Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bob Thiel Makes Another Outlandish Statement On How His "god" Used The Weather To Make Romney Lose The Election

Almost arrested and jailed Elijah Thiel is back once again making yet another absurd comment on the hurricane in Texas.  This time he takes it even further though and brings in Mitt Romney and Barack Obama into the mix.   Did you know that Thiel's prissy and angry god used the weather to make Romney lose the election to Obama?
As far as God controlling the weather goes, in my view, weather was one of the reasons that Mitt Romney lost against Barack Obama in 2012 (cf. Daniel 4:17). There was a major storm, ‘superstorm Sandy’ that hit the north-east and that seemed to be the time more polls started to reduce Mitt Romney’s chances. Here is something I posted about that November 10, 2012:
I believe, for example, that God allowed superstorm Sandy which likely affected the election, in the favor of Barack Obama.  Others may disagree, but for the past 2-3 years I felt that something would occur within a week or so of the 2012  US presidential election.  And while superstorm Sandy was still going on, I discussed this with some I work with prior to the election, and mentioned that I felt that the superstorm would affect the election.
The Bible clearly teaches, “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses” (Daniel 4:25).
God controls the weather.
Weather events should serve as a wake-up call.
Things in the USA will not remain as they have been.
Sadly, many will be complacent and not really think that disaster will happen, but that will be a mistake:  Rain and floods continue to affect Texas and Louisiana: Who controls the weather?

No one in their right mind should be listing to a false COG leader like Bob Thiel!  He is just one more in a long line of self-appointed deceptive frauds that preach unscriptural bullshit.  He can write all the books he wants and he is still a lying false prophet.

Thiel is like James Malm, the need a nasty vengeful god on their side in order to make themselves look spiritually correct and enlightened.  They are not.  They both a liars who worship at the feet of Baal and Moses.


  1. While I do not follow Bob nor believe everything that he says, it is biblical that Yahweh controls the weather.

  2. What's wrong with NOT being arrested?

    1. Again? Go back and read the answers from the last twenty times you asked this, 7:18.

  3. The weather is controlled by the sun.

  4. Maybe Romney lost because God is not Mormon??

  5. God used the weather to make Bob Thiel make this statement about God using the weather to make Romney lose the election.


  6. Maybe Romney lost because God is not Mormon??

    Maybe Hideous Hillary lost because God is not a Moron??

  7. Well, what did you expect from Bathhouse Bob?

  8. If God decides who our leaders are, he has a lot to answer for.

  9. Dr. Bob spend far tooooo much time trying to prove himself...which kills any credibility he might have had.

  10. So Thiel blames Superstorm Sandy for Obama regaining the presidency. Pathetic. The people made their decision in an election. That is what happened in 2012. Back then it always seemed to me that Obama would win. I never perceived Romney as having a realistic chance at unseating Obama.

  11. When Menacham Begin was elected PM of Israel in 1977, there was some WCG speculation that God helped. The “evidence” was from interviews in which people said they had not intended to vote for him, don’t know why they voted for him, etc, as if God had “influenced” their decision. This method certainly caused far less collateral damage than using a hurricane. Interesting that the Economist article on Obama’s defeat of Romney was titled The Devil You Know.
    In discussions like this, I sometimes consider the kings of Judah and Israel. With the lineage of David, the only variable was which son would be the next king. In Israel, nearly every king was handpicked, and replace by another handpicked king; a prophet was sometimes told to tell someone that he would be the next king. The descended kings of Judah have been considered good, bad, bad then good, etc, while the handpicked kings of Israel were considered bad, very bad, the absolute worst, etc. Which were the better kings, those descended from David, or those chosen by God?
    Hurricane Sandy is the one that Dave Pack claimed was headed straight for Wadsworth, and made a sharp right-hand turn to miss it. Maps of Sandy’s path suggest “sharp” was a slight exaggeration.

  12. You either are arrested or you are not! Being "almost arrested" is just a dumb statement made by an idiot!!

  13. Recipe for delusion: Look long enough and hard enough and you will find patterns and coincidences everywhere --- in the weather, in politics, in the Bible, etc., etc. Mix and match: find some politics over here, perhaps some weather over there, and then find a Bible passage or two that fit in nicely your concoction. Take all those patterns and coincidences and mix them carefully with confirmation bias based upon your own religious/ideological leanings. Put on a business suit and make sure you are sufficiently teleginic. Then appeal to and claim to represent a higher authority --- in this case God. Voila! You are an important man --- an apostle or prophet or whatever --- capable of leading the gullible! Congratulations!

  14. In the Book of Job , "God" demands Job answer his difficult questions about all sorts of natural phenomenon that today we can easily answer "Thank you for asking. Actually yes I do" Of course Job ends up admitting he does not and should have kept his mouth shut. The interrogation of Job by God is moot today.

    In the same way, anyone can simply know the origin of weather on the planet. It is a grade school topic and has absolutely nothing to do with God controlling it, causing it or using it "try and get our attention" as Bob Thiel is wont to remind us. He can't seem to determine which weather events are of God and which are just weather. I guess he just feels it when the spirit moves him. Perhaps a Cat 3 and up is from God but less than that it's just weather. Perhaps where it hits is the key as some places have more sinful types than others evidently.

    The facts are however that weather is just weather. And while we all know what the Bible says about its origins , one is simply being ridiculous in our day an age to think Bronze Age priests had the real inside scope. They determined truth by appearances based on their own fears, myths and superstitions. The merely changed the original rain and crop god Baal to a superior Israelite god.

    There is no religious, theological or prophetic content in the natural processes of weather on this particular planet. Sometimes we get in the way of things larger than us.

  15. Bob Thiel is practicing religious masturbation. If you peek he won't mind. He like to show off his incompetence.

  16. Heh! Too bad Bob Thiel isn't Asian instead of Cauc-Asian! I mean, he could be talking about hurricanes influencing erections as opposed to elections. As we all know, Herbie and Teddy were opposed to elections. But they surely were driven astray by their erections, kind of like a hurricane!


  17. Again, naively, I thought prophets were supposed to warn before natural disasters occur, not offer reasons afterward. Bob wrote Harvey is a wake up call. Anything more specific? Or do we have to wait a few years on this one as well?
    Just like Dave Pack claimed Sandy was headed toward Wadsworth, back in 1963, HWA claimed Flora was headed toward the Jekyll Island feast site. In this case, the hurricane, which left over 7000 dead, wasn't touted as a warning, but as a sign of divine protection for "God's chosen".

  18. Almost arrested, Elijah Elisha Mohammad and doubly blessed prophet bitter Bob Thiel said, "I believe, for example, that God allowed superstorm Sandy which likely affected the election, in the favor of Barack Obama".

    MY COMMENT - Not really! Although President Obama is given high marks for the Government's performance during and after Hurricane Sandy, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was shown embracing the President a week or so before the election, the storm had little to do with President Obama's re-election. The 2012 election has already been dissected- President Obama won re-election because a sizable number of registered Republican voters sat out the election. The same can be said about Democrats sitting out the 2016 election affecting the outcome.

    In fact, had every registered Republican who was elgible to vote in 2012 turned out to the polls and voted for Romney, he would have won by a comfortable margin as President Obama was the first incumbent President in US history to be re-elected with less votes (significantly less) than that which he received during his first term election.

    So almost arrested doubly blessed wannabe prophet Bitter Bob Thiel, was God responsible for the disappointing Republican turnout in 2012, or is it simpler, easier and more convenient for you to credit the storm for President Obama's re-election?


  19. Byker Bob says: "But they surely were driven astray by their erections, kind of like a hurricane!"

    The word "hurricane" most likely has it roots in the Native American Taino language of the Caribbean people. In Taino, Hurricane is variously the god of evil or the god of the storm.
    Sounds like you local cog minister.

  20. What happened to Connie? She looks Different.

    1. Still waiting to hear the story behind the old userpic.

    2. Same individual's photos were apparently used by at least one scammer as well. https://www.scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&p=262667

  21. Thanks LoFCoG, for reminding us that Bob wrote: God allowed superstorm Sandy which likely affected the election.

    One way of looking at that is:
    - Sandy was following its natural course
    - God deliberately didn't interfere
    - The resulting effects of Sandy may have interfered with voting in certain areas

    Which really seems Bob is saying, anything that happened was just due to time and chance, not divine intervention.

  22. @ 4:26, read the thread on the 8/28 post on Scott Winnail, and you'll see why Connie now looks like Doris Day. ;)

    1. You guys and your conspiracy theories! Next thing you know, someone will accuse Connie of being Cowboy Joe!

  23. Well??? What happened Connie??? Or are you who you say you are?
