Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Jon Brisby Gets Crazier: No More Matzos = Jewish Sin


It was in 1996 that Raymond Cole pressed Jon to become a minister, a course that he never would have chosen of his own accord. 
He was ordained by Mr. Cole on the Feast of Trumpets in 1997 but did not jettison his corporate career until late 1999 when the church was in dire need of more full-time helpers. 
He moved his family to Eugene, Oregon that year and worked as Raymond Cole’s ministerial assistant until Mr. Cole’s death in 2001. 
Thereafter, Jon became Pastor and Director of Church of God, The Eternal, 
a position of service he holds to this day.

Jon Brisby is another one of the splinter group leaders that have managed to tick off a lot of members. COGE members have been quite vocal here on one of the longest-running threads on this blog, Church of God, The Eternal's Jon Brisby Sinks To A New Vile Low. COGE members claim Brisby is coming up with all kinds of heresy, kind of like Bob Thiel does. Dreams are important to Brisby.

Today this comment was posted. 

What about their new truths on unleavened bread and atonement revealed by Jon Brisby in these last days? No more matzos, they are Jewish sin. Unleavened bread must be organic whole wheat, home made, thin and burned to a crisp or it doesn't count. And our atonement doesn't really count as atoning unless we begin our fast before sundown and are already afflicted. Also, herbs and homeopathy are the same wicked sin as doctors and medications. No faith! Jesus walks in Eugene, listen. He has new truth in Jon. Cole didn't know these things. Jon has new truth More to come

Poor Bob Thiel, the little guy just can never get a break. Now Brisby has spoken out against the homeopathic quackery that is so important to Thiel. People who go to naturopaths and herbalists are wallowing in wicked sin.

I remember in elementary school being told as a second grader that I could not have any water or food after 12:00 noon on the eve of atonement. The crazy minister in the Dayton, OH area said your stomachs had to be completely empty when sundown arrived, even if you were a child and had gym class after 12:00. No water for you, heathen! God's highly intelligent minister had spoken!

Jon seems to be one step ahead of Dave Pack though. When you read the comments on the blog entry mentioned above, some of his followers believe Jon is a walking embodiment of Christ and thus needs to be listened to when he delivers new truth. While Dave Pack claims his Christ is coming to Wadsworth, it's not going to be long till Dave Claims he is the embodiment of Christ. After all, with all of these failures happening with Dave, the only thing left is for him to declare himself as Christ returned. Jon is like Thiel in the endless supply of revelations he receives in dreams, supposedly from his god.


  1. "Unleavened bread must be ...thin and burned to a crisp..."

    I know nothing about this Splinterist preacher, or his Splinter Group and I am not inclined to find out more, so it is hard for me to say something substantive as a response to this post. So, I will charge to the periphery. If you overcook or burn or caramelize carbohydrates, they will form acrylamides. Acrylamides are carcinogenic. (My apologies to the fans of french fries.) It would then be, in the parlance and philosophy of HWA, a "physical" sin to consume an overcooked Matzoh. This transforms the unleavened bread of truth and sincerity into something toxic and you must throw the entire liturgy and its symbolism out the window.

    Just saying ...

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  2. The only two hairstyles APPROVED by God are the classic slick back and combing your hair to the side.

  3. john brisby doesn't like anything jewish

  4. Grace mercy forgiveness compassion love…..the weightier matters of the Law.
    And an inconvenience truth to so many.
    I well remember a Rabbi stating very clearly at a Yom Kippur service I attended that water was available to those who needed it at the Shul. That there are elderly and young and those with medical conditions that may not be able to fast during this time period, let’s not judge.
    It was a refreshing change to what I had experienced before and a pleasant surprise.
    I can imagine the disdain that the Jon Brisbys of this world would have on hearing of this.
    Happy Passover Pesach to one and all.

  5. To obey God we must cut our hair and make sure that it is slicked back or combed to the side.

  6. I still celebrate the days of unleavened bread but with a profoundly different focus:

    "for the TRUE BREAD of God is HE (Christ)", John 6:32-33

    Christ: " I am THAT BREAD", John 6:48

    Radical I know but call me a heretic. Forget the crackers!!

  7. SING ALONG TIME! --- Sing to the tune "Macho Man" , Village People 1978

    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

    Matzo, matzo man ...

    I've got to be a matzo man...

    I've got to have a matzo, matz yeah...

    I've got to have a Matzo, ow!

  8. DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD IS COMING AND Jon Brisby JUST DECLARED MILK KEFIR IS A LEAVENING. Just like popcorn , popovers .Just because it puffs up doesn't mean it has leaven in it. Some Jews won't eat noodles because they expand in water. The bible states unleavened bread. But there they are adding to what the bible says. Just my thoughts on the issue.

  9. Legalism is always seeking to please God through works. And to please God more they think they need to work harder. Anything but that ucky bloody offensive cross and sappy sweet grace...

  10. COGWA says milk kefir is in the same category as beer and wine yeasts, and that drinks aren't now and never have been considered leaven.


  11. All human bodies have a small amount of candida (a type of yeast) within them. A tiny amount is normal, but an excess can grow into a yeast infection in the body.

    If you follow Brisby's logic, you had better purge all of the yeast out of your system before the Days of Unleavened Bread. And during the DULB you had better not kiss or have sexual contact with your spouse, as you'll be taking in some yeast if you do so.

  12. COGWA says milk kefir is in the same category as beer and wine yeasts, and that drinks aren't now and never have been considered leaven.

    This is the absurdity of legalism. If you eat your yogurt with a spoon, it's leaven to avoid, but if you chug it with your mouth it's acceptable leaven to ingest.

  13. Doesn't Gal 3 say that the Law was until the Messiah came? Jews still observe the Law of Moses because they don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah. So, are Christians denying that the Messiah came if they cling to the Law of Moses as the Jews do? The Passover was to remember the death angel passing over the Israelites while they were enslaved in Egypt. Christians aren't Israelites. They weren't enslaved in Egypt. The Lord's supper was to be observed in remembrance of the Messiah coming the first time. We can learn from the symbolism of the Passover, but Christians are to observe the Lord's Supper, as I understand it.

  14. Anon 5:38:00 PM PDT

    Yes the Law was a tutor to bring us to Christ.
    And scripture tells us that now that messiah has come we have no need of a tutor.
    Yes Israel still observes the Law because as you mentioned they do not recognise Jesus.
    No Christians are not denying that Jesus came if they observe the Passover, Pesach as the Jews
    Christians are ‘Israelites’ and are ‘grafted’ into Israel as scripture tells.
    ‘We can learn from the symbolism of the Passover’ is quite correct.
    And there is much symbolism in scripture as you are correctly pointing out.
    What is interesting is that the Feast of Tabernacles and the Sabbaths will be observed in the millennium.
    He is a Jew is one inwardly who’s circumcision is of the heart and not the flesh.
    Circumcision and uncircumcised is nothing but a new man in Christ.

  15. Jon will tell you about White sugar too right? But he is allowed to drink brewed Coffee in the His hot tub? I'm thinking he secretly still loves ice cream. Only Kim and a handful of us ladies know his secrets. He's a funny fellow, Kim Jokes and frequently chats about his special needs and Weaknesses. She Hates Jon being transported around the World and blames him for bringing home Bedbugs to their own Home. Those pest control treatments targeted all the home from nook and cranny. Kim requested a special lab test and found those bugs were Cimex lectularius. God expects us, in asking for healing but Jon refused to ask and announce for members' help. After this transpired He ruled out a suggestion for a public church formal statement on such as a petition to God. Latter he even banned the prayer request feature saying A prayer circle will not be allowed in our Church. Cole Cole allowed under our Church History members to pray for one another in times of need and healing. James 5:17Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) to "pray for one another. Jon's Pride and control are Shocking. Jon Is the Law and Makes the Rules up .

  16. Maybe he thinks his Christ . I think he really hates Jewish people just like British Israelism. My Bible Warns me that someone will sit in the temple of God, setting himself up as God. Neither shall he regard the god of his fathers, ( Cole HWA) … nor any god; for he shall magnify himself above all.” . Man of Lawlessness will not only seek to abolish Divine worship given unto the Church, but will substitute for it the worship of himself and his own rules. Showing himself that he is God; not saying it with his mouth but his Actions. Assuming to himself all power in heaven and in earth. pardoning sins, of Church Members Marriages that have compromised D & R which none but God can do; this is the mouth speaking blasphemies, Revelation 13:5. He Hates Prophecy ask yourself the Question Why! Think about it brethren!

  17. Our Only tutor today is our Pastor. Jesus will use Him to guide the Church into all truth. The new truth demonstrates Jesus' works within Brisby. Jesus Never changes we are under the laws of our Bibles. Why do you seek to be free from the law? No Law we are slaves to the flesh. Seek the Law Obey the Law only then do we follow Jesus.

  18. Anon Your Church is a New Man? Brisby sure is teaching New things. Proves we are the only true church today.

  19. I used to think that we on the dissident sites had originated cancel culture, because we certainly did a number on ol' HWA! It was like maybe, based on our experiences, cancel culture was the one great gift we had been able to give to the world at large, and all we were doing is insisting upon accountability. It's not 100% effective, though, is it? These ridiculous, cartoonish leaders always seem to be able to hang on to a small core that never gives up, no matter how effectively we debunk and refute. I was quite surprised that Ron Weinland was able to simply pick up where he had left off as he was released under parole. His congregation acted as if he had been imprisoned for spreading the gospel, rather than for actual crimes which it was proven that he had committed.

    It is so sad that people submit themselves to bullies and control freaks, as if such charlatans actually were the gatekeepers to the kingdom.

  20. some people enjoy being slaves. It's a lot easier than personal accountability. Cult me harder daddy!

  21. @9:45AM:

    "Just because it puffs up doesn't mean it has leaven in it."

    Just what do you think "leavened" means???

    And as a side note, the Israelites ate unleavened bread because it didn't have time to rise. The dough had yeast in it but it had not yet risen. And Paul admonished the Corinthians to not be "puffed up".

  22. I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: and hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

    Do you ever wonder why this is the very first thing that is said to the churches in the last book of the Bible? Why? BECAUSE IT IS IMPORTANT TO DO! If you are working out your own salvation, then why on God's green earth are you listening to everything that a minister says as if it is sacrosanct? There is a reason we follow Christ, not men.

    In the end my friends, we are going to be standing there next to our judge, and if what we did was not of our own accord and is not deemed worthy, we will have 0 excuses.

    Please, I implore you people of the churches, try your ministers down to their very last words, and don't feel guilty about it. Christ told you to do so.

  23. Just what do you think "leavened" means???

    Quoting one online dictionary:

    leavened • ˈlevənd
    made with yeast or other leavening agent

    A bread is leavened if it has yeast, whether or not it has puffed up. A bread is unleavened if it has no yeast, even if egg whites or other such "puffing" agents have been added.

  24. Again, call me a heretic, but there are some interesting scriptural comparisons concerning Christ, the TRUE living Unleavened bread, that should enlighten our focus.

    In John 6:47, Christ says "he that believes on me (faith) has everlasting life". Then in verse 54 we read, "whosoever eats my flesh (the True bread) and drinks my blood has eternal life"!

    These are just 2 different ways of saying the same thing!! We spiritually partake of Christ the TRUE bread by the FAITH principle. I know this sounds too protestant but this is also confirmed by comparing John 6:56 with Ephesians3:17: " He that eats the TRUE bread dwells in me and I in him" which according to Paul is
    accomplished by FAITH!

    I'm sure Jon Brisby would say this is spiritualizing away the truth but in reality it is in full agreement with the NT principals of walking by faith, serving now in newness of spirit, in sincerity and truth! (Romans 7:6, 1 Corinthians 5:8, John 4:23-24).

    Forget the matzos, they are no longer needed!

    1. I agree with you to a point, but did not Christ tell his disciples during that Passover service to partake of those emblems until his return? He said "as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me". This clearly tells me matzos or not matzos, it has to be some sort of unleavened material that we partake of.

    2. Yep, I've been labeled that before by false accusers. So what's new?

  25. @ Anon 5:15
    "Just what do you think 'leavened' means???"

    I think it means what the native speakers of Hebrew for thousands of years define 'Chametz' to mean. I do not think it means what some American gentile false prophet from 1945 decided what it means.


  26. As a symbol, matzos would certainly work for the Passover service itself but that lasts about 2 minutes! I'm talking about spending all your time during a 7 day festival reading box labels and frustrating over noodles and beer and all that nonsense. When your total focus is on those worrisome rituals, you (like the Jews, Pharisees, and the Flurry types) are missing the point!! If the New testament teaches us anything it's to embrace the "REAL" thing!

  27. re: Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 5:15:00 AM PDT Just what do you think "leavened" means???

    The poster makes an excellent point that few consider. The unleavened bread of the exodus had yeast in it but it had not yet risen, therefore it was unleavened. Leavened means risen, or puffed up. It doesn't matter how it happens, whether it's yeast, egg whites, or carbonated liquid, if it's puffed, it's leavened.

    People are quick to turn to extra-biblical sources to support their erroneous claims while ignoring what's clearly in the bible. That sort of thing has been going on for millennia and will continue, even for a while after Christ's return.

  28. This thread is drifting off track because of a misunderstanding.

    The ancient Hebrews had both flatbread and puffy bread.

    When they learned they would flee so soon, they deliberately baked their next lot of bread without yeast.

    Yes, they deliberately made flatbread. They didn't fail at making puffy bread.

    There was no yeast in the bread the Hebrews made for their flight from Egypt.

  29. You heard it, folks, from someone who was actually there! No need for further speculation, or any guess work.

  30. I guess 12:10:00 PM PDT missed the part about them not having time for the bread to rise.

  31. I guess 12:10:00 PM PDT missed the part about them not having time for the bread to rise.

    That's why they made flatbread!

  32. Exodus 12:34. "So the people took their dough before it was leavened, having their kneading bowls bound up in their clothes on their shoulders."

  33. There are 613 laws in the Law of Moses. Why did HWA ignore so many of them? Who was to blow the shofar on the holy days? What type of tassels did he wear? etc. You can't pick and choose, the Law is a package deal. If you break one, you've broken them all, according to James.

  34. "Exodus 12:34. "So the people took their dough before it was leavened, having their kneading bowls bound up in their clothes on their shoulders." "

    Yes exactly. There is no need to say "before it was leavened" unless time was the factor that kept it from being leavened.

  35. THE Church is shrinking so much that Jon Brisby is talking about combining both US churches to one site next year. That is very telling. People are waking up to his spin on the truth.

    1. Yet he won't stop talking about his authority. He would gain so much respect with the current members and the group would probably grow if he would go back and right some wrongs. He knows what they are, I know what they are, but pride cometh before a fall.

  36. Tell Jon to Stay near home and within city bounds on the Sabbath.
    (Exodus 16:29)

  37. I have just found out after 30 years in the Church we all have been keeping the Law wrong.

    To rest on the New Year (the first day of the seventh month).
    (Leviticus 23:24

    To do no work on Rosh Hashana, the New Year.
    (Leviticus 23:25)

    Not to eat the fruit of a tree for the first three years.
    (Leviticus 19:23)

    Not to withhold charity from those in need.
    (Deuteronomy 15:7

    We all have broken those laws. Obeying one but breaking the rest is Sin.

    Thank God for allowing me to see after 30 years inside CGE.

  38. There are many commandments are in the Torah 613 in fact! The Bible actually contains two complete sets of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21). In addition, Leviticus 19 contains a partial set of the Ten Commandments (see verses 3-4, 11-13, 15-16, 30, 32), and Exodus 34:10-26 is sometimes considered a ritual decalogue.

    So Jon Must keep them All!

    613 you all must Keep today.

  39. Maybe, the OT law is unkeepable now that the temple is gone, and Christ is the true rebuilt temple and he tabernacles in us through the holy ghost? What if, the reason so many non cult denominations have endured hundreds of years is because they had God's grace and a better understanding than some uneducated salesman who claimed everyone else was wrong and he restored the "lost gospel?". 8 billion people in the world, and Christianity is the largest religion. The gospel of Christ is out there. It's probably not a splinterfied rag tag bunch of personality cult leaders all spinning their own version of Armstrongism... Ye shall know them by their fruits. Who is sharing the gospel with prisoners? Homeless? Orphans and widows? They are doing more for God that your closed door suit and tie club of chosen gods... Wake up before it's too late. You might be lost, deceived, and missing out on the true peace and abundant joy of the redeemed. Your works are nothing. Your little phoney Sabbaths are nothing. Your holy days don't purify your heart or make you worthy. Only Christ. Only him. Jesus is your savior. Repent of the sin of following a false christ, and ask Jesus to break the bonds of fear. Ask him to remove the hate, darkness, fear, perversion and false faith. Ask Him to set you free and grant you wisdom and discernment. And start praying for people. Anybody and everybody. Not just the other 5 people in your secret cult club. Pray for the world. Pray BLESSINGS on them all. You are not a god in training. You are not more special than the world. You are not the select elite God chose and one day the world will know you "knew the truth!". If you die not knowing Jesus, you didn't know Jack snot. You will be embarrassed and humiliated on judgement day. Trembling, gnashing teeth. Who is Jon Brisby?" God will say. I gave you my son, is He in you? Did you follow Him? " But Jon said..." Won't cut it or be an excuse when you stand before an eternal throne of grace and glory. Time is running out.
