Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Cal Culpepper Continues His Trail of Destruction in the Philadelphia Church of God

Exit and Support Network has more up on Cal Culpepper, one of the more abusive Philadelphia Church of God ministers.

Cal Culpepper Has Destroyed Many Lives and Families:
February 9, 2024
Cal Culpepper is a very evil and arrogant man. His wickedness has destroyed many lives and families. Anyone that has personally dealt with him or ministers like him in this group have been left damaged. His dirty deeds are kept secret from members, as I am quite sure that there are great offenses that Flurry himself is unaware of. Cal is a narcissistic sociopath and Flurry allows it, giving him great power, materialism, trust and authority. The members fear him. He is a demon possessed Diotrephes. One day coming, he and the PCG band will be dried up, withered in time by the hand of God himself, as membership continues to steadily decline. God is watching. He will judge him, Flurry, and his branch. The vengeance solely is His. The true and only absolute Hope in our lives is in Jesus Christ our Savior, our King. –B. O.


Here are previous stories we ran about the abusive twit:

How Fred Dattalo, Cal Culpepper and Gerald Flurry Caused The Suicide of Janet De Gennaro

"Gerald Flurry, Fred Dattolo, Tim Oostendarp, Cal Culpepper, Eric Anderson, Jim Cocomise and John Chandler. I hold you responsible for the death of my daughter Janet De Gennaro."

Cal Culpepper Destroys Another PCG Relationship

Gerald Flurry Demands That Aaron Eagle's Wife Divorce Him When He Tried To Expose Cal Culpepper's Abuse

Gerald Flurry Gives Aaron Eagles Wife A Job To Further Drive A Wedge In Their Marriage

PCG Cal Culpepper Continues His Scorched Earth Policy and Helps Decimate the Elizabethtown PCG

Philadelphia Church of God: Update on Cal Culpepper/Scott Flory Scandal

Philadelphia Church of God: Where The World Is Celebrated While Simultaneously It Destroys Lives Of Members

PCG: Cal Culpepper and Greg Nice - "These were a couple of the most despicable, disdainful, and creepy goons I ever met"

Cal Culpepper and His Philadelphia Church of God Gestapo Making Life A Living Hell for Members

Philadelphia Church of God: Cal Culpepper, Wayne Turgeon - Gerald Flurry's Gestapo Agents

How Sick Can Cal Culpepper and Gerald Flurry Get?

Philadelphia Church of God Cult: Kicked out of PCG because she was a "threat to their cause"

Philadelphia Church of God: Hypocrisy of Gerald Flurry and Cal Culpepper

Philadelphia Church of God Mantra: Pay Any Price, Sacrifice Any Person, and OBEY Us

Cal Culpepper Continues To Intimidate and Threaten PCG Members

The Most Disrespectful Church of God Dares to Teach About "Respect"

Craig Winters and Cal Culpepper Gets All Crummy Over Some Cookies

Philadelphia Church of "god", Gerald Flurry and Cal Culpepper Destroying Yet Another Marriage

Diabolical Cal Culpepper



  1. This guy is still alive and breathing? If there is anyone more devastating than Dave Pack in the Armstrong movement, It's gotta be Cal Culpepper!

  2. Cal Culpepper could get a high position easily in North Korea hierarchy.

    He sounds like the "support" group members in ind. movie Coven by Mark Borchardt

  3. Anagram for CAL CULPEPPER -An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
    Example: The word lemon is an anagram of melon.


  4. PCG Organizational Structure

    Satan set up his drunken runt That False Prophet Gerald Flurry and the PCG cult.

    Gerald Flurry then set up all sorts of godless bums as PCG “ministers.”

    Demons inspired old male and female sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators to go to the PCG cult for their own selfish and immoral reasons and to prey on the younger members.

  5. These power hungry bastards are the total antithesis of what Christ described as one of his servants.

  6. oh no, I am deliriously cracking up laughing at random times ALL DAY now thanks a lot, whenever I think of this photo of Cal Culpepper's white eye-balls casting the evil hex just like from a 50s B-movie sci fi film   auughhhhhhh

    the people who saw him do it on their couch across the room in a ministerial visit should have zinged him with a cheapie laser pointer to help him get his eyes back down from the hex  👀🔦


    Cal is actually exhibiting Spahn Ranch tricks from Charlie Manson      hope it's not LSD

    I can't handle well the pure grief I felt to read of Ms. De Gennaro & others who suffered at this lummox storm trooper Cylon from retro Batt. Star Galactica

  7. We only had one encounter with CC. It was right before we left PCG. It was over 22 years ago. I believe he was "only" a Local Elder back then. He already seemed very stern. He didn't smile or seem caring at all. He has gone from bad to worse! This is what happens when you are empowered by a corrupt leader and organization.

    1. It is comforting to know that former PCGers can exit Flurry Sr. & Flurry Jr. & live in peace without PCG Pharaoh chariots of gaslight to chase & threaten you of forfeiting your crown, or of putting hand to plow but accused now of "looking back", etc.

      When all you did, was to resist the Edmond kool-aid/flavour-aid 🥤

      It's too backbreaking to send tithes to PCG where it's used to fund the high end dinners Geraldo Flurido serves to lure his fancy schmancy tour circuit performers @ HWA auditorium

  8. Reading on some of the actions of Culpepper and Flurry, it is reminiscent of looking back on some of the revelations of Stalin during his purges how Stalin, Beria, Yezhov & Molotov would go over lists of victims to be purged and murdered. These "self proclaimed prophets" are nothing but power hungry despots who litter destruction and destroy lives. They will answer for the evil actions one day.
