Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Holy Trinity of Armstrongism


Samuel Kitchen writes:

There are several witnesses which bear the truth concerning the Worldwide Church of God candlestick a/k/a Philadelphia Era of the Church of God.
1)The Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, gives faithful and true witness.
2)The Holy apostle, Mr.Herbert W. Armstrong, chosen by God, filled with the Holy Spirit, was used by Jesus Christ to raise up the Worldwide Church of God and gives a faithful and true witness.
3) The Holy Spirit gives witness. For if Herbert W Armstrong was a man of unbelief, he would not have received the Holy Spirit. SO God the Father gives witness of this man, that the Holy Spirit came and dwelled in Him doing the Work of God.
Are we to disbelieve God? To trample underfoot Jesus Christ, the True and Faithful Witness? To believe a lie?
Only the believers know God, and obey Him, and have witness of God that they are His, by receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Unbelievers, are defiled, and cannot know God, and if they claim to know God, they are liars and give a false report.
And if I believe, does not the Holy Spirit in me give witness, that I speak the truth? For if I disbelieve the Holy Spirit would not dwell within me.
And if I believe those sent of God and what they say, is that not evidence of the witness of God, that I am His, and not of this world?(1 John 4:6)
What is holding me here, except I have been called by God, and have received the Holy Spirit?
I am alone in my area. I assemble with those of like mind for the Feasts and Holy Days. I am constantly encouraging brethren to assemble as the spiritual body of Christ, a/k/a Worldwide Church of God! Not as a separated group or church, which is established through disbelief, but as the very same Church that was raised up by Jesus Christ our Head! It was done through an apostle of Jesus Christ named Herbert W. Armstrong.
Those who have "broken away" have done so through DISBELIEF! They don't believe God, and so the Holy Spirit is WITNESS AGAINST THEM because through unbelief, they are defiled.
Titus 1:15-16
“Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”
By having another church group, THEY ARE DENYING GOD while professing they know God!


  1. I checked Acts 1 on this the other day. It appears there were other "holy apostles" (a Biblical phrase, based on Ephesians 3:5).

    So why single out Mr. Armstrong? Especially since Rev. 19:20 indicates there will be more than one when Jesus comes back?

    (At least he didn't put Aaron Dean in his "Big Three".)

  2. Pretty bold claim. Follow my church or you've denied the Holy Spirit. The proof you've denied the Holy Spirit is you don't follow my church. Makes perfect sense. Not circular at all.

  3. There sure is an abundance of demented but sincere peeping and muttering amongst the teachers of Armstrongism.

    Gird up yer loins, I guess, put on your wading boots, and give 'em the same amount of room ya would the proverbial elephant with diarrhea.

  4. Anonymous said ....

    '' Mr.Herbert W. Armstrong, chosen by God, filled with the Holy Spirit, was used by Jesus Christ to raise up the Worldwide Church of God and gives a faithful and true witness.

    '...I am constantly encouraging brethren to assemble as the spiritual body of Christ , a/k/a Worldwide Church of God ..''

    what an amazing bit of self satisfied false propaganda and vanity. We all know full well the fruits of this fake apostle no need to add further lies.

  5. "Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong....filled with the Holy Spirit.."

    Not really. Herb was trained in advertising, which is only meaningful in a free market.
    God views HWA as a traitor since he embraced communism, which he projected into the bible. Being a wolf in sheeps clothing, he outwardly condemned communism while embracing all its doctrines. It's the reason he pushed the date 1975, knowing full well that thousands of his members would be harmed. So much for his "outgoing concern" song. Warsaw Pack communism was failing, so he tried to coerce Christ to return prematurely in order to cover up the failure.
    To this day, the ACOGs splinters are run like North Korean due to Herb's sin.
    Herb, like Hitler, will always be adored and worshipped by many.
