Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 4, 2021

RCG: God Is Looking Into The Hearts of LAZY RCG Members Who Are Not Participating In The "Loose Change Challenge"



  1. So don't forget to raid the kids piggy bank and give the coins to Dave.

  2. Does anyone have any idea how many are left in RCG?

    1. Around 2200, including kids.

    2. Way less! There’s about 1,300 left. RCG claims they have BIG congregations abroad, but that’s a BIG lie (what’s new). Europe for instance only 80 RCG members left. Asia and Africa same thing.. The way to tell is to look at how many ministers they have abroad. Europe: 2, Asia: 1, Africa: 2

  3. I'm sure if we had an Acts chapter 29, it would be all about Peter, James and John doing a loose change challenge in congregations throughout the Roman empire.

  4. I've got a better idea for Dave:The Loose Screw Challenge. He's already got everybody else out there beaten by a long shot, and wouldn't have to check with the mailing or accounting department to check the status. In fact, it's a better fund generator than tithing, because for every single loose screw he loses, ten more take its place.

  5. Loose change for Pack, who has LOOSE MARBLES!

  6. As usual, it's all about the money isn't it.

    God's supposed final last warning to mankind before the Great Tribulation and the culmination of His Great 7000 year Plan(TM), but it will all come crashing down unless you scrape together your loose change and send it to Dave.

  7. PPCG? Penny Pinching Church of God. Of course it's Dave

  8. Send in loose change yet at the Feast of Tabernacles for decades the top brass ministry have limitless Church credit cards.

  9. Now let's have the LOOSE BRICK challenge!

  10. Hey, Dave! Why not get your followers doing something that accomplishes good on several levels? Give a sermon about the environment, about being a good steward with the creation. Stress the importance of maintaining a low carbon footprint in ways that save money. Use less electricity or gasoline. Recycle aluminum beer cans. Calculate the difference between before and after bills, and send it in.

    We all know that a micro-splinter by itself will have a statistically negligible effect with whatever it does, but maybe others will recognize a good example when they see it, and can get the snowball rolling.

  11. The Loose Change Challenge is Ken Orel's baby. Probably got him promoted. It is something I never participated in, not because I had a lazy heart, but because I seldom have any spare change! And also because after I sent in all the other monies that they demanded, it just made no sense to send in more!!

    That and their yard sales and auctions where you sell to brethren and turn the money over to Dave. I'm surprised Dave doesn't have you send everything that you earn in to him, and you can have a clothing exchange with brethren, thereby not needing to spend money on clothes!

  12. Another example of paying through the nose to be a member of any ACOGs.
    Without the carrot of being the bride of Christ, these churches would be near non existent. Except for the odd widow who's getting handouts or the single women who can't get dates in the real world.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Now let's have the LOOSE BRICK challenge!

    Nice shot! RCG would collapse.

  14. Dave Packatollah's loose change challenge may have a challenge within its challenge. Since the pandemic, American's are using less cash including coins. If you have been in a U.S. airport during the pandemic (I travel frequently in my business even during 2020), you would see signs at Kiosks and open airport stores with signs posted "Card transactions only due to national coin shortage".

    There is actually a coin shortage. Americans are just using coins less. If this is an annual event of the Packatollah's, members may have already been fleeced of any excess coins in prior years loose change challenge. Of course, being the good Communist Dave is, there really shouldn't be any loose change as it should have already been sent in as Common.




  15. How to truly WIN Dave Pack's “Loose Change Challenge”: Do NOT give him ANY change at all.


  16. He ought to host a LOST MARBLES contest with the others to see which one is the CRAZIEST!! I think they ALL win!! 😂👍
