Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 25, 2024

"...this theater of the absurd that we call Armstrongism "


The As Bereans Did site has a most excellent post up today about how we seem to be on an endless loop in Armstrongism that keeps repeating itself.

They start off with this observation:

 ...one cannot read the articles at Banned and not get the impression that this has all happened before.

There is not a day I wonder why I still do this, yet almost every single day some Church of God leader or member says or does something so appallingly stupid that it cannot be left on the sidelines as if it was just an innocent COG thing. People are still being lied to and spiritually damaged by every single one of these larger groups that make up the face of the church today. They all try so hard to be little mini-me Herbert Armstrong clones and yet none of them can do it and never will.

The article says this:

How many times do you have to be lied to, fleeced, stepped on, and taken for a fool before you say "enough already"? How many times will Jesus not return next month before you say, "Huh, maybe this guy isn't a prophet after all, and I might do well to question other things he says,"? A 504th sermon? A 900th? How many more duplications of Ambassador College or the Plain Truth magazine or the World Tomorrow television program will it take before you say, "Huh, maybe that wasn't the best use of millions of dollars, and I might do well to question if this organization is really being led by the Spirit,"? How many self-aggrandizing leaders need to rise up, with their petty in-fighting and their posturing, before you say, "Huh, these people aren't any different than that Herbert Armstrong guy, and none of this looks like what I see in the New Testament,"?

Then there is this: 

If you're staying because of the Sabbath, I've written articles since day 1 recommending you try it over at the Church of God - Seventh Day. See for yourself that they aren't like this. They did the right thing and fired Herbert Armstrong in the 1930s. Here we are almost 100 years later and many still haven't learned that one simple lesson. 
What became of these men? What became of Herbert Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Gerald Waterhouse, Herman Hoeh, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, Dave Pack, etc etc etc etc? Did their work pass through the fire or did it burn up? Do you suppose those wells gave fresh water or bitter?

All we have seen, at least in this latter-day dispensation of Armstrongism, is division, back-biting, self-aggrandizement, and superiority complexes as its major minor players thump their puffed-out little chests and bellow at us as to how great they are.

The article continues:

I want you to take an inventory of the past 100 years, an honest inventory, and ask if these are the fingerprints of Jesus you see. Was it Christ who got the prophecies wrong so many, many times? Was it Christ who caused church leaders to struggle for power and influence? Was it Christ causing these men to say "I am Elijah", "I am the Inkhorn", "I am the Two Witnesses"? Was it Christ who caused so many divisions? Was it Christ who misrepresented the facts of history and scripture over and over again? Was it Christ who ruined families financially?

Or maybe was it not Christ at all. Maybe, just maybe, is Jesus Christ to be found elsewhere?

Sadly, very few of the present-day COG groups are even actively looking for Jesus. Their personal interpretations of scripture, their assumed superior knowledge on all kinds of ultimately useless topics, their obsession with legalism, and their blatant narcissism prove that Christ is not part of the picture. 

Some are waking up and leaving the church and there are others seeking to replicate it every day.

That's why I continue to post stuff about Armstrongism and its absolutely CRAZY legacy. If they are going to be dumb enough to say, I am going to post it. The longed for glory-days-of-old that so many look fondly back at were days of zero accountability. Those days are over and many today actively hold their feet to the fire, whether it be this blog, As Bereans Did, The Painful Truth, and the numerous xCOG Facebook pages where people share personal stories of spiritual and physical abuse at the hands of the church.

Read the entire article here: What Will It Take?



  1. And that is why I'm Catholic.

  2. Long ago, way back in 1975, members had to have realized that there were no righteous, there was no inspired one, following HWA was nothing like following Jesus Christ, or even Moses, the human tool of the Old Covenant. So many of the things we had "proven", as in "prove all things", had failed abysmally. The illusion was over, but in spite of that, there was massive reprogramming, and with perfection no longer an option, members shifted to the lesser of various evils. The perpetual waiting game kicked in, as some imagined that the crown/carrot was still dangling, available exclusively through whatever version of Armstrongism they found to be most compatible. The fear mongering and fleecing intensified. It had to. It was damage control to keep members off balance and afraid to leave. "Perfect love casts out fear"? Why that couldn't have been an eternal truth, it must have been for one of 6 other eras! Well, 5 other eras, actually, unless the Laodiceans were actually cold-blooded like frogs.

    The ACOGs could have learned so much from Mark Mothersbaugh, Boojie Boy of DEVO. Anyone who has recopied a document dozens of times on an office copier knows that each subsequent copy of a copy of a copy is inferior to the last, until it finally becomes barely recognizable. The ACOGs at this point are a highly corrupted file, a devolution of Christianity. Sadly, they haven't acknowledged, repented of, or corrected the sins or crazy theories of their founder, and each of the leaders has contributed his own sad set of corruptions or distortions.

    It would be difficult to imagine how the damage might have exacerbated, were there not a late '90s vehicle by which to hold these groups accountable (Internet). It all appears to be a diminishing nostalgia act at this point in time, yet there is a lesson to be learned from physical diseases which also holds true of spiritual ones. If we become lax with the vaccines, eradicated diseases actually return! And, that's why we continue.


    1. What a hypocrite you really are in real life "bob". A man not to be trusted, quite the occultist.

  3. As someone who's attended COG7's off and on, both in person and through online sermons, I can testify that they're not as stable and Biblical as some think.

    They're closer to "mainstream," to be sure. But with rare exceptions such as Colorado Springs, they don't keep annual Holy Days beyond Passover - and women speak out during services often.

    Large pockets of the U.S. have no COG7 congregation at all. Cities that do have seen occasional splits - such as in Kansas City years ago, after the Pastor invited a rapper to present "special music."

  4. The ACOGs could have learned so much from Mark Mothersbaugh, Boojie Boy of DEVO. Anyone who has recopied a document dozens of times on an office copier knows that each subsequent copy of a copy of a copy is inferior to the last, until it finally becomes barely recognizable.

    "Are we not Herb? We are Gerald!"

  5. A rapper to present special music"

    That is priceless! It's about like it would have been if Mark Armstrong had convinced his grandfather to invite Iron Butterfly to do "Inna Gadda da Vida" as special music for the Last Great Day in Long Beach back in 1969!

  6. Feastgoer at 4:15 PM said...“As someone who's attended COG7's off and on, both in person and through online sermons, I can testify that they're not as stable and Biblical as some think.”

    The Church of God (7th Day) -- also known as the Sardis era of the true church -- still officially rejects the Annual Holy Days and the knowledge of the USA and Britain in prophecy.

    Also, it needs to strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die.

  7. Then there is this: If you're staying because of the Sabbath, I've written articles since day 1 recommending you try it over at the Church of God - Seventh Day. See for yourself that they aren't like this. >>

    If people adhere to one of these Armstrong affiliates because of a perceived need to ''keep'' a certain day then it's time they started thinking they don't have to be in any group to pay respect to a day. If that is their desire.

  8. Byker Bob at 1:14 PM said...“It all appears to be a diminishing nostalgia act at this point in time, yet there is a lesson to be learned from physical diseases which also holds true of spiritual ones. If we become lax with the vaccines, eradicated diseases actually return! And, that's why we continue.”

    To each their own. So, feel free to get the umpteenth experimental mRNA Poison Death Shot booster injection that was deceitfully passed off as a traditional vaccine so people would take it.

    Personally, I have no interest in helping Big Pharma to get rich quick or in helping the World Economic Forum with its depopulation agenda.

    Let us see who gets sick, or disabled, or who dies first: the pure, sweet, innocent, not at fault types or the drug-addled pincushion types.

  9. I always carefully consider what plague enthusiasts have to share, 9:40. So far, the doctors and big pharma seem to be the winning team, and frankly if there were a family profession amongst my sibs and relatives, it would be "Dr.". I value what my family of professionals has shared with me above the opinions of those who use the internet snd social media as their primary resource for healthcare. But, thank you for your contribution. While we should all always be cautious, the American healthcare network has an outstanding track record for success. My own first experience with this was when the nurse in our public school administered the Salk Vaccine to us in 1955. It was the beginning of the end for the polio epidemic. Those were different times, and politicians were not deliberately sewing distrust in the medical establishment to further their own aspirations and agendas.

    But, again, thanks for your opinion.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You are so easy to bait, 12:09, aren't you? 🏄‍♂️

  12. Just a quick note of BB 1212 American health care networks outstanding track record for success.

    In 2000, the last time these rankings took place, the USA ranked 37 out of the first 40 countries by the WHO in health care delivery systems but ranked #1 in overall costs of health care expenditure per capita. In fact, the USA spends more than many of the countries combined.

    Our dollars and cents war on disease isn't showing the successes we would anticipate. The health of the U.S. population ranks 72nd in the world over all.

    We are the most expensive for a reason. Our doctors need the money! A 2016 study by JAMA listed medical screw ups as the 3rd leading cause of death in this nation, 250,000-400,000 per year, which is now estimated to be as high as 700,000, which doesn't include the fall out from the opiode crisis or the covid fiasco. And since the medical community is not real keen on reporting their failures, these numbers could be many times higher!

    The next time you watch TV, pay close attention to the big Pharma commercials that dominate the air waves, and if you can possibly read the small print, note the side effects associated with those drugs. The side effects are worse than the disease!

  13. "Let us see who gets sick, or disabled, or who dies first: the pure, sweet, innocent, not at fault types or the drug-addled pincushion types."

    It's already started. Cancer rates are through the roof, and it's among the vaxxed (as much as those in power try to hide that fact, it's coming out anyway). Not to mention the heart problems, clotting problems, etc etc. The younger and healthier one is the more likely they are to suffer bad side effects of the so called vaccine.

    The latest casualty:


  14. Eh, the ABD folks are about as confused as they come. Their theology is really messed up, yet they like to trash on the COG. They chose a good name though, which deflects a lot of criticism, until one really looks into their "understanding".

  15. Byker Bob at 12:12 AM said...“I always carefully consider what plague enthusiasts have to share, 9:40. ... Those were different times, and politicians were not deliberately sewing distrust in the medical establishment to further their own aspirations and agendas.”

    I [sometimes casually] consider what the [walking dead (zombies)] have to share, [12:12].

    The whole COVID-19 PLANDEMIC or SCAMDEMIC with its LOCKDOWNS, FACE MASKS, 6-FOOT SOCIAL DISTANCING, and attempted MANDATING of endless mRNA POISON DEATH SHOTS was the result of STUPID AND EVIL POLITICIANS playing doctor and practising medicine without a license.

    Such things as Constitutions, Bills of Rights, the Nuremberg Code, etc. that were designed to protect people got thrown out the window. As someone once observed, it is funny how you lose all your rights just when you need them the most.

    Known safe and effective treatments for COVID-19, such as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin, got badmouthed all over the place and even banned so that Emergency Use Authorization could be obtained for the mRNA POISON DEATH SHOTS. There were spikes in deaths whenever and wherever the mRNA POISON DEATH SHOTS were rolled out.

    The COVID-19 DEATHS IN HOSPITALS were the result of doctors refusing proper treatment of patients and instead using the Anthony Fauci protocol of a questionable PCR test, REMDESIVIR, and VENTILATORS to kill people for the money.

    1. Dude, @ 8:12: you forgot your monoclonal antibodies! Isn't that another cliche from the conspiracy sites?

      When are you going to bring us something that's deep and real?

  16. A quick perusal of the internet, BP8, indicates that there are later statistics available, just not from the sources you cited. Also, one must go deeper than the blanket statements and analysis which you presented in order to properly understand a complicated situation.

    Our "peer" nations, or points of comparison for most of the studies are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. Those nations all offer universal healthcare, as do a total of 78 countries around the world. The medical stats are horribly skewed in the USA because lower and some middle income citizens are not able to afford treatment that they need. Their income levels deny them access to the system. Hence they do without, and often succumb to totally treatable conditions. Amongst higher income individuals, insurance companies are more likely to routinely contest the more expensive procedures, demanding additional tests, and second and third opinions. The insurance companies keep their profit stats in excellent shape. Patients' stats? Not so much.

    This goes beyond the doctors and medical practice. The "Tea Party", and MAGA have fought Universal Healthcare in the USA tooth and nail, and although President Obama really tried, Obamacare was so tied up in knots, that the version which became law was totally emasculated in terms of its ability to elevate our system to that of our peer nations.

    Do drugs have side effects? Of course they do. The percentages are even well known, and cost-benefit analyses are routinely undertaken. The drug companies know that a certain percentage of patients will have conditions which make them susceptible to complications, or render the medications ineffective. There is no perfect drug. Once they are tested and approved, manufacturers release the medications for the majority, and then resolve the side effects issues in court for the much smaller percentage of patients who experience negative effects. The benefits for the vast majority of patients far outweigh the casualties for the exceptions. They play to the sweet spot.

    President Trump was very effective in expediting production of the COVID 19 vaccines (whether you choose to call them vaccines or not). Typically, there would have been years of testing prior to their release. Researchers already had the shell, due to their work with regard to other, previously existing COVID viruses, and merely needed to code the medications specifically for 19. They did, and then, a very bizarre thing happened. The very people who believed conspiracy theories which supposed that COVID 19 was either a total hoax, or was created specifically to get rid of President Trump, actually turned on HIS solution, the vaccine! Even today, they are putting out so many falsely exaggerated statistics, which if true, each of us would actually personally know people who had died directly due to the vaccine. I knew only three people who died of COVID, let alone the vaccine. That to me is far more meaningful than the battle of statistics which have resulted from making a disease a partisan issue! Each of us must do our own due diligence and make our own decisions. I don't know about you, but I had had enough of conspiracy theories in my WCG days!


  17. @8:12~ Hah, hah, hah! If those are really your beliefs, and if you're not just trying to foment an endless argument, the subversives really have you exactly where they want you! I bet you don't trust anything or anyone any more. How does that feel?


  18. BB - unfortunately, Covid has been so politicized, you have to dig to find out truth - and even then you cannot be sure.
    It appears Covid was man made and unintentionally escaped a Wuhan lab that had poor controls. This lab was partially founded by the USA with Fauci's involvement.
    The vaccine helped almost all that took it - including me.
    With any vaccine, there will be a few that react badly.
    Now that Covid has been around for a while, it should be easier to predict who is more susceptible to major problems.
    But politics, politics, and conspiracy theories, plus nonscientists babbling about vaccines - pro and con, make Covid more of a problem in treatment and prevention that it should be.

    I have a sister-in-law who refused to get the vaccine, and dies from Covid - a most unpleasant, prolonged death.

    1. I was "embedded" in a major hospital at the start of the Covid event for about three months, covering what was going on and uploading my work to the network via remote. I slept in the hospital with the staff.

      This was all before the President's Operation Warp Speed resulted in the vaccine development. I was with the hospital staff while they tried to save the sick patients with what limited information they had at their disposal back then.

      It's not something I would necessarily wish on anyone.

      But I will say any idiot who wants to blame those men and women for doing everything they could for trying to save those patients can go fuck themselves heartily. You motherfuckers don't know shit.

  19. Edward Dowd's recent estimates for the USA:

    28.6 million people INJURED by the Covid-19 jabs.

    4.0 million people DISABLED by the Covid-19 jabs.

    1.1 million people KILLED by the Covid-19 jabs.

  20. Does anyone ever get SO tired of chest thumping? Nobody wins. Sigh.

  21. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)



    VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports:


  22. I'm sorry to hear about your sister in law, TLA. My deepest condolences. Two of the people I mentioned were friends I had had for decades. A husband and wife. Their son, whom I also know, had informed me of their deaths at a trade show in Vegas about a year and a half ago.

    We do have some brilliant university quality researchers contributing to Banned, no doubt about it. But, unfortunately, we also have some folks who would not recognize legitimate research, or verifiable facts, if they bit them. We know this because they present information which has been fact-checked and debunked by multiple reliable sources, and even rudimentary logic as well.. It is partisan propaganda, and some never troubleshoot their own materials by investigating the opposite positions prior to posting. The laughable Edward Dowd stats of 10:55 are a typical example. That's been floating around for months now, and is an example of how propaganda which has been soundly debunked never goes away. So, yes, getting the facts can be daunting, and the implications sometimes frightening. News has become like a court of law, in which each side has their bought and paid for "experts" testifying, and the opinions they present are not objective at all.

    There are those who believe that COVID 19 was intentional retaliation by the Chinese for the Trump tariffs on Chinese goods. It most certainly has killed more people than some lengthy wars, and without all of the overt military action and destruction of real estate which normally is inherent in war. Unacknowledged, it bypasses certain retaliation, culpability, and prevents any lessons from being learned. We'll know soon enough if there are future incidents which come as a result of negative policy changes.


  23. Wikipedia: "OpenVAERS is an American anti-vaccine website created in 2021 by Liz Willner. The website misrepresents data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to promote misinformation about COVID 19 vaccines.

    "In August 2021, the British anti-disinformation organization Logically reported that 30% of the website's referral traffic came from The Gateway Pundit, a far right fake news website, and over 10% came from English conspiracy theorist Vernon Coleman."

  24. "The COVID-19 DEATHS IN HOSPITALS were the result of doctors refusing proper treatment of patients and instead using the Anthony Fauci protocol of a questionable PCR test, REMDESIVIR, and VENTILATORS to kill people for the money."

    I have read that 90% of COVID deaths occurred in hospitals, and 90% of those were cause by hospital protocols which denied effective treatments in favor of government mandated treatments such as you mentioned.

    1. Well, yeah, lots of people died in hospitals. Lots of people died in them before and after, too! People don't go there for fun or for a sniffle... they go when things are serious, and often they wait too long.


    There are two completely different sides to the Covid-19 mRNA injection debate. What people believe seems to depend entirely on which side they are predisposed to listen to. Each side tends to listen to and believe its own sources and reject the other side and its sources.

    One side goes along with everything that Big Government and Big Pharma tells them. The other side does not.

    The Big Government and Big Pharma side tries to censor everything else and says that everything written against its agenda is “misinformation” and “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories” and claims that it has all been thoroughly and soundly “debunked.”

    The other side says that the whole Covid-19 scare with its mRNA injections was a military-grade Psy-Op or Psychological Operation to deceive and control and harm the people of the whole world.

    What is clear and undeniable is that Big Government and Big Pharma did try to control the narrative and did use lockdowns, face masks, 6-foot social distancing, vaccine passports with QR codes, and mandates to try to force people to get the mRNA injections that would make hundreds of billions of dollars for Big Pharma and that would give extreme control power to Big Government.

    Time might tell, eventually, which side actually gets clearly sicker and/or deader.

    I would say “Gentlemen, place your bets” except that everyone probably has already done so. Some gamblers could still go “all in” with extra mRNA booster shots.

  26. "The vaccine helped almost all that took it - including me."

    It's been well documented, and the CDC, NIH, and FDA have admitted, that the "vaccine" did not prevent anyone from catching COVID, nor did it lessen the symptoms, nor stop the spread. One could correctly deduce that you recovered in spite of the vaccine.

  27. @RSK,

    They were lied to, just like we all were. Anyone in the medical field that spoke out against government protocols were quickly silenced. The truth was there, but it was not about to be allowed out.

    There was a doctor in NY that spoke out loudly against ventilators and he was quickly silenced.

    Dr. Zelenko lost one patient out of approx. 2000 using unacceptable treatment (hydroxycholorquine, zinc, etc). He was run out of NY.

    Fauci is the same quack that killed so many AIDS patients in the '80s by pushing his favored treatments.

    Yes you witnessed medical professionals trying their best against an unfamiliar disease while getting flawed guidance from those they trusted, not realizing that the CDC et. al. had been weaponized. They know better now, but I still run into medical folks pushing the vaccine and boosters. There is no excuse for that. (just last month I had a nurse ask me if I was up to date on my vaccine and boosters. I said "yes I am because I don't take any of them" and she gave the the stink eye big time.)

    1. "They were lied to, just like we all were. Anyone in the medical field that spoke out against government protocols were quickly silenced. The truth was there, but it was not about to be allowed out."

      I can only speak from my experiences on the front lines and afterwards, as well as the folks I interviewed, but I will say that the "government protocols" were... I don't want to mislead you or misrepresent the fine folks who sacrificed so much in that hellacious covid ward, so I'll have to pick my words carefully here. Suffice it to say that they were not the gold standard that some have characterized them as - will that do? I documented a LOT of different therapies being tried at the time. HCQ was actually one of them. You have to bear in mind that solid information simply was not available in large quantities then.

      Now, as the events unfolded over the course of 2020 and 2021, sure, I don't have a problem saying that guidelines were adhered to more closely, and some may even have been erroneous/fallacious. I also would say that you have to take the litigious American society into account - in those early months, experimental/less supported therapies were received more willingly, but as time went on, they became a liability concern. Liability in general was a massive factor in several aspects of covid response.

  28. The biggest issue remaining from the COVID era is the way in which it was deliberately exploited and used to further divide us as a nation. That was a deliberate activity orchestrated by party or parties unknown.. The huge looming question is what is left for us now? We now realize that in any future national emergency, it is beyond our capabilities to voluntarily present a united front. We're not unlike Congress, a place in which the major parties refuse to compromise and to work with one another. Whenever there is a breakdown similar to that, authoritarianism rears its ugly head. Politicians say they are protecting your rights, but it is all a masquerade until the majority of the voters give them the power they seek. What do you do when every policy that has ever worked, and every check and balance, are suddenly overturned, and every bully claims to be a victim and true patriot?


  29. Once again, readers should most definitely conduct their own research on Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. The claims made by 8:28 were found to be unverifiable because Dr. Zelenko did not describe his study design, nor publish any data. Those factors also made it impossible for other researchers to duplicate his research. Nor, can they be at this point, because Dr.Zelenko died in 2022 of lung cancer at age 48.

  30. We're living in times when the news about street pharmaceuticals should be informing this conversation, but for some will not. How would one even acquire medical grade, certified Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin? We have choices today in which you could take your chances with street weed, or obtain medical grade marijuana at the local dispensary. We also know that people who are into fentanyl have gotten all manner of nasty surprises including waking up dead!

    I would submit that the people who trust non-approved medications which they obtain from unknown sources are taking a huge risk that they most likely have not even considered. Where is it coming from? Is it real? Is it pure? What is the potency? Do you know that those who are providing it are honest and of good intentions? If provided by a doctor, have you done a background check?

    1. Frankly, ivermectin from the local co-op is used on million dollar horses; it’s plenty tested and safe for humans.

  31. 1041 says, "you have to dig to find the truth, even then you cannot be sure". Very well said.

    We all have our own way of making sense of reality. Some accept the official narrative without question as the way it is, while others, not satisfied with that, look elsewhere and start digging. The problem with that is the promoters of the official position are not very to!errant of alternative ideas or independent thinking and will impose consequences for such. They poison the well with labels like conspiracy theorist or subversives while classifying their doctrines as legitimate, verifiable and reliable, then use their own fact checkers to confirm it. Much like the Pharisees calling Christ a sinner or having a demon, it's true because we say so.

    I, like Wikipedia, the CDC, and others, have my own bias' to support my worldviews. Much is derived from Scripture, for if there be a God, shouldn't one take advantage of what He says about certain things when drawing conclusions, especially when we are responsible for our own deception (Matthew 24:3-4)?

    2 Things to Consider:

    1) Trusting man (don't!--Jeremiah 17:5); Why? Men love darkness, they operate according to a carnal mind and fallen nature, and the love of money poses many problems.

    2) This WORLD, which is deceived and lies in wickedness (Rev. 12, 1 John 5) and cannot be made "a better place".

    When it comes to the institutions of this world system, I'm not a trusting person, but cautious. However, when said institutions try to hide something or for whatever reason change their narrative, or reverse themselves on a previous assertion, I pay attention.

    Examples are numerous, but to name a few look at cigarette smoking, camp Lejeune water and the opiode crisis. The dangers of all 3 were covered up for years until it became self evident something was terribly wrong and the official narrative could no longer be sustained. Prior to that it was conspiracy theory to suggest something was not right and needed to change.

    2 current narratives now in transition and on the verge of collapse are covid and Roundup pesticides. It's just a matter of time both will become impossible to defend and will fall apart under their own weight.

    Another interesting example is that the medical profession now openly confesses to that which can no longer be defended, deaths by medical error. I feel this admission carries a lot of weight, but not just this, but the reaction taken when one compares deaths by error to covid. Although I don't believe all deaths attributed to covid was actually caused by covid, we will take what the CDC gives us for comparison.

    The CDC covid data tracker reads that since January 1, 2020, 1.2 million have died to date. In the same 4 years, depending on who's estimates we accept, 1.2 to 2.8 million have died from medical screw ups. To further a sinister agenda We shut down the country and destroyed the economy for 1 million deaths, yet, with 3 million deaths and counting, it's business as usual, no cause for concern, we are the good guys!

    Yes, you have to dig to find the truth, even then you cannot be sure, but there are advantages if one will use them.

    Also, I didn't take the vax and I'm 71 and very healthy. Very subjective right?

    1. I do have to laugh about one thing. When this thing first started, everyone had to act from an abundance of caution. Some businesses I was calling on cleaned all public areas hourly, they would point a digital thermometer at one's forehead and record satisfactory temperatures when they signed us in, and masks would be provided for those who had none.

      We learned to be very suspicious of anyone coughing or sneezing, because inhaling those micro droplets had been identified as being one form of transmission. One morning, I was at the store, practicing my social distancing, wearing my KN-95, when suddenly a simply horrible odor took over the area. I said to myself, "Crap! I bet you can catch this stuff from infected people's flatulence!"

      I'd always been told that if you could smell
      something, it's because particles of it had contacted your olfactory. And I had smelled it through my mask! This triggered serious questions about using public restrooms. Fortunately the passer of gas must have been COVID free!

      I don't miss the paranoia.

    2. Yup, even a 95 only really does so much.
      Some people made them out to be like sci-fi forcefields or something, which really irked me. Yes, they have useful functions, but...

  32. Pfizer's mRNA jab test results were so extraordinary that they wanted to hide them for 75 years, but a judge rejected that bright idea.

  33. I believe that with a little effort, most people of reasonable intelligence and education can actually recognize and discern the truth, or get very close to it. Prior to the Surgeon General's report, most people knew that cigarette smoking was harmful to your health. So, why doesn't everyone arrive at truth? Some pretend that they don't know things in order to get along with those close to them. Others have agendas with which truth conflicts. Or, entrenched behavioral patterns which they really don't want to change. Some have power which acknowledging truth would cause them to lose. Some attempt to be all things to all people instead of the same thing to all people.

    Whatever the case may be, we now seem to be in a strange area of the Twilight Zone, one in which the value of truth has become diminished, and to some, no longer matters. Truth takes a back seat to money, power, and agenda.

    I also disagree with the premise that you cannot make the world a better place. You can make your own domain or space a better place. You do this by fairness, kindness, making sure to watch out for all around you. You become a safety zone for the others in your space. Sometimes, certain people with pathological behaviors must avoid close relationships with others in order to do this, in other words, protecting them from themselves. But, yeah. We're created in God's image in that, like God, we have dominion, and can consciously modify our environment.

  34. There were a lot of rebel-rousers out there deliberately fanning peoples' paranoia. It really concerned me, because I remember the words of Che Guevara, who said that if you want to create a revolution, you must make the status quo look as bad as possible! Pretty scary stuff until the insurrection was brought under control. I remember listening to talk radio on the 6th, when they were covering the election certification live, and a disturbance suddenly disrupted the proceedings. At first, it was thought to be just a heckler. And, then reality kicked in, and for several hours the situation could have gone either way. The footage of what was going on at the tunnel at the back was the indicator of just how serious the situation was. If those madmen had broken through, and had gotten in the back way, we'd be having a completely different discussion today. Nero was a-fiddlin' while Rome burned! And then, someone got through to him.

  35. American comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore was Covid-19 jab injured.

    American television so-called “journalist” and talking head Chris Cuomo was also Covid-19 jab injured. Chris Cuomo had formerly mocked Ivermectin but is now taking it.



    Jimmy Dore: Chris Cuomo Needs To Be Shamed And I'll Do It Right Now... (29 minute, 38 second video)


  36. Yes, Monday, May 27, 2024 at 1:08:00 PM PDT, you are correct. Molecules contact your olfactory and that is how you smell.

    This also shows that masks are ineffective against respiratory viruses. They blow through a mask like mosquitos through a chain link fence.

    Also, and viruses that contact your eyes are washed down into your nose every time you blink, effectively by passing the mask anyway.

    A 2 week pause to figure out what we were dealing with was fine. Critical thinkers quickly saw what was happening and refused to participate in the extended farce.

  37. My case is only one, and my wife makes two. We both had COVID and followed the advice of Drs McCullough, Malone, Zelenko, and Korre.
    We took zinc, quercitin, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, vitamins C & D, and we recovered. We had absolutely no breathing problems, which I attributed to the nebulized hydrogen peroxide. As senior citizens we were considered high risk, but we recovered just fine.
    It was a terrible sickness and I don't wish it on anyone. We now have natural immunity which works, as we have been around others with COVID following our recovery. We had nothing more than a runny nose for about a half day after that.
    I'm sure the powers that be are working on the next bug to release. Who knows how bad that one will be.

    This is not a USA thing. This is a world ruling elites thing.

  38. 643
    Your successful recovery demonstrates why media backed Big Pharma labels alternative methods as conspiracy theories-- THEY WORK, and it takes money out of their pocket, which in turn takes money out of politician's pocket.

    You are right about the world ruling elites, but it IS a USA thing to the extent that we are the only country standing in the way of the elites new world order. Since our politicians are already bought and paid for, it's only a matter of time before we crash and burn.

  39. Why wouldn't you ACOG guys be rooting for the New World Order? It's the fulfillment of all the Armstrong prophecies and validation of your lives!

  40. Here is a short video by Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert cartoons, who was Covid-19 jab injured.

    AntiVaxxers Win (3 minute, 3 second video)


  41. Yes I took that path, I decided Armstrong wasn't all he cracked up to be, and his clones were crackpots using the same tactics to gain obedience over and over again. I realized 90 percent of the unique doctrines were dangling by a shoestring named Armstrong. So, working my way back I decided to look into the COG7, still being hung up by "sabbath obedience" I wanted to see why they didn't do the holy days. They have some fairly good articles on the subject and have a lot of excellent points (especially their old orange booklet, email them asking for a digital copy if you wish). So, I leapt into COG7. They definitely have liberalized, they were much like a softer version of WCG years ago, but nowadays they aren't all that distinguishable from an average modern Rick Warren style service. They play Hillsong songs and everything. However, the old cult spirit is still there with some, and I began to realize they are still a cult, but a "soft cult" compared to their old selves, and especially WCG. They do have some legitimate Christian teaching, but the dark shadow of millerite roots still lingers to the perceptive soul. While so many of them were wonderful Christian people, I decided that I needed to get away from all the branches of Millerites altogether. I would agree that COG7 is an excellent transition for the awakening ACOG person, but if you allow God to continue working with you, dont be surprised if you eventually leave them too. Sadly it might be because they've become too liberal. The COG7 is much like the southern baptist convention, each church has their own personality and style. I'm sure the suit and tie hymn singers are still out there, some are even trinitarian and have left the denver conference, or never were. Really, the COG7 was always just as full of schisms as the ACOGS. They used to have a number of conferences before uniting into the denver one, but still have different branches out there, they have sacred namers, they have some holy day "keepers" (though mostly former ACOG), some pentecostals, some christmas keepers, some holiday haters, some pork eaters, some kosher keepers, some deny the deity of christ (arianism) etc... they definitely allow you room to have your own opinions on trivial things though which is good. You really need to move past them eventually and drop the sabbath brainwash and realize Jesus Christ is the promised sabbath rest. Nothing wrong with resting on Saturday (or any day) though. But you wont have special treasures waiting for you just because you didn't get the mail or mow the lawn on saturday...

  42. In a way, I am grateful to have been exposed to Armstrongism and to be able to recognize cultic thinking and to know what it, and conspiracy theories do to people. We were brainwashed to believe that you just cannot trust any of the basic institutions of civilized society on which most people depend to live an orderly life. Trust only Armstrongism, which was presented as being one and the same as trusting God, and return to the original founding documents of Christianity. That was the only truth, not the wisdom of the mainstream which had been collected experientially for millennia as part of the evolution of the human species. This leverage allowed collectors of people to take control of our minds and manipulate us. Truth was no longer truth. Truth was what we tell you truth is, no matter how ridiculous and harmful it seems.

    In so many ways, Armstrongism of the 1950s and into the present was in microcosm what we see being attempted on America today. Same type of brainwashing, same kind of demigogue. I discovered as a teenager that you can indeed put a lit match out in a bucket of gasoline. If you do it quickly enough, that actually works, the first time. Just don't try it the second time, after the first time has created fumes. Unless your little brother thinks to smother the fire with a big towel, you may just burn the house down!


  43. Tucker Carlson, formerly from Fox News, has started his own Tucker Carlson Network show. Now that he is doing his own thing, he is free to interview all sorts of interesting people and say all sorts of interesting things.

    Tucker Carlson has said that he did NOT get any of the Covid-19 jabs.

    One person that Tucker Carlson interviewed, Bret Weinstein, mentioned a study that estimated that 17 million people around the globe have been killed by the Covid-19 jabs, and said that when you jab billions of people you can get those kinds of numbers.

    The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Bret Weinstein (59 minute, 43 second video)


  44. Tucker's one of the zombies, bro! Always has been, always will be. If you would really like an historical perspective on FoxNews, buy, rent, or stream "The Loudest Voice". You will be amazed at where this all comes from, and the motives behind it.

    I don't believe that conservatism is a bad thing. The basic problem is that in most cases, it was unelectable because it didn't appeal to the masses. The final death occurred at the end of George W. Bush's term. So, the message was spiked to appeal to a certain type of mental makeup. It was labeled "populism". Third parties never do well, and the Republican Party was the only logical target for hijacking. Suddenly they had a contender once again. Now, it's a runaway freight train, with people wrapping themselves in their interpretation of the Constitution, and their version of patriotism, which actually centers on one very flawed man.

    This is not the way Herbie prophesied it all, but It's starting to look as if he got the reults correct. We'll know in November.

  45. 906,
    You simply do not know what you are talking about.

    1. Uh, didn"t HWA teach us that the accuser is usually the doer? You know, three fingers pointing back and all?
