Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Living Church of God Still In Fear Of Germany

Why are 
Satan and Germany 
always hiding under the beds 
of COG leaders?

hat tip to a reader here as the source

Ever since Herbert Armstrong declared that Hilter was still alive and living in South America, the focus of the Church of God movement has been upon Germany. The more villainous the church could make Germany, the better. From concentration camps built all around the country to crematoriums filled with Laodiceans and non-members, with adjoining rooms filled with meathooks where the Germans would hang those they wanted to torture. The youth of the country would be taken to Germany and auctioned off around Europe as slaves to their new masters.

Hardly a week went by without a sermon or magazine article talking about Germany. The church talked about Germany as much as they did Satan.

In spite of the endless stream of prophetic failures by Herbert Armstrong, today's COGs try as hard as they can to carry on that mantle. None does it better than the Living Church of God.

Germany is facing tough economic issues as is most of Europe and the world. In COG mythology this is a sure sign that the phoenix of Germany will soon arise and take over the world as they prepare to march upon Jerusalem for an epic showdown in the Valley of Armageddon.

Friday, September 2, 2022



Global Recession Worsening

Angry Iranians burning an Israeli flag

Higher prices and slowing global economic growth caused August business activity to fall in Japan, Europe, and the United States, according to the Wall Street Journal(August 23, 2022). The U.S. economy has contracted for the last two quarters—technically signaling recession—and private sector activity in both Japan and Australia has fallen. European business activity has also declined for two months in a row.

Global manufacturing fell for three months in a row, and the global surplus in inventory suggests manufacturing will not resume in earnest anytime soon Purchasing Managers’ Index numbers in Germany and France are at their lowest levels since the first quarter of the pandemic. The immediate future shows no signs of a real turnaround, according to the Wall Street Journal: “Economists at Barclays expect the eurozone economy to grow this quarter and then contract in the final three months of this year and the first quarter of 2023.”

With rising prices worldwide, the threat of energy shortages in Europe linked to the war in the Ukraine, and reduced energy output in the U.S. and Europe due to the ongoing drought, the financial future of the globe looks bleak. End-time Bible prophecy indicates that global finances may come to dire straits before a German-led economic powerhouse rises in Europe and leads the globe to a temporary time of economic prosperity (see Revelation 18). As our booklet, The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-Coming Reality?, notes, “A period of growing peace and prosperity will ensue. A great worldwide trading combine will seem to offer incredible profits to international cartels.” That “peace and prosperity” will then transform into worldwide conflict. The current and growing global recession could help set the stage for a global trade system introduced by the coming European “beast.” It is important to watch world events and follow Bible prophecy so that we are not caught unaware. To learn more, be sure to listen to or read the informative booklet mentioned above, right here at Tomorrow’s World.

EU Steps Up Pacific Presence

car burned by rioters and a shadowy figure holding a stick

Until recently, Europe has avoided high levels of involvement in the Pacific. However, with China’s efforts to control more islands in the South China Sea and its threats regarding Hong Kong, Europe is preparing to act in the region (The Guardian, May 17, 2022). Back in May, an agreement was reached to allow European nations to coordinate defense spending across several nations (Politico,May 17, 2022). For the first time, Germany sent a contingent to participate in Australia’s biennial international air force exercise in August and September. Germany’s Air Force Chief observed with regard to putting fighter jets in the South Pacific in 24 hours from leaving their base in Germany, “We want to demonstrate that we can be in Asia within a day” (The Diplomat, August 19, 2022). This action not only enables Germany to project its power into the Asia-Pacific region, but it also suggests it could act as a “security guarantor” for the region. France has had an ongoing presence in the region, and their involvement in the exercises reinforces their commitment to the region.


Many analysts have noted that the balance of power in the Pacific is changing, and part of this change involves a greater European presence. Germany’s involvement is important to watch. As China flexes its political and military muscles in the region, other nations in the world are getting involved, as well, to counter that influence—tensions that can tie into end-time Bible prophecies. The Bible warns of an end-of-the-age conflict in which a future European “beast” power is alarmed by news concerning activity in the east (Daniel 11:40–45). We may be witnessing the start of a geopolitical struggle that will erupt in the years ahead between these western and eastern powers. To learn more about this coming confrontation, be sure to read or listen to our booklet Armageddon and Beyond

See more on the COG Germany obsession:

COG Self-appointed Prophet Claims Germany Is Building Concentration Camps To House Americans

Mark Armstrong on the prophetic accuracy of his Dad and Grandfather.

The Beast Power: "...is some kind of Catholic"

Germany Plans to Rearm - Will Assyria Make War Again?

Germany Plans to Rearm – Part 2 Nations Lost and Nations Found 

Philadelphia Church of God Thinks Germans Are Arming Themselves To Take Over The World

Bob Thiel SHOCKER! King of the North Visits Ground Zero!!!!!

Ghastly Days! A New German Monarchy To Arise?

Prophet Thiel/Official LCG Spokesman: Germany Building Up Its War Machine

The Germans Are Coming! The Germans Are Coming! Oh, Noes!!!!!!!!!!

The Beast Is Dead! Add Another Failed Prophecy To The Already Long List

PCG: What Its Like to Be A Teen In Germany: Plenty of Beer but Beware of the Nasty Pig

Ron Weinland: Just A Few Short Weeks Till Christ Returns and WWIII Begins

Gerald Weston Continues His Debbie-Downer Singsong

Angela Merkel Makes COG Prophetic Wet Dream Come "True"

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: Hail the King!

Living Church of God: Charlemagnes Bones May Be What Unites Europe!

What Killers Of COG Members Will Be Wearing


  1. This is hilarious! They don't seem to realize that the danger of a Fourth Reich rising is not in Germany. It's right here in the USA!

    Get out and vote in the mid terms, people! The insurrectionists really want to flip Congress, and if they do, they'll be too powerful to ever get rid of!

  2. “Ever since Herbert Armstrong declared that Hilter was still alive and living in South America…”

    Do you have a reference for that? I would like to see it.

  3. 1:48 "Get out and vote in the mid terms, people!"

    I'm confused; you didn't mention which party to vote for.

  4. Evidently the above commentator is a liberal democrat. So the conservative voters that support traditional values and sensible government are called insurrectionists. Don’t worry the left will win out and get their way and destroy America. I wouldn’t be so quick to put down the idea of a future rise of Germany and a time of Jacobs trouble on the horizon. I know a lot of folks on this site criticize and scoff at this concept. Scoff if you will and make fun of the cogs as you like. It’s important to you to do that. For people that have eyes to see and ears to listen, it’s fairly easy to see that the world is changing and our nation is so divided and at war within itself. We are morally bankrupt. Americas chickens are coming home to roost. Because of our individual and national sins we will suffer what’s coming. How long will America stand? Will God intervene in world affairs and will America go down and into a time of Jacobs trouble. You bet. Scoff and laugh and support the lefts movement into total socialism and ungodly lifestyles. A day of reckoning is coming.

  5. What a joke. If the subject wasn't serious we could all be laughing ourselves to death. HWA NEVER had anything right. His over 200 prophecies failed completely and the only reason that his self-made church/group took off is that we had no Internet back then.

    I just completed a study/read of an article that posted 100 Biblical points with scriptures, proving that the USA is Babylon. Germany is nothing but a wet dream of HWA. Does anyone with a brain think that Yahweh would inspire someone with prophetic truth that was having a sexual relationship with his daughter for over a 10-year period? Once with repentance and disgust, I could see forgiveness, but to continue this activity for 10 years as a regular habit, one could plainly see that Yahweh was NOT leading him to foresee the future.

    1. 6.09 am
      Balaam was evil yet he was used by God and his prophesies proved correct.

  6. Did COG/HWA say Hitler was alive and living in South America? There was a Plain Truth article in the early 60’s implying Hitler was alive. As I remember it was speculation but suggested it was possible. Rod Meredith spoke about Germany invading The Israelite nations many times. Rod often said God was going to “SPANK” the U.S. and Britain. Herbert over and over said we were only a few short years away from the return of Christ. I remember him saying in the late 70’s, “Surely Christ would return in the next 10 years.” Rod carried on with “we probably only have 2 or 3 years left.

    Over and over Lucy would hold the football for Charlie Brown to kick it. Over and over Lucy would pull the football away and Charlie would miss the kick and land on his back.

    Prediction addiction is alive and well in LCG. When will ACOG members realize that their leaders don’t have a clue what tomorrow will bring?

    I don’t think many would disagree that moral values have slipped into the cesspool. Drugs are rampant. Lying, cheating, and stealing have replaced the moral values we once espoused. Other societies have risen and fallen. But these things do not mean mean we can predict the future. We will have to wait and see. Do we have 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, or 100 years. Stay tuned.

  7. The Germany idea baffles me because U.S. corporations financed the Nazis. IBM made the tabulation machines and helped with transport efficiency by train to camps. IBM kept this quiet until the documents were released in the 80’s. Exxon supplied gasoline. Ford and GM financed the party in return for free labor from the camps to make their auto parts. Other companies helped too. Hugo Boss made the uniforms. VM made the VW Bug cars to be efficient for the Nazis to drive around. The list goes on. You see, without this support, the Nazis (not Germans, a lot of Germans didn’t know what was going on and disagreed with the agenda), they would not have been able to finance this agenda and complete what they did with our the help of these corps. What was really going on then? I’ll let you stew over this but here is one more point: U.S. corp $ helped the Nazis BUT U.S. Military/Gov. Interceded to stop the Nazis.

    1. 9.01 am
      There's complexity here. IBM used a defacto separate company to sell their computers to the Nazis. They mainly used them to implement their wealth distribution socialism. Most companies contributed to the Nazis as they came to power in order to protect themselves from being victimized in case they came to power. Which is why they contributed to all major political parties. As for companies helping the Nazi's, even during the cold war, a high percentage of Russia's major industrial plants were built by German and American companies. From memory, I think it was about 40 %. The reasoning was that Russia was less likely to go to war if it had something to lose. Which is why Asian bank have paid for North Korea's main city via "loans" that will never be repaid. It parallels family members dealing with their toxic members.

  8. The EU will soon collapse. They have destroyed their bond market, the now have no source of heating except a few reactors.

    Those acogers who disagree with me will soon be eating crow (maybe crickets) as they fight to the death defending a old dead false prophet.

  9. One of the complaints from the insurrectionist branch of the GOP is that American industry is "woke" and won't support the hard right agenda. DeSanteria in Florida has punished Disney Corp. in an effort to silence their dissent. Who knows which way this battle will go? I'm a moderate myself. I hate both hard right and hard left. Hard right is probably the more dangerous, deceptive, and disingenuous of the two threats on the horizon today because they are going around the Constitution and Bill of Rights which normally protect us against a totalitarian government. What can be said about a party that believes that there are only two possible outcomes to an election. 1) Our candidate wins, or 2) Even though we have no evidence or can't prove it, the election was fraudulent or stolen.

    You gotta love the ingenuity of those who believe that democracy must be preserved. $45 Million was poured by liberals into the primary campaigns of all the Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert cookie cutter candidates endorsed by 45, ensuring that the GOP would have the most ridiculous possible candidates in the actual election. We'll get some really good temperature taking from the mid term election as to the health of the nation. Will we recover from Trump's delusions? Is it going to be safe in 2024 to vote Republican once again? Some say that it will require at least ten years for us as a nation and the Republican party to shift away from the lingering effects.

    Regardless of the outcome of our own grave situation, German-Assyrianism is an unprovable construct of HWA, a complimentary theory to his British Israelism, believable only because the Germans were the villains of the two world wars. I find it odd that the recognition of Hitler as a mad man who led an entire nation into insanity is nearly universal, but we somehow can't recognize the same methodology as practiced by our own German. It has always been a source of wonderment to me as to how and why the German people could not purge themselves of Hitler and stop his ascent. Now we see, in real time, how that happened! Are we any better than the Germans, or is our system any more effective in stopping such a person? We'll know in just two short months.

  10. http://www.herbert-armstrong.org/indexPT1950.html

    Headline: Hitler Did Not Die - August 1952 Plain Truth

  11. It's been said that Christians are the easiest people to fool on the face of the earth, and of course many reasons are cited for this, not the least of which involve characteristics of the nature and disposition of individual Christians. And, we were! We were fooled by a theory called British Israelism, in which we allegedly were a part of a nation which had either forgotten or rejected its national heritage and culture, was spoiled by blessings which we did not deserve, and soon would be punished by Israel's historical enemies/captors, the Assyrians or Germans. Our only hope of being spared was to become part of HWA's Worldwide Church of God, and to participate in an advance group which would be keeping picked and chosen laws from those given to ancient Israel, and to warn the world about what was to come very shortly. Now, the continued failure of this theory and marketing plan over the past perhaps 65 years if your family originally joined in the mid fifties has given lie to HWA's theories. The mapping of the human genome, and the progression of the melting pot, to the point where everyone is everything (Samaritanized?), has made this failure abundantly clear. The theory that God gives some sort of special understanding to those who keep the so-called restored truths of HWA has also been totally obliterated.. Armstrongism has the worst record of prophecy fulfillment in the history of Christianity.

    At one time, we smugly looked at horrible existential threats, and the ministers told us not to concern ourselves. These things would resolve themselves and come to nought because they had nothing to do with Germany, the Catholic Church (which HWA had also misidentified), or the Beast and false prophet. Cuban Missile Crisis? No problem. Radical Islam? Fergeddaboutit!

    The words of the prophets may not be written on the subway walls, but there are greater truths contained on bumper stickers and T-shirts. One of these is "Shit Happens!" Armstrongism gave us false comfort because we had been assured that we knew in advance what the shit would be, and didn't have to worry about anything else. Leaving Armstrongism wakes you up to the real dangers that are extant, and out of a false sense of security. When planes fly into the sides of buildings which symbolize free global trade, collapsing them, and those planes are not German, you realize that anything can happen at any time, things that were not expected according to the Armstrong prophecy mold. Any recession could go exceptionally bad, and then not launch into "the end". Global warming conforming to what you can read in Revelation may not result from God moving celestial bodies, but could be God allowing man's bad stewardship of the planet to cause its own consequences. Someone we elect could hijack one of the political parties and take away most of our freedoms long before an enemy punishes us for foresaking a national identity that nobody knew we were foresaking.

    Life is basically a series of shit happenings and our efforts to deal with them. What happened to us is that 1) we believed the know it alls who told us what the shit would be, and 2) we lost our resolve to make things better because they told us that there was no solution until Jesus Christ returns, and then gave us a false timeline which is somehow never met. In other words, they removed our abilitiy to develop any coping skills, and reduced us to being totally dependent upon them to do our thinking. And, that is why so many people never leave!

  12. The LCG article fails to mention the other multiple countries participating in the Australian hosted air force exercise called "Pitch Black" or that Germany isn't the only country participating for the first time. Japan and the Republic of Korea are also first time participants. Here is a quote taken from the below mentioned website...

    "The exercise will host up to 2500 personnel and up to 100 aircraft from around the globe including participants from Australia, France, Germany, Indonesia, India, Singapore, Japan, Republic of Korea, UK, the Philippines, Thailand, UAE, Canada, Netherlands, Malaysia, New Zealand and the US. Significantly, Germany, Japan, and the Republic of Korea will be participating fully for the first time." Source https://www.airforce.gov.au/news-and-events/events/exercises/exercise-pitch-black-2022

    While Germany is a full participant in this exercise, they are simply one of several, and not even the lead or host country, nor are they the only European country participating.

    Taking a snippet of information and isolating it from the rest of the story to put your own spin on it or assign your own meaning to it and calling that Biblical or prophetic is at best misleading and at worst outright dishonest. The COG movement has unfortunately engaged in this sort of behavior over and over again, with most if not all of these predictions or implied predictions coming to nothing. Every forest fire, drought, earthquake, hurricane, military movement, war, or exercise of political or military power has been imbued with Biblical and prophetic significance, and then cast aside and forgotten when the proposed scenario doesn't pan out, until the next story comes along.

    To those who might be tempted to overlook or turn a blind eye to this behavior, or to defend or excuse it, I would simply ask, where in scripture is there ANY example of a true servant or prophet of God whose prophetic predictions followed this pattern? Where in scripture did God's true servants make what would essentially be considered prophetic guesses? For those who claim to elevate scripture above anything else, or value the moral precept of honesty, would it not be better to simply and humbly admit that we don't know all the details of how end time events will play out, because God hasn't revealed these things to us?

    I would submit the idea that extreme caution should be exercised in assigning prophetic or Biblical significance to specific political personalities or specific countries just because they fit within our own ideas or theories of how end time events will play out. Many have fallen into this trap, and been proven wrong. The words of Jesus might also be applicable here, "But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:36-37

    Concerned Sister

  13. Other churches use hell to scare people, COGs use Germans!

  14. The Caesars were the first Reich.

    Napoleon was the second Reich.

    Hitler was the third Reich.

    Trump (possibly) is the fourth Reich.

    The legs and toes of iron and clay…all Roman Reichs led by a King of the North. The fourth Reich is the last, and will be destroyed when the Messiah returns, per Dan 2.

    1. But Nebuchadnezzar and the NeoBabylonian Empire weren't Caesars? "You, o king, are this head of gold"?

  15. Headline: Hitler Did Not Die - August 1952 Plain Truth

    Speculative scaremongering... what a Gospel message the Plain Truth was!

  16. I would submit the idea that extreme caution should be exercised in assigning prophetic or Biblical significance to specific political personalities or specific countries just because they fit within our own ideas or theories of how end time events will play out. Many have fallen into this trap, and been proven wrong.

    So basically what you are saying is to neglect scripture and the Messiah’s command to watch, that when you see ALL THESE THINGS that we will know salvation is near…...sorry I’ll stick with the Messiah.

  17. Many have used the excuse of watching to justify or promote their own ideas and theories, twisting scripture, pulling verses out of context, and assigning Biblical or prophetic significance either to themselves or others in order to convince people they had special inside knowledge of end time events or some sort of religious authority. We see this play out constantly in the posts on this site.

    For example, how many times has Dave Pack predicted the return of Christ, only to kick the can a little further down the road when those predictions don't come to pass? And yet, there are still people who are convinced he serves God, and are willing to listen to whatever outrageous lie he spins next, and continue to support him and his lies financially.

    What I am saying is that if you are going to promote something as Biblical, or Biblically prophetic, and use that information to influence others, you'd better make sure you have your facts straight. Because, if it comes out later that you were wrong, and God doesn't back your story up, you simply become a liar, and run the risk of being held accountable for deceiving others. There are multiple scriptures that warn Christians about false teachers and false prophets. In the end, something is either true or it's not, and a lie remains a lie no matter how fervently it might be taught or believed. Exercising caution and weighing all the facts when evaluating a theory that is presented, and resisting the temptation to jump to conclusions or buy into a false scenario is part of our responsibility to "watch."

    Concerned Sister

  18. In a nutshell, HWA preyed on post World War I/World War II Americans primarily. He knew the nations feared another holocaust and depression, so he honed right in and hit people where it hurt. It was all fear based religion, scaring people into believing they would be safe in the WCG, saved from dying under another German occupation and the atrocities day committed against humanity. As a child in the late 50s/60s that's the only thing that burned into my brain listening to those sermons. So that's the bill of goods he sold and boy did that work for him! One can hope the minions of the current COG's won't buy into that wheelbarrow of horse crap.

  19. RSKMonday, September 5, 2022 at 2:10:00 PM PDT
    But Nebuchadnezzar and the NeoBabylonian Empire weren't Caesars? "You, o king, are this head of gold"?

    My reference was only focusing on the iron legs (Rome) of Daniel’s statue…but yes all of the Kings in the statue were types of Caesars….all were “Kings of the North”.
    You are correct in your observation.

  20. Also when considering Germany, did you know that Germany currently needs 400K migrants per year from other countries to fill in jobs within Germany.

