Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Philadelphia Church of God: Hypocrisy of Gerald Flurry and Cal Culpepper

From Exit and Support Network:


I find it ironic that the 85 year old Flurry can take a wife 30 years his junior1 by divine fiat while so many other PCG people are denied the right to marry or have had their marriages broken up by Flurry’s direct orders. Flurry has hypocritically stated officially to the PCG members that they need to stop focusing on their own selfish, self-centered pursuits/goals and concentrate solely on “The Work.” Flurry also has stated to the PCG members that family comes second after a commitment to “the Church.” If that is the case, why is it OK for the Octogenarian leader to marry a much younger woman while so many fit, healthy PCG members still in their prime are not allowed to marry and forced to be single? What hypocrisy from the very top of the PCG food chain. 
My wife and I were very much in love and wanted to get married “the right way” by counseling with the ministers and going through the proper channels. We were still drinking the Kool-Aid back then–early 2005. Gerald Flurry and Cal Culpepperthought our match to be “inappropriate” because I did not make enough money and there was an 11 year age gap between us. We got married anyway and Flurry and Culpepper “disfellowshipped” us out of the PCG and into the Great Tripburation to die by the hands of a European Beast power. We were only miraculously let back in 6 months later by Marvin Campbell to spite Cal Culpepper as they were in a power struggle at the time for the North East Church area. But even then, while grudgingly allowed back into the PCG, we were looked upon as slightly unclean for being “out of the Church.” You never live that stigma down. 
Flash forward a few years and my wife was 8 months pregnant with our second child when her brother and sister abandoned her and their little niece to run off to the promised land of Edmond, OK. They did this knowing my wife was still recovering from the untimely death of her mother from a brain aneurysm a few years earlier and needed their support. My wife (having no mother) really could have used the help of her siblings with the new baby and looked forward to a baby shower with her family and church brethren. Not to be. The lure of being in the presence of the anointed King Gerald Flurry was too strong. Ironically not only did my brother and sister and law walk away from their family but they also embezzled $10,000 in cash from their father’s business to finance their trip and relocation. So much for the Philadelphian standard. Oh…as far as that baby shower my wife looked forward to? Culpepper said no baby shower. We had gotten married without King Flurry’s approval and we had to pay. 
Now it is 2020 and my wife has very recently seen how her brother and sister are faring in the promised land of Flurryism through the aid of various social media sites. Both have not been allowed to marry as of this writing. They are both in their early 30s and still in their prime. You see, if you don’t brown-nose the right minister or get into the right clique at Edmond, things just don’t go well for you. There is definitely a hierarchy at the Edmond PCG compound. There is the “in” crowd and there is everyone else. If you are in good with the inner clique of the Edmond power elite then you are on the gravy train. For example: If you are a single woman and you babysit the Flurry’s grandkids, or perhaps help clean their house and toilet for the Holy Days, they may throw you a bone and allow you some perks. If you really play your cards right you may be allowed to date for marriage. But…..If you don’t pay your dues, then you are single until the Second Coming.

You can read the rest of By Brett Streutker's letter here: GERALD FLURRY REMARRIES — HYPOCRISY FROM THE TOP


Anonymous said...

“But even then, while grudgingly allowed back into the PCG, we were looked upon as slightly unclean for being 'out of the Church.' You never live that stigma down.”

The REAL STIGMA is in having been inside something as false and bad as the PCG.

The more time spent outside of the PCG, the better.

Anonymous said...

Today, on election day, PCG members are VOTING with their feet and their wallets and their very lives to support a false prophet.

Anonymous said...

I find it crazy that he he is taking a wife after God supposedly took his first wife due to “prophecy” in Ezekiel, so he could not be distracted and do the “work”. I would love to hear the new prophecy that explains away this marriage.

Unknown said...

Gerald Flurry is a walking, talking piece of pure human excrement. I hope his desiccated and shriveled up scrotum falls off on his wedding night.

Anonymous said...

Are readers expected to feel sorry for this couple ?

PT Editor said...

PCg. Its a insane asylum.

Anonymous said...

Psychologists who study cults have found that when many complaints have been made by former members of a group, the accusations on investigation typically prove true.
Potential and attending members should ponder this.

Anonymous said...

Never liked Culpepper. He is kinda like Brian Davis an arrogant know it all SOB who acts like everything he says is correct and everyone else is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I am sure there will be new prophecy to support his choice spread out to the flock.

Anonymous said...

They haven’t been saying anything about the election. If Trump doesn’t win that means all flurry’s revelation about him would be false. How will they explain this?

Anonymous said...

If Trump doesn’t win

If Trump admits defeat, we can say (I've been waiting for this) "This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a twitter."

Tonto said...

There has always been a "tier" system in the WCG and splinters. A set of rules for the elite and insiders, and then the rules for the rabble.

EXAMPLE - Did HWA have to do a "write up", wait a few years and have his divorce approved by the "divorce staff" in Pasadena?

I cant help but think this about Culpepper and his name, that it would make a heck of a good name for a CONDIMENT!

Tonto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

‘Cul’ is french for donkey :)
So ‘Cul-pepper’ would be.. what?

Anonymous said...

Tonto declares,
There has always been a "tier" system in the WCG and splinters. A set of rules for the elite and insiders, and then the rules for the rabble.

Well top tier Tonto should know all about that.

Tonto said...

Sorry ANON 12:58 , I have never been ordained, nor have I ever made a nickel off of religion either. Im just a regular joe. Never went to AC either, and never have been a "top tier" anything anywhere, and may God me my judge, that is the full and honest truth in all of those matters.

Anonymous said...

What's the point of the article's link at the end to the Blogger dashboard page?

Anonymous said...

The PCG Way

You support Gerald Flurry and his family.

Gerald Flurry and his family try to destroy you and your family.

NO2HWA said...

6:21 Fixed it! Thanks

Anonymous said...

12.58 PM
Can't you tell from Tonto's pic that he's not a chief but one of the Indians?

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the couples who got married often did so by leaving the church then marrying and then "repenting" and coming back. What a joke. In the mean time, those who followed all the rules and did what they were told could never get married. Ministers would play matchmaker or match breaker according to their whims not according to any scriptures.

Anonymous said...

i bet the PCG folks are shaking right now, especially Trump's re-election is on the brink. they know that the Jeroboam prophecy hinges on him being re-elected.

My question to all you PCG people, coworkers, and apologists - what next when this prophecy fails? Well, since you're all mindless, brainwashed, cult member, robots anyway, nothing much, I guess.

Anonymous said...

That couple who Are in Edmond need to wake up and if they truly love each other, go get married whether at the local court house or even by a Baptist minister. If they live & are devoted to each that is what matters before God. Don't worry about what some false Stalin in PCG says.

Anonymous said...

Who said ordained Tonto? Who mentioned AC ?

Anonymous said...

Tonto style of writing is distinctly feminine. After all Tonto used to repeatedly claim in comments to know those in power on UCG Council.

Anonymous said...

Too many relationships were ruined by the ministry in Worldwide & the ACOGs. I remember them making a happy married couple divorce after deciding that it was illegal due to a brief prior marriage by one of the members when they were young & immature. The couple never got over it. It was really tragic.

Anonymous said...

Jeroboam was saving America - temporarily. We have passed the Jeroboam timeframe. Time is now short and we have just a little time to expose the lawless Democrats for stealing the election. They will kick us out because the land can’t bear the words about my new throne.

Anonymous said...

I have new revelation. The voice told me there’s a new Jeroboam.

Anonymous said...

I never said that he was Jeroboam II. We’re still waiting on the second one to come on the scene who will reject throne and Tkach will get him to kick us out.

Anonymous said...

so why would anyone ask their minister for permission to marry???

oh yeah, the cult thing.

putting "Church of God" in their name doesn't make them part of The Church.

Tonto said...

Anonymous said...
Tonto style of writing is distinctly feminine. After all Tonto used to repeatedly claim in comments to know those in power on UCG Council.

Hey, Im a DUDE! I got a penis "down there"! Ive been around a long time , many decades, and know virtually all of the "cast of characters" in the COG at one time or another. Heck, even played softball with a lot of them at various FOT sites over time. I am not a declared member of any COG, but visit around the COG 7th Day, and the SDAs too.

I will give you another chance to stop your stupid annoying nagging shit about "who I supposedly am". Simply send me an email to Tontosixkiller@gmail.com

with your phone number and a time to call you, and I will, and will keep your identity and phone number annonymous

Dennis Diehl knows who I am, and will vouch that I am not a person of interest in the COG universe. If you prefer, write or call him for verification.

Frankly, who cares who I am anyway? Im some dumb ass poster to a web blog! You are obsessed with some kind of conspiracy idea that Im an insider using Banned as some kind of psyops program! Hilarious! You really need to get out more and live life beyond trying to figure out who TONTO is!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:51 AM said...“They will kick us out because the land can’t bear the words about my new throne.”

Former WCG members who still remember and believe what HWA taught cannot bear to listen to Gerald Flurry's latest lies about his new throne either.

NO2HWA said...

1:14 am. I can vouch that Tonto is a guy. 100% male and has been on COG sites for a long time so he is well aware of the characters there and in the COG movement.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:51 AM said...“They will kick us out because the land can’t bear the words about my new throne.”

Okay, Gerald, tell us all about your new toilet.

Anonymous said...

Don't know much about politics but unfortunately I am aware that this mail in ballot deal has turned out to be rife with fraud in certain parts of the country, especially in parts of Pennsylvania & in Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Worldwide in the 70's & 80's. It affected me in so many ways that I still coming to grips with. I did manage to get on with my life but looking back it really made things so much harder and affected my self confidence for a long time in a negative manner. Worldwide and some of their offshoots corrupted the gospel away from Christ into garbage about "the government of God" & the cult of church government and church eras. I really enjoy your posts Tonto. You and Byker Bob are posts I look forward to reading.

DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tonto style of writing is distinctly feminine. After all Tonto used to repeatedly claim in comments to know those in power on UCG Council.

Lol... Don't ever go into Detective work.

Anonymous said...

Add to this, Putin may be stepping down.

Anonymous said...

wooho we've got a live one here at 2:51, 2:54 and 2:58. a super spreader too. still on that kool aid crap, are you?

Anonymous said...

I think he is saying what “The king’ will say to explain why his initial prophecy failed. He’s probably dead on lol

Anonymous said...

12.47 PM
Looks like 12.51,12.54 and 12.58 is troll guy. He does this on other blogs.

Anonymous said...

There are no comments on here at 12:51 and 12:54.