Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 7, 2025

Crackpot Prophet Brags About Deceiving "So-Called" Christians Who Invite Him On Their Programs


Don't you just love it when various COG leaders and ministers who speak on their various podcasts and video programs claim they proclaim God's word proudly, without reservation, and forcefully?

Do they really? 

Have they ever?

Even Herbert couldn't speak about Jesus or God in public and would instead talk about a "strong hand from someplace," What the flying "f" is that? The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Almost all COG leaders, to this very day, couch their words so not to draw too much attention to their amazing God. Being martyrs for the truth is not included on their bingo cards.

This brings us today to our most highly favored Elijah/Elisha/Joshua of God, dreamed into being as the foundations of the world were being laid, to come forth in all glory in the perilous end times, to spread the truth of God, delivered through dreams, to a lost and hurting world. Never has a messenger of God been so doubly blessed to be God's own personal mouthpiece.

Hold on!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait a minute! Put those brakes on! Things are not as they are supposed to be!

The Great Bwana turns out to be a wimpy coward just like Herbert. The Great Bwana admits he has to guard his words when speaking to other Christian podcasters and interviewers. So much for forcefully proclaiming his god! The church is sure filled with a lot of impotent wusses anymore. Plus, why is he seeking interviews with so-called/fake insincere Christians as he constantly calls them?

Anyway, after more backslapping, here is what he said in his latest letter to his faithful 100 Caucasians:

Last Thursday, I was on Michael Klassen’s 5 AM Podcast.

Last Friday, I was on with Monica Hansen, The Graceful Warrior podcast. Monica told me that she had been thinking of contacting me before our podcast team contacted her. So, she was glad we were able to do one together.

On Tuesday, I was on Dr. Rosemarie Downer’s All Things Faith Walk podcast. We discussed the first portion of our booklet: Is God’s Existence Logical?

Then, being the duplicitous slug that he is, he mentions how he needs to be tricky with his hosts: 

Let me add that being a guest on Protestant podcast channels is tricky as we do want to get God’s truth to all we can, but also by trying to minimize offense to the podcast hosts. 

After he leaves his host's presence, he then puts up links to his poorly researched and heretical booklets, articles, and videos. 

That said, it is my intent to put up links to many of the podcasts after the hosts upload them. 
Being a podcast guest looks like another door that Jesus opened for His Philadelphian remnant (Revelation 3:7-8; cf. Hebrews 13:1, literal)–and we in the CCOG are utilizing this door. We are reaching people that we otherwise would often not be able to reach.

Reaching them through deception and deceit. Typical Armstrongite methods of spreading their so-called gospel. 


  1. These podcast hosts have not done due diligence.
    That they would host someone like Thiel on their shows smells a little.
    Never heard of these folks, so one could presume they are small and have a very very limited audience. Perhaps even catering to the extreme fringe within Christian circles. But Bob being Bob, this is an opportunity to blow his trumpet about the great outreach he does. Perhaps a little message, warning to these podcast hosts about Thiel and his ‘work’ and doctrinal impurities with its African sideshows wouldn’t go amiss.


    1. In Matthew 23, Jesus frequently addressed the scribes and Pharisees as "hypocrites," criticizing their outward piety while condemning their inner greed and self-indulgence, and their failure to prioritize justice, mercy, and faith

  2. Bob accepted his Th.D. degree from an institution where affirmation of the Trinity is required of all its students. That means Bob is either a heretic or a willful commandment-breaker. Next to his profession of the Trinity to get the thirty pieces of silver that are his Th.D., telling a few porkies on a radio show is small stuff.

  3. It is better to believe in the Spaghetti Monster. Who have his followers ever dropped bombs on? Did they nuke innocent Japan like some other people did? No.

  4. It's amazing how 2,000 years makes such a difference. Time was when your message would get you jailed or stoned. Now they just cut off your access to their audiences if you're not careful.

    One thing we can always say about Bob. He always reaps what he sews, and then he wonders why nobody respects him, and blames Satan because that's the only way he can boost his profile.

  5. trying to minimize offense to the podcast hosts.

    Translation: he wants to get invited back. As many times as possible.

    But there are so many people podcasting now. If Joe Rogan invites him on, I'll pay close attention.

    1. Yeah. Only the exceptional ones go viral!

      I guess Bob's not doing anything any other human does. In terms of boy meets girl, new mates don't really begin to let down their guards and facades until six months into the relationship. That's when they first begin to actually know one another.

      Too many Christians attempt to imitate Paul, to be all things to all people, when the sincere thing is to be the same thing to all people. Actually, Paul was probably talking about drawing upon a lifetime of experiences to relate to others, but most people misinterpret and become deliberately disingenuous.

  6. I definitely appreciate the bingo card... But I've gotta say, every one of my COG buzzword bingo cards had to include "inculcate".

  7. Christians are often extremely gullible anyway. Mouth a few of their catchphrases and theyll usually fall all over you. Watching my very Protestant boss dogwhistle at his favorites is always hilarious.

  8. Does the Bingo game have as a winner, when you get five in a row, or when the entire card gets called out, or perhaps, when you get a "cross" on the card? Im looking to get one of these BANNED bingo games!

    1. How sad it must be, to be stalking others goggle accounts but not as sad as the fraud of lying to be a single female on a COG singles page.

  9. Armstrong's methods of spreading the gospel do not seem to be fundamentally different from other methods.

  10. You can only be doubly blessed by somebody HIGHER up. Somebody at the TOP. The peanut who "doubly blessed" Bob had no authority to do so. It's a joke.
