Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dave Pack: The Perpetual Liar


During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 515)” on June 1, 2024, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God walks himself all the way back to not knowing the exact day for the return of Jesus Christ. 

After declaring it was Sivan 1 
(beginning at sunset on June 6) or Pentecost (beginning at sunset on June 15).
Part 512: “I know when the Seven Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely.” “I know the date this comes. It’s impossible that it’s wrong.” 
Part 513: “I know the date, and I’m three times more certain of it.” 
Part 514: “I told you I knew exactly when this was, and that’s true. I know it’s in Spring.” 
Part 515: “I cannot do that.” Too late.


  1. '' I know when the Seven Year Kingdom begins ..''
    does anyone have some understanding of where Pack has pulled this theory from?

    1. Was he finagling the so called upcoming 7 year peace deal from Daniel? Calling that a kingdom means Dave plans to officiate in some high position as a king or co-king.

      Does it all have something to do with Dave's glass labelled as 7 on his wacky romper room table?

  2. This is like the rest period between rounds in boxing matches. Shortly he'll be up and about, punching out dates with his new insights and inspirations from God. The circus will continue.

  3. Dave Pack is a fan of Star Trek, but still cannot get the Vulcan hand sign right: https://i.imgflip.com/8suruc.jpg

    1. Can someone superimpose Dave dressed up in either Klingon or Romulan makeup

  4. It's obvious that Pack's conscience is seared and calloused. It no longer embarrasses him to lie and to make contradictory statements. His remaining true believers keep throwing away their ability to think for themselves every time they accept his latest lie. I suspect Pack will die spouting his heretical bs and his remaining followers will be numbed and dazed, and probably exploited by his flunkies or so other HWA clones.

  5. Will Dave have to answer to perjury charges if he makes it into the kingdom?

    yes ___

    no ___

    likely √

  6. I decided to do the Dave Pack as Klingon, Romulan, or Vulcan, but only the Vulcan images looked like him (using AI).
    Here they are:
