Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Bob Thiel Has Lost All 3,000 of His Malawi Members


Bob's self-imagined world is crashing down around him. Gaylyn Bonjour's so-called double blessing has ended up being a double curse.

We now know Dr Pastor Bobby is Totally Bogus in everything he does. I knew all about the African corruption, which is really bad, but I did wonder how he could get so many of these translations for such a cheap price. He just wasted tithe payers' money on FAKE people claiming they're working on translations, when he would've been better off admitting the truth. But, maybe they're putting mind zombie spells on him to render him a moron.

The TRUTH is coming out on a Great many things. 
All of his so-called 3,000 members in Malawi are completely gone. The hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God has completely taken Malawi. Radson Mulozowa is dying. His so-called Registration in Malawi was a complete forge job for all these years. Soon he'll be banned from Malawi with Mozambique soon to follow.

It's like I said, this is the end of the Continuing Church of God and prophet Bobby.
Terry Nelson


  1. It truly is curious Terry as you said in previous posts, of why we never see any prayer requests for the serious health issues of the Radson fellow.

  2. I think Pastor Dr Bobby, finally figured out Radson Mulozowa was a Rotten scum and he was hoping and still hoping he dies, so he can bury this whole scandal with Radsons death and then Resurrect a New Minion of Satan to do his Bidding, I'm guessing this is the case, but who really knows the World View of the Great Prophet Pastor Dr Bobby Thiel

  3. Pray for total freedom for the 3,000. It would really be a waste if they all went splinter surfing!!!!

  4. Whatever gave Gaylyn the authority to tell God what to do and send Bob a double portion of the spirit? Does Gaylyn control God? Is he even an apostle? Or is he just another silly twit who runs his mouth off without thinking?

    And if it was just a request, what is the reason for assuming that God answered it? Does this Gaylin guy have a 100% track record of getting everything he asks for? And where is his biblical precedent for thinking he has the right to ask for such a thing? Why did he ask for that for Bob and not for himself? Why doesnt some other nobody ask it for all of us? Then we can all start our own churches. There is no logic in any of this and no biblical anything behind it. Just wisthful thinking on Bob's part.

    1. For the most part it seems Bob's claim is that instead of Gaylyn telling God to send Bob the double portion, that the claim/assumption is that it was actually God who mystically/spiritually inspired/incited Gaylyn to spontaneously pray/anoint for the double portion landing on Bob, thereby heralding in the hard-to-perceive-publicly, the quick mantle switchover from Rod to Bob, granting permission to pull the rug out from underneath where curmudgeon Rod had been planting himself for years even though HWA at least once said Rod should never hold the highest levels of COG leadership (why did Bob trust Rod ever had a reason for holding such a mantle)?

      A vague confusing sidenote from Bob is that even before the double-portion & mantle switchover from Rod to Bob, God was so upset with Rod M. that behind the scenes, Dibar Apartian was likely actually holding the mantle since Dibar was much more honest etc. than Rod.

      So was the anointing performed by Gaylyn heralding in a mantle transfer from Rod, or from Dibar?

      It's often said that God is not the author of confusion, but why are some of Bob's mantle lessons confusing? 🦧🙉🙈

  5. It's an illusion, 4:58, one that Bob apparently thought was plausible, so applied his creative writing talents.

    Obviously, if Rod Meredith had believed that Gaylen Bonjour had done such a thing, it would have been considered to be usurping Rod's prerogatives, and therefore rank insubordination. Not that we use the HWAcaca as any sort of standard of measure, but if some elder in HWA's church had ordained a controversial but influential church member as a prophet, Pasadena would be a nuclear crater from the resulting explosion!

  6. Those who knew Dibar Apartian well knew that he was a master of diplomacy. I'm sure he found ways to tell Bob what he thought Bob wanted to hear. However, others who heard Apartian talk about Bob can testify that he did not hold a high opinion of the man.

    Apartian died in December 2010. Gaylyn Bonjour prayed his double-portion prayer on Bob in December 2011. Bob left LCG in December 2012. If Apartian held the mantle, where did it go for the year after he died, before Bob got his double-portion? And if Bob received the mantle in (or before) December 2011, why did he let LCG brethren suffer for a year or more under the false impression that Meredith still held the mantle? It sure looks like Bob is OK with deception as long as he thinks it benefits him, as we have more recently seen in his dealings with African ministers and translations.

  7. HEY...and additionally, if Dibar Apartian was "actually" (the mantle) behind the scenes whilst most LCGers thought Rod M. was, then was Dibar ever "anointed w/double portion" etc. the way Gaylyn anointed to Bob?

    No record or account as yet explains to us (as we prove all things) how Dibar was raised to actual mantle position during Rod's "tenure".

    So why is Gaylyn's anoint event onto Bob significant, if Mr. Apartian was not anointed in such manner?

    How did the mantle override Rod onto Dibar, before it went onto Bob via Gaylyn's laying on of the hands?
