Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 16, 2014

God's True Leaders Are Allowed To Have Facial Hair

An HWA College student sent me this.  It seems that God's most holy and most important Evangelist ever to exist, who has an apartment in Jerusalem so he can be there when the Beast Power takes over, has gown a beard.  Because God's greatest man Stevie Flurry can grow one, it has given other PCG "men" the balls to do the same.

Now all we need is to see Dennis Leap in a beard!  Gag!  Puke!


  1. ROTFLMAO! Was sitting here in Starbucks reading this blog and had to spew coffee all over the place laughing. This was great.

  2. The beards are mostly for their self-promoting David Musical production (some are fake); all PCG members are actors in a bad play.

  3. I saw that Stephen Flurry got a beard when I saw their Trumpet Daily denouncing Nelson Mandela as a bloodthirsty Communist. I was quite surprised. I thought he looked better clean shaven. Oh well. To each his own. I just hope they don't turn it into a dogma.

  4. Great-- Are the ladies in PCG not shaving their legs or underarms in a show of support too?

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  5. Stephen and Joel look like hell! When did "god" make the rule men could wear make-up??

    Gettin a little worldly here...DUCK DYNASTY?"

  6. Crapularatimus! They have rounded the corners. Bible patriarchs had beards like Duck Dynasty or the Arabs!

  7. It's possible that Joel grew the beard for the David musical that PCG has been presenting. He needs to shave it ASAP.

    He looks older than me and I'm in my mid 50's. He is probably only in his early 40's.

  8. men shave beards. They don't grow them. Beards grow themselves lol

  9. When I cut myself loose from worldwide, I showed my rebellion by growing a mustache and long sideburns, which my baby girl referred to as my "furs." I've always looked better with a mustache than without because of my long upper lip, so it has stayed, but the sideburns have gone.

    Such things are a personal choice and making doctrines about them is just plain stupid, even when it comes out of stupid scripture.

  10. Didn't Joe Tkach grow a beard around the time his daddy died?

