Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

UCG: Income Down, Godly Housewives and UCG's 'Essence'

Some UCG Conference highlights:

UCG is in the process of budgeting a 40% decrease in income.  Partly because of the tremendous loss of money from the UCG and COGaWA debacle and a failed economy.

UCG is still trying to decide to what to do with it's women.  10 years ago they produced a document that pertained to the 'needs' of women in UCG in order for them "... to be effective wives, mothers and homemakers."

God forbid if any woman in UCG might have the ability to teach or lead something!

They also decided that they need some kind of communication between elder's wives.

Um, hello.....it's 2011 and your kids have better communication with their friends than your women do?

This is such an important matter that they had to draft a proposal:

After some discussion on the matter, Mr. John Elliott proposed and Mr. Scott Ashley seconded the following proposal:
Whereas, the Council of Elders desires to establish a means for elders' wives to communicate among themselves,
Now therefore, it is hereby resolved that, Ministerial and Member Services is to develop a means for online networking and communication for elders' wives of UCGIA.
The Council approved unanimously this proposal.

Do they not realize how incredibly stupid this makes them look? 10 years after a proposal nothing has happened, and close to 20 years after breaking away to form the most perfect COG on earth, they still have not done anything!  It should be quite obvious to the women of UCG that you are a low priority.  Men rule, you are only there to submissive wives and crafty Martha Stewart homemakers.

They have also decided that they need to determine what the ministers/UCG's essential 'essence' is.  They've decided that they have 'godly relationships'.  As much as I want to I will not go there..............

Critical Essence:
The Council concluded a very informative and spirited discussion regarding our critical essence based on the research provided by the Northlich company. Based on a desire to be crystal clear with how the Council sees the essence of our personality, our way of life and of what our message is about, the Council felt that it would be more precise to add the distinguishing and clarifying word "godly" to the statement of our critical essence.

Mr. McNeely proposed, Mr. Seiglie seconded, and the Council adopted "godly relationships" as our critical essence.

UCG will no longer 'match' 403B contributions by ministers and elders.  They do not have the income to do that any longer.

Council Secretary Gerald Seelig took the floor to submit to the Council the appropriate documentation to empower the President and the Administration to withdraw the 403B thrift matching plan,


  1. Why is Jesus always portrayed as looking like Richard Chamberlain in "Shogun," or a member of the band "Alabama?" Does Jesus have a retro-obsession with the late seventies/early eighties?

    That woman on the swing is pretty white. And frail. She looks like the planation daughter in "Mandingo" who was screwing that big slave. And Juice Newton. And did she make the dress out of a McCalls pattern? And why does the Bride O' Christ await His Return on a porch swing with a really tacky embroidered pillow?

    The person who painted this picture is lacking in taste to the extent that he or she has actually acquired negative points and is in the region of Really Bad Taste.

    Paul Ray

  2. Robert E Lee should be in the picture, too.

    Paul Ray

  3. Evangelical religious pictures are usually in poor taste! This one was so disgusting that I had to use it! It is just a disgusting as UCG's continued treatment of it's women.

  4. 1) UCG, and for that matter WCG, and ALL the COGs have always desired and had little mousy Stepford Wives. What's so bad about it is that the women love to be that way. They think it's "godly".

    2) As far as "elder's wives" communicating among themselves...hell, they never communicated with, nor had good friends with the low-life "laity" women. That was taboo! They have always thought that they were a step above them.

    3) "Critical essence"? They wouldn't know a true "godly" characteristic if it kicked them in the ass. What a bunch of Pharisees!

    4) UCG short on money? Tough....LOVE!

  5. Steve, no offense but you exaggerate or generalize. I personally knew none as you describe and most with quite the opposite characteristics. Some were under oppressive minister husband types for sure, but you paint with to wide a brush on this.

    It would be as if I said, "all members were just suck up followers, too stupid to have friends outside their small church and without a sincere bone in their body. All wannabe's whose ideal was to be a deacon and polish the pastors shoes so they could find out all about the private lives of their friends."

    My former wife was one of the most down to earth women I know. Loved by everyone for her kindness and genuine concern. Never let an opportunity to encourage slip by or send a card, many of which some still remind me of to this day. I knew many like her. Her mom, was the very same way to her own harm at times I think

    We knew many good and kind minister/elder/deacon wives

    All or nothing labels just don't hold true in many circumstances

    M.T. Hall

  6. Jesus looked like any normal Jew of his day. Well ok, except for the long flowy hair, gracile fingers and pensive look.

    And of Nordic stock...ok, and really buff and like a tender plant...but other than that...definately kick ass Jewish Warrior/Zealot/Galilean Fisherman type.

    M.T. Nets

  7. I would be more amenable to accepting Jesus into my heart if he was portrayed as looking like Kenny Rogers.

    Paul Ray

  8. The UCG Motto?

    Preparing a people

    For what, we wonder.

  9. Douglas wrote, "The UCG Motto?
    Preparing a people
    For what, we wonder."

    Perhaps their motto would be be better stated, "Preparing the sheeple- for fleecing"

    Now, *that* would be honesty!

    Jimmy D.

  10. MY COMMENT: M.T., why do you hide behind anonymity? Anyhow, I base my findings on what I experienced in the COGs for 30+ years. I have NEVER met a "minister's" wife who was the way you describe. If there were such a woman in a COG, "loved by everyone, genunie concern, sending cards, blah, blah, blah", why don't those who have left the group ever hear from her again? What's that Scripture that talks about just loving those who love you? I guess Jesus "painted with a wide brush".

    You said: It would be as if I said, "all members were just suck up followers, too stupid to have friends outside their small church and without a sincere bone in their body. All wannabe's whose ideal was to be a deacon and polish the pastors shoes so they could find out all about the private lives of their friends."

    MY COMMENT: You're talking about something different now. I can tell you what has happened in the areas that I have been in, and I've been in many areas. If the "minister's" wife was getting too close to a low-life member's wife, she would soon shut it down. My own wife experienced it more than once. Other women said the same thing. All of the "elders'" wives would get together with the "pastor's" wife to talk about it. Don't kid yourself. This was standard practice. I heard it from the "horse's" mouth. That brush isn't as wide as you think.
