Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 8, 2019

The One and Only True Church and International Women's Day

Friday was International Women's Day.  This, of course, had to set off the doubly-cursed and self-appointed false prophet of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God.  In his eyes everything has to have a pagan connotation or some hidden meaning so that he has something to whine about.  His latest flatulence is that the day is a SOCIALIST tool to brainwash women.
March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Socialist Woman’s Conference to become an “International Woman’s Day.” After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations. …
In 1914 International Women’s Day was held on March 8, possibly because that day was a Sunday, and now it is always held on March 8 in all countries. The 1914 observance of the Day in Germany was dedicated to women’s right to vote, which German women did not win until 1918.
In London there was a march from Bow to Trafalgar Square in support of women’s suffrage on March 8, 1914. Sylvia Pankhurst was arrested in front of Charing Cross station on her way to speak in Trafalgar Square.
On March 8, 1917, on the Gregorian calendar, in the capital of the Russian Empire, Petrograd, women textile workers began a demonstration, covering the whole city. This marked the beginning of the Russian Revolution. …
The day is an official holiday in Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China (for women only), Cuba, Georgia, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar (for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Zambia.
In some countries, such as Cameroon, Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Chile, the day is not a public holiday, but is widely observed nonetheless. (Wikipedia, accessed 03/08/18)
#BalanceforBetter is the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day, which is observed each year on March 8. The 2019 initiative is aimed at gender equality, a greater awareness of discrimination and a celebration of women’s achievements, according to the International Women’s Day website. That includes reducing the global pay gap between men and women and making sure all are equal – and balanced – in activist movements, boardrooms and beyond. 
International Women's Day 2019 theme is #BalanceforBetter: Here's what you need to know
He then makes this statement, almost begrudgingly:
As far as women go, they do have rights, and should not be mistreated.
He then proceeds to quote ancient scriptural texts of Herbert Armstrong on how women should know their place in the family and the church.

To be truly happy, a real woman should bear in mind the purpose of which she was created – and set herself definite GOALS to fulfill in the accomplishment of that purpose. 
First of all, she should remember that she was called to help and supplement her husband. She should learn to be responsive to him and to his direction of the home, entertainment and way of life. 
She should realize that her husband’s success is her success also – and fully SHARE and delight in the triumphs and achievements of her husband, knowing that htey are partly her own. Also, she should equally share in his sorrow and disappointments – trying always to give the right kind of balanced and positive sympathy and encouragement so that he will rebound to other successes in the future.
Then, for the woman who reads and understands the Bible, another goal presents itself. That is the goal of preparing to help RULE and reconstruct this entire society in the World Tomorrow (Rev. 2:26; 5:10). Some Christian women wonder how they are being prepare for this. If they, themselves, are not leading and directing businesses, families and public activities today, how are they learning and preparing for tomorrow’s world?
The ANSWER is that a woman, with the physiological and psychological nature given her by God has magnificent opportunities – too often untapped – for preparing toward this goal. She needs to set herself to be a really successful wife, mother and contributor today. (True Womanhood: A Lost Cause?) 



  1. Have a look at Thiel's latest endorsed film..."Women, Know Your Limits!"


    (Highlight link, copy, and then paste into browser)

  2. As far as women go, they do have rights, and should not be mistreated.

    How patronizing! Substitute "blacks" or "effeminate narcissist naturopaths" for "women" and see how condescending Thiel's phrasing sounds.

  3. This is disgusting! No real head of the household would have a ham sandwich! Why do you publish such blasphemy?

  4. HWAs position on women originated in high class 17th century england and was aggravated by the 19th century rise of the middle classes and the rise of the city. With the new high wages the middle classes were able to copy the behavior to have women stay at home and not work. For the rest of mankinds existance women have always been under adams curse for having to labor, in order to live.

    This became the norm in 1950's ascend of the usa toward world power, assembling the riches of the earth enabling the middle class to have the man work only and live a comfortable life.

    Armstrongism mirrors the aspiration of the middle classes to live the high class life. (like the proverbs woman managing a huge estate while the man is an important politician) It doesnt work that way for blue collar families.

    Even if women acquired universal suffrage around 1918 in the western world. Most were fired when marrying and could only legally buy and sell (property) by consent of a man until the 1950-1970 period).

    Even if Armstrong quotes the bible on women it is obvious he mirrors the exact middle class position of a certain time period with a specific american touch regarding education for instance.

    When one is able to see hwa within his period one can honestly asses that at many points hwa was an american liberalizer and a breath of fresh air for a certain generation albeit hearking to standards that evolved around the day of his birth and not found in biblical context but interpreted that way. ( for instance the make up question) Of course in hwas times only whores used make up. HWA was soooooooo right.

    HWA however forgot ro mention that priscilla, maria, eunice etc most likely used eye shade etc when receiving and sponsoring the apostles in their homes and travelling the roman empire. Or the lady that raised Moses. Make up is among the most frequent finds in archeology. Although I do admit that davids tomb would rock the world more than perfume bottles.

    They will be shocked to find make up in davids tomb (for his personal use). My point. Such hill tribe chieftain would have aspired and copied the customs of the larger empires surrounding it.

    As the minor power usa did in the late 18 hundreds. Copying the social mores of its powerful cousin until it reached its own zenith.

    And hwa witnessed it all happen and served as "the announcer" of that new world order hailing from a time when it was not so.


  5. Nck
    HWA was not a "American liberalizer and a breath of fresh air" on major points. On some Pharisaic points perhaps, but not on the fundamentals. Since he was born in 1892, he would have been familiar with Jim Crow and the mental subjugation of African Americans. He would have enjoyed treating adult blacks as if they were children. I recall him mentioning doing this in his autobiography. Having observed, enjoyed and noting the techniques of subjugation, he applied them within his church. Not surprising, his heart went out after communism, which resulted in the men within the church having to wear the equivalent of Mao suites. In photographs, I never saw him or his wife wearing what was strange looking cloths to those around him, but he demanded it of his members. And not forgetting the commie 'give way' and 'government is everything' mantra. Herb and his minister then and now, know that both are bull, but they still preach it. Herbs Christianity is a hybrid of communism, and Kenneth Copeland ministries. The bible is only (mis)used to con people into accepting this jumbled moral mess.

  6. Bob Thiel, professing Bonjour self-made prophet, believer in the Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM) and using Buzz words (World Tommorow), wrote:

    "...Then, for the woman who reads and understands the Bible, another goal presents itself. That is the goal of preparing to help RULE and reconstruct this entire society in the World Tomorrow (Rev. 2:26Open in Logos Bible Software (if available); 5:10Open in Logos Bible Software (if available))..."

    Bob Thiel, like (xcog hirelings who left their ministerial credentials behind elsewhere) so many others, who turn a blind eye to the "second coming" when Jesus Christ came back to earth (After His resurrection & visiting The God, His Father in Heaven) for about 40 days, using "precept upon precept, here a little and there a little" thinking mentions 2 scriptures that have over a 1,000 years between them. Here is God's words for the likes of Bob via Jeremiah:

    "For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have not sent them, saith the LORD." Jer 29:9

    Bob is a false prophet telling Bible-reading women how to prepare for the World Tomorrow (WT) during some MMM!

    Bob, like so many xcog leaders, is just like the prophets of Baal, and life goes on!

    Here is Ezekiel's words for the likes of Bobby:

    "They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word." Eze 13:6

    And we continue to see the vanity and lying of Bob Thiel and others such as Weston, Flurry, Pack, Malm, Winnail, Franks, Kubik, Weinland...etc.

    Time will tell...


  7. 1:22

    Interesting take.

    I do understand the treatment of women and black people (as you mention) as children somewhat.

    I would have been tempted to treat people and especially women that way if I had been part of that privileged limited class of people with some sort of education.

    I wonder if I would have associated with women at all, besides the mens club for entertainment if they had remained uneducated, blabberers of gossip on the latest affairs of some count.


    1. You’re a real peach, aren’t you nck?

  8. First of all, there is a name for the subjugation of minorities which was often an outgrowth of empire building, or colonialism. Today, we call it “white paternalism”. The colonial experience and resulting exploitation caused so much pent up resentment that as the empires began to be disbanded in the twentieth century, some of the newly freed nations saw communism as a more attractive alternative to freedom-based partnerships with their former empires. Colonialism caused much of the turbulence in international geopolitics which we faced during the twentieth century, as well as several of the prolonged miniaturized wars we experienced.

    Secondly, isn’t Bob Thiel’s “brilliant” dissertation right in keeping with the guiding logic of Armstrongism? If you don’t like something, and you can’t find a precedent in paganism, find some communist or socialist roots with which to tar and feather it! What a joke. There are simply too many female combat veterans, especially some who were promoted through the ranks, too many female business owners, too many highly placed female executives, too many female elected officals, and too many female international leaders for Bob’s admonitions to be viable at this point in history. It should be perfectly obvious that God gave women many of the same talents and abilities as men, abilities that went largely unnoticed in the bronze and early iron ages, and were therefore not reflected in the ancient literature.

    The thing is, Bob is in a position where his daily experiences certainly must place him in a position to know much better than what he writes. What are the chances that at least one or two powerful women wouldn’t seek treatment from him to enhance their career performance? I do work occasionally for a legitimate college of naturopathic medicine, not in India, but right here in the USA. You’d be absolutely amazed at the sheer number of women who are studying to become naturopaths! One of the skill sets that is taught involves knowledge as to how to successfully operate a naturopathic practice. Guess what? Part of that involves administrating men. This stuff has all become part of the basic fabric of modern society, and much of it is an outgrowth of what began as plans B during World War II! (Rosie the riveter was the godmother of all of todays’ powerful women!)

    When it suited their purposes, Armstrongism made eternal paradigms out of cultural statements which were largely based on the times during which those statements were made. If any ACOG members are reading this, please cover your childrens’ ears when Bob Thiel (or any other ACOG charlatan) is teaching their sexist drivel! Because if your son is infected by it, he will not be able to successfully work reporting to a female executive, and your daughter might come to believe that she should not attend college or university leading to a position in fields in which she has authority over men.

