Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Wayne Turgeon: Love Your Enemies But Ignore Your Family Members Who Are No Longer Part of PCG

One of the sad hallmarks of the current COG splinter group masquerading as the Philadelphia Church of God is its abhorrent treatment of family members and friends who are not part of the PCG, especially those who left the church for various reasons.

Fathers and mothers have turned against children. Children have turned their backs on parents and grandparents. The abominable edicts from Flurry, Turgeon and other goosestepping henchmen of the PCG have separated families so horrifically that it has led to suicide by several members. They have no problem with this and hold their heads up high and puff their chests out pretending to be enforcing God's standards.

Turgeon writes:

I have dealt with situations where I needed to love my “enemies.” Some of those relations have improved to the point where these people are now great friends of mine. It showed me, personally, that God will bless us if we follow this command. 
Verse 44 ends, “… and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” God’s Church will definitely face more intense persecution. When persecuted and unjustly accused, it can be hard not to become indignant and try to retaliate. Christ is clear that we must endure people’s mistakes as well as any intentionally hateful acts. There will come a time when the offender may repent, and we must be quick to forgive them. 
“That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (verse 45). All who ever lived are potentially God’s children, and He loves each and every one of them. We happen to be part of the firstfruits, but there will be many more to follow Christ’s and our example. 
“For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?’’ (verses 46-47). These publicans were tax collectors who most despised. There were also Gentiles at that time who were regarded as dirty, disgusting dogs. We have to have love for the whole world, not just those in God’s Church today. Anybody in the world can love their inner circle of friends and associates, but it takes the love of God to sacrifice for even those who hate you. Turn the Other Cheek

Here is the instructions  that Gerald Flurry commanded all of his followers to do:

July 22, 2016 
My mate has former friends from PCG who have told of a brand new ruling sent down from King Flurry that was announced last Sabbath. Jerry Flurry, in his "omnipotent wisdom," has ruled that now all contact with unbaptized children who have left the PCG is to be terminated immediately. 
It has been the policy for years that parents were still allowed to talk to children who have left the PCG only If they were unbaptized. Now Pope flurry has even taken away that small mercy. 
The talk amongst the children now affected by this judgment is that this will push many PCG families over the edge and force them to leave or get put out. Others feel that this will put one more nail in the coffin of Flurryism. Flurry is looking more and more like "mad King George" as his actions are ruining the PCG. All of his egomaniacal pipe dreams have come to nothing. The dig in Jerusalem has failed. The PCG radio station broadcast from the Edmond compound has failed. Membership has plummeted since the late 90s and there is almost no growth. Some wonder that in the end all that will be left is a small "Jonestown faithful" secluded on the Edmond compound. --Former PCG member. Exit and Support

To read more on the true Philadelphian love that the PCG exemplifies, check out the following:

Gerald Flurry Commands Cult Members to Cut Off ALL Contact With Nonmember Children

MaryAnn McCullough: Philadelphia Church of God Causes ANOTHER Suicide In Milton, Ontario Congregation

Gerald Flurry And PCG Have Blood On Their Hands AGAIN Because Of Another Suicide Of A Member


  1. This is the kind of nonsense that manifests itself when people put their trust and faith in a man or men rather than their God.
    Psalm 146:3 "Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save".
    Jeremiah 17:5 "Cursed is the one who trusts in man".
    When will the followers of these charlatans like Pack and Flurry et.al. realize it is not just a stupid idea, but they actually bring curses upon themselves. Its unfortunate that so many believe the nonsense these "men" spew forth. Hope they wake up before its too late.

  2. The BASICS

    Gerald Flurry is Satan's favorite false prophet on the so-called COG scene, and the PCG is a satanic imposter cult. That is why nothing but evil ever comes of Gerald Flurry and his PCG. Gerald Flurry is a gospel-suppressing, family-wrecking, identity thief and arrogant runt with a fake throne stone.

    Gerald Flurry promoted himself to “That (False) Prophet” by claiming that he, rather than Jesus, is the prophet referred to in Deuteronomy 18:18-19 that everyone is supposed to listen to. Passing off a drunken runt like himself as “That Prophet” was truly the identity theft of the ages.

    In Exodus 20:12, in one of the Ten Commandments, God said to honor your father and your mother. So, of course, Gerald Flurry just has to do the exact diametrical opposite and teach his followers that righteousness and obeying God consists of dishonoring their parents and cutting off all contact with them if they do not follow “That (False) Prophet” Gerald Flurry.

    In Malachi 4:5-6, God said that he would send the prophet Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. So, of course, Gerald Flurry just has to do the exact diametrical opposite and make up a “No Contact Policy” to force his followers to cut off all contact with their parents and grandparents, children and grandchildren, and anyone else with a Worldwide Church of God background, who does not follow “That (False) Prophet” Gerald Flurry.

    While the PCG tries to destroy all normal family relationships, it also tries to get people to go along with the selfish and immoral agendas of strangers in the PCG who happen to be old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators. The PCG is filthy and corrupt from top to bottom.

  3. We are quite capable of creating hell on earth.
    Humanities history attests to this.
    And here we have one more example.
    Their very actions witness against them.
    Great service provided by Banned and others in exposing these evil b*st*rds.

  4. I hereby DISFELLOWSHIP and MARK Gerald Flurry from any contact with me.

  5. Oddly enough, I ghost wrote that article

  6. I've always said that if you are taught by your church to treat anyone in your life distinctly differently, that is to look upon them as being less than, or not worthy of your normal compassion or love, it is going to poison all of your relationships. You will not be able to make clear distinctions, and will end up finding "justifying" circumstances sooner or later to mistreat or punish everyone in your life. That is just the way that the human mind works. Love is a one and all proposition.

    It's why Jesus taught us to love even our enemies, He gave us the beautiful parable of the prodigal son, and taught us to esteem others more highly than ourselves. He actually even partied with (Re)publicans and sinners! Showed formerly unheard of love for the Samaritan woman. He GAVE that woman water, but it wasn't from the well!

    Armstrongism professes to be Christian, but practices relational values which do not conform to the teachings of the one whom they also treat differently, the one whom they treat as "that inconvenient dude".

    I am absolutely sick of this mentality! Once you become infected by it at the hands of those whom you are taught to look upon as being your spiritual leaders or teachers, you will spend your entire lifetime working to purge it from your values and behavior. It just makes you sick when you catch yourself mistreating and hurting others, because your past "training" has conditioned you to believe that if you love God, that's what you are supposed to do. Because at the end of the day, Love for God and Love for fellow man are exactly the same thing. The way you love fellow man is going to be the way you love God!

  7. It's fun to watch the unraveling of these cults from a distance, but no fun for the entranced slaves paying for this incredible money-burn.

  8. Vicious Runt

    Gerald Flurry promoted himself to “That (False) Prophet” by claiming that he, rather than Jesus, is the prophet referred to in Deuteronomy 18:18-19 that everyone is supposed to listen to. Stabbing Jesus in the back and pulling the rug out from under His feet shows what a vicious little runt Gerald Flurry really is.

  9. This raises the question of whether God would put coercive pressure on a person to get baptized. When king Solomon morally fell away, God stirred up enemies against him, but the pressure didn't appear to be coercive.
    My personal belief is that God would only put pressure on a person to get baptized if He believed that that particular person is very unlikely to fall away. Otherwise He respects a person's decision to not get baptized in this life time.
    Flurry seems to be strengthening the "iron curtain" of his church.

  10. Let's expand your questioning process, 6:28. Think of the whole HWA hook upon which the Radio and later Worldwide Church supposedly of
    God was built. For most of us living during HWA's active years, he made the whole thing coercive! The Germans were coming over to punish the Manassites living in the USA for forgetting their entire identity in spite of the blessings of Abraham, and our only personal escape was to begin keeping certain picked and chosen rituals from the Old Covenant, become members of Herb's church which exclusively preached that "truth", and maybe we would qualify to be taken to the place of safety, believed to be Petra. I say maybe, because our status was always in jeopardy, depending upon our diligence in accepting and practicing everything we were taught by HWA as if it had come directly from Jesus Christ.

    My parents fell into HWA's traps, and prior to 1972-75 I fell into them too. Pretty much blew off my education. Got married way too early in life because I wanted to experience it prior to the end. Lived in semi poverty for years due to the tithing system, and I was a faithful tither. When HWA's hook fell apart during the great disappointment of 1975, I began to study more deeply, including materials from teachers outside of the movement, and discovered that HWA's supposedly restored truths were simply another interpretation amongst many well-informed, highly studied alternatives. HWA had made many illogical leaps in arriving at his theories and doctrines, had extensively and constantly used a fear and compliance technique in retaining the members in his church, had taught anti-Christian thoughts and habit patterns to his followers, and in the end, his theories on British Israelism, the end times timeline, and the actual events which he had forecast, proved to be totally erroneous. Some people have chosen to live and die believing them, in spite of a 47 year "delay" in their fulfillment. People remain in splinter groups even today, being taught the same fear and anti-Christian practices, of which Flurry and Pack are the worst offenders. My parents, and those of others here are safely deceased, having lived in fear of the end their entire lives. It never happened. How joyous could their lives (and ours) have been, had they never heard of HWA or listened to the TWT Program?

    Were ANY of our baptisms valid? The fear factor led to all of them, though I've heard some state as their defense of their beliefs that this was not so in their case. What would we expect them to say? And, what other than fear is the motivation to voluntarily live under a totalitarian system??? Most people have an innate sense of the cost-benefit analytical process, but when a shrewd operator spikes that consciousness with a healthy dose of fear, and is able to sell it effectively, he can manipulate them any way he wants.

  11. 8.29 AM
    Thank you for sharing your personal experience. My journey was different. Since all I heard at services was televangical religious mush, I started reading self help books. It quickly became apparent that the covert moral code taught in HWAs church was non biblical. The reason the church is totalitarian is because like all totalitarian systems, it's rule of the irresponsible, by the irresponsible, for the irresponsible.. For instance, to this day, the splinters mentally shrink their members for the sake of control. So no self esteem, self confidence etc for its members. The ministers strive to induce toxic shame into all their members, which is plain murder. So I'm no fan of HWA and his splinter daughters.
    However baptism is between man and God, just as with marriage. A person can therefore get baptized, and spiritually success or fail independent of the church they attend.

    1. All the while the toxic ministers are claiming to do the opposite, it’s tragic
