Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 16, 2024

"Ravenous Wolves and Grumblers" Are Devouring the Improperly Named "continuing" Church of "god"


It is another day in COGland and I was looking for the latest wackadoodle comment by any COG minister, and one of them did not disappoint! These guys seem so eager to step up to the plate and make complete jackasses of themselves and because of that, I just have to post it.

This time it was the loyal sidekick to the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel, the self-appointed, nonCOG-ordained Chief Overseer of the greatest Church of God ever to exist outside of a delusional mind. Herbert Armstrong would be sooooooooooo proud!

Steve Dupuie is not happy! There seem to be a lot of ravenous wolves, flatters, and grumpy people in the ranks of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god". The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu is constantly seeking to prove to us he has the most superfantabulous Church of God to ever exist. One that is filled with the most unified and spiritually mature Christians ever to walk this earth. We have all known this is a load of bunk for some time, even before we found out about the witch doctors, money laundering, and other nefarious activities going on in Africa.

Here is Steve, in his own words:

Ravenous Wolves and Grumblers 
Steve Dupuie defines ‘ravenous wolves’ as those who are within the congregations of the true church, but they do not truly believe the truth–they also tend to want to draw members after themselves. He mentions that they are following Satan’s pattern. Steve Dupuie defined grumblers as those who are within the congregations of the true church, but who complain, as well as those who tend listen to talebearers who grumble about church leadership. He points out that God warns us through Jude and others. He stated that the Jesus warns of wolves and grumblers who are also not congregants; in the Book of Matthew–he says their only interest is to destroy the flock. Steve Dupuie mentions grumblers and flatterers that are prophesied to arise in these latter times from the Book of Daniel. He mentions that the time will come when the coming King of the North will turn against the Continuing Church of God. Steve Dupuie mentions that while they may not outwardly appear to be wolves and grumblers, we should be able to know them by their fruits.


  1. Oh crapppp! Stevie, please! How do you stamp out something that nobody even knows or cares about?

    When the King of the North makes his comeback to POTUS, I seriously doubt that he'll even have heard of the CCOG, or Bob Thiel. You have to do more than semi-silently peeping and muttering in your little Passover warehouse in some California beach town!

    Start a militia, Bobby! Then you'll get your notice!

  2. By Dupuie's own definition, Bwana Bob was a ravenous wolf, a grumbler and a flatterer while he was attending the Living Church of God. Hoisted on your own petard by one of your minions, Bob!

  3. Wouldn't it just be a gas if Jesus returned on Super Bowl Sunday, descending through the open arena/stadium roof, and Bob Thiel missed it because he hates football?

    Actually, since all true Christians are involved in NASCAR, Jesus will probably return to Talledega or Daytona!

  4. I agree with him, Bob Thiel is Chief-Ravenous-Wolf in the CCOG.

  5. They'll use the 2 catchy terms grumblers & wolves for quite a while now as the new snappy sound bites. Very innovative 🙄
