Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dave Pack: The Elijahn Wink


The Elijahn Wink

Jesus Christ did not bring the Kingdom of God at sunrise, but Pastor General David C. Pack fully expects the brethren of The Restored Church of God to be generous with their Pentecost offerings this morning. Those green envelopes will provide a crucial infusion of funds to keep the Biblical Tall Tales Series right on track until the Feast of Trumpets in October.

Right about now, sad panda David C. Pack may be wondering what he missed for the 82nd time since March 2022 as his crack team of ghostwriters scramble to manifest a new narrative before the PM Announcements. But on the bright side, at least Dave is right about being Elijah. Or is he?

During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 515)” on June 1, 2024, David C. Pack told the brethren of The Restored Church of God that he was not Elijah (wink-wink) while providing evidence that he was Elijah.

Flashback Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:28:25 I’ve said to you, brethren, I am not Elijah. I’ve maintained that.

David C. Pack does not believe that. Not for a second.

He has verbally gone back and forth whether he is or is not Elijah the Prophet mentioned in Malachi 4:5. David C. Pack first announced he was Elijah in 2015 with a six-hour, three-part message delivered on the longest, most excruciating Sabbath in RCG history. Those of us who were trapped at Headquarters on January 24, 2015, remember “First a Moses, Now ELIJAH—130 Proofs!” all too well.

Back then, there was no wiggle room for whether David C. Pack believed with his whole heart that God had specially chosen and trained him to fulfill that role to usher in the return of Jesus Christ just in the nick of time.

But, after some quality time with prophetic failures, David C. Pack started backing away from rubbing Elijah in the brethren’s noses after more and more people left RCG, calling him a false prophet. Because that is precisely what he is. Unto this day.

The legacy COG doctrine that offices are given by God flies in the face of David C. Pack denying his Elijahness. According to his own book, he does not have the authority to take or put away an office God placed him in.

And there are no take-backs in Bible prophecy. He either was never a prophet or always will be.

David C. Pack’s recent denial reiterates that any doctrine held by the righteous at The Restored Church of God is subject to the veto power of a non-dunamis man and that the cowardly hirelings at Headquarters who claim to hold fast to Bible truths expose their own hypocrisy for allowing heresies to continue without consequence.

The man who literally wrote the book about God’s Government bends the rules whenever it applies to himself. Being at the top of the theological food chain certainly has its benefits.

Headquarters enablers like political smoothie Bradford Schleifer, non-critical thinker Edward Winkfield, gutless pacifist Ryan Denee, and financial schemer Carl Houk all expose themselves as unprincipled capitulators for allowing their human idol to continue without accountability just so they can keep their jobs. Taking a stand on biblical principles to Dave’s face is a one-way ticket to the parking lot.

Shame on the lot of you.


Not only does David C. Pack disregard his own literature and clear passages in the Bible, but he also disregards his own words.

Flashback Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:09:03 “Thus speaks the Lord of Hosts, ‘Behold, the man,’ that could be the Son of Man, ‘whose name is the Branch.’” Now, when it’s talking about me, it usually uses my name. Or Joshua.

If that were true, how can he say this a week later?

Part 516 – June 8, 2024
@ 05:23 “…that shall come upon your two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas in one day. They shall die, both of them. And I will raise me up a faithful priest.” Now, that’s Elijah.

You can read all of 1 Samuel and not find Elijah mentioned once. There are two mentions of Joshua the Bethshemite, but that is not Joshua the High Priest. The entire book of 1 Samuel never mentions Dave.

David C. Pack rewrites the Bible as he reads it, injecting his corruptive interpretations onto the page. Why? Because Dave needs to feel special and places himself all throughout the Bible, whether a name is in the verse or not.

David C. Pack does not need ANY name in a verse to apply HIS name to it. He preaches that he is “the righteous from the east” and “the goodman of the house" when no names exist. His "when it's talking about me" statement is a flat lie.

Part 516 – June 8, 2024
@ 05:36 "…and I will build him a sure house, and he shall stand, he shall walk before my anointed forever." So, it tells you Elijah (in a sense, I don’t mean to reduce it), but he’s the frontman. He’s in front of Christ. Christ is behind him, ruling (reigning, if you will, using the Greek) in the midst of his enemies. So, Elijah’s kind of a mouthpiece before the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord.

When Dave first dreamed up the doctrine that the introduction of Samuel in the book of 1 Samuel was about Dave instead of Samuel, it was shocking because he provided no evidence. He simply read Elijah into the verse, which has been “fact” ever since.

It really is too bad the verses in 1 Samuel are not referencing Samuel as the faithful priest because he is missing out on being IN FRONT of Jesus Christ. However, since Dave is not Elijah (wink-wink), it seems odd that he is so interested in promoting Elijah when that fulfillment has nothing to do with him.

Whoever Elijah actually turns out to be (wink-wink), he will be God’s frontman and mouthpiece. Being in front of Jesus Christ is a hefty role. After laboring for over 516 parts of a never-ending series, it is hard to fathom that David C. Pack is not the least bit jealous of whoever this Elijah person winds up being. Wink-wink.

Despite Dave's gossamer lip service that he is not Elijah (wink-wink) in Part 515, during Parts 516-518, Elijah keeps emerging where he is not mentioned.

@ 21:26 "The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth, and he shall give strength to his king." And now you're not gonna give strength to Christ. I know for a fact that’s talking about about Elijah. I could take ya to four verses that prove it. "He gives strength to his king and exalts the horn of his anointed." Now, that's that's we we already saw that’s talking about Elijah.

Talking until it becomes true is an effective way to prove biblical authenticity. David C. Pack once believed he knew the date for the return of Jesus Christ as surely as he knew his own name. With that kind of assurance, how could he be wrong? You know, with Pentecost today being the exception.


It is often noted that a liar will eventually get caught because they cannot keep all the lies straight.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. David C. Pack believes he is Elijah despite his empty protests in 3…2…1...

Part 517 – June 8, 2024
@ 07:16 This year, Pentecost is on the 10th [Sivan]. Why would God have me counting the sizes or Elijahcounting or measuring the Temple and showing it on the 10th and calling it the beginning of the year?

David C. Pack tells you everything you need to know whether he speaks the truth.

By the time he reached Part 518, he was no longer trying. Dave can say he is not Elijah (wink-wink) all he wants, but any honest thinking person only half paying attention can connect False Teaching A to False Teaching B to arrive at the super-secret decoded answer C: David C. Pack believes he is Elijah.

Part 518 – June 11, 2024
@ 40:26 The man who succeeded Moses was named Joshua. The man who who succeeds him in the modern age is Joshua the High Priest. He’s got his own human name. And he’s called Elijah and various things, but the point is, there's a Joshua that succeeds a Moses succeeded Moses long ago.

•  David C. Pack denied he was Elijah again during Part 515.
•  David C. Pack claims he is Joshua the High Priest.
•  David C. Pack reaffirmed that Joshua the High Priest is Elijah.
•  Since Joshua the High Priest is David C. Pack and Joshua the High Priest is Elijah,
    then Elijah is David C. Pack. 

When David C. Pack denies he is Elijah (wink-wink), he lies to the brethren of The Restored Church of God. And they must love to have it so because they keep paying him to continue doing it.

From his own mouth, David C. Pack exposes himself as a terribly transparent fib-teller. His mouth makes the sounds, “I am not Elijah,” so that Jaco and the hirelings at Headquarters can give quotes to the unpaid field mollusks to cling on to and throw at concerned brethren and prospective members.


To enjoy the authentic effect of a rapid-fire doctrinal mishmash, watch Frank Kelley’s Elijah Compilation video. It is unintentionally hilarious.

The brethren of The Restored Church of God have grown frighteningly accustomed to being tossed to and fro by Dave’s hot air ex-cathedra. This has been going on for years.

Flashback Part 243 – March 28, 2020
@ 1:16:59 But I am not Elijah now. I’m a messenger. There nobody else that’s a messenger. I understand that, and I understand who gets raised.

Even back then, Dave was adding a little wink-wink.

Flashback Part 374 – June 8, 2022
@ 1:32:49 So, if it’s true that I am Elijah the Prophet now, then this is a lock for next week.

@ 1:34:31 Look, you know my heart. As recently as this week, I've gone I've said, "No, no, no, no, I'm not. I'm not Elijah.” I still wanna say I’m not.

Flashback Part 381 – July 9, 2022
@ 1:14:13 So, the ancient John [the Baptist] was a prophet who proceeded Christ, but he knew that he was not actually Elijah. So, I am not Elijah the Prophet. Not now, not ever.

Flashback Part 389 – August 24, 2022
@ 37:29 Elijah is a title, brethren.

Flashback Part 447 – June 6, 2023
@ 2:02:42 Now, the fact that He’s [God] revealing this to me, I have to be a prophet. Ephesians 3:5 says it. 2 Peter 1:20-21–you can’t reveal these things to a prophet and maybe a bunch of prophets or at least two more if they’re in the room. I have to be Elijah now.

Flashback Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:28:25 I’ve said to you, brethren, I am not Elijah. I’ve maintained that.

Choose wisely which David C. Pack you believe because both are winking at you.

Marc Cebrian

See: The Elijahn Wink


  1. This man is certainly a mental case. He needs to be put into a mental hospital, where he can join others like him who claim to be everyone else except for the man of sin.

  2. The green envelopes Dave gorges his ego on should have been sent to Shriner's Hosp. or St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Or to Am. Red Cross or to the FFA Future Farmers or to anything worthwhile, since Dave is essentially a scam artist & a confidence man playing a con game.
