brethren PRAY! He believes He is restoring, by stealing from his brother. I heard from Mr. Herbert W Armstrong today in the sermon titled "The Trunk of The Tree" about restoring. What he is doing is far from it. PRAY FOR HIM. I have gone to him about it, But he is convinced he is doing God a service by doing this.

Timothy Kitchen isn't taking crap from his brother Samuel in the recent church website debacle.

Timothy writes:

My brother has publicly said a lot, which has many lies. I was going to post something going through them and the thought came to me that I don't need validation nor justification. Which I believe is God by the Holy Spirit. The truth, which Sam openly does not have, stands alone. God will see to it, I do not have to go fighting these exhaustive battles with someone who refuses to see the truth. Years ago I would have gone through the hours of writing something up to defend myself and the truth. I am not that man anymore. Christ will take care of it.

I had the thought to post all of his and my messages, "to show the truth", but it would drag others, let alone my brother and I, into this pig pit. And Satan is behind those thoughts. I recognize it. And I won't do it. 

What Sam posts reveals the many contradictions and lies, all by his own mouth. God does not want brothers fighting online, or in private at all. But my brother is very angry. All I ask of everyone is to pray for him. Pray for me. God is the solution to these problems. If it is of God, it will grow on into Eternity. But if it is not, it will fail and die alongside everything in this world that is physical. I will not reply to his public postings anymore. I pray God's will be done, and it will be. With my heart problems this is all designed to stress me out. I cannot be distracted from what God says to. This is all a distraction. The enemy is surrounding the Church and Nations, and Satan wants us focused on each other rather than on what God says to focus on. We must be watchful. And Satan is doing his attacks from within, so we can get our eyes off Jesus Christ. So, Get behind me Satan! The Lord rebuke thee.

Timothy Kitchen Jr

Both Samuel and his younger brother Clint are now attacking Timothy:

My little brother Clint Kitchen, wrote something to my brother Tim.
"Tim, Sam went to you as a brother and I did also, yet you still won't talk to me at all? You have yet to come to me at all, I went to you fled in the middle of the night from persecution from someone who was trying to force me to work the Sabbath and to do me harm! I came to you and the spirit that was there in your house was a high ranking demon, woke up in the middle of the night feeling paralyzed by a demon and had to walk outside and cast out the demon, then you and Kaylee kicked me out as soon as you got back from attending the UCG feast site and completely changed faces when you returned and completely attacked me, leaving me no place to go. You and Kaylee has been hostile to me ever since and honestly I could sit here and write a book on how much damage you have done to me alone. I believe that what you are doing is wrong and you are walking contrary to what God is saying to do. Your motives are not to help God's church but to destroy it, if by means to be in the Chief seat. And I believe Satan is using you to destroy the work of God and causing division to the Church of God. If I had the time before work to write up and give you all of the scriptures before work I would. This is the same formula Satan has used to devide God's church before and we must stand together and rid Satan and his division from among us. Sam did not steal anything from you and his attitude is not hostile, unlike yours to me. I could go through a whole list and when I get the time, I'll sit down and write something out. But as for now stop this division because it is not from God Tim kitchen! A house decided cannot stand. I love you and I don't want to see you lose your crown!"

It is sad to witness what obsessive religion does to people. In reading the Kitchens' Facebook pages over the years, all of the boys look like great hardworking guys until religion enters the picture, and then things go off the charts.

Pure and undefiled religion and faith in Christ is absolutely the opposite of what we see when obsessive religion is involved.

Amplified Bible

Pure and unblemished religion [as it is expressed in outward acts] in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit and look after the fatherless and the widows in their distress, and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the [secular] world. 

Herbert Armstrong did not bring peace to the world, the church, or its members. Enmity has been the name of the game almost from day one. This obscene obsession with all things Herbert Armstrong detracts from the peace in Christ that Christians understand.

John 14:27
The Message

25-27 “I’m telling you these things while I’m still living with you. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught.

Trying to recapture the glory days of the old Worldwide Church of God and wallowing in Herbert Armstrong's interpretations will never promote unity, a concern for others, or peace in Christ. The Armstrongist Church of God movement has been all about division and strife from its very first days. That division and strife have carried on into 2024 where we find the church fractured into well over 400 groups now.

Rather than doing things that promote division and strife, Christians should follow this command: “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” (Colossians 3:12–14). 
All of these things can be summed up in one command: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace” (Colossians 3:15). In this context, letting the peace of Christ rule in your hearts means allowing the truth of what Christ has done for us to dictate our actions. We are not enemies with each other. We should not see each other as competitors for the same resources. We should see other Christians as members of the same team, the same body, and what is good for them is ultimately good for us, too. Christ saved us to be at peace with each other. When we choose to act in love and be at peace with other believers, we are allowing Christ’s peace to rule in our hearts. What does it mean to let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts (Colossians 3:15)?



  1. They never should have given up their window washing business.
    Oh, the Herbolatry!

  2. The degree to which we were taught to take everything to a fanatical level makes this sort of happening inevitable. People need to realize (take a moment to think about this) that any strength when taken to extreme becomes a weakness. If multiple people in partnership do this, the result is often explosive and very destructive. The only factor which created the unity in the old, classic WCG was Herbert W. Armstrong's off the charts temper!


  3. The Worldwide Church of God still is alive land well . All brethren should be praying for the brothers to reconicle and to live in peace and harmony. Any one making nasty comments towards the brothers should remember God is watching them .

  4. All over social media NO2HWA.

  5. Sounds like Sam is a little deceived, Clint is struggling with sin, while Tim is resting confidently on the UCG boat.

    Therefore it behooves Tim to do something about it.

    The strong out to support the weak (Acts 20:35) and testify faithfully, not argue or quarrel incessantly.

    1. No the UCG I am not confident in. They are loyal to the organization and they don't like the wcg and Herbert W Armstrong being said or played that much because it'll offend those who adhere to ucg only. It's the difference between the spiritual organism, and a physical corporate church.

  6. Little Clint Kitchen wrote: "A house decided cannot stand" -- decided on what?
    Overall, from what he wrote he comes across as rather immature. I guess by "Little" they mean he is only a teenager?

    1. Well actually I typed "a house devided cannot stand" but auto correct done that. And honestly by the way you are attacking me shows me you have no knowledge of the holy Spirit, and maybe you should look in the mirror and examine yourself because it sounds like you speak and act out as a child. And for the age matter I am 31.

  7. Looking at the Facebook page of Samuel Kitchen, I rather think he thinks very highly of himself, considering all the selfies.

  8. Hey, Clint, thanks for clearing that up. And it is spelled "divided", just in case you want to write that word again.
