Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Could Be, May Be, Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda: The Consistent Failure By COG Prophets To Prophesy

As coronavirus, locusts and panic gripe the world, Church of God prophets are in meltdown mode right now. They have an endless stream of  MIGHT BE,  COULD BE, WILL IT BE, DOES IT LEAD UP TO..., and other useless speculations.  They always have an easy out when their stupidity never comes true. They then think when they are mocked that they have an easy out by claiming they never specifically said something would happen.

Case in point:
The novel coronavirus of Wuhan, China fame, is now called COVID-19. It has also been called the ‘Coronapocalypse.’ Does COVID-19 have any prophetic ramifications? What did Jesus teach about pestilences and sorrows in the Olivet prophecy in Matthew 24? Could COVID-19 be the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse? Why was this type of disease expected according to the Old Testament prophecies in Deuteronomy and Leviticus? What has the US Centers for Disease Control warned about? What has the CDC reported about the flu? Were there lessons about fear and infections in the 2011 movie ‘Contagion’? Because of COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO), nation of Iran, and certain French locations are telling people not to use cash, but instead electronic forms of payment. The US Federal Reserve is now quarantining money repatriated from Asia to reduce the potential spread of the coronavirus on US currency bills. Is COVID-19 worse than we have been told or could this all be a ‘false flag’ event to encourage people to move towards a cashless society? If the thousands of deaths associated with COVID-19 are pushing parts of the world towards cashlessness, how much more likely will the ride of the fourth horseman and over a billion human deaths motivate people to move to making electronic payments that can be monitored? The Bible tells of a soon coming society that controls buying and selling to force allegiance to a coming European Beast power, known as 666 (Revelation 13:16-18). Does the ‘great tribulation’ begin before ride of the fourth horseman or with the opening of the fifth seal of Revelation 6? Do the words of Jesus helps us better understand the sequence of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and the start of the Great Tribulation? Will the ride of the fourth horseman help lead to the rise of 666? Is that ride very close? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Has this man ever told the truth since he started lying about his double blessing and dreams? Can he ever be trusted?

LCG Streaming Crashes For Viewers...Was It Satan Attacking Them?

Living Church of God sure has been batting pretty low this past week.  They can't even get thier streaming service to work right.

From a reader:
Site crashed. 
All I got to hear was Weston claim how he saved the church a ton of money by not cancelling the ministerial conference. And then started telling people how to maintain formality at home listening in. We are to dress up, sit attentively and don't dare kick up your feet and stuff your face. Also, don't you dare think for a second about saving yourself hours of drive time in the future by trying to tune in to webcasts on a weekly basis in your dirty undershirts. Afraid of what a little freedom might taste like to the sheep? Jesus Christ...tear down this wall!

From another reader:

LCG claims to have hosted thousands upon thousands of streaming Web connections for their Family Weekend services and for Rod Meredith's special presentations. The load today should be substantially less. So, if today's load crashes their servers, was LCG lying about the numbers of connections for their previous events? Or has LCG downgraded its streaming capability at a time when others are increasing theirs? Or is this simply a case of incompetent management? As Rod Meredith would say, "Where is God in all of this?" 

LCG: Don't Mock Our "Rules and Regulations" For Proper Dress and Grooming For Church Attendance

In this dramatic climate with people worrying over Coronavirus, the stock market and crazy rantings of doom and gloom preachers, the Living Church of God is focusing on how you look and act in church.

Then today, Saturday, March 14 we find out that Weston lectured his followers that they had to dress up to live stream services. How silly and petty can this guy get?

Be Lights and Examples: The Scriptures reveal that God desires His people to be lights and examples to a world enveloped in darkness. God called Abraham to learn to live by His commandments and to walk before Him and be blameless (Genesis 17:126:5). Moses told the Israelites that God gave them His laws to set them apart from other nations so they could be examples to the world—and they were to pass these concepts on to their children (Deuteronomy 4:1–9). The Old Testament states that God’s people are to live moral lives, avoid profanity, avoid sexual perversions, and refrain from getting tattoos or dressing like the opposite sex (Exodus 20; Leviticus 18:2219:28Deuteronomy 22:5). In the New Testament, Jesus told His disciples to be lights to the world and live, not only by the letter of God’s law, but also by the spirit of the law (Matthew 5:13–30). In addition, the Apostle Paul advised Christians to wear their hair in a manner that was appropriate for either a man or a woman (1 Corinthians 11:14–16) and that men and women should dress in modest and appropriate apparel—especially for Church services (Matthew 22:11–121 Timothy 2:9–10). While some want to dismiss these clear biblical guidelines as “rules and regulations” that are no longer relevant to modern Christians, these instructions were preserved for us in God’s word to set His people apart from Satan’s society so we can truly be lights to this world—not only spiritually, but also physically. As standards of conduct and dress continue to decline, these biblical guidelines will become increasingly noticeable as Christians function as “lights” in a darkened world.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

God's Only True Prophet Claims Fasting Will Help You To Not Catch Coronavirus

Where would Armstrongism be without some internal crackpot saying something stupid during an epidemic or tragedy? In their eyes, they are seeing prophecy unfold before them and see it as an opportunity to say stupid things with members believing them unquestionably. This is especially true for some of our crazier splinter cult leaders today, all men who set themselves up as leaders and spokesmen for some creature they call god. The pseudo-spiritual rot that eats away at their minds leads them into all kinds of wild fantasies, especially as the Coronavirus concerns spread around the world.

Our favorite dream weaver, end time embodiment of Elijah, and leader of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God has this to say 
World News Items
The coronavirus continues to dominate much of the news around the world. Europe’s economy, particularly its tourism, is taking a big hit (see ‘Will Brexit and coronavirus end the EU? and ‘Coronavirus Fear Cancels Events Across Asia, Striking at Economy’ ‘Tourism is 10% of GDP in France, 13% in Italy, 15% in Spain. And Now it’s in Free Fall’ and ‘Facing recession, Europe grasps for ways to limit damage’). Last night US President Donald Trump announced a 30 day ban on flights from Europe–with the notable exception of the British Isles–and the Europeans and not pleased with that (see ‘World walls off as leaders warn viral pandemic will worsen’). This ban not only could push Europe into a financial crisis, it is another move separating the US from the bulk of the continental Europeans. They will not forgive and forget this–this will be added to the list of reasons they will hate the US for.
Regarding COVID-19, some ‘fact checkers’ have been a bit dismissive of some ways to strengthen the immune system (e.g. COVID-19 and Vitamin C: The truth, the myth, and the hype). While washing hands is good (see ‘Coronavirus: Steps to stay safe,’ ‘How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus,’ ‘Italy Shuts Down North in COVID-19 Fight,’ ‘Every EU member except Cyprus has infections,’ and ‘COVID-19 Leading to 666?’), things such as fasting and eating more fruit (when not fasting, of course) can help the immune system–though neither of those are guaranteed ways to avoid getting COVID-19 or other ailments.
That being said, the fallout from COVID-19 looks to be a way to get people to become more suspicious of physical cash. This will likely make the implementation of ‘666’ financial controls (Revelation 13:16-18) more politically-acceptable in the future. Our recommended sermonette for the week is related to that: COVID-19 Leading to 666?
Tensions between Turkey and the European Union remain as Turkey is pressuring the EU by releasing/pushing out certain Syrian refugees near the Greek border (see ‘Turkey Tears Down Greek Border Fence: Floods EU with Syrians’). While Turkey looks prophesied to separate from Europe and align itself with the Arabic King of the South for a time (cf. Daniel 11:40-43; Psalm 83:5-7), this will not last and Turkey will later align with the European Beast (cf. Daniel 11:25-26, 11:41).
Over in Russia, a constitutional change was announced that theoretically could result in Vladimir Putin being in office until 2036 (see Reuters: Putin opens door to changes that would allow him to stay in power until 2036; COGWriter: Could Vladimir Putin lead the prophesied 200 million man army?). It is possible that if he does do so, that he could be the leader of the 200 million man army of Revelation 9:16 as the Old Testament points to Russia leading a major force in the end times (cf. Jeremiah 50:8-9, 41-43; 51:11) BEFORE Jesus returns.
Speaking of Russia, it and Saudi Arabia split over oil production this week. Some wonder if this could more negatively affect Saudi Arabia than Russia and potential cause some type of change or unrest in the Saudi kingdom (see SF: Saudi-Initiated All-Out Oil War Could Lead To Collapse Of Kingdom Itself; COGwriter: A prelude to the King of the South?). It is possible that what is happening in what looks to be a producers’ ‘war’ may be a factor in change coming to Saudi Arabia as it will one day, temporarily, support the coming King of the South (Daniel 11:40-43).
I left Chief Overseer Bwana Bob Thiel's hyperlinks intact in case you want to read his nonsense.

LCG: Casper Milquetoast Fails To Make A Definitive Decision On Sabbath Services

(Several LCG members sent me comments this morning about services.)

Leave it to Gerald Weston to wait till the last minute to make a definitive decision on whether or not LCG churches should be meeting today.  Oh wait, he didn't.  

He went the "I don't want to be accountable way" and left it up to each local LCG pastor to determine whether to meet or not.

With a vast majority of Christian churches, Synangoues and Mosques stopping all services, Weston continues on as the milquetoast leader of LCG.
You may have heard by now that Sabbath service cancellations were put in the hands of local pastors to decide. LCG, UCG and COGWA are all cancelled in my area. A decision has only been made for this week in LCG. 
A link has been sent out for anyone who wants to listen to the livestream at LCG HQ. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

LCG Member Wants To Know Why LCG Leaders Still Have Made No Official Announcement On The Website

As an LCG member, I am still waiting for HQ to make an announcement that services are canceled tomorrow. There is not a blip on their web site for any of us to read.  Do they honestly expect us to show up at church now?  The utter lack of transparency and accountability to us as members is appaling.

COGWA Shuts Down Services

From Doug Horchak:
Dear Pastors,
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak has proven to be an extremely fluid situation, with circumstances changing by the hour. Taking all things into consideration, we (the Church administration team) have decided to ask all of our U.S. pastors to cancel meeting for Sabbath services tomorrow, March 14. 
We realize this is very short notice. However, out of concern for the safety of the brethren—and given the mounting number of emergency declarations and restrictions from an increasing number of state and local governments throughout the country—we feel it is best to ask all of our U.S. congregations to cancel Sabbath services tomorrow.
Some of our pastors are already reporting local restrictions on meetings. For example, many area schools are being shut and our services are being canceled anyway. Various counties are also restricting meetings effective today. There are reports that President Trump will be declaring a national emergency this afternoon. This will further restrict our ability to hold services.
Given that we will not hold services in local congregations, we ask that all of you pastors to be sure to forward the “Statement From the Church on the Coronavirus” (sent to you yesterday) to members of your congregations via email.
The administration team will meet again on Monday, March 16, to further discuss the ongoing impact of the coronavirus outbreak and how it will affect our church services in the weeks that follow. From this meeting, we will develop further guidance and recommendations for all of our pastors early next week about the following Sabbaths, upcoming Passover and holy days.

Sabbath webcast: 

In lieu of local congregational services, we will be webcasting a live Sabbath message tomorrow, March 14. Doug Horchak and Jim Franks will be giving the messages. The webcast will be available on the COGWA.TV website and will begin at 2 p.m. Central Daylight Time. Information concerning how to connect to the webcast will come to you later today.
We appreciate the patience and cooperation of our ministry and members as we work to give guidance and direction during this unique and uncertain time!

The Most Depressing Feast Announcement Ever

As many Churches of God shut down services for the next few weeks, many are also looking at the potential for disruption of Feast of tabernacles activities this coming fall. The potential is there for restrictions in domestic and international travel as well as people assembling in groups of 250 or more....not that any COG has 250 people to attend in any one location at a time, anymore.

Never fear though, a solution has been offered.  It comes from our official COG zealot who plans on lecturing for 8 days straight on the law.  Can you imagine listening to James Malm for 8 days straight?  The licking flames of the lake of fire would be so sweet compared to this.
12 Mar:  The incidence of actual illness may fall of during the summer but this is not going away and the pool of asymptomatic carriers will continue to grow exponentially and a possible resumption of widespread illness is possible when next winter sets in. For Passover and the Spring Feast larger congregations should be split into small groups.I personally recommend that everyone plan to remain as close to home as possible for the Feast of Tabernacles, especially avoid international travel. Also avoid rich foods, drink and attending crowded tourist sites in favor of spending more time getting right with God.  Organizations should move away from large sites to smaller more local sites. If you are ill, STAY HOME and access the Feast presentation at TheShiningLight!
Then to make matters worse, this stinking turd expects you to sit in your hotel room eating cold roast beef sandwiches with organic whole wheat bread instead of going out for a nice meal. The entire point of Herbert creating this man-made Feast was to serve up a sample of the kingdom of God to come where we would enjoy the best things in life.  
Oh hell no!

Sam Harris: Through the Eyes of a Cult

In this episode Sam Harris discusses the Heaven's Gate suicide cult and argues that we all have something important to learn from them about the power of belief.

The Exit Interviews

Marshall Applewhite's Exit Interview

"It's not our fault. We have been here, We have made ourselves known. We have held meetings. We have put out information. Articles that have been printed. Major newspapers that have gone world over for many years for the time we have been here. We have been ignored. ....we understand why we have been called that when someone has not been given the knowledge to see us for who we are and recognize what we can offer for you..."

Thursday, March 12, 2020

BREAKING: LCG Finally Steps Up To The Plate And Cancels Conference

Word has come in that LCG has canceled its ministerial conference amid bad publicity and employee concerns.  With churches, schools, businesses temporarily shutting down and State Governments banning meetings of 250 or more people, it took LCG bickering at the top to make a decision.

Further information will be posted as soon as LCG releases it press release.

Church of God International Now Canceling Services

Out of concern for its members, CGI is now canceling services to protect members. Will Gerald Weston now take the lead of his church and do the same? Why is it so hard to follow the suggestion of the Health Department and local governments?  Why not be proactive and do something?

In response to the increasing concerns surrounding the coronavirus, the Executive Committee for the Church of God International is recommending that our churches and fellowship groups consider canceling meetings and church services for the immediate near future. This action is being taken out of concern for the potential associated with the spread of this highly contagious disease. Individual congregations are certainly able to decide what’s best for their members and are advised to do so with the consideration shared from the home office. Please be sure to check our website in the coming weeks for updates. 
The webcast from Tyler will not be available this Sabbath. Regular viewers are encouraged to view the webcast from Medina at 10:00 AM central time (https://www.cgimedina.org/live-sabbath-services/).”

UCG Cancels Services While Gerald Weston Twiddles His Thumbs

United Church of God has made a wise decision to cancel church services for a while.

Will Gerald Weston now step up to the plate and have some balls to do likewise? With most of LCG members being 60-years of age and older, it would be the right thing to do.

eNews from Ministerial and Member Services
Issue 414

March 12, 2020

Personal From the President

Dear fellow servants of God,

Special Announcement For All Churches
In an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus, several governments (including state and federal authorities in the United States) have either encouraged or required people to isolate or self-quarantine themselves.
This month, many colleges, universities, businesses and organizations–including churches–temporarily adopted a policy of working from home and avoiding large gatherings, including church services, sporting events and similar gatherings. This may be disappointing, but it serves an important purpose. As U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the nation on March 11: by “continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus.”
Following this presidential directive of taking “tough measures” is compatible with our church teachings, as the apostle Paul writes: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God…rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad” (Romans 13:1, 3, English Standard Version).
For the moment, we are going to temporarily do the same with our weekly church services (including our smaller congregations). Since a large percentage of our church members are in the high-risk range (ages 70 and above), it is prudent that we not inadvertently expose potentially vulnerable people to the virus, especially as they travel through public places. There is still no vaccine available for this virus and we are not certain what direction it will take in terms of spreading. We do not want to take unnecessary chances.
Therefore, in consultation with Donald Ward, Chairman of the Council of Elders, we are suspending Sabbath services in the United States and abroad for at least the next two weekends. This is an action taken after much prayer and receiving counsel from a variety of competent sources.
On those Sabbaths, in Cincinnati we will be telecasting special Sabbath services (beginning at 2:30 EDT) minus the physical attendance of brethren. Anyone can access these online services at https://www.ucg.org/webcast through PCs, tablets or smartphones. We invite any and all from all fellowships of the Church of God to join us. Congregations who have local hotlines set up to reach members should activate them at this time.
The act of isolating or quarantining people against the possibility of mass infection represents a sound response to diseases that are known or suspected to be deadly. The book of Leviticus records several such directions, where people with infectious diseases are required to stay apart from others. A variety of infectious diseases are discussed in Leviticus 13. In the case of an infectious leprosy condition, verse 46 describes the outcome: “He shall remain unclean as long as he has the disease. He is unclean. He shall live alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp” (ESV).
It is our earnest prayer that this crisis spawned by the novel coronavirus will quickly abate. Especially on these two Sabbaths, we ask that you devote special time to praying for each other. You may also choose to fast sometime in the next few weeks as we approach the Passover during these uncertain times. We ask that you call or contact your brethren–especially the elderly who may be isolated already to a certain degree. As Jesus commanded us all, we are to love one another (John 13:34). In this challenging time, let us redouble our efforts and ask God to help us raise our personal spiritual efforts in demonstrating the divine love that is given to us through the Holy Spirit of God (Romans 5:5). Finally, as Paul encourages us, let “supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:1-2, ESV).
Now is the time to be personally responsible and to trust God, seeking the refuge that He promises (Psalm 91). Please take deliberate action to sensibly protect yourselves.
In Christ’s service,
Victor Kubik

Restored Church of God Letter: "This is HUGE—and leaves us with a very tight window that appears to be closing NOW. "

This is an e-mail we received yesterday. I don’t have to tell you what the next message from Great David will look like, considering the announcement regarding the travel ban that was made by President Trump.

This is the full-length text:

Dear brethren, 
The letter you received Monday stating that each day this week could “become more horrific than the one before” is proving true. No one could want the things we are seeing. But they are indicative of God’s soon intervention! 
Like so many of you around the world, troubles are hitting “close to home” here at Headquarters. Ohio’s governor held a press conference Monday. There are now four confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the state. All are in nearby counties. But we here at Headquarters remain anchored by Christ’s command to “fear not.” Reiterating what Mr. Pack mentioned in the last email, God’s people have no need to worry!

The world on the other hand is entering full-on panic mode. Whole nations and many, many institutions are shutting down almost completely over this virus, but God’s people should certainly not “shut down” in their faith. The German chancellor today warned that as many as 58 million—70%!—in her country could fall victim to the virus. This translates to 2 million dead in Germany alone! And news reports indicate most Americans will come in contact with this pestilence, which the World Health Organization today declared a pandemic!
All this bad news, compounded by other bad news around the globe, caused the Dow to fall 1,465 points today—the second-worst drop in history. Such volatility (it could again rally as it did yesterday) will almost certainly continue until markets close Friday. 
This very high-level look at the news alone proves time is short and confirms that, as much as we can possibly know, everything appears to be “go” for this week. The Big 12 must be BAD at Christ’s Return—and they are! But—BUT—they cannot be so bad that they conflict with the picture of ongoing eating, drinking, building, buying, selling and marrying described in Matthew 24 and Luke 17. Ask: How many would even go out in public were another week of horror added beyond this weekend? This is HUGE—and leaves us with a very tight window that appears to be closing NOW. In the remaining days, let’s more joyfully than ever hold to the closing words of the Bible: “Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20)! 
In Christ’s service,
The Headquarters Ministry 

Dave Pack: Turn Off Your Electricity at Home and Send Me the Money You Save

From a reader:

According to David Pack ‘God has healed him completely’ and nobody knows what really happened. So I couldn’t tell you if he has a pacemaker implanted or not. 
When it comes to the finances of the RCG: you do the math. During the last FOT I heard one of the ministers from HQ say that there are only 1,500 brethren left .. ‘We are the true little flock!’ was Daves comment on that. 
The fundraising goal for 2020 is $147,500. What has been raised so far is $19,044 ..

When it comes to fundraising, there is even a section with fundraising tips on the RCG website. One of these tips is this: 
Energy and Miscellaneous Savings Around the Home 
As monthly bills trend upward, who would not want to know helpful money-saving tips? These can translate into real monthly savings that can be put to good use. What better way to put those savings to work for you than to further God’s Work through Fundraising. With a few minor adjustments, your savings could add up quickly! The following are some of the many ways to save money around your home.” 
What follows is a long list that you can cut down on, like turning down the thermostat in your house, switch off lights and not use a dishwasher.
In other words: sit in the cold and do your dishes by hand and send us the money you save on your energy bills! 
And people do that .. I’ve seen it. Even had a long discussion about that with my spouse..
More and more people are leaving the church. In my congregation 8 brethren left since last years Passover and only one (very young and very gullible guy) joined us. I felt like warning him, but that would be pointless..

A lot of the work that was done at HQ, the grand garden and the stables (!) was done by brethren ‘volunteering’ for it. It’s considered an honor if you get invited to go and slave labor at HQ ..

LCG: Are the Decisions of God's "Elite" Church Leaders Above Common Wisdom?

From a reader:

Other organizations with three letter abbreviations are canceling their schedule, NBA, NHL, MLB , but apparently LCG is above doing that. This smacks a little bit of arrogance, or a kinda we are above the mass rabble, and the rules of the masses dont apply to us. Sort of like the way the ministry has always viewed things since their Gods chosen elite at Gods own West Point , Ambassador College days.

Note to Gerald Weston and LCG:  

The hotel chain with which LCG is holding its conference is now offering full refunds to anyone who cancels a reservation up to 24 hours before scheduled arrival. There is now no financial penalty to travelers if LCG cancels the conference in order to show its compliance with Romans 13. Please act quickly, Mr. Weston!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Living Church of God Continues On With Ministerial Conference While Other Churches Cancel Their Conferences

Gerald Weston and those all-wise boys in Charlotte are still refusing to cancel their ministerial conference that was/is expected to draw in 300 ministers. The potential for exposure to the virus is high for those flying in on planes from certain areas of the U.S. and the world.
Greetings from Charlotte,
Mr. Richard Ames recorded a Tomorrow’s World telecast this week titled “Just What Is ‘The Day of the Lord?’” We are making preparations for Council of Elders meetings this coming Thursday and Friday, and for the General Ministerial Conference the following week. This is the first conference of this size in six years. COVID-19 caused us to consider whether to cancel the conference, but after serious discussion and prayer, and looking at who is coming and from where, we decided to go ahead with it. There are certainly risks with something like this, but if the virus has spread much further than is being reported, which is almost a certainty, the actual mortality rate may be significantly lower. We have taken what we call a “layered approach,” involving decisions to be made at different levels of risk. For example, we have encouraged any of our ministers with underlying health issues to consider carefully whether to come. Also, if necessary, we will ask those people from a high risk part of the world not to come. Few if any currently fit into the latter category. Please do pray for the safety and health of everyone traveling to and from the conference.—Gerald Weston 
Ministerial Conference, March 16–18
As was mentioned in an e-mail this past week to all the ministers who have registered to attend the conference, after careful consultation, Mr. Weston has made the decision to continue with plans for the upcoming Ministerial Conference, but with caution. We are expecting over 300 attendees to the Ministerial Conference March 16–18. However, the international situation with the COVID-19 virus is very fluid, and we will be prepared to adjust plans as needed, with special concern for international travelers. We urge our ministry to be aware of the COVID-19 virus situation, and how it might impact their travels, particularly if they are coming from outside the United States. As mentioned in the e-mail, no one should travel to the U.S. if they are feeling ill or have been around people who are ill. All of us, especially the elderly, need to consider carefully whether or not to travel at this time. The Church has long practiced the biblical statute regarding quarantine (Leviticus 13:46 and others), and members should be especially alert and careful in these times (Proverbs 22:3). CAD is not requiring anyone to travel in these times if they would rather not. CAD will make arrangements regarding costs associated with cancelled flights, etc., on an individual basis. Concerning ministry from the U.S. and Canada, the quarantine statute should be carefully observed. If possible, drive instead of using air travel, and CAD will discuss the financial aspects with individual situations. In any case, you should not come if you are uncomfortable with travelling in the current conditions. 
Today, the Mormon church wisely canceled its annual conference in Salt Lake City and will do it as a telecast to its faithful. After consulting with health and government officials they decided to "be good global citizens" and do what they could to help control the spread of the virus.

Can you imagine LCG consulting with health officials?  Can you imagine LCG leadership telling its members to be "good global citizens?" They know more than the health officials in everything and besides, they claim to have a powerful god on their side that will prevent any minister or member from getting the disease.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced Wednesday that it will hold a major conference in April that features speeches by top leaders without any attendees because of the spread of the coronavirus.
It marks the first time in more than 60 years since the Utah-based faith has taken this extraordinary step of barring church members from attending in person.
The twice-yearly conference usually brings about 100,000 to Salt Lake City over two days, but instead the speeches will only be broadcast via television and the internet.

The only people allowed inside the church conference center on April 4-5 will be top leaders, their spouses, musicians, choir members and technicians, the faith widely known as the Mormon church said in a news release.

The decision was made after consulting with government and medical leaders, the church said. Church members are also being discouraged from gathering at local churches or buildings to watch the conference together in areas where the virus is a concern.

“We want to be good global citizens and do what we can to control this contagious illness,” the church said.  Mormons to hold major conference without attendees

If this virus continues to spread all of the COG's that hold Feast sites around the world are going to have major problems on their hands if they do not proactively act. Most of them are too self-centered and self-righteous to do so.  If they do, they know their money stream will have serious issues.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Restored Church of God On How Your Admittance To The Kingdom Is Dependent Upon Your Giving

This is a screenshot of an article in the Restored Church of God's member magazine The Pillar. It is an article written by Kenneth Orell on how superfantabulous the demands by Dave Pack upon church members to give is.

With Dave Pack's recent demand that the UK members set aside £1 each day and turn it in to their local RCG minister, this article is a deliberate justification of that demand. The demand for the UK members will most likely soon be made upon other church members, regardless of country.

Orell believes there is not enough emphasis on money in the church. He also says below that in order to be born into the Kingdom of God church members should not be wasting money on frivolous things. Hoarding money for a family's own use is also frowned upon.

He then stresses that God will raise up stones to take care of the church if the members do not. They, therefore, should be grateful for this experience of having their wallets drained.

Most important of all, members MUST keep the funds rolling in and must participate in fundraising activities for the church. After all, Dave and his little band of henchmen need their livelihoods sustained. God forbid if any of them ever did any manual labor.

The entire idea that one's salvation is dependent upon how much money they give Dave is appaling. Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus ever make that demand. Salvation is not dependent upon zealotry, sabbath keeping, clean meat-eating, holy day keeping, or giving. Never has been and never will be.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Dave Pack Sinks To New Greedy Low With UK Members

There is one thing all of the splintered personality cult leaders are good at and that is manipulating members and co-workers into giveing them their hard-earned money.

This is from an RCG source:

The latest trick from the RCG to get their hands on the money.
A few weeks ago every member in the United Kingdom/Great Britain congregation was told they need to bring ‘A pound a day’ to Sabbath services now every week. 
These 7 pounds a week/365 pounds a year payment comes ON TOP of the tithing. 
Brethren that complained (or said that they simply could not afford to pay so much money), were told that they are a ‘not true Christians’and that they should repent! And the ministers have advised the members that don’t have the money to take out a small loan or to sell their belongings. The latter because Christ will come ANY MINUTE NOW and there’s no need for worldly goods anymore anyway. 
People are being put under ever more pressure to give all their money and belongings to the church (aka the Wolf Pack)
(My comment:  UK members already are taxed at a far higher rate than US members are and this surely creates a further financial strain on members.  The sick idea that people are to take out loans to give to this jerk is appaling. While he lives a life of privilege and luxury, the little people suffer.  Great will be the day when all of these sick pigs no longer exist.)

Sunday, March 8, 2020

LCG foolishly going ahead with Ministerial Conference

From a concerned reader:

Living Church of God is foolishly going ahead with the ministerial conference in March.  Their inane admonition that
"...no one should travel to the U.S. if they are feeling ill or have been around people who are ill..." 
provides only an illusion of safety.  Everyone by now -- except apparently the leadership of LCG -- knows that COVID-19 is asymptomatic, that is, you can have the virus and be contagious without any symptoms. It is time church members spoke out against this reckless folly that will needlessly exposes members of the church and employees to a potentially life-threatening pathogen. Aristophanes

Ministerial Conference, March 16–18As was mentioned in an e-mail this past week to all the ministers who have registered to attend the conference, after careful consultation, Mr. Weston has made the decision to continue with plans for the upcoming Ministerial Conference, but with caution. We are expecting over 300 attendees to the Ministerial Conference March 16–18. However, the international situation with the COVID-19 virus is very fluid, and we will be prepared to adjust plans as needed, with special concern for international travelers. We urge our ministry to be aware of the COVID-19 virus situation, and how it might impact their travels, particularly if they are coming from outside the United States. As mentioned in the e-mail, no one should travel to the U.S. if they are feeling ill or have been around people who are ill. All of us, especially the elderly, need to consider carefully whether or not to travel at this time. The Church has long practiced the biblical statute regarding quarantine (Leviticus 13:46 and others), and members should be especially alert and careful in these times (Proverbs 22:3). CAD is not requiring anyone to travel in these times if they would rather not. CAD will make arrangements regarding costs associated with cancelled flights, etc., on an individual basis. Concerning ministry from the U.S. and Canada, the quarantine statute should be carefully observed. If possible, drive instead of using air travel, and CAD will discuss the financial aspects with individual situations. In any case, you should not come if you are uncomfortable with travelling in the current conditions.

Fake Church of God Prophet Has Pointers On How To Not Catch Coronavirus

The self-appointed prophet of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" is scrambling to get his face on various podcasts and interviews in order to get his message across.

Since many have asked me about it, here is something I posted at COGwriter.com on Tuesday:
Last month, I was interviewed for a holistic podcast as well as a segment for a naturally-oriented television program related to COVID-19, the “novel” strain of the coronavirus.
Basically, I said to wash hands frequently and work to support a stronger immune system.
Avoiding unnecessary contact with the sick can also be helpful for many.
As far as health goes, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote the following Ten Simple Rules that Lead to Health:
1. Sleep — Be sure of good ventilation — PLENTY OF FRESH AIR in the bedroom all night, winter and summer. … Fresh air is FREE — and nothing is more vital to health, but avoid drafts striking you. 
2. Arise — Get right out of bed the instant you awaken. Do not lie in bed, or turn over for a second sleep, no matter how tired or dragged down you feel. A second sleep dulls the mind. 
Nothing is more important in Armstrongism than a brisk towel rub down.
3. Bath and rubdown — Take a regular morning shower bath if possible, making it short and snappy, ending with a vigorous rubdown. If no shower is available, take a tub bath at least two or three times a week. End with cold water, especially in cold weather. This closes the pores and prevents chilling and taking cold. 
If no shower is available, take a vigorous rubdown in the bedroom daily or twice daily, using a turkish or bath towel or massage brush. Begin at wrists and feet massaging vigorously toward the heart. If the room is cold, just apply a little more energy — the vigorous rubbing will keep you warm. 
Vibrate your brain and shampoo your hair every 2 - 3 weeks.
4. Head rub and shampoo — Before leaving the bedroom, massage and rub the scalp vigorously with tips of fingers, suitable stiff bristle brush, or electric vibrator. This stimulates new circulation thru the scalp, makes the brain more active, and is the best guarantee there is against baldness. Shampoo the hair at least every two or three weeks. Be sure to use neutral, mild soap (imported castile is best) and rinse thoroughly. 
5. Water — …. Start in with whatever you can drink, increasing it till you are able to take one or two full glasses. Soon you will crave it. … This morning glass of water is very important. 
6. Breakfast — Avoid too heavy a breakfast. If you eat pancakes, eat but few. Do not eat too many eggs, and never more than two or three times a week. Eggs are good food, but too many produce a sluggish liver. Avoid soggy, heavy foods. Eat some fruit if possible — especially grapefruit, oranges, etc. 
7. Food — In the main, simply eat what you find agrees with you — but be sure to get a reasonable amount of fruits, and leafy vegetables (lettuce, raw cabbage, spinach, etc.) and milk, every day. Avoid meals loaded with meat, potatoes, beans, corn, etc., unless balanced with leafy vegetables and fruits.
For health’s sake eat … none of the meats called “unclean” and forbidden under the Old Testament Mosaic law. Above all, eat slowly, and CHEW THOROUGHLY before swallowing. Avoid overeating. Most people eat twice what they should. 
This did not work too well for Loma, his wife, but it was the membership's fault she was constipated and not his refusal to take her to proper medical intervention.
8. Elimination — Nothing is more vital to health than habitual regularity of elimination. Constipation is nothing but the penalty of lack of regularity. Pills will not CURE constipation. Nothing but the re-establishment of regularity of habit will cure it. For those suffering from this, I would advise resorting to divine healing — but be sure you deserve it by reestablishment of regular habits, preferably at a set time of day. Also regulate diet to aid this. 
9. Breathing — At least three times during the day — preferably bed time, rising time and once during the day — go outdoors, or open all the windows and doors in the house, stand erect, chest out and shoulders back, and BREATHE DEEPLY several times. Inhale slowly through the nose, till lungs are completely full. Exhale through the mouth, till the lungs are entirely emptied of air. Repeat several times. Try to learn the habit of breathing deeply, taking in more air and more completely emptying the lungs at every breath. 
10. Exercise — Few people past twenty- five get sufficient exercise, except those who are farmers, or get exercise through daily labor. Even in this case it is likely that only certain parts of the body are receiving sufficient exercise. Walking in the fresh air every day is good. For those who lead an in-door life, such sports as golf or tennis are splendid. Often bedroom exercises are advisable. Your body and muscles will not likely wear out, but can more easily rust out. Each individual must determine for himself what additional exercise, if any, he needs, as differing daily occupations naturally affect this. 
Of course, to keep the money stream going, the following MUST be done:
It goes without saying that all forms of dissipation must be avoided if these 10 health rules are to prove successful.
So, in addition to the rules like the above, what can be done to support the immune system? 
Well, regular fasting is one item I mentioned when interviewed.
But I AM basically following a version of Herbert W. Armstrong’s Ten Simple Rules that Lead to Health (including exercising regularly and not eating any biblically unclean animals). 
Furthermore, yes, I regularly consume a fair amount of fruit, try to avoid a lot of processed foods, pray to God for wisdom, and do fast pretty much every month. 
So much for the "praying to God for wisdom" part.  Epic failure.