Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 30, 2017

United Church of God Still Disgusted By The Cross

United Church of God's ignorant response to crosses at their upcoming feast site is just as absurd as Almost-arrested Bob Thiel's outrage at the crosses planted in the snow in honor of the Milwaukee COG murder victims. They still want to know as little as possible about the man they claim to follow while still pretending to be followers.

I wanted to let you know about one of UCG's newest feast sites. It is in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina.  
What gets me is that organizations like UCG continually preach against these so-called "false Christians" and their wrong doctrines. Yet, they meet for services on the Sabbath (at their church halls, and now this feast site). They are the ultimate hypocrites! They'll be telling the membership (at the feast) how "we are to come out of this world" and they are right there with those they adamantly preach against.
UCG posted this note on their site:
"On Lake Junaluska’s informational signs there are small crosses and there is a large cross at the far end of the lake. However, there are no crosses in the hall where services will be held."
--Former member of WCG and RCG

See previous stories here on Banned:

James Malm: People Who Wear Crosses Are Followers of the Anti-Christ


  1. Actually, there's some strong belief amongst mainstream Christians that people who are revulsed by crosses and crucifixes do so because they are in the bonds of Satan.


  2. Of course UCG is repulsed by the cross. They prefer to bow to the law than to experience grace. Jesus has always had perfunctory mention in the last couple paragraphs of an article and after blabbering on endlessly about keeping the law. It is impossible to have both and so UCG keeps the law over Jesus. Like most COG's the prefer to keep killing him every year at Passover where they leave him till the following year.

  3. " experience grace"

    what on earth does that mean?

    you can do whatever you want because you got dunked in the water?

    and crosses don't bother me...I didn't put it there, so it's none of my concern...

    I've known people that wouldn't go into a building that had a cross on it, or in it...didn't want to be in a pagan building...

    well, find me a building that wasn't built by pagans, using materials harvested or made by pagans...and on and on...

    I guess they won't shop at Kroger because they sell pork....

  4. HWA taught his followers to loath the symbol of the cross in order to isolate his followers from mainstream Christianity. This teaching against the symbol of the cross is designed to make HWA's follwoers alienated from the mainstream Christian churches. It is a tool to keep such people away from those churches and to make them stay in the COGs.

  5. One minister informally asked what someone would think if he drove a car with a Jesus fish on it. The best reply was, You stole the car.
    He mentioned that there is no command forbidding people from wearing a cross, but his point was that using religious symbols "flag you for attention by non-Christians".
