Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 18, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Says Dave Pack Is Not Converted And Does Not Have The Truth

Our favorite crackpot prophet is back tooting his little itty-bitty horn after intensely suffering due to God recently spanking him by sending a tornado to tear off the roof of his mind-boggling world headquarters letting in a deluge of rain that has made his analog phones inoperable. This intense persecution has not slowed down our amazing self-appointed false prophet from checking this blog and others to find out the latest news he is not privy to.

After reading about Christophe Binette’s departure from the Restored Church of God and then RCG's hypocritical response where they accused Binette of leaving the "body of Christ" the Great Bwana Bob has a few choice words to say. According to the greatest prophet the earth has ever witnessed walking its green hills, the truth cannot be found in the Restored Church of God but can ONLY be found in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. No one on this entire earth is more converted than the Great Bwana Bob Muzungu Thiel, not even Dave Pack.

No, leaving RCG is not leaving the "body of Christ." I personally have long doubted Davd Pack's conversion. Plus he has proven himself to be an inaccurate and false apostle.

The truth now only resides in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. 

That said, yes, God has revealed vital truths to the most faithful Philadelphian remnant of the Church of God, but that is not RCG

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu expects us all to forget how Rod Meredith questioned his conversion due to the demands and false teachings he was trying to foster on the Living Church of God. The Great Bwana's rank rebellion against the government of the Living Church of God was blatant to all LCG members. Thats why they all just look at the Great Bwana now and laugh. 


  1. "The Great Bwana's rank rebellion against the government of the Living Church of God was blatant to all LCG members."

    I feel uncomfortable with the "rebellion against the government of the Living Church of God" part. A greater problem is that these church governments rebel against many instructions found in the Bible, such as not lording it over their members. Labeling anyone who perceives moral compromises in their church's theology as 'rebellious to their church government' is unjust. The truly abhorrent rebellion is rejecting Christ's lead in one's life and knowingly rejecting what they know to be bible truth.
    Did I say that these church governments are a joke?

  2. Was Bob converted when he no longer adhered to the "slaves, obey your masters" clause concerning his longtime allegiance to "part-time-mantle" R. Meredith who seems to fit the description of a bible-master? Weren't all in LCG the "servants" of Premier Meredith?

    But it's tricky because Pack's RCG slaves should always feel free to board the next outbound Underground Railroad freedom train...next stop...Giant Eagle all-a-boooooard.

  3. No2Hwa does not want the truth! Just the same old thing. Just like an Armstrongite.

  4. Actually, I am all about the truth, but have no patience with holocaust deniers who claim the Jews were never gassed in the concentration camps or that over ten million people, Jews, gypsies, gays, undesirables, Slavs and others did not die in their camps. According to you the camps were just way stations until they were settled elsewhere.

    I don't care if you think it is a Jesusit conspiracy, the Illuminati at work, or any of the other conspiracy shit you follow.

    So, to be quite truthful I don't give a flying fuck what you have to say.

    You think I am bothered by your comments that never make it through but all I do is laugh! Laugh and laugh and laugh! What a fucktard!

  5. is 4:12 p.m. a John Birch Society card carrying member 💳

  6. Deep state Illuminati Jesuit Alien Bigfoot Lizard JFK Jr fluoride blockchain Gary!!

  7. My standard recommendation to holocaust deniers is that they be like Pluto, and lick a planet. #7 to be specific!

  8. 2.07, variations in wording of God delivering Israel "out of Egypt, the house of bondage" appears over 200 times in the OT. So the ministers role is not one of being a master but rather a counselor. And contrary to church culture, counsel means the right to reject the advice given. But since school-yard-bully morality is the true but unstated splinter moral code, the ministers act as kings on thrones, with their peasant members having no rights what so ever. Yet these king Tut ministers gaslight their victims by claiming that they are only members servants.

  9. Gary is lying because it would be stupid to laugh and laugh and laugh at the same "joke". Nobody does that.

    And he does HATE those who tell the truth about the holocaust, because he is hoax denier who hates the truth.

    1. 8:27, would you spout that anti-semitic bilge in person even to your favorite Jewish media personality...gotta be a few for ya, be it Jerry Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Barbara Streisand, Rob Reiner, Mark Levin, the late Charles Krauthammer, Ari Fleischer, Joseph Lieberman, or (convert) Elizabeth Taylor?

      WW II liberation troops "reel" footage of rescues at concentration camps were impossible to photo-shop back then with 1940s era primitive A.I.

      Would you spout that crap to Gen. Eisenhower who supervised the holocaust rescues? What is "real" to you...basically Hogan's Heroes or Dallas or Dynasty or Fantasy Island?

  10. Also Jewish was Kirk Douglas, Paul Newman, Danny Kaye, Elvis Presley, Leonard Nimoy and today's William Shatner and Michael Douglas.

  11. Let's not forget Steven Hill, who portrayed Adam Schiff on Law and Order, and Daniel Briggs on Mission Impossible. According to urban legend, Mr. Hill was fired from Mission Impossible for keeping the sabbath, as opposed to shooting required scenes on Friday after sunset. He was replaced by Peter Graves as Jim Phelps.

  12. The skin and bones people in the concentration camp pictures died of typhus caused by allied bombing which took out the electrical grid and running water, and therefore sanitation. Here is one of many cases where "irrefutable evidence that cannot be denied" has been intentionally misrepresented to prove what it does not prove.

  13. The impact that this small group of people, who make up just 0.002% of the earths population has been immense.
    And of one particular Jew, Jesus of Nazareth, is astonishing.
    Big things come from small packages they say.
    We will be forever indebted to them. For all their follies, of whom there are many, salvation came. Their story is one of hope not just unto themselves but for all of humanity. In spite of their failures down through the ages, indeed all of mankind's failures, Gods grace and kindness and mercy and salvation are on display through the one Man, Jesus the Christ.
    Who just happened to be from the tribe of Judah.
    The venom of anti Semitism has no place in the 'Christian' church and should be rigorously challenged wherever it raises its ugly head.

  14. Hey, 3:38! Did you know that the moon is actually made of Swiss cheese? The Astronauts didn't ever discover that because the moon landing was staged in a secret hanger in the Nevada desert.

  15. 11:54.

    That was just one of the many I get from him. They get worse and crazier than hell. Armstrongism sure attracted the nut jobs. Most are downright vile.

  16. I can only imagine, Gary! He's also not a very deep thinker, or he'd realize that the guards and staffs of these camps would have been affected in the same way as the prisoners by the bombing, collapse of the electrical grid, lack of fresh water, and poor sanitation.

    People of low mentality used to have the common sense to simply STFU. Now they embrace dumb conspiracy theories in an effort to appear intelligent. It'd be completely hilarious, except these people actually vote!
