Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 19, 2024

"Satan will intercept your prayers and answer them faster than God will at times"


Why is the most powerful entity in the Church of God always Satan and never Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit?

Ol'Satan is so powerful he can intercept prayers and answer them before God does. The mindless rantings of COG self-appointed prophets are astounding.

So God created man... When Satan deceived Eve God punished him and turned him into the serpent... And that's why you see snakes and dragons adorning old religious temples... And you wonder why these people were destroyed and disappeared...
So now Satan and the 1/3 of the angels are here on earth to deceive you and have you accept his mark instead of the mark of God... Which over 99% of the world has done... If he already has you then he basically leaves you alone... If he doesn't have you then he'll tempt you in every way... He will give you riches and fame... He can give you the world... Because he is the god of this world at this time...
2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Satan will intercept your prayers and answer them faster than God will at times... He's the god of this world controlling everyone... very easy for him to get John, down the rooad (sic) to give you the $50 bucks you need to make rent... To keep you deceived... Tony Roach


  1. Oh, yeah, Roach! The guy who can't seem to use the ellipsis correctly.

  2. Oh just like Gene Hackman said to Will Smith in Enemy Of The State, "instead of wiretap, now they just snatch your calls from a satellite out of thin air"

    So now Satan is tired of wiretapping and grabs prayers out of thin air

  3. The notion one third of angels are now here on earth and are the origin of demons was taught by HWA as far as i recall.

    In Revelation 12 there are verses of woman who was pregnant and about to give birth to the male child which presumably is Jesus, v. 2, 5). This is before the second sign, where the great rea dragon who seeps away a third of the stars from heaven and flings them to the earth (v. 3-4).

    War does not break out in heaven until after the child is born and is snatched up to heaven (presumably the ascension).

    Satan has limited access to God’s throne as we read in Job.

    It appears at some stage in the future this access will cease.

    A future banning from God’s throne seems to be indicated in the same chapter of Revelation, as follows:

    7 ‘’And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.’’

    If this be future - as it seems to be - then it’s reasonable to conclude there is no connection between those one third of the angels and the demons of which we read.

  4. The understanding mainstream Christians derive from the Bible is that while God is omnipresent, or everywhere simultaneously, Satan is limited to being at one single location at any given time. Armstrong theology has treated Satan as if he, like God, is everywhere at the same time.

    Armstrong theology assigns power to itself, through the amount of time they say Satan spends in disrupting them.

  5. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

  6. The graphic accompanying this article is unfortunate, detracting from the credibility of this site's efforts. I hope to see you doing well-reasoned critiques of real issues. But the accompanying "Christians against satellites" graphic is mocking a straw-man of your opponents' views. I understand there is a place for exaggeration in satire, but, "Christians against satellites" is too absurd to be a useful contribution to a serious point.

  7. 5:35 "The graphic accompanying this article is unfortunate, detracting from the credibility of this site's efforts."

    Why are you getting bent out of shape by a graphic this blog used? I know COG members who believe this nuttiness. They are the same ones that believe in a flat earth, chemtrails, Illuminati, and other conspiracy theories. It is embarrassing how incredibly dumb the church has grown over the decades. Instead of growing in the grace of Jesus Christ, we have become more stupid as the years pass.

    1. VERY MUCH so, 10:47! In my recent COG, it was hard to even date many singles due to a particular staunch, heavy-handed promotion being wielded onto others there, pressing us to think that any & all jet exhaust/condensation trails seen high above, are all "chemtrails".

      Another guy floated off from fellowshipping due to illuminati-ish Alex Jones-y hub bub.

      Flat earthers crept in too...explaining any truths or rebuttal to those folk became like a literal straining at the gnats.🪳

  8. Does Mr. Roach have Bible to back up his claim that Satan "intercepts prayers?"

    Is it like a Pick-666?

  9. "Christians against satellites" is too absurd to be a useful contribution to a serious point."

    Back in the late 1980's one of the favorite conspiratorial rags that church members were into was the SPOTLIGHT newspaper put out by the Liberty Lobby. It had so many conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic tropes that it was hard to keep up even with the conspiracy-hungry COG members. It was also huge into gold and silver investing, another con game church members got into. It had a lot to do with color being added to the US money bills, chemtrails, satellites, and more. What particularly attracted church members was that it brought religion into the mix. End times prophecy shit fit in well with all of the conspiracies.

    So yes, that graphic is spot on for Armstrongism!

  10. "Why is the most powerful entity in the Church of God always Satan and never Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit?"

    You must have gone to a different COG than I did.
