Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 1, 2021

And So It Begins: Church of God International, Another Petri Dish Feast Site

From Church of God International:

Subject: Fwd: Sabbath Services Cancelled

Hello Everyone,

Hope all are safely home from the FOT and doing well. However, due to an abundance of caution, we have decided to cancel Sabbath services tomorrow. Some of those who attended the FOT at Hot Springs have tested positive for Covid and many others have been in close contact and others are not feeling well and are otherwise potentially symptomatic.

We plan to resume our normal schedule with a great service, including a pot-luck and Sabbath School next Sabbath (10-9-21).

Please spread the word to anyone you think might not receive this email.

Thanks and see everyone next Sabbath!

Larry & Kitty


  1. "We plan to resume our normal schedule with a great service, including a pot-luck and Sabbath School next Sabbath (10-9-21)."

    I'll bring the pork sausage and shrimp cocktail...

  2. "Please spread the word" LOL And whatever else you might choose to spread. Pretty predictable isn't it?

  3. Any ACOG member who attends services on October 2 or October 9 is taking a huge risk of catching COVID from someone who caught it at the FOT. Allow a couple more weeks for asymptomatic spread in local congregations, and by Halloween there's likely to be an identifiable ACOG cluster of COVID cases.

  4. I'm not trying to be precious about this, but some of these feastgoers are going to die of Covid-19. Does Splinterdom have a theodicy to explain this to the bereft?

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    1. NEO
      Dying from COVID-19? It's not that simple. Most people who supposedly died from COVID had several other medical conditions at the same time. Some researchers claim that 80% of so called COVID deaths died from their other medical problems.
      So yes, many elderly members will "die from COVID-19."

  5. NeoTherm said...
    I'm not trying to be precious about this, but some of these feastgoers are going to die of Covid-19. Does Splinterdom have a theodicy to explain this to the bereft?

    The Sermons were killing us all so they got off easy and don't have to hear another.

  6. Their abundance of caution over not meeting this week didn't seem to strike them as necessary last week while meeting for the FOT. I guess the abundance of caution only applies after the fact.

  7. CGI is following the lead of COGWA, which decided pre-Feast to have everyone stay home this Sabbath to watch a video service from HQ in TX.

    At least one long-time COGWA Pastor became ill during the Feast and couldn't make his speaking slot. Not clear if that was due to COVID-19 or not.

  8. YET....

    Millions are attending football, baseball and all other manner of sporing events this weekend in close proximity to each other.

    In all fairness, to call the FOT events , which at their largest are 800 people in attendance at a site "super spreader events" is bombasitc and exaggerated.

    1. How do you know Tonto that the largest feast site is 800?

  9. Hey NO2HWA the is reports of many outbreaks of Covid 19 throughout all the COG Feast sites. Many are still at the feast sites location as they had to cancel flights home.
    So why zero on CGI?

  10. Tonto, Couldn't agree with you more!! This group wants to vilify all COG groups, yet sporting events, political parties, protests, and many other events are far more super spreaders. Everyone needs to quit making this stuff up.

  11. "So why zero on CGI?"

    This is not zeroing in on CGI. This was the first one sent in by a reader here. If there are other issues in other COG's then I will post those as people send them.

    At least with CGI, they are being honest while some other COG's will cover it up.

  12. I attended a large feast site and was amazed at the number of people I spoke with who already had Covid. Entire families and churches had been infected in the last year. There were also many who got infected while at the feast site.

    1. No offence meant 6:22 PM but that's why Covid 19 is called a Pandemic. It is not a cold.

    2. 4.33 AM
      In a real pandemic, would healthcare workers be laid off for for refusing the jab?
      Of those families and churches infected, how many died?

  13. Just as a point of interest, are the splinters generally anti-vax? I'm thinking that PCG would definitely be against anything from the medical mainstream, but what about the others?

    Will all the ACOG members hers please sound off? Example: "I'm from UCG, and we are encouraged to get vaccinated", or "I'm from LCG, and we can get tested but don't do the jab!"

    It would be nice to know where everybody stands.

  14. I am from COGWA and am vaccinated. COGWA is not antivax. I think there are many many individuals who are though, not just with the CoVid vaccine. I am against mandateting any vaccine though. Everyone should be able to choose

  15. If one cannot properly spell a commonly used word, what else do they misspeak?

    “ Petri Dishes
    Petri dishes are shallow cylindrical containers with fitted lids that are designed specifically for microbiology or cell culture use. ”

    I thought atheists were perfect.


  16. "I thought atheists were perfect. Not."

    Seriously, Karen? That's all you have to offer. Too funny.

    Grammarly does not check titles to articles, Karen. Calm down.

    Not an atheist here.

  17. Good thing He has decided NOT to cancel US, YET!! 🤣🤣 If you do not like the spelling; I suggest you LEAVE!! I personally will not miss you!!
