Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bob Thiel: My Church Has Reached More People and Has More Members than Most of the Other COG's

Bob Thiel is now boasting that is new personality cult has more members and has reached more people in it's infancy stage of less than  a week than have most of the "300-700 groups that previously came out of the old Worldwide Church of God."

A few scattered individuals and groups, consisting of people that I do not know personally, have contacted me and declared that they want to support the Continuing Church of God. Though we are still quite small, counting them would make the Continuing Church of God larger than most of the allegedly 300-700 groups that previously came out of the old Worldwide Church of God. And in terms of gospel reach (on the internet at least), in less four days, it appears that we have reached more people with parts of the Bible's message than probably all the aforementioned groups currently smaller than the Continuing Church of God combined for the same period.


  1. I believe a few months ago we noted that Bob had taken some kind of turn for the worse in his self absorption and ego. It seems like he has taken yet another step in this downward view. In such a short time, he has gone from we to me and there always was a lot of me to begin with.

  2. Didn't we hear this same kind of rhetoric from him about six months ago? Oops. Nope. That time, it was Dave Pack. Silly me. How could I make such a mistake?


  3. Byker Bob, they all do seem to be the same person after awhile -- all of them.

  4. Bob's is in rage mode. He is trying to "spank" false prophet Meredith.

    Remember Thiel,
    "Pride comes before the fall."

  5. If Bob is so important how come the "mininister" in good standing that annointed him...is not in his new group?

  6. If Bob is so important how come the "mininister" in good standing that annointed him...is not in his new group?

  7. "A haughty spirit comes before the fall" and the winter of desolation comes after the fall.
