Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Church of God International on Racial Tensions

Some observations on CGI's latest web chat (Racial Tensions) - posted on their website

Church of God International pastors Bill Watson and Adrian Davis have posted their discussion on "Racial Tensions" in the United States as part of that group's "web chat" series. The piece was designed to offer some timely commentary on racial divisions across the U.S. in the context of recent events in Charlottesville and elsewhere.
First, while Mr. Watson's choice of a black colleague for this discussion is certainly understandable, one wonders why he chose a Canadian pastor over an American one. Was Pastor Bronson James unavailable or unwilling to participate in this discussion?
Second, if you were expecting the pastors to denounce white nationalists, klansmen and racists, you're going to be disappointed with this discussion. Instead, the principals launch into an attack on Barack Obama, whom they characterize as a "Neo-Marxist." For good measure, they talk at some length about folks like George Soros and Saul Alinsky and hint at "nefarious" activities and conspiracies. Pastor Watson alleges that protesters are being paid and trained by these kinds of folks to stir up trouble, and Pastor Davis says that protesters are being "played" by Marxists.
Next, they turn their attention to groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and speculate about how they went wrong. According to Mr. Davis, the oppression of black folks in America is a "false narrative." He goes on to point out that BLM is intent on destroying heteronormative thinking and was founded by lesbians and Marxists. This all apparently made Mr. Watson a little skittish as he felt compelled to declare "I like black people."
When the pair finally turn their attention to Charlottesville, Mr. Watson opens the discussion with a reference to an article that appeared on YourNewsWire.com. Sure, he admits the article "sounds conspiratorial," but then goes on to assert that he believes it. For those who are not familiar with this site, it should be noted that YourNewsWire.com is cited by most reputable news organizations as a notorious purveyor of fake news and conspiracy theories.
Finally, the pastors warn us against getting caught up in this stuff. They don't want us to unwittingly become involved in bringing down America (apparently the principal agenda of these left-wing groups). They go on to assert that those who are involved in this movement are "drunk and asleep," and that such folks have the potential for causing divisions within the church. Mr. Watson and Mr. Davis want their parishioners to keep their eyes on the Kingdom and follow the Golden Rule.
After listening to this web chat, it occurred to me that Pastor Watson and Pastor Davis would do well to follow their own advice. My suggestion is that they avoid this topic in the future and concentrate on the Kingdom and the Golden Rule. What do you think?
--Lonnie Hendrix/Miller Jones


  1. Herbert W. Armstrong was a fearmonger supreme, who converted all of his followers into fearmongers. And, fearmongers love other fearmongers because they reaffirm their fear! I believe these two CGI presenters have listened to too much Jonathan Gilliam and Glenn Beck.

    There really isn't a heck of a lot of the balance, cooperation, or middle of the road approach that was once the backbone of classic Americana. Partisan politics have become so polarized over the past decade that the little guy, Joe Brownbag Lunch who just wants to live a good life and raise his family, is rapidly becoming an anomaly. And, the ACOGs seem to be gravitating towards the alt.right. It's just a shame.

    Welcome to the new millennium, in which normal is the new radical!


  2. I enjoyed and agreed with the video. I haven't been apart of the ACOG cult since 1994 and DO NOT attend a church of any kind but for once I can concur with this CGI video.

    Sing along to the tune "The World Is Black, The World Is White" (3 Dog Night - 1972)

    ONLINE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDh0FiGfgtk

    The CGI is black
    The CGI is white
    Together they learn...
    To obey and tithe!

    The CGI is black
    The CGI is white
    All followers of BANNED look upon this site...
    To view their plight!

  4. Compared to other COGs' presentations I've seen over the last few years, this seemed slick and well-presented. It even used part of the Plain Truth style of the '70s: introduce a topic, appear to cover pros and cons, admit it's a big problem, and slip in some Bible verses and a free offer. Which means for me, there are some facts that need checking.
    As for using a Canadian pastor, I think it gives a slight outside perspective. I've lived and worked outside the USA a number of times, and find looking at the USA from afar gives a much broader perspective.

  5. when the death angel comes, he will be looking for those what have not kept themselves clean and unspotted, they what have not distinguished themselves from the rest of the world...if he finds someone indistinguishable from the rhetoric and way of the world, shall not that one pay the price the world will pay???

  6. Oh, but will they uphold "God is the author of segregation"?

  7. Rsk

    The true wording was. "God is the author of diversity and of a course for people to reach their personal best and transformation."

    Segregation used to be an American and South African translation of that tenet.

