Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Apollo 11 and GTA

Today I saw the new documentary movie, Apollo 11, at our local IMAX theatre.  Just after launch minus 1 hour 31 minutes, they showed a clip lasting about half a second of some reporters covering the event.  Right in the center of the picture was Garner Ted Armstrong, his hair still black.  I had forgotten that he got himself accredited as a reporter at several of the launches, so he could promote his new booklet, Who Will Rule Space.  Back then, I wondered why I was listening him on the radio, a week or two after the fact, say pretty much the same stuff that I had heard Walter Cronkite say a fraction of a second after the fact.  It seems that in the 1960s, GTA wanted to be a respected reporter, similar to the 1970s when he wanted to be a respected country music singer.

From a source North of the borderlines


  1. "Newscasters" is about the only epitath the armstrongs used for themselves.

    "Apostle" was heaped upon them by their accolytes and "Prophets" by their enemies.


  2. Maybe Gene Hogberg wasn't on the payroll yet. He seemed to become the "reporter" at big events after that.

    But then again, didn't Herbert Armstrong attend the founding U.N. conference in San Francisco? He must have been credentialed, too.

  3. Ted was offered about $250k a year from popular KTLA Channel 5 Los Angeles to be an anchor news broadcaster after his old man cast him out in 1978.

    He probably should have went this direction as a career path.

  4. But, nck, many historical figures have mischaracterized themselves, deliberately using misleading labels to facilitate their ascent or messages. The Armstrongs don’t get to define themselves. History does! Although their presentation skills may have been comparable to newscasters, they were most certainly performing in a completely different realm from newscasters. They were not apostles, either! With forty + years of additional history, we can unequivocally state that they were functioning in the realm of false prophecy!


  5. You have sharp eyes, carn't see where Wally is at all.

  6. R. I., Gene Hogberg had been around since the late fifties. He headed the group that combed the news sources for tidbits GTA could use on his broadcasts. He was in school when I was. I graduated in 1960.

    Yes, Tonto, he belonged in show business. He had all the talents for it, including a great singing voice. He and Dean Martin would have become the best of pals and he would have fit right in with the "rat pack."

  7. I couldn't see him. Does anyone have a timestamp for his appearance? Thanks in advance.

  8. You need to watch the movie, not the video clip.

  9. As I recall hearing, the Armstrongs did make it known that they thought it was fitting that the "First Man on the Moon" was also an "Armstrong" LOL!

  10. Well didn't HWA once say that man would never be allowed to travel to another planet?

  11. Did America really go to the moon? There has been many keen observations that it didn't. Personally, I don't care one way or another, but I do wonder why they didn't land on the part of the moon that can be seen from earth, instead of on the back of it.

  12. Nck
    You jest. I recall ministers from the pulpit repeatedly speak the words "Chosen Apostle" in reverential tones. And Herb had no idea this was going on? Hah. I recall in spokesmen's club someone (I can't recall who) claiming that Herbs letters will be added to the bible on Christ's return. The body language and aura was one of everyone agreeing. This has to come from the top, not your 'acolytes.' So called acolytes are the customary ploy used to shield a manager from his controversial decisions. It's has come to be rejected for the guile that it is.

    A reminder Nck that having a shrine of Herb in ones heart is condemned by the ten commandments.

  13. How strange that the ACOGs are now filled with people who believe the moon landings were a hoax. Do they think that GTA was in on the hoax, or that he wasn't such a great newscaster after all?

    1. It is even stranger, 6:24, that they believe that the moon landing was a hoax, but won’t even consider the possibility that their church is a hoax!


  14. 6:05

    Your entire posting is a further definition of the word "acolyte".
    It's obvious that HWA at one point succumbed to the attractive acclamation, but he would not come up with these titles himself.

    I loved how the Armstrongs were in the loop with the latest technological advances. For instance the beaming of the first images of mars to the Auditorium.


  15. 5.38 AM
    Apollo 11 left a 2 foot wide mirror array on the moons surface. Laser lights can still be bounced off it to determine its exact distance from the earth.

  16. Nck
    The Collins dictionary defines acolyte as "a follower or assistant of an important person." I fail to see your point.
    What is your source that Herb did not come up with these titles himself? As an add man, he excelled at coming up with titles and similar. For example, "only now revealed after 2000 years," "never before understood," "amazing new facts," "will shock you," "it never entered my mind that people would take seriously the year 1975." Herb was a master of crapola.

  17. It is even stranger, 6:24, that they believe that the moon landing was a hoax, but won’t even consider the possibility that their church is a hoax!

    Byker, they come close. Do you remember, "Ho, Ho, Hoax"? That almost gets it: Hoeh, Hoeh, Hoax!

  18. @ 7:18 AM, you don't need live human astronauts to drop something onto the surface of the Moon. Then again, you have never used the mirror array you describe; you have just trusted people who told you about it even though they too have never used it themselves.

  19. 10:27

    Apostle was first mentioned by meredith in the 1950's and hwa vehemently opposed the title.

    Prophet was even more condemned by hwa although his enemies label him a false one.

    I agree with you on the 1975.
    People on this blog convinced ne that that date was kind of an issue late sixties. It was never an issue with me since I never believed hwa had a direct channel with god regarding such information since hwa said so and usually added the "speculation clause".

    Most victims victimezed themselves and wanted to hear what they wanted to hear.


  20. Nck
    HWA opposing the title apostle in the 1950s sounds right. During those early years, he laid low and was outwardly humble. This phenomenon is mentioned in the book of Acts 20.29 "I know that after my departure, fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock." When his church was small and its existence precarious, the wolf inside HWA hid. When the church enlarged and his wife died, the wolf inside HWA came to the forefront,
    The wolf became the shepherd of the sheep, royally screwing them.

    'Most victims victimized themselves??' Talk about blaming the victim. Anything to absolve your hero/idol HWA.

    1. Nck does make some valuable contributions to our communal fund of knowledge. My only problem with him is that he seems to be infected with “Hitler loved puppies syndrome” as it relates to HWA.

      Unfortunately, to one degree or another, many of us got to be the Jews in HWA’s Auschwitz. So, that ostrich won’t fly!


    2. BB

      I rather regard myself as a kind of 1930's winston churchill, who actually read "mein kampf" and was regarded by the majority of the british as a war monger.

      I'd rather tell it like it is, then fabricate a person that never existed.

      As if Hitler had been "demon posessed", or had "special powers or insight". Common even he was like you and me. The power he had was attributed by others and hitlers ideas and speech content at most mediocre.

      This last paragraph is the shocking truth for conspiracy buffs.


  21. I was an AC student from ‘66-‘68, and an employee from ‘69-‘75. During that time, here is what I heard. HWA frequently stated that it was the first wave of the students who began an attempt to convince him that he was an apostle. But, if he did have any doubts, he certainly didn’t mind exercising that office. In what I always thought came off as fake humility, he would frequently refer to himself as “the one whom you have called ‘God’s Apostle’”.

    He clamed to be working as the end times Elijah, but hedged his bet by denying that he was a prophet. I guess his reasoning was “If I deny being a prophet, how can they call me a false one?” Yet, he did preach a timeline and had 3 math equations to support that timeline.


  22. 12:20

    Objection your honor.

    I do not believe hwa had any false motives. He truly believed that what he believed was true. He was cleat about speculation.

    Perhaps you are right with your "wolf coming to the forefront speculation" but definitely wrong about the assumption that he had planned it that way.

    Blame the victim? Yeah. Some people are stupid by assigning things to people that are not there. Such stupidity leads to Brexit, transferring a lifetime of assets to Dave Pack or believing that US steel will revive by choosing a certain president (and ignore worldmarket).


  23. BB
    "The one whom you have called Gods Apostle" conforms to one of the most common deceitful ploys used in the church. First imply a lie, then use the "magic" of repetition to drive the deception home. This way, there is legal deniability, escape from Gods judgment (so they hope) and no accountability for their dirty deed. Sherlock Holm's would be impressed. So would Professor Moriarty.

  24. Nck wrote:

    I do not believe hwa had any false motives. He truly believed that what he believed was true.

    This theory does not jibe with the reports of HWA eating light snacks and taking drinks on the Day of Atonement, nor with the reports of HWA taking Dorothy out dancing on Friday nights.

  25. 4:09

    Oh please.
    I told my professor for one of my oral exams that islam has exemptions for older or frail people to lighten or excempt the fast.

    All religions provide for the elderly regarding required religious observations. Would you have preferred the main 80 year old speaker to tumble of the platform? Especially with the knowledge this person had been clinically death through hartfailure?

    Are you nuts, a pharisee or the taliban?

    Regarding dancing in friday. Suppose that had occured. I do not know the particular dynamics of his early ministry or perhaps the details of what had transpired with that teen to make such a decision.

    I do know that in later years hwa was very open about his "conversion process" and for instance did eat pork at times or at least once to not offend his hosts.

    I could cite many more of those examples that would not fit the mold of the pharisee image.

    Perhaps you yourself have compromised at the time when your wife still enjoyed a christmas tree and the kids the accompanying songs learned at school while you had already been a baptized zealot?

    Whats next, you wallowing in sackcloth and ashes or cast another stone?

    I find you amusing, I m not the pharisee type to quickly accuse you of coming close to bearing false witness.


  26. Nck
    Hitlers speech content might have been mediocre, but certainly not his delivery. He was the Elvis Presely, the Steven Spielberg of public speaking. He galvanised his nation and hypnotised it into entering a war that could not be won on the fundamentals of manpower and industrial output. He was the Jim Jones of his time.

  27. 9:52

    I do agree with a lot you say.
    My overall point is that many are galvanised without studying the topic or even hear what a person is saying. I said content.

    I stood at the very altar, at the exact spot where he galvanised 300.000 people with a really mediocre speech regarding content. The roar must have been deafening, Riefenstahl's angle godlike and the lighting just from another planet.

    My point. Even if we all agree on this blog on a verdict or in assembly on a message spoken in the auditorium, it might not be true after all.

    There was a chance that Hitler could have won the war if he had taken England before attempting Russia. But hey, his mediocre ideology prevailed over strategy or the facts.

    Our family did not shy away from watching documentaries about Jim Jones at the time. Not in a moment would we have imagined people would think about us that way. Not enough quality cabins in Guyana. We would not have gone with tent and sleeping bag like hippies. Only a well airconditioned cave in Jordan would suffice.

    In another thread on the receivership mention is made about the picketing lines at ambassador. I remember when the films were shown in our area that I was rather distraught about the hippie like picketing, the signs and the chanting. I thought it straying from Ambassador Quality but stamped it as a necessary evil to fight injustice. But it felt like a compromise to me.


    1. Some additional information: We had been told that Hitler was demon possessed. What is actually true is that methamphetamine had been produced to enhance the performance of German soldiers, and Hitler was fond of it himself. What we witnessed as SEP campers and AC students in the films of Hitler’s speeches which we were forced to watch was a man under the influence of meth, not someone who was demon possessed.

      Hitler’s downfall was indeed the arrogance which led him to fight a multi-front war taking on Russia as well as much of Europe. I have been a great fan of a TV program called “The Americans”. It is the cold war era story of a family in which a Russian man and woman who are KGB agents pose as a normal American suburban family, but go on missions for the Russian government. In it, the very excellent actress, Margo Martindale, plays the part of the couple’s handler. In one episode, the couple’s teenage daughter is also being trained as an agent and is being made aware by Martindale’s character of her Russian heretage, and Russian history. The fact that there were 27 million Russian civilians and soldiers who died in World War II is brought up. I found this to be so incredible that I researched it out on the internet, and discovered that some estimates go as high as 40 million.

      This is not tinfoil stuff! Plainly, there is so much that we were not taught about World War II. This is not to downplay the bravery and sacrifice of our own soldiers. We were not the only ones responsible for saving the world from Hitler!


  28. Nck
    It's generally accepted by psychologists that human communication is only 7% intellectual content, with the rest being in tone of voice and body language. So Hitler's mediocre content is misleading to readers. It's the other 93% that won the crowds over.

    Christ's overturned the money changers tables, drove out the animals, and it seems, drove out these people as well. So the chanting and signs doesn't seem unbiblical. But yeah, definitely not AC quality stuff. It was the unwashed masses behavior.

  29. I am trying to stay on topic, spaceman and gta. However you lure me in conversation by your interesting points of view.

    7:01. I would not want to mislead the readers so I will agree with you on your 7:01 posting.
    I will add one other tidbit on the quality of Winston Churchill's speeches. Since the English language is a composite of many tongues, Churchill at times had a choice as to what word he would use. It seems he deliberately chose the words with Anglo Saxon root instead of the latin version. Rendering the words a certain meaning slightly different from the latin root meaning and speaking directly to the heart of the people he tried to inspire.

    I have read testimony of german nobility visiting the Bierkellers to get a feel of that new political movement. Some of my heroes and heroins all mentioned that especially the yelling at rallies of bierkeller meetings put them off big time.

    First of all it boggles the mind you had to watch a meth addict speech at SEP.
    They could have gone to a concert at the time.
    In my time it was surgeons showing gruesome images of the evil effects of sugar and fat on the intestines and arteries. Or demonstrations on how to chop of a head or arm most effectively with a sword by the smithy of buchanan.

    You bring up an interesting point about Russia.
    With all our current understanding on how Russia seemingly tries to disrupt the West or plays an evil role in international and national politics it behooves us to realize that in dealing with that nation we should pay the proper respect toward their view of history.

    It is hard to see where the Russians play the role of international bully or just demand their place in history. They suffered more than one invasion, including one by my forebears and the inlaws at Stalingrad.

    In an assessment on Russia's leader we should also understand that his very brother died at the siege of Leningrad by the german army.

    It gives some perspective as to the dog fights that are currently taking place between the Russians, German airforce, US fighter jets, US spy planes over the Baltic sea currently.

    I have paid respect to every large US War Cemetary in Europe from WWI and WWII. And I would never in any way taint US GI contribution to the forces of liberty. But it is good to understand that the Russian perspective is that the War chances started to turn at Stalingrad, some years before D Day. And that their sacrifice dwarves any other nation in numbers.

    But hey. I have some personal issues with Russians still, so I am not praising them too much. Just having a conversation that eerily is on topic when I hook it to the space race of which Aldrin, Armstrong et all were a huge part.


  30. Byker:

    Got to love Margo Martindale for her recurring role as Mags Bennett (Mama) on the series "Justified", as well.

    1. Agreed. She also had a memorable part on Dexter.

      There are times when I’ve rented or purchased DVDs soley because Margo was part of the cast!


  31. BB
    The Russians definitely did most of the fighting and dying during WW2. Hitler was on all sorts of medications during his final years. There's a documentary on it. He had a personal quack doctor administering the drugs.

    Stepping back and observing Europe after WW2 ended, isn't it interesting that half of Europe, including East Germany, ended up in Russian hands. This gave the perfect laboratory to prove or disprove communism. Perhaps it was the whole purpose of WW2.

  32. Basically, 10:13, the Slavic nations of Europe became satellites of Communist Russia in the aftermath of World War II. East Germany does have a heavy concentration of Slavic people.

    Interestingly, when I was in high school during the '60s, our school was in the center of a large Jewish community, consequently, there was much interest in Israel. The communal living concept of the Kibbutz was something with which we were familiar and discussed in class. It partially resembled communism, but was not Marxist-Leninist by nature. Unlike Russian communism, Kibbutzim actually seemed to work fairly well. The concept was key to the rebirth of Israel as a nation. The subject makes for some fascinating reading.


  33. BB
    Reading about Kibbutz's, they make up 2.5% of Israels population, and it is ownership by need, ie Marxism. It does 'seem to work fairly well' considering that they 'leech' off a more prosperous society. They even have factories and hire outsiders to fulfill their needs. Today they are a commie-capitalist hybrid. The same was true of Stalins Russia. Most of their major industrial plants were built by foreign companies.

  34. Interesting theory being put forward. Churchill devided Europe by race?

    The Russians de facto did not conquer ("liberate" in ddr ideology), East Germany. East and West are Cold War term.

    Socialist Kibutzim seem to have been the purest communist living experiment.
    Executed by educated Austrian (Habsburg) jews from the mid 19th century in Palestine?

    I believe most -isms have a proper place in a certain development stage of nations or an economy.

    I have placed armstrongism fair and square within the cold war context.

    Although versions of it have existed through the ages in times of national confusion, war and corruption. (That is the true context of "the history of the true church" booklet where all the "church era" leaders seemed to have had a former career in business.)


  35. I'd recommend that you study the complete history of the Kibbutz, 8:32. That would provide more than just a superficial picture of them. You will learn that Israel's kibbutzes, both agricultural and industrial, have been net producers for their nation, not leaches. Now, would I want to live in that type of communal society? Heavens, no. For one thing, as a concept, it strips away most of one's individuality and autonomy. That's also the main reason why, in spite of invitations, I never pursued a patch in any of the motorcycle "clubs".

    Kibbutzes had been around since 1909. Following Israel's rebirth as a nation, Stalin had once had great hopes that the new nation would become a communist nation. When that turned out not to be the case, Russian policy turned towards alliances with countries in the Arab block. We witness the continuing results of this policy today, because that block comprises one of our primary adversaries. Up until recently, it was more important, due to our dependency on foreign oil.

    Communal living, in general, appeals to a very limited segment of the population, restricted to certain personality types. Attempts to expand it to a nation's entire population generally meets resistance, meaning draconian enforcement techniques end up being required. That's most likely what would have occurred in any Armstrongian places of "safety", which would have essentially been communes.

    By the way, I am not against limited socialism. I am a capitalist, but believe that socialism does have a useful purpose in addressing societal needs within the context of a capitalist representative republic. It's just that socialism must be managed, limited and controlled, because if it is not, the results can bring down the entire system.


  36. BB

    Excellent piece at 10:55.

    I'm not sure about what you mean with a Russo-Arab block turned into current adversaries.

    The USA sided with socialist Iraq (Sadam) against Iran (persia) during the Iran - Iraq war.

    Egypt is up to this day the largest recipient of US "foreign aid".
    It is very interesting to see how the Soviets got to build the Asuan dam but Sadat moved to the Western fold.

    Since I have often been urged to remain on topic, I have often linked the Armstrongs amicable connections with the Saddat family with that switch period toward the Western fold. A strenuous time and choice for which Saddat paid with his life eventually.

    Senators like Bob Dole at times were left waiting while Sadat talked to HWA. I have linked senator Dole's rescue of the World Tomorrow broadcasts to the favorable broadcasts on agricultural based policy and economy and his mid western constituency, but perhaps there is also an "Egyptian link" toward Bob Doles favor.

    Of course HWA's connections with the Arab world stem far before the Sadat Era to the period when todays glittering diamonds in the sand, cities like Dubai, had yet to evolve from tent camps and the Sheikhs met with HWA on the oceanliners and London (living on foodstamps after WWII).

    I agree,, communal living only fits the poor or certain personality types. "Like "Friends" in a New York loft. The lure of communism was actually really big after WWII especially on Europe's southern rim. (Greece, Italy etc) Also Germany was fed up with "right wing politics" and into something new.

    This was the time I often speak about when a "voice cried out" about "a strong hand from someplace" (which are the market forces) and warned against "greed" (communist transfer of assets) toward a world of cooperation (The American System (IMF, EEC, World bank, UN).


  37. Nck
    Actually, the Nazis were left rather than right wing. Nazi stands for National-Socialist German Workers Party. They were right wing only to the extent of bullying others to accept their ideology. But socialism is not a detailed moral system such a Christianity. So right wing (controlling peoples mind) doesn't really apply to socialism.

    An excellent example of right wing is Herbs church and its present splinters. The bible teaches not to lord it over others faith, but is completely ignored. Star Treks Borg is a good representation of Herbs and similar churches.

  38. 9:36


    Fascism is corporatism.

    The 20th century ideologies all used religious semiotics in their propaganda.


  39. From the Wikipedia article on Nazism:

    "The majority of scholars identify Nazism in both theory and practice as a form of far right politics. Far right themes in Nazism include the argument that superior people have a right to dominate other people and purge society of supposed inferior elements. Adolf Hitler and other proponents denied that Nazism was either left-wing or right-wing, instead they officially portrayed Nazism as a syncretic movement. In Mein Kampf, Hitler directly attacked both left-wing and right wing politics in Germany, saying 'Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors...But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms.'"


  40. BB
    Wikipedia has been criticized for not being impartial on political matters. Something like eight out of ten academics are left wing. Hitler was a pathological liar who made conflicting promises to different groups, so why quite him? By the way, the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats.

  41. “...the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats”.

    That is a simplistic statement which doesn’t encompass the reality of the entire history of the KKK. The founders of the reconstruction era KKK were Democrats. It was a relatively small movement that soon died out. Around the turn of the century there was no MTV to start up national trends, but in 1915, there were silent motion pictures. The film “Birth of a Nation” single handedly caused a revival of the KKK. By the 1920s, the majority of KKK members were in the midwest and west, and were both Democrats and Republicans. In the late 1940s, there were also Dixiecrats, ultra-conservative states rights Democrats.

    Reality is much more complex than your initial statement would indicate. As a further example, the crap-head racist David Duke switched to the Republican Party in 1988.

    Labels, putting things into little strawman boxes, is very rarely representative of the truth. Hitler was a fascist who adapted the very worst from both left-wing and right wing political philosophies. We would know this by his actions even if he had not been responsible for the quote which I cited. Also, the terms left wing and right wing are relative terms. There is a broad spectrum of ideology associated with each, and much debate amongst the different degrees or factions. Only the extremes of both sides are koo koo for cocoa puffs. Many are slightly left of center, or slightly right of center. But, I think you already know this and are just attempting to be incendiary for the purpose of argumentation.


  42. 11:33

    "The film “Birth of a Nation” single handedly caused a revival of the KKK."

    Too me this sentence is an indication that BB knows his stuff. (of course the movie was made within a cultural context, but yes)

    The only KKK cultural context that is related to the original topic was in the "North West" (different from the corps areas mentioned by BB). The now leftist state of Oregon. The all white State according to Pam Dewey's interesting research.

    Warning: Off Topic comment following in relation to the "labelling and boxes".

    Reading todays newspaper, I suddenly wondered, if in times of trouble Mr Trump would rather be protected by a trangender marine or a female soldier. My guess is that the answer does not lie in the individual performance but rather the group dynamics within the team.

    I was not the one who initiated a talk on Hitler. However I find it fascinating since just very recently I visited both a) the heart of the Occult initiation center of the SS and the place where the Nazis rallied the masses and incited hundreds of thousands enthousiasts.

    At the visitor center modern germans go out of their way to present the truth of the matter by trying to burst the bubble, therefore they include the reports of doctors after the rallies about the number of prostitutes reporting diseases and disgruntled letters of people at the rallies about the long waiting lines or mundane issues like the rain and mud.

    Although 9:36 took a jab at cog I find his remark about the dictator control of the mind interesting.

    David Brooks of the New York Times just recently published an article on if just Joseph Stalin had posession of the Iphone technology, driving a case against the Chinese.


  43. BB
    The KKK had 3-6 millions members at its peak during the 1920's, and was effective during that period in suppressing African Americans via terrorism. So I wouldn't call it 'a relatively small movement' for its time.

    Fringe elements like David Duke only have two parties to choose from. So they choose the party that they have the most in common, which might only be marginal, or they find the least offensive. When the democrats embraced identity politics, many switched to the republican party. So there's nothing 'complex' about it. People choose the party they agree with the most.

  44. I did not call the second stage (following “Birth of a Nation) a relatively small movement. I called the first stage, founded by your Democrats, a small movement that died out quickly. The second stage, of course became huge. The third stage was fairly big and influential, but not as big as the second.

    My last post was written basically to counter your final sentence which stated that the KKK were Democrats. You came somewhat clean on that in your final paragraph at 9:48, but I’m not convinced that you even know completely what you are talking about. I think you just enjoy arguing.


  45. The KKK were primarily democrats. The present Democrats have embraced
    multiculturalism, which is partial to minorities and hostile to whites. This finds expression with the incessant 'white privilege' accusation. Which is why many traditional Democrat regions voted for Trump.
    I enjoy arguing? Let me remind you that you are often the first poster on articles. I think dueling is more accurate. You harp on posters punctuation, yet twist others point of view.

  46. If you insist on blaming the Democrats for the KKK, isn’t it nice that they’ve repented and embraced multicultural fairness for all? As a white guy, I’m happy to make certain sacrifices so that minorities can enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


  47. 1)

    Both the presidencies of Harding and Coolidge represented typical small town USA. They symbolized what was happening during the 1920's in America. The unexpected win of small town america over big city/urban america.

    A string of circumstance signalled this. 1st jan 1920 Prohibition. 1924 Limitation of immigration. The incredible rise of KKK. And CULTURAL AGRESSION OF BIBLE THUMPING FUNDAMENTALISM mid 1920's did underpin measures against immigration.

    The victories of Harding and Coolidge were based on fake news instead of reality and change was unstoppable.

    Prohibition failed miserably. (war on drugs)

    At first sight the halt to immigration seemed succesful.
    The 1917 measures failed miserably since the majority of immigrants was indeed and unexpectedly able to read and write. Early 1920's agitation increased and shamelessly racist.


    Industry did not oppose this racism anymore since by the increase of productivity cheap labor became unnecessary and best organized opposition against limitation disappeared.

    1924 National Origins Act.
    Northern European nations could not even fill the quota. Eastern and Southern European immigration stalled. Asians were stopped altogether.

    Of course economically and socially perhaps these quota on immigration could be defended in retrospect (with the crisis in mind) But the arguments at the time were flagrantly racist.

    National Origins Act failed.

    KKK. Small town America and Midwest. COPIED the name of the post CIVIL WAR organisation. 1915 organisation stalled. 1920 professional organizers took control and made it profitable business. They played on small town protestant cultural and political frustrations and played on conservation of traditional life patternsn of those constituents for Prohibition and AGAINST everything else, catholics, jews, black people and sin in general.

    AT BEST THE KLAN was an attempt to conserve the political and cultural status quo at a local level. AN THEY PLAYED ON THE PREVAILING SENTIMENTS FROM THE CIVIL WAR.

    As a loose organisation goals and behavior were different from city to city.

    (for understanding of wcg history ONLY the Oregon chapter or culture is of interest)

    At its height it completely dominated the politics of INDIANA. However it disappeard after sexual murder of a secretary of the Klan.

    CULTURAL UNCERTAINTY of small town citizens did not disappear as rapidly as the Klan. It is an ongoing process of return in cultural and political life and currently we see a huge resurgence of the old sentiments under the Trump presidency albeit not so primitive and violent as in those early days of its zenith.


  48. 2)


    The other aspect of permanent rebellion of the country side versus the Metropolis was American religious Fundamentalism. This was dominant within Populism. BY law and by FORCE they forced the biblical litteral truth. Tennessee prohibition of Darwins theory. John Scopes trial.

    From there we can hook on with the autobiography of HWA when a young convert goes out to disprove the sabbath and especially rails against EVOLUTION THEORY throughout the first chapters of the Autobiography. LATER OF COURSE DRAWING COMPARISONS BETWEEN THE EVILS OF EVOLUTION THEORY AND COMMUNISM throughout ALL literature dispensed.

    It was all a battle against SYMPTOMS of dramatic change in American Society. Small town America versus industrialisation (at first) and capitalism from the 1920's. In the 1920's the cultural reactionists had already embraced industrialisation as their ideology had eroded from the late 1890's. Paradoxically they railed against moral deprivation but IN FAVOR of the MECHANISM that CAUSED the CHANGE. IRRESISTABLE STUFF for the historian in its TRAGICOMIC manifestation.


    Then we get the 1939 WORLD OF TOMORROW FAIR ushuring in modernity and the age of American world system...........

    Leading into the 4th Industrial Revolution............. Which is the current transition into the rapidly evolving World Tomorrow.

    Saying good bye friends

    This is Nck for Banned and the alternative insight channel.

  49. Scratch multiculturalism and one finds ethnic groups dependent on government handouts. Ghettos and Indian reservations with their eye sore environments, are the result. This is a continuation of the old Southern plantations. Instead of the white massas dependent on their slaves, it's minorities who are dependent on the government. In both cases it destroys character, resulting in a form of slavery. This is why the phenomena of third generation government dependents who have never had a job. This isn't what the founding fathers had in mind with their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Putting lipstick on a pig is not a admiral trait.

  50. re 7:15 "This isn't what the founding fathers had in mind with their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

    Thats why I wrote my 2 comment essay and EDWARD BERNAYS (the father of public relations and modern marketing) changed THE MEANING OF THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS to THE PURSUIT OF DURABLE CONSUMER GOODS


    WHEN ARE YOUR EYES GOING TO BE OPENED to the accolyte of this movement.

    The apostle of "THE UNSEEN HAND" of market forces.


  51. My point.

    You should reconsider the definition of a slave.

    If you are a proponent of stellar character as you profess you should help and steer and guide the 4th Industrial Revolution to a path that differs from the path I HANDED TO YOU THROUGH the NYT article.

    As other NAVIGATORS have done before you during the 2nd and 3rd revolution when for example a booklet like "A world held captive" was written for that generation.


  52. 7:15, you are just seeing a small part of the totality, basically a crude stereotype of the poorest and most dependent. Valid and verifiable statistics have demonstrated for years that the vast majority of people receiving welfare are actually white. White people created the Indian Reservations. When have you known any Asians to be on welfare? As a group, they have displaced all others in our top universities, and have taken over our most desirable suburbs. Arabs are very entrepreneurial, and highly visible as convenience store owners, and proprietors of gas stations. Mexicans are some of the hardest working people on the face of the earth, with most being too proud to be on the dole. A huge African American middle class has emerged starting in the 1980s.

    You complain about the KKK being democrats, but you yourself are expressing the attitudes held by KKK types. Multiculturalism only fails to work for the people who don't believe in it. Everyone else has been participating in it and watching it work for decades.


  53. One more thing. It could be said that white people created the ghetto through discriminatory housing policies and redlining by the banks. And there’s more! One of my ex’s cousins from Chicago proudly told me that black people wouldn’t move into his neighborhood because his borough has a (wink wink) carefully controlled volunteer fire department. One time in California, I was attempting to become an apartment manager in order to improve my financial situation. The building owner told me that my wife was too young to be able to handle “colored people” who try to rent. I was shocked at the time by his blatant and flippant attitude, but then again, I had some black friends who would fake a white accent when inquiring about rental property on the phone.

    The truth? Sadly, black people never really began to be truly assimilated into the mainstream until the ‘80s when white women started to lighten up a little and let the brothas in. That finally began the changes people had expected at the time of the emancipation proclamation. As Dr. Condoleeza Rice once remarked, “America was born with several birth defects.”


  54. BB
    Saying that the majority of those receiving welfare are whites is misleading. African America's make up 12% of the population, while it's about 17% for the Hispanics. Keep this in mind with the official statistics of those receiving food stamps being 36% whites, 25.6% blacks and 17.2% are Hispanics. With medicaid it's 43% whites, 18% blacks and 30% Hispanics.
    What you say about the Asians is true. So much so that they are unofficially discriminated when it comes to college admissions.
    While many Mexicans are indeed hard working, it raises the question as why then is Mexico poor. And while many refuse the dole because of the work ethic, many do not. I've read that according to anecdotal evidence, it's half of the Mexicans.

    1. Mexico is poor for many reasons, 12:42, not the least of which is decades of corruption in the government. However, there is also a problem with the individual’s accumulation of wealth. There are many homes in the hands of families for which there are no deeds which could prove ownership, therefore they are useless as collateral.

      Poverty is self-perpetuating in many ways. People do whatever is required to survive, and often it involves crime and corruption, whether it’s the Tijuana cop who collects traffic fines (mordidas) off the books, or the impoverished peasant who does favors for the cartels. Literacy is also a problem. Many of the immigrants who come to the USA are not able to read or write in Spanish, making it much more difficult to learn English. Some of those coming to the US from Central America are indiginous people who speak relatively rare and obscure non-written native languages, making communication nearly impossible.

      Jay Leno used to have a regular man on the street interview segment called “Jay Walking”. Most American citizens walking our city streets have no intimate knowledge of the conditions of our neighbors to the south, or why they and their families face almost certain death walking through the desert with dangerous human traffickers, their wives often being raped along the way, just to be able to live in a country where the deck is not stacked against them. There are more opportunities than there once were with the maquiladoras (US owned factories in Mexico), but much more time will be required to extricate the majority of the population from poverty.

      Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are just not going to share this information with their radio audiences. And, that’s who the most popular cliches are coming from in the current political forum.


  55. Holy Crap.

    I just realized that my postings trying to explain the cultural context of Armstrongism resemble the Manifesto of the New Zealand killer.
    Well, anyway this Australian dude said his greatest example from whom he seeked blessing was Anders Breivik.
    Anders Breivik manifesto did indeed (amongst 500 other quotes) quote a Garner Ted booklet on European Unification and identity.

    Moreover I did quote the Chinese example as a model to combat whereas the NZ killer saw the Chinese (Armstrongtite world tomorrow) model as a model to copy (one race one nation).

    Anyway. I will continue my quest to delve into the pits and origins of 1920's philosophy and not engage in nitty gritty discussions on whether the kkk evolved from democrats or republicans ignoring the wider spectrum of cultural defects and indentity problems.


  56. "it raises the question as why then is Mexico poor"

    Oh man!

    Because we took Texas from them.


  57. And California!

    The 7th economic world power for which HWA was a representative!

