Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, June 3, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Claims Most Will Not Respond To His Gospel Because The Bible Said So


God's most highly favored and most important Church of God leader to ever walk this earth (pound sand, Herb!) is back again making excuses for his AI-translated booklets and articles. He doesn't care if they are riddled with mistakes and admits it. His logic is that even with all the mistakes, just because someone looked at his writings he has spread the so-called gospel even if they do nothing more with it than line the bottom of the birdcage. A life has been touched and he has done his job. The gospel has been spread and it is up to the person to accept it or not. Of course, God foretold this in sacred scripture, for these perilous end times, knowing that 99.99% of the world would reject the Great Bwana's message.

What useless crap!

As has been the case recently, we also received another 20 translations of our English booklet titled The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Some of you may recall that I have never claimed that the translations were perfect. Instead, I have said that the following prophecy applies:

9 “Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.”
11 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, 12 To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear. (Isaiah 28:9-12) 
Notice that even having some language difficulties seems to have been prophesied. And, I have been saying that about our translations for many years.
We are to reach people in multiple languages as a witness before the end comes (Matthew 24:14), despite the fact that most will not respond in this age. And we know that there may be difficulties caused by translations.


  1. How's Bob going to reach North Korea? Via sending balloons aloft filled with pamphlets to burst & land?

    Or via pirate ships broadcasting offshore of Korea as Radio Caroline did offshore of England for HWA & GTA in 1964




    Maybe Bob will discover a web glitch that will find a chink in Kim's internet isolation firewall, & penetrate it with one of the new 20 translations weekly-upon-each-week.

    (math pop quiz: how many total CCOG translations can be claimed at the rate of 52 x 20, "every week"?)

  2. Hey Bob:  do you ever quote Col 1:23:  the gospel has been preached to everybody, and do you ever quote 1Cor 10:11:  the "end" is already here.  You are not needed to fulfill Mat 24:14;  it's already been fulfilled. 

    The "end" is the time after the scriptures were completed, to teach us and those living in and after the first century CE/Christian Era.

    Furthermore you are not a "witness" - Mat 24:14. The apostles were the witnesses, who preached the gospel.

  3. Notice that even having some language difficulties seems to have been prophesied.

    For a "prophet" it is striking to see how Bob equivocates about nearly EVERYTHING. Someday we'll probably find him telling us that "Jesus Christ seems to be be the Savior of the world."

  4. The Armstrong teaching on the gospel is followed by the various offshoots (with the exception I recall of the Father's Call offshoot).

    The offshoots teach only they - not anyone else say in mainstream churches - preach the ‘true gospel.’

    They reduce the most important new covenant teaching to a prophecy about the millennium. They say it is not about Christ. The last three words put into capitals by Armstrong. They say they fulfill verses of Matthew 24.

    In fact the gospel is all about Jesus, His death and how this is the way to salvation to sinful mankind. The good news is we can be saved by accepting Him. This can be amply demonstrated even by a basic bible reading.

    The Worldwide churches that the gospel is something else altogether is incorrect. Their gospel error magnified through their eagerness to condemn those believers who, in fact, do understand and accept the gospel message in the bible.

    They pretend to have authority to apply to Christians the curse Paul stated in Galatians chapter 1 - they do so in order to strengthen their gospel interpretation that it is not about Christ.

    But it is impossible to strengthen their gospel in any way using Paul because Armstrong’s teaching simply does not accord with the bible. This is demonstrated from the scriptures concerning the gospel, including Paul's messages.

    They can churn out stuff all they like but sadly it does not reflect the gospel we read of in the bible. One of the great lies of the Armstrong churches was that only they know the true gospel.

  5. I'd like to remind Bob for at least the third time as well as WCG types who use the "line upon line, precept upon precept" concept as how one is to study the Bible is taken totally out of context and never meant what he says it means.

    Dear Bob...I repeat:
    "Dennis Diehl, and many others, have ignored and/or despised the following instructions as to how to understand doctrine:

    9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
    10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: (Isaiah 28:9-10Open in Logos Bible Software (if available),)"


    Let's set the record straight.

    To begin with, Isaiah is written to the drunken priests of Ephraim. I know "context" is not a word most COG ministers are familiar with, but context is important. In verse 7 we see the priests and prophets are being chided, to say the least, for being drunk with beer and wine, befuddled and stumbling while they are seeing visions and making rather important decisions. Not exactly the way to go but with the Assyrians beating on the door, understandable.

    Con't https://armstrongismlibrary.blogspot.com/search?q=line+upon+line+diehl

  6. Plus this.... concerning the misapplication and out of context use of "line upon line..."


  7. I do not follow how the Isaiah quote has anything to do with potentially poor-quality translations.

  8. Ya know, I was just sitting here rereading the post and thinking about how COGlodyte leaders seemingly wet themselves over any verse mentioning "Ephraim" and remembered something...

    Historically, it was King Ahaz of Judah who invited the Assyrians to invade the area - he ratted out Syria and Israel to Tiglath-Pileser III when they were forming a resistance coalition to try to keep Assyria out of the area. It didn't end well, as Tiglath-Pileser III ended up smashing through the Syrian kingdoms and annexing much of Israel. Samaria would come into their crosshairs later on when King Hoshea, for some seemingly-idiotic reason, decided to switch allegiances to Egypt - even though Egypt in that time period was rather fractured by multiple competing kings and just not that much of a match for the Assyrian military. (The best I can guess is that Hoshea overestimated their willingness to aid their trading partners)

    Despite "GODDDDD'S PRINCIPLE OF DUALITY", I have never seen a COGlodyte ministurd claim that Judah would in fact invite their Assyrian Germany to attack Ephraim. If anything, their end-times scenario had it in reverse!

  9. They will use anything to argue their point. Despite their claims they have a rudimentary understanding of scriptures.

  10. Talking about the book of Isaiah, Herb's ministers were claiming that Isaiah 42:19 was specifically referring to HWA since his eye sight was failing. But reading the verses before and after this verse makes it plain that spiritual blindness and deafness is being referred to. Looks like the verse did apply to Herb.

    Isaiah 42:19 "My servant is truly blind, my messenger is truly deaf. My covenant partner, the servant of the LORD, is truly blind. ... Who is blind but my servant, or deaf like ..."

  11. All tables are covered with filthy vomit; no place is clean - Isa 28:8 NRSVUE

    Those drunken priests must have really staggered.....must have been that Harveys Bristol Cream sherry - 17.5% alcohol.

  12. Group huddle., Cats and Chicks! I think we as a community need to develop a board game specifically for COGlodytes called "Find Yourself in the Bible! Imagine the fun that could be had playing the game after the sabbath on Saturday night. Figurines could be made of Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, HWA, ooh, and especially Gerald Waterhouse. Comical ones, too, like Les McCullough and Dean Blackwell. Throw the dice, advance your figurine, and pick up a card with a Bible verse. There will be two types of verses, ones from the prophetic sections of the Bible, and others about the patriarchs. If the other players agree the verse you drew resembles you, you get to take free turns. Penalties, like "late paying your tithes, move three spaces back!" "Daughter caught smoking, miss next turn!" Whoever reaches Petra first, by drawing the most cards that resemble them wins the game. And it's a must to avoid the dreaded Laodicean penalty box! If your figurine was Gerald Flurry, you'd get laughed out of the game for landing there!

    The possibilities are endless. There is certainly an abundance of cliches and shibboleths which can come into play. It's not sacrilegious either! Being part of the cult actually was one of life's jokes!


    1. If I had time I would patch printer pics together onto a stiff game board & make that game.

  13. I went back and reread the Isaiah quote. Several commentaries point out that the Hebrew for the "precept on precept, here a little there a little" phrase is actually semi-nonsensical, like baby talk. Made for an interesting read that changes the meanimg of the verse quite a bit.

  14. RSK, Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 6:39:00 AM PDT, said:

    "...I went back and reread the Isaiah quote. Several commentaries point out that the Hebrew for the "precept on precept, here a little there a little" phrase is actually semi-nonsensical, like baby talk. Made for an interesting read that changes the meanimg of the verse quite a bit."

    So often, Bob Thiel, like former hirelings of the former WCG, e.g. Fred Coulter, and other modern-day prophets (inspired by some source other than the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob) of Baal, like to only quote verses that seem to place them in a positive light, often even quoting only part of a verse and avoiding any portion that may have the opposite effect and expose them as frauds.

    RSK, your commentaries is interesting from the point of view that Bob Thiel only quoted verses 9-12 of Isaiah 28, but context is important, especially since Bob THiel, like Doug Winnail and other hirelings of the former WCG still preach about a Mickey Mouse millennium with another Jesus to "very soon" return to begin some reign on earth to last only 1,000 years before Satan exits the pit and messes up Jerusalem and the world again.

    With that in mind, what about verse 13 in context with Bob Thiel's favorite verses quoted by him?

    "But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken." Isaiah 28:13

    HWA died when? 1986! Where is their Jesus? May it be possible that those using Isaiah 28:9-12 have been writing actually semi-nonsensical, like baby talk," words? If yes, then what?

    How many more years does everyone need before they learn that after certain folks meet Jesus Christ in some clouds that those folks will not be bringing Him down to earth to reign over anything for 1,000 years?

    Time is telling for all of those who like to make fantastic sounding man-made (satanic, lying) theories out of words taken "here/there a little:" to make "an interesting read."

    Some think they do the work of HWA, but HWA is dead. So, why try to do a dead man's work?

    Is it possible, especially if God has not (Matthew 15:13) planted any one of those hirelings (including "non-hireling Bob Thiel" of former WCG, or the Gobaal/Living group) and their split-off organizations from the former WCG, that they all are just in the process proving they: "...might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken?"

    Time will tell...


  15. Sabes que? I just bet that in the millennium, Bob Thiel will still be maintaining his COGwriter site. My question would be, when we all are given perfect doctrinal understanding, will he still fail to accept the corrections, and simply change the name of his website to "Banned by Jesus Christ? I surely hope not, but are there any other readers out there who could envision him doing that?

  16. Bob Thiel is one smart cookie. He can make an easy living writing about the stuff he writes. I think his enemies envy him.

    1. Eureka, 10:01, that is exactly why Bob has about 8 or 27 caucasians supporting him. A guy who writes about what he writes! 

      I do not recall many prophets in OT doing much of that...writing about what they write.

      If anyone in my non-COG immediate family ever had an inkling to check out COG precepts of any sort, they would be immediately bummed out if they sampled it via Bob's me/me/me thing he rakes his readers through.

      It's just a little too close to what Dave Pack does with his own writings.

  17. Bob Thiel is one smart cookie>> and regurgitating Armstrong doctrine and prophecy this statement is non sensical

  18. Well hey if you can play god in your own little bubble and extort money at it, oof, difficult to repent of that. Right, Dave and Bob and Gerald?

  19. Bob secretly knows that if he has 100 Caucasians, as time progresses, and natural atrophy, he'l be left with only two. Uh, two whitenesses! 😂😂
