Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 14, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Is Suffering More Rejection: As The Modern Day Amos No One Listens to Him


The world's greatest prophet to ever exist in human history is back regaling us with more tall tales from scripture that apparently were written down centuries ago to specially describe him and the improperly named '"continuing" Church of "god"' that was to rise up in the perilous end times. Never one to place his confidence and faith in the One he is supposed to, he has to constantly look backward to find some Old Covenant personality that best suits his end-time malarky.

It took him a while but he finally settled on the book of Amos to support his crackpot prophecy theories,

The Holy One preordained by God for these perilous end times says:

One of the messages that Amos proclaimed is that the time would come when people would not be able to find the words of God:

11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12) 
I believe that the above warning is a reference to a coming government and internet censorship. And in the Continuing Church of God, we have already experienced some of that from internet companies. (hyperlinks removed because they link back to his propaganda site)

At no point in the history of humanity has the "famine of the word" ever happened, and it most certainly will NOT be happening when the last con artists currently leading various COG's disappear. The day they cease blabbing their mouths will be the greatest day for humanity up until that moment. No more people will be lied to or deceived.

Not content to leave the subject alone, the Great Bwana Mzungu says:

But the major fulfillment is likely to start just before the start of the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), also called the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). 
Perhaps under the guise of “neutrality,” perhaps under the guise of “The Patriot Act,” perhaps under the guise of “public welfare,” perhaps because of alleged “intolerance,” calling parts of the COG message “hate speech” and/or national security threats/issues, something will be done to stop perhaps all of the organized media efforts to proclaim biblical truths. A short work will be done (Romans 9:27-28; see also Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word), which will trigger the end (Matthew 24:14), and likely then the famine of the word (Amos 8:11-12).(hyperlinks removed)

He then has to drag in the totally debunked British Israel myths as more proofs that point to him as the modern-day Amos:

Amos is giving a warning to those called by Jacob’s name (which was also Israel), whom according to Jacob himself, would seem to be a reference to the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:16). In modern times, this would be the Anglo-Saxon nations such as Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, and also the United States of America. The reference to trusting Mt. Samaria in Amos 6:1 could be a reference to trusting the USA to defend in the end (for more scriptures on the USA and Samaria. That will not end well for the USA or its allies of the Anglo-Saxon nations. 
Of course, few in those nations believe that they will be taken over and have such calamity. But that will come to pass. Most would not listen to Amos then, and most, sadly, will not listen to Amos now.

I can state with absolute confidence and assurance that The Great Bwana Bob is no more a modern-day Amos than Dave Pack is a prophet of God. Both are certified liars and deceivers of the brethren. Angels will rejoice in heaven the day these two are silenced!



  1. " .....a coming government and internet censorship." And every Bible in existence would have to be burned up.

    "Norman Edwards was the editor for Shepherd’s Voice magazine. He is not part of the Continuing Church of God, where I function as its human leader (and am an ordained prophet; the only known such ordained prophet in any legitimate Church of God group)."
    - Bob Thiel, website, June 14, 2024.

    The delusion is beginning to rival that of Dave Pack. Is there some kind of contest going on to see who is more insane?

  2. Anonymous said..

    ''..whom according to Jacob himself, would seem to be a reference to the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh..''
    ''.. The reference to trusting Mt. Samaria in Amos 6:1 could be a reference to trusting the USA..''

    Anglo Israel is one of the silliest doctrines invented in the last hundreds of years. The prophecy refers to the Jewish peoples.

    Jeremiah, in his writings and prophecies, uses the name ‘Israel’ both for the old northern kingdom as well as for his contemporaries in Judah.

    I have identified several places where this is so - I won't list them as they are easily found. This means Armstrongists are 100% wrong when they say Jermiah only refers to a separate Israel and they make thus equal USA/UK.

  3. The has been a steady famine of scripture going on for decades from within the churches. Preachers preach their own opinion in sermons barely using scripture. Scripture is used as a trampoline to bounce sky high away from it's meaning.

    Atheistisim does exist within the ministry as atheists existed in Jesus day within the Temple priesthood. Beware of ministry who barely use Jesus words.

  4. Like the leaders of the Armstrong movement, Bob Thiel is expecting curtailment of freedom to come from leftist sources.

  5. He’s got another one up claiming he’s an “ordained” prophet.

  6. Comment was made saying: "The world's greatest prophet to ever exist in human history is back regaling us with more tall tales from scripture that apparently were written down centuries ago to specially describe him and the improperly named '"continuing" Church of "god"' that was to rise up in the perilous end times..."
    Bob Thiel, like pack-of-lies Dave Pack, considers himSELF a "prophet," but what sort of a prophet would he be?

    Jeremiah, a real prophet of God, if alive today would tell both of them the following:

    "Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things..." Lamentations 2:14

    Does Bob Thiel says vain and foolish things when he uses words such as: "...I believe...is likely to start...perhaps...perhaps...perhaps...perhaps...perhaps...a short work (a Mark Mickelson is currently doing "A Short Work": citing that if this "prophet Bob" isn't aware of that yet)...and likely...", etc.?????

    Additional comment made was: "...Both are certified liars and deceivers of the brethren..."

    Perhaps if Isaiah were alive today he would expose their lies and falsehoods, as they both continue like so many other former WCG hirelings to foster their "here a little, there a little" theories about prophecies such as Jesus Christ's very soon return to earth to reign for 1,000 years: what might Isaiah say?

    "Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:" Isaiah 28:15

    Do Bob and Dave, along with the former WCG hirelings, strive to hid themSELVES under falsehoods and make lies their refuge?

    Time will tell...


  7. "The totally debunked B-I myths"?

    What bunk are you eating? Wikipedia's bunk?

    "The central tenets of British Israelism have been refuted by archaeological,[5] ethnological,[6] genetic,[7]: 181  and linguistic research".

    Oh, right. And evolution is an established fact. And secular research is never wrong or disputed.

    So you give no credence to statements from Josephus, Lost Chapter of Acts, King James v1 or Declaration of Arbroath? B-I has been around for centuries because it was taught no doubt by the church and affirmed by nobles, historians and heads of state. (Josephus wrote in the time of Paul that a multitude of Israelites had already migrated far north of the Euphrates and that some were in Europe and Asia, which the Phoenicians understood and informed Paul before he came to Britain from Spain)

    "For he (Paul) had heard in Phoenicia that certain of the children of Israel, about the time of the Assyrian captivity, had escaped by sea to 'the isles afar off,' as spoken by the prophet, and called by the Romans, Britain."

    Why are you so fiercely opposed to knowing your ancestry? Most of you are Israelites and descendants of Abraham, to whom the promises of glory were made.


  8. Josephus, a historian who wrote after the destruction of the second temple - first century AD, mentions Ephraim and Manasseh in Antiquities XI. 133 - and their location. (In speaking of the letters of Artaxerxes to Ezra - he stated “. the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by number”).

    The first century is some 500 or 600 years after Armstrong's claims the tribes had arrived to Europe to become Celts and Saxons. Thus, if Josephus knew of them beyond Euphrates that is no where near Celts and Saxons in Europe.

    Citing Josephus in support of the Anglo theory is unconvincing. May I recommend a good book by a Rabbi turned Christian, David Baron, titled : ''The history of the Lost Ten Tribes - Anglo Israelism examined''

    You can find free PDFs on line - written in 1915 and long ''before the claimed apostle had decided to champion the theory. It is a fine ''little book as Baron himself described it but full of information which debunks the silliest theory of recent times.

    Baron refers to others including Josephus.

  9. Response to 7:38: Raca! Thou fool!

  10. Anonymous said...

    ''.....Lost chapter of the Book of Acts..''

    Such alleged lost chapter 29 has hallmarks of being a spurious document. It did not gain a mention by Herbert Armstrong so far as I recall in his pushing of this theory.

    For a good discussion see this 4 min discussion with Dr Michael Heiser


  11. Bob muses: "Perhaps under the guise of “neutrality,” perhaps under the guise of “The Patriot Act,” perhaps under the guise of “public welfare,” perhaps because of alleged “intolerance,” calling parts of the COG message “hate speech” and/or national security threats/issues, something will be done to stop perhaps all of the organized media efforts to proclaim biblical truths."
    Perhaps under the guise of "Whachu talkin' about Willis"?

  12. Why are you so fiercely opposed to knowing your ancestry?

    This is a great question to ask BI believers who by denying the simple truth of DNA show their refusal to believe Romans 1:20. Is DNA lying? If so, then God is a liar and Romans 1:20 should be stricken from Scripture.

  13. 1:22, what is Antiquities X1, 133? Give us proper book, chapter and verse as I didn't know that he cited Ephraim and Mannaseh's location. The verse you do quote is in Bk X1, ch 5, v2. He says that two tribes (Jews, Benjamites and/or Danites?) were in Asia (Minor) and Europe.

    Regardless of when they arrived, they arrived, to the isles afar off (Is 66:19). The WHEN part is where the mystery is for everyone. Lost Chapter of Acts states that some Israelites (Danites?) fled by sea when the Assyrians invaded (8th century BC) and that some were in Spain a long time before arriving in Britain. The prophetess Deborah wondered why Dan sojourned (guwr) on boats (1200's BC) when they were needed for Israel's wars. (Judges 5:17) So Dan sailed the seas along with the Phoenicians.

    I think you need more than one book to "debunk a silly theory of recent times". This isn't a silly topic nor is it of recent times. Check out some internet forums. You have facts mixed with fiction that must be sorted out. Some scholarship is honest, others are deceitful. Have you read Yair Davidy's books on this subject?

    2:40 is calling me a "raca"? Well, then, there are a lot of fools because there is no unanimity on this subject. And why do you call me a fool if I am trying to search for the truth? You will look like a fool (if you survive) when you see the lost tribes come back to Israel in these last days and ask them about their nationality.

    DNA is proof? Come on. Don't put that on a level with Rom 1:20. What does DNA have to do with manifesting God's eternal power and divinity? DNA can show similarities but it cannot prove unequivocally whether you are an Israelite or not.

  14. >>>I think you need more than one book to "debunk a silly theory of recent times".

    There are a number of books on this whacky theory invented in England in the 1800's. it has been thoroughly de bunked. Baron was merely suggested as one book worth a read because it was well written and informative. Strange you would make such assumption it indicates somethings about you.

    The fact is you distorted Josephus to make it appear his words support the dumb theory.
    PLease reflect on your willingness to do so. I chose to reference this one book as Baron makes a reference to Josephus. This you seemed to fail to grasp,

    If it's important to you to believe the theory even though the fake apostles fake prophecies are linked to it you have a lot of company in COG land. It's no big deal if that your desire and to be added to all the other whacky ideas they hold.

    This silliest of bible theories about the supposed connection between the people of the British Isles and the Ten Lost Tribes started with the ideas of Richard Brothers (1757-1824).

    This Canadian-born, self-proclaimed prophet, founded a millenarian movement that towards the end of the 18th century attracted many adherents in England. According to Brothers, salvation would include the Jews’ return to the Land of Israel, including that of the Ten Lost Tribes.

    In his opinion descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes can be found among the inhabitants of the British Isles. This idea was later on developed by John Finleyson, a Scottish lawyer, in a book he published in 1849, by Ralph Wedgwood, in a separate book published in 1814, and William Henry Poole (b. 1820) in Anglo-Israel; The Saxon race proved to be the lost tribes of Israel (Toronto, 1889). However, it was John Wilson (d.1871), an Irishman, who turned these ideas into the movement of British Israelism.

    He and his followers strove to discover and describe the historic connection between the Ten Lost Tribes and the British people, via various waves of migrations and immigrations from Central Asia to the north shores of the Black Sea and ultimately to Britain. The movement consequently gained many adherents in Britain and from there it spread to other English speaking countries, especially to the US. British Israelism continued to flourish in the first half of the 20th century and still has followers in many countries”

    Along came the fake apostle and he adopted this theory then already extant and added to his collection of whacky and stupid prophetic announcements which falsity is proven to run into the hundreds of false statements. it's time you woke up but Ive noticed COG wonderland people have a deep need to believe lots of funny myths. .

  15. There is seriously good, solid scholarship available, pointing out the very real problems associated with a ‘lost chapter of the book of Acts’.
    It’s simply nonsense as is BI.
    This topic has been dealt with at length by this blog and by the many excellent comments written afterwards.
    BI adherents lose. Completely.
    It’s not even a fair contest.
    It has no credibility nor do its very few supporters.

  16. It's comical. Since 2017, it has become chic to believe in conspiracy theories, to reject fact checking by falsely attributing it to liberal sources, and to forcefully dedicate oneself to demagogues with hidden agendas. So, with all that stylishness, why not? Why not reapproach British Israelism and offer it up once again at a time when large numbers of people are embracing all manner of ridiculous things? Maybe one can get a revival going? I mean when you think about it, BI is almost patriotic. Doesn't it fly in the face of Critical Race Theory?

    Sorry, but it's all a waste. Getting a rally going with Armstrongism is just about as useless as a Moonie resuscitation. Terminally uncool!
