Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bob Thiel: Continuing Ed Church of God Is All About "Love"

Now that prophet Thiel has started his own splinter group, he jumps out the door taking his first potshot at James Malm.  Malm is all about rules and regulations while prophet Thiel is all about LOVE.

What is the Philadelphia remnant of the Church of God really all about?
Is it simply a group or corporation who thinks it follows the right rules?
While rules are important (cf. John 14:15; Matthew 23:23), what is most important?
According to the Jesus, the apostles, and the late Herbert W. Armstrong, and the Continuing Church of God, love is what is most important.

If prophet Thiel wants to use Herbert Armstrong as the epitome of "love" then he is starting his cult off on the wrong track.  Herb was greatly lacking in the qualities of love!  Just look a how he treated his son, his wives, his sisters and his grand children. That alone makes him unworthy as an example of "love."

It is important for all to realize that despite flaws of Christians, including those of us of the Philadelphia remnant, that love is what God’s way of life and His kingdom are really all about.  And that spreading that message of love and all of God’s ways is what the Continuing Church of God wants to be about.


  1. I'm not saying I would ever want any part of either man, but Malm strikes me as one miserable son of a bitch. OCD for the rules and regulations of his god sums it up for me.

  2. Yes, how Herbert Armstrong treated his grandchildren -- all of them -- including the illegitimate ones sired by GTA.

    And Herbert Armstrong had more than one son, and we will address that shortly, which should bring up some brand new questions.

  3. Jesus said that we would know his disciples by their love for one another. Most of us were quite surprised the first time we heard an HWA sermon in which he stated that love was over-emphasized in mainstream Christianity. To him, love was demonstrated by obedience, and HWA always inserted himself into aspiring Christian's lives, insisting that he be obeyed. He'd misapply and invoke any biblical example he could get his hands on to support this, bringing up Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, Annanias and Saphira, Simon Magus, and even stated that to disagree with him was tantamount to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

    This kind of love is attractive and desirable to Thiel? Because it's what ended up spitting most of the rest of us out after chewing us up for so many years.

    I'd say that Thiel has initiated a self-punishing game plan. He just doesn't realize it quite yet. Perhaps he'll be as fun to watch as Ron Weinland.


  4. This kind of love is attractive and desirable to Thiel? Because it's what ended up spitting most of the rest of us out after chewing us up for so many years.

    I'd say that Thiel has initiated a self-punishing game plan. He just doesn't realize it quite yet.

    You misunderstand. In Bob Thiel's world, love is measured by how much you love Bob Thiel.

    This means Bob Thiel is the man closest to God, because nobody loves Bob Thiel more than Bob Thiel loves Bob Thiel. However, you can draw closer to God, since the more you love Bob Thiel, the more you love God. How will you demonstrate that love? Send in the money, of course, and praise Bob Thiel!

  5. Bob wrote:
    "To him, love was demonstrated by obedience, and HWA always inserted himself into aspiring Christian's lives, insisting that he be obeyed. He'd misapply and invoke any biblical example"

    Yep. You are absolutely correct. Love was obedience. Kind of like how some people treat their pets, And we were HWA's fucking pets.

  6. Any one useing foul language is niether a christian or a loving disciple of Christ, God used HWA to bring back his sabbath and holy days Just because he didn't get it doesn't mean it wasn't true...Mark

  7. Mark: Several of the top evangelists, now in various splinter groups, regularly said the word "fuck", yet you think they are some of the best Christians out there. You are a fool if you think Christians don't swear.
