Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 19, 2024

This COG Splinter Now Charging For All Literature And Refuses To Send It To Prisons

While the United Church of God is taking its message to prisons, the House of Yahweh is charging for all of its literature AND will not send it to those in prison. They found an easy way of getting around doing that by using FedEx to deliver their literature, not that anyone there was ts to read it.

Never fear though, you can buy the so-called Bible they print for $272.00 on Amazon.


  1. We all would have just been better off with a ONE TIME $999 , here's all the literature and a magazine subscription UPFRONT charge.

    The "FREE" was a hook for sure in finding lifetime tithe payers!

  2. I see this as a positive. It puts an obstacle between prospective members and another cult which would only abuse them. They are also performing an immense public service by not further victimizing people who couldn't afford good enough attorneys.

    Of course they are violating a hard-set policy of Herbert W. Armstrong, but so,what? He wasn't really a post-Nicene apostle anyway.

  3. This is like the Jehovah's Witnesses coming out with their own translation of the bible, which is universally condemned by bible scholars.
    So if the bible doesn't conform to your pets beliefs, just write your own "translation." HWA, like all denominations, did this defacto by cherry picking certain scriptures and completely ignoring others.

  4. Keep in mind that Mystery of the Ages was sold in some bookstores when it came out. WCG explained that it was the only way some people would accept it.

    (Why some people apparently are too proud to accept a free book is a mystery to me.)

    GTA also admitted he added a "cost of production" fee for some of his messages in the 1980s.

    1. Evidence that Garner Ted did this??? Lies all Lies.

  5. This post is deceptive in concept. If anyone is used to buying books from Amazon they would see right away this is presented as a USED COLLECTIBLE book, not the normal selling price.

    I, for example, bought a complete encyclopedia britanica 11th edition in a used bookstore for $30. It was listed on Amazon for $600+!

    Also, if one looks up the title of this Bible on Amazon they will find different formats for $9 to $30. A far cry from what this post is implying.

    I do not care for the teachings of the publisher of this Bible. However, I feel sorry that Gary would stoop to such low standards in order to falsely criticize a group he doesn’t like. Either that, or Gary has no experience with buying lots of books on Amazon. Either way this is deceptive.


    1. Ah! The sainted 11th Edition! What self-respecting Armstrongite would be without that in his personal library??? An HWA fave!

  6. This site has always played loose with the truth, trying to put the Church in a bad light.

    And once again ridicule is used when there is no argument against a statement, as evidenced by the post 9:10 PM PDT.

    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. - Saul Alinsky, Rules For Radicals.

    1. Oh, fuck Alinsky, anyone who's played the dozens knows that.

    2. First time I ever heard rap music was in the '70s. At first I thought it was going to be someone doing their version of Barry White, and kept waiting for the song to finally kick in. But they just kept talking and it never did.

      So I reached back into the annals of my mind, and remembered Bo Diddley's "Say Man!". It was Bo and his percussionist doing the dozens to a repetitive guitar progression and beat. That had reached Billboard's #20 slot in 1959, but I missed it until it was an oldie because I hadn't figured out how to get away with listening to rock n roll yet. Hadn't figured out that no way could it be God's True Church because Herbie hated rock n roll. I realized that much later on while listening to Led Zep!


  7. 5:11 said “ This site has always played loose with the truth, trying to put the Church in a bad light.”

    What? There is no need to ridicule and make the church look bad when it already does that all by it’s self. Armstrongism gets crazier by the day.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    5:11 said “ This site has always played loose with the truth, trying to put the Church in a bad light.”

    What? There is no need to ridicule and make the church look bad when it already does that all by it’s self. Armstrongism gets crazier by the day.

    Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 5:26:00 AM PDT

    You say there is no need to ridicule, then proceed to ridicule. That guy (5:11 AM) is onto something. Ridicule is the opposite of love. Jesus was ridiculed, but He never treated people that way Himself.
