Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 19, 2024

UCG Now Taking Their So-called Gospel To The Prisons


Bob Thiel got left behind again! Instead of taking his "vitally important" message to those in prisons, he spends money translating books into languages that no one is ever going to read. UCG now takes its message to those locked up. I don't know whether to think of it as continued punishment or what.

New Initiative to Reach those Incarcerated 

On April 19 of this year, Media and Communications Services began airing Beyond Today television in over 420 U.S. prisons through the Edovo app. 
Edovo is a non-profit organization providing educational, vocational and rehabilitative curriculums and content to incarcerated people. While the Church pays for this service, it is available at no cost to the incarcerated learners. Edovo’s goal is to create rehabilitative-focused correctional environments that lower recidivism and increase safety inside and outside correctional walls—all to drive positive outcomes for incarcerated people and their families. 
More than 300,000 incarcerated learners view content on the Edovo platform daily, and more than 30 million hours of content has been viewed. 
Our initial contract with Edovo allowed us to upload 20 Beyond Today programs. Every three months we can upload 20 more. Since April 19 (less than a month ago) our content has been watched in 340 different prisons, with 3,746 unique program starts and 2,197 unique program completions. So, 59 percent of the programs were viewed to the very end, which is a very good percentage. 
The most-watched programs so far are: 
Globalism and Prophecy 
Russia and Bible Prophecy
Have the Ancient Gods Returned?
Hell Unleashed: The Spirit Behind the Hamas Attack
You Become What You Think 
Please pray that preaching the gospel of the Kingdom to those serving in hundreds of prisons across the United States will have a positive impact on those persons’ lives, and that the Father will call to salvation those whom He will.


  1. Why do you get all irritated and upset that UCG are NOT changing into GCE???
    You constantly attack UCG for simply going about their own business.
    You write as if UCG has greatly disappointed YOU by not having a great falling away? Have plans come unstuck? Why single out UCG?

    1. What's GCE?
      And have you not seen all the posts about RCG, LCG, PCG, and Bob Thiel? Sounds more like you're the one all irritated and upset because your pet church finally got a post about it.

  2. Please pray that preaching the gospel of the Kingdom to those serving in hundreds of prisons across the United States will have a positive impact on those persons’ lives, and that the Father will call to salvation those whom He will.

    >> indeed it is hoped that prisoners are rehabilitated and when leaving prison can become useful members of society. If some of them decide to follow Christ hopefully it won't be imprisonment in the fake UCG alleged one true church.

  3. The stuff UCG publishes isn’t even worth lining birdcage with

  4. You constantly attack UCG for simply going about their own business.>>

    The fact is they don't quietly go about their own business. They publish material in the same vein as Armstrong saying only they know the truth, they are the one true church, and believers who like to have Christmas or Sunday in their lives for example are all deceived by Satan..

    UCG insert themselves very noisily into affairs of others with their own recycled Armstrong doctrines and stupidities.

    Thus criticism is appropriate.

  5. That is just what UCG needs is "rehabilitated" prisoners with them. Are they that desperate for more members???

  6. Did Steven Allwine brainstorm this new outreach for his UCG from his contemplative cell?

  7. Being in prison is actually a very good preparation for life in an ACOG.

  8. The UCG already has plenty of godless and wicked people who deserve to be in prison for their evil and malicious behavior.

  9. Russia and Bible Prophecy>>

    'hopefully UCG will make better predictions than Armstrong when he used his amazing bible prophecy skills to predict Russia to attack Britain and the USA way back in the 1930's. (an event this one true church leader called the “second woe” - both wars occurring within what is called the ‘’Day of the Lord;’’. All of this available in that important resource the HWA LIBRARY.

  10. Anonymous at 4:20 AM said...“That is just what UCG needs is 'rehabilitated' prisoners with them. Are they that desperate for more members???”


    No normal, decent people are interested in going to the UCG meetings and putting up with the bad behavior of all the fake christians there.

    The only people that the UCG can get now are those that Satan and the demons decide to send that way.

  11. Anonymous at 4:20 AM,

    Many of the people who already go to the UCG and pretend to be true Christians are actually unrepentant, unconverted unbelievers behaving very badly while playing church, so what would be so wrong about some sneaky prisoners also pretending to have been “rehabilitated” while actually using the UCG for their own bad purposes?

  12. Haven't seen the COGWA troll in a while, good to see they're still doing OK.

  13. What, no broadcast about Jesus and the forgiveness of sins through his blood sacrifice?

  14. So UCG wants to reach the prisoners and rehabilitate them with the gospel? Or they want already rehabilitated prisoners to save?

    I think if they found someone like Paul in prison they might not let him in. Don't want murderers, fanatics or self-proclaimed apostles who speak up too much in the church, do we?

    Shame on UCG. They want to go in trust with the gospel to the convicts but they can't trust their own decades-old brethren (or fellow elders) when they've been slandered by someone in the church.

    No wonder the church isn't growing. It's because they want to find members who fit their own preconceived notions.

    As for 11:07 above, the falling away has already occurred and we are its aftermath.

    It's not the church name that matters, folks. (Rev 3:1)

  15. Anonymous 9:20 AM said...“Haven't seen the COGWA troll in a while, good to see they're still doing OK.”


    Enjoy your new prison mates, assuming that any of them will even go to something like the UCG.

    Then you will need to hope that they got rehabilitated better, and repented more, than the last batch of godless fakers who went to the UCG for their own bad reasons.

    1. When they "say" they adhere to UCG from behind bars, they may not admit all their other multiple COG affiliations, amassing donations from any & all.

      Which "hierarchy" will they profess allegiance to? G. Flurry, D. Pack, G. Weston, S. Kitchen, etc., et al?

  16. It's good optics. When the prisoners are on parole and attending, their minister is probably going to wonder why they call him "Boss". Actually the kids call everyone Boss now, but COGlodytes are so tragically unhip that they probably don't know that. Come to think of it, the COGlodyte kids will probably be delighted to finally have some OG types with whom to fellowship!

  17. "Why single out UCG?"
    But it's not singled out at all. The lunacy of all the ACOGs is exposed on this blog. The worst of the WWCG members in my congregation gyrated to UCG after the splintering. This reminds me of the late cult specialist Margaret Singer who found that every time there was a body of complaints about a group being cultish, their own investigations found this to be true.
    Perhaps UCG apologists need to take a hard look at their own group rather than shooting the messengers.

  18. You need to be very careful. The splinter groups are quite capable of trying to pass off all sorts of perverts, criminals, and demon-possessed types as true Christians with the Holy Spirit.

  19. Anonymous at 6:44 AM said...“You need to be very careful. The splinter groups are quite capable of trying to pass off all sorts of perverts, criminals, and demon-possessed types as true Christians with the Holy Spirit.”

    Furthermore, the UCG will keep and support all the perverts, criminals, and demon-possessed types while kicking out their victims for them and accusing their victims of “not showing any love to anyone.” The UCG will then tell the victims that “the UCG meets in peace.”

    Brutal behavior from a splinter group that tried to market itself as one of the milder ones around.

  20. That is very upsetting if UCG treats victims like that, more harshly, than toward the criminals receiving all the huggy UCG forgiveness.

    I've seen it myself somewhere that the victim is accused of "holding a grudge" just because they prefer to keep their young children away from some "newly baptised" COG member who had clear evidence of murder.

  21. Anonymous 5:32 HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!! Being in a COG is tantamount to being in PRISON!!

  22. People in the UCG can end up in prison for their crimes. People in prison can pretend to have found religion and get out sooner so they can prey on people in the UCG. There can be a revolving door between the UCG and prison, with people dividing their time up between doing time in prison and doing crime in the UCG. Round and round they can go.
