It is so wonderful seeing the Philadelphia Church of God practicing 1st-century Christianity. Such sterling examples of faith
From Exit and Support Network
After being banned from “the church,” I have lots to relate about my experiences. I committed no crime, nor had made any argument with any minister nor made any “dissident” statement, but because I myself have become a crime victim and was thus injured, also suffering severe financial loss, I was “suspended.” This is how the fake church treats crime victims. But I do believe that if I still was considered a member, I would only be subject to more and more punishment in the future.
A few years ago, a certain two ministers, (who did not even seem human to me), whom I had never met in person before, one a regional head, accused me of things for three hours straight, in my own home, to try to instigate me into reacting rebelliously, while the regional head tried to force me into accepting only his version of certain events that happened to me personally, and then he claimed I could be “dangerous” to the brethren for telling my own account of what crime was committed against me by criminal scum.
Basically, they “suspended” me because I did not agree with the ministers’ accounts of what was done to me and why, which ministers were not even around to witness all what transpired, but only knew of the rumors they heard. What could they possibly have known about it in order to pass any kind of judgment? Those two ministers accused me, a crime victim, of being “dangerous.” Ridiculous.
No, but rather it is they who are very, very dangerous to the captive brethren, and so is their “church.” These two men acted more like mafia henchmen than ministers of God.
I believe it was the foregone conclusion of that slimy tandem of accusers, no ministers of God, that I was “dangerous” and “hostile,” and their intent was to throw me out of the “church” before they even walked through my door, and I also believe that it was likely the diabolical duo had already been given orders from a higher office in the “church government” to get rid of me. That is the impression I received. Their behavior towards me was abnormal and hostile.
The names of these inhuman ministers are Cal Culpepper and Greg “Nice.” Greg “Nice” is just as sarcastic of a man as his nice last name is towards his character. These were a couple of the most despicable, disdainful, and creepy goons I ever met, and the spiritual residue of their presence in my home still seems to pollute my place. I should have been the one to leave a boot print on their coat tails. I have more to tell about this horrible experience I had with them, and it certainly validates the stories I have read from other exiters.
More on Cal Culpepper:
How Fred Dattalo, Cal Culpepper and Gerald Flurry Caused A PCG Suicide
More on Greg Nice:
**You DO NOT have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.
**Anything you say, or dont say, WILL be used against you in disfellowshipping you.
**You have no legal rights, and consulting an attorney or law enforcement will result in automatic disfellowshipment and marking.
**If you decide to answer questions now , you do not have the right to stop answering at any time.
These fools don't realize that loving counsel, and retaining members, makes for a healthy, happy, growing church. I would never join an ACOG, because I remember from my WCG days the constant fear of some minister who had heard a little gossip swooping down, Sword of Damocles in one hand, Bible in the other, repeating the gossip, and refusing to correct the story when told the actual truth. Some invisible accuser's version was always taken as truth, and if you attempted to correct it, you were accused of lying, self justification, or some other even worse offense.
A pox on these charlatans, and on their house!
This post raises some questions in my mind.
which reads: "33 Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.
1. What type of crime was this person a victim of?
2. Who committed the crime, and was it a PCG member OR minister who perpetrated the crime?
3. Was there a police report of the crime? If not, why not?
Obviously, these two clown PCG ministers have never read or understood Romans 8:33-34
34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us".
Nor do they remember what the WCG taught, and I remember to this very day that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. If Satan is the accuser of the brethren, then what does that make Culpepper and Nice?
Right, 8:21, "some invisible accuser's version is always taken as truth..."
) Satan can tempt your own brethren to be "fig-informers" (Luke 3:14
) for the tyrants because the brethren aren't practicing Mt 18:15-17
either. This is called a ministry of the letter, i.e. if you offend them once, there is no forgiveness and no recourse to reconciliation, a kind of Mosaic ministry and not a ministry of the Spirit which ours should be. (2 Cor 3:6
which allows for give and take and wider input (which is lesson for the LCG overlords who take their authority to an obsession and make any dissent to their decrees punishable by death).
It happened to me too, seated beside 3 elders, with requested witnesses mysteriously not present, I being ready to forgive and ask forgiveness, when Satan stepped up and said, "Let's go back... (meaning let's replay the hurt)... do you remember that you were like this... (doing a recollection of past accusations)... will you admit to your sin (condemning me again when I was only contending for doctrine)?" All of which left me scrambling for cover from another condemnation.
All it takes is for just one big mouth or bad apple to do the devil's work and out goes another member unjustly. Why? Because Satan intimidates (like the rider on the white horse with the bow) the other elders into submission, lest they lose their employment with the corporate overlords. It never ends!
It also happened in another church when I disagreed with a prophetic interpretation and word got back to Weston, who out of the blue promptly disfellowshipped me by e-mail without stating my sin. "Whoever kills (disfellowships) you will think he is doing God a service" (Jn 16:2
But someone might say, "Well, what do we do?" The answer? 1. GET BACK TO THE SCRIPTURES FOR YOUR RULE! 2. Reserve judgment on a man's character if you don't like his personality 3. Stop listening to every moron and big mouth 4. Get the wider church involved and not just the hysterical ones 5. Stop disfellowshipping people who disagree with your interpretation of prophecy and follow 1 Cor 14:29-32
As far as PCOG, RCOG, LCOG or any other COG, why would anyone ask a minister’s advice for anything. If I have medical issues I will seek advice from a medical professional, if I have marriage problems, I will seek a marriage counselor, if I have financial problems I will seek a financial counselor. Never discuss a problem with another member, it will go directly to the minister. Never discuss a problem with a deacon, it will go directly to a minister. And for sure never discuss a problem with a minister, it will be broadcast to the entire church. If your a Christian, you should know what Christ asks you to do. You don’t need to be screamed at, threatened, beat down or made to feel like manure. Church should be inspiring. If not, walk out and don’t look back.
The PCG has always been totally corrupt.
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