Friday, November 6, 2020

Living Church of God: "the more one comes to know LCG and their leadership, the sleazier it gets"


From a reader:

I note two things here.

1. While Gerald Weston and the LCG leadership make a pretense of distancing themselves from worldly politics and not getting involved in "worldly institutions" as a matter of worshipping God, hypocritically they are the very first to laud and to call upon these very institutions they preach against and tell members they must avoid. While they decry America's stagnation and sin, and while they rail against military service, corporations of the world, police, voting etc, they cheer and support what these institutions do. (We won't dirty our hands but we like what they do for us!) So then, the LCG does not agree with what the police do and carrying arms, and they do not agree with lawyering. Yet, Weston was the very first to call the police and sick a lawyer on Jeremy in toronto because Jeremy simply put Weston in his place and did nothing threatening nor illegal. (a long story) Weston also had the stupidity to order that Jeremy himself could have nothing to do with anyone in the Ontario churches. As it turned out all that backfired because Jeremy turned the tables on Gerald and Jean/Marc Arsenault (a ministerial hireling in western Canada who was once a good guy) by having the police deal with LCG as a matter of harassing him. Even the cops got a laugh at Gerald Weston over that. Good on Jeremy. we all got a laugh at that, and even the folks from as far away as Australia and New Zealand heard about it. Of course, weston had no authority to order and enforce anything like that. As long as the members give their sovereignty to their ministers and their hangers-on because they wrongly believe they are submitting to God by doing so -- just as do the kings to the beast power in Revelation 17:13 -- these ministers do as they worldly wish. Idolatry.

2. As someone who was in LCG and who had been considered as a possible minister trainee (which I vehemently refused several times), the more one comes to know LCG and their leadership, the sleazier it gets. LCG, its religio/political hierarchy and its hq are just as political and truly just as sleazy as any politic in the world! 


Tonto said...

The poster wrote: "the more one comes to know LCG and their leadership, the sleazier it gets. LCG, its religio/political hierarchy and its hq are just as political and truly just as sleazy as any politic in the world! "

Sadly, it is my experience that EVERY single human organization suffers from the same. I wish there was a place where it was all "good guys", but alas, it is only a utopian thought.

Painful Truth said...

LCG is like Pornhub. It demoralizes the constant user.

Anonymous said...

November 6, 2020 at 2:41 PM
Tonto, do you mean ALL churches are human organizations, so there is no perfection and we have to accept "warts and all" in COGs?

Anonymous said...

Never understood Worldwide and the ACOGs bogus policy on military service. Christ healed the centurions's servant on his faith alone. The centurion was so humble he said he was unworthy for Christ to even enter his home & that his faith was so strong he just asked Christ to say the words & he knew his servant would be healed. Christ healed the servant and never condemned the centurion for his military service. I respect those who served our country, not some loser, selfish narcissistic false ministers who practice "get not give" like Flurry & HWA.

Anonymous said...

"Christ healed the servant and never condemned the centurion for his military service."

nor did He condemn the woman caught in the act of adultery....doesn't mean He approved of it.

Mason said...

Actually HE did. He said go and sin no more.

Anonymous said...

"Christ ...never condemned the centurion for his military service."

Err, not quite. The centurion said that he is not worthy to come to Christ in person, and have him in his home. Christ had the opportunity to contradict him, but did not. That is, the centurion condemned himself.
It should be noted that the Roman soldiers were ruthless conquerors. They were not like America's military which is a defensive force.

Anonymous said...

Remember, too, Joshua God's warrior and spiritual leader. The centurion who truly understood that Jesus was the son of God. Matthew 27:54 David the warrior king who was overall godly. Whether or not believers should be in the military or paramilitary is in and of itself another subject beyond this Living church Of God thread. Did I write Living Church Of God? A typo, kindly excuse me. I meant to write the "Loving" Church of god, or "Lucifer's Camp Of Gehenna". I knew a police officer in WCG in the 1980s in toronto who, like me, ended up with LCG. People in WCG and in LCG -- most especially the local ministers and their enforcers -- looked on this police officer who was dedicated both to his service and to church with skepticism and even distain. Their reasons dressed up as church justification then and now were and are obvious; they have not changed. Articles no doubt exist covering them. So, one of Toronto's finest was grudgingly "permitted" to attend church. The officer regularly put is life on the line, "laying down one's life" so to speak. When it comes to it, these people who look downon those in the paramilitary and military services with LCG-religious comtempt (especially their ministers and their auxiliaries who function more like moray eels) do readily call upon the police to save them; hier lawyers to protect them; consult with bankers to their advantage who they otherwise write off as part of the babylonian system); and cheer when the U.S. military invades Grenada, fight in Iraq, deal with Iran, send carrier groups to the South China Sea, and so on. It comes up regularly in their sermons. My point here is that the approach taken by LCG is inconsistent and hypocritical. I doubt they even see the irony of their enforced, extrapolated doctrine. I knew an LCG member in Winnipeg who was an army man from the ranks. LCG would not baptize him unless or until he was no longer in the army. Yet, I knew another WCG fine member who was a Major, and no one objected.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:55 AM, what do Canadian LCG members think about Stuart Wachowicz's cosy financial ties to China through his leadership of the local Confucius Institute, which he defended in print in a Canadian newspaper just a year or two ago?

Any ordinary member who was so politically tied to the Chinese Communist Party would be persecuted and maybe even put out of the church, but somehow Wachowicz gets away with it.

Anonymous said...

Have Wachowicz to thank the Chinese Communists for creating and gifting the world Covid-19.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous Mason said...

Actually HE did. He said go and sin no more.

November 7, 2020 at 10:13 AM"

actually HE didn't...

John 8:11

...And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Mason said...

Ok He did not tell the centurion to go and sin no more.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (5:32 AM; 6:00 AM) and Mason (10:13 AM; 2:59 PM)

Your exchange and biblical examples to me demonstrates the Christian principle to condemn no person (since that's God's place alone to do) just their actions (eg. lying, stealing, adultery, sodomy, murder, etc.).