Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

LCG Members Must Such Grievous Sinners That They Need To Start Preparing Now For Atonement


In Living Church of God their record has been skipping in the same place for a quarter of a century now. Perilous times are knocking at the door. It's just a few short years away. Within 5-10 years, etc. Then, add to that the same message that they heard incessantly from their mother church for decades. Keeping the members scared is well well-worn-out tool of the church.

Plus, there is an incessant mantra that members are NOT ready. They are always asleep at the wheel. They won't be ready when everyone flees in the night.

Because the members are always such miserable failures, they need to start planning now on how they fast on the Day of Atonement, otherwise, their god is not going to listen to them.

I wonder when the weekly message from Winnial will ever be positive. "You are loved by God". "God's grace has set you free", "you are beautiful in God's sight", etc. No "buts, no warnings, no fear factor, no law-keeping threats. 

Let grace abound:

All that passing laws against sin did was produce more lawbreakers. But sin didn’t, and doesn’t, have a chance in competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace. When it’s sin versus grace, grace wins hands down. All sin can do is threaten us with death, and that’s the end of it. Grace, because God is putting everything together again through the Messiah, invites us into life—a life that goes on and on and on, world without end. Romans 5:20 MSG

Winnail's incessant whining: 

Prepare for the Fast—Part 1: We are clearly warned that “in the last days perilous times will come” (2 Timothy 3:1–5), and those days will come “suddenly” (Deuteronomy 28:20Isaiah 29:530:13Jeremiah 6:26). We are also warned that Jesus Christ will return unexpectedly(1 Thessalonians 5:2–3) or else all flesh will perish (Matthew 24:20–22). Jesus said His disciples need to “watch” and “be ready” (Matthew 24:42–44), but He also warned that many will not be ready for His return (Matthew 7:21–2325:1–10) because they have become distracted by trials and the “cares of this world” (Matthew 13:18–23). Numerous scriptures warn that we must come out of this world that is hurtling down the road to destruction (Acts 2:402 Corinthians 6:17–18Revelation 18:4). A major reason for the Fast for us—as a Church and as individuals—is to draw closer to God(Isaiah 55:6James 4:8). Take time to pray and meditate on these scriptures as we prepare for the coming Fast.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

Prepare for the Fast—Part 2: The Bible reveals there is a Judgment coming and that Jesus Christ will judge the world when He returns (1 Chronicles 16:332 Timothy 4:1). That judgment will be especially severe on the Israelite nations, which have “forsaken” God and no longer have a “fear” of God as they “do their own thing” (Jeremiah 2:11–19Judges 21:25). They will lose their blessings because they followed misguided leaders who urged them to disobey and despise God’s laws (Leviticus 26:14–17) and to view God’s word—the Bible—as a “strange thing” (Hosea 8:12). The rejection of God and His word has spawned the moral decline, hatred, violence, corruption, and promotion of behaviors like homosexuality and transgenderism that God calls abominations (Leviticus 18:22Romans 1:18–321 Corinthians 6:9–10). However, God reveals what He is looking for in those who will be spared the coming judgment: people who obey His commandments and who are humble and teachable and “tremble at [His] word” (Deuteronomy 10:12–13Isaiah 66:2). Another reason for the coming Fast is to redouble our efforts to develop and show these fruits in our lives.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail



  1. In LCG the real sin is not bowing to the ego of the ministry. Sex with underage kids is fine if you “have the right attitude” towards the ministry.

  2. It really gets quite ridiculous, doesn't it? The implication is that if the brethren are not ready, God can"t bring the end. The poor dumb sheep don't even get to be like the foolish bridesmaids who miss out because they weren't ready and got locked out of the wedding! Nnooooo!!! They're actually responsible for the wedding not happening!

    What a triple K! (Krock Ka Krap)

  3. Jesus is now the atonement, the reconciliation - Rom 5:11.

  4. Whichever LCG ministerial personage granted the too-quick parole/probation onto the pædophiliacs, ought to soul-search & re-examine if Jesus would approve to intermix such a predator wolf back with young youth/sheep there at the flock quite so quick.

    I would hope Jesus & The Father prefer a safer church potluck environment for the innocent over granting willy nilly 70 x 7 forgiveness onto a vile pædophile.

    It's in the same arena as how Jesus would prefer a child to "pre-judge" (righteously) a goon driving a car 'round the playground on the lookout for vulnerable easy prey to lure into his car. We (especially children) do "judge" for safety, I might think, so don't tell me Jesus wants no one to ever judge at all in times like that, eh.

  5. There's some truth to what's been said. Even when I attended services in the 1980s, some middle aged members in my congregation had died from cancer, accidents etc.
    Whenever we die, for us, Christ has returned.

  6. That judgment will be especially severe on the Israelite nations, which have “forsaken” God and no longer have a “fear” of God as they “do their own thing

    Big problem is that the Armstrong ''Israel'' equals US and UK and other nations are identified with others such as France etc - big problem is this is all propaganda provably false.


  7. "I wonder when the weekly message from Winnial will ever be positive."

    One of Winnail's only times he would issue a positive, cheery message is when he & the dream-team counsel low income, poor singles who wish to have a church marriage there...low income singles are usually told to not marry (& to be cheerful about the no-answer). The singles should be "glad" the staunch church prefers to hold to Paul's stiff anti-marriage stance on how it is better to remain single. Yay, yippee, happy ministry basking in wedded bliss but not anyone struggling in low income.

    No, don't even try to wisely combine 2 small incomes currently separately renting 2 tiny studio apts. anyway, into one better apt. paid for with the 2 heads are better than one combined incomes for a church bless'd LCG or any COG marriage (for the poor). Stay single and spend years building a church approved financial portfolio 1st, & be ye happy.

    Don't even look at Haitian or Mozambiqan church marriages that endure on basically zero income...that's not for you, American LCG singles.

  8. Does this mean LCG is skipping Tishri 1 this year?

    After all, the "Feast of Trumpets" normally comes first.


  9. "Another reason for the coming Fast is to redouble our efforts to develop and show these fruits in our lives."

    If you have the Holy Spirit, the fruit will automatically flow from your innermost being !

    You won't have to WORK and "redouble" you own EFFORT to develop and show theses fruits in our lives.

  10. To 11:24,
    correct, as its' all apart of their bias narrative. The tribulation is said to come upon the whole world in the NT (Rev 3:10, & Mark 13:19-20).

    These are Christ own words, as he said no flesh would be saved if those days were not shortened. He didn't say no Israelite flesh would be saved.

  11. I would agree they're not ready. They need to repent of their Armstrong heresies.

    They seem to think they're on the right track as long as they don't "disobey and despise God’s laws," by which they mean individual laws like only eating the right meats, keeping the right days, avoiding "pagan" practices like Christmas and Easter, etc.

    That encapsulizes their religion -- and it's not what saves us. It's not what David meant when he said, "O how love I thy law."

    We don't want to be stuck in a checklist religion when it's time for us to check out from this life.

    Christ have mercy.

  12. Of course they are not ready, as long as the Armstrongism is still in there, they will not be ready. Anybody that continues to follow a man that thought Christ would return around 1975 is not to be followed.

    Galatians 4:9-11 But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? You observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.

    The religion can't get past observing certain days (or even setting dates) that they feel makes them more righteous than anybody else. Even the Pharisees and Sadducees did those things. We are saved by the blood of the Lamb, and the testimony (Revelation 12:11).

    How does Daniel (who was greatly beloved) in captivity use a checklist religion, how does the apostle John in prison on the island of Patmos use a checklist religion for salvation.

    They got a checklist for who they think are the israelite nations, checklist on who the beast is, checklist on everything because they "can't be wrong."

  13. As you know, or you conveniently overlooked, they have called for a church-wide fast for August 3, 2024. That is the fast Winnail is referencing, not Atonement.

  14. As you know, or conveniently left out, the fast being referred to by Winnail is a church-wide fast called for August 3, 2024.

  15. During their biggie fast, will he exhort the mailroom staff to remove the bulletin board pinups of supporters' prayer requests the staff jeers at the way sophomoric bullies do in school?
