RCG’s Inept Prophet: Dooh! I Meant July of 2022
There was a sound of thunder this morning in Wadsworth, Ohio. At first, I thought it was just another storm, but after listening to Parts 376 and 377, I realized it was perhaps a chorus of hands slapping foreheads during the Ministerial Conference.
True to form, David C. Pack of the Restored Church of God shifted the expected start of the 1335 from Sivan to Tammuz [June 14th to July] of this year. Why? Because “the math fits better” and scriptural bla bla bla—Of course, it fits better, it’s further away. Plus, all those people sitting in front of Dave will be back home so he won’t have to face embarrassing questions on his way to the bathroom like, “WTF, Mr. Pack?”
Part 376 @ 08:35 “But, could Tammuz work? Now, I I sorta concluded that it it wouldn’t when it looked like maybe a a threat was on its way. But you know, I’d watched us go from Sebat to Adar to Adar II to Abib to Iyar and then to Sivan. Was it possible it could happen yet again?”
What do you mean, “I’d watched us,” when you preached it from your own mind with your own mouth? You were not just an observer watching this unfold before your eyes. Also, there is no “us” in that scenario unless you are grouping in the broken ministers at Headquarters. These defeated men have been trained for years to keep their mouths shut or else you’ll rise from your chair, puff out your chest, and verbally blast them in front of everyone. Is that the “us” referred to?
What do you mean, “it could happen yet again” like that is some external event outside your own control? You cannot possibly mean when you preached for hours about the math and the scriptures and the world conditions and the metrics that Christ is coming imminently each of those times…right?
Part 376 @ 12:07 “And if we can if we can agree, yes so to speak, we can sort of agree with the scriptures that are fighting us right now, then we’d be in a position to talk about exactly what it is, knowing that something absolutely doescome because Tammuz simply does fit better than Sivan…”
Perhaps dedicating his youth to training as a wrestler rather than a swimmer would have helped Dave to sort out God’s word correctly today. That slippery Bible just keeps moving around and like a kid at the Feast, will not sit still.
Part 376 @ 12:56 “…they’re helpful in positioning these 14 ½ days. If you can take all of those and and you can shift them one day, because you’re you you would advance four weeks and one day, 29 days which so you’d advance everything would shift by one day, does it [Tammuz] fit? And what if it not only fits, it fits better? So for now I’m gonna tell you it absolutely fits if you went one more one more uh uh month. It does.”
I’m sure there is a physicist who could comment about what happens to the state of an atom when you “shift by one” electron (plus or minus). True prophets need to be that precise or what are you forced to call them according to the Bible?
Part 376 @ 27:25 “I don’t want this tomorrow night. I want it three months ago. In fact, three years ago would be better. But that’s not what happened. So what we want is the truth. If I’m gonna be wise, fine, but I’ve gotta be faithful to the truth. I can be as wise as however uh wise I think I am or God may think I’ve been, if I’m not faithful to the truth, then forget it. We need somebody else and the same would be true of all of you. So, I’ve gotta be faithful to what the Bible said.”
If only Dave could hear these words outside his own self-made reality and ponder the irony of it all…if only.
Attendees were encouraged to re-read the article, “All God’s People Back Together Soon!” and then Dave asked, “Was it wrong or was it wrong timing?”
While revisiting “the flock of slaughter” in Zechariah 11, he blessed the audience with this nugget:
Part 376 @ 1:01:25 “I’ve believed for a long time, I’ll say honestly: off and on, off and on, off and on, is that the Laodiceans? Here’s the biggest reason I believe it. A powerful telltale sign. First of all, I know the guys who lead’em, “whose possessors slay them!” A lot of the men in the Splinters who’re leading those groups are killers! I know them! And there’re a lot of others who are wonderful. They’re 24-karat gold. But it’s a lot of the leaders who’re the biggest problems.”
I’m sure nobody in the Restored Church of God can relate to the concept of leaders being the biggest problems in the church. Nobody.
There was nothing in Part 377 worth quoting. However, for the curious, here is a summary of that 47 minutes:
(bla bla bla) Synagogue of Satan, Man of Sin (bla bla bla) “I can slam verses together” (bla bla bla) “zero chance for [June 14, 2022] but it’s okay to hope” (bla bla bla) math math math, new moon new moon new moon (bla bla bla) “I know the people in the Splinters” (bla bla bla) Q and A. Good night.
What do you call a man who re-declares himself Elijah the Prophet and the very next day changes what he prophesied?
Marc Cebrian
He is not a prophet he is a apostle.
My understanding is that an apostle had to have been present with Jesus. This is indicated when they were selecting a substute for Judas in the book of Acts.
The Millerite Elijahs
Why is it that Millerites are eager to claim the role of Elijah? Contrary to this Millerite trend, John the Baptist denied he was Elijah. Yet, Jesus identified John as the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Elijah. Priests and Levites from Jerusalem paid a visit to John the Baptist to make an inquiry:
“And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No.”
HWA was a Johnny-come-lately. The first Millerite to claim to be Elijah was Samuel Sheffield Snow. Samuel Snow was the person who actually developed the calculation that identified October 22, 1844 as the date of Christ’s Return – later known in the history of Millerism as the date of the Great Disappointment. Here is a partial account of him from the web article titled “The 2300-day Prophecy: Building on Assumptions” by Ernesto Gil”:
"In May, 1845, Snow fancied himself to be Elijah, the prophet. In a chapter entitled A Proclamation, from a book he wrote, he declared about himself,
'By the special favor of God, through Jesus Christ . . . , I have been called and commissioned to go before the face of the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to prepare the way for His descent from heaven . . . as His Prime Minister, I demand of all Kings, Presidents, Magistrates, and Rulers, civil or ecclesiastical, a full surrender of all power and authority, into my hands, on behalf of King Jesus the Coming One. . . . WAR, FAMINE, PESTILENCE, and DESTRUCTION . . .shall go forth among the nations more and more, till the earth be utterly desolate. Then shall ye know that a prophet hath been among you.'
"His followers began publishing The True Day Star, Dec. 29, 1845, proclaiming that Jesus was King and Snow, his messenger, Elijah. . . Snow's thinking had become twisted, and he continued believing himself to be Elijah until the day he died.
(Lest We Forget Volumes 1 - 4 (1991 - 1994) A Quarterly Adventist Pioneer Library Periodical, LWF Volume 3, Second Quarter, 1993 Number 2 Adventist Pioneer Library, "Samuel S. Snow 1806 - 1870 Modern Elijah?")
What goes around comes around ...
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Perhaps we should hold a poll to see who is the most entertaining ‘apostle, prophet’.
Booby boy or DP or maybe GF running them a close race.
All on the highway to no where.
Going going gone.
And on surveying the ruins of their ‘work’ what will be written?
Most probably nothing. For no one has heard of them or cares.
Their ‘work’ is invisible unknown unattractive and contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ecclesiastes 10:12-14 NASB
: Words from the mouth of a wise man are gracious, while the lips of a fool consume him; 13 the beginning of his talking is folly and the end of it is wicked madness. 14 Yet the fool multiplies words. No man knows what will happen, and who can tell him what will come after him?
Dave, is that you?
Davie the false prophet does visit and post here regularity.
DP is a False Apostle and it's correct that a true apostle had to have been present with Jesus. A true Apostle wound never contradict truth already established in the Church by a apostle but a false apostle would. DP has twisted God's truth to fit his twisted version of reality born out of greed and power. He's scrambled the Book of Revelation and prophesy beyond believe. RCG's version of Christ returning is not going to be the way they are being taught by DP and if the members don't get out soon, it's going to be to late for them. God is allowing the fraud to continue only to fulfill prophecy and because he is long suffering that none should die. RCG members need to be able to open there bibles and prove what DP is saying is the truth or a lie. If they are not able and willing to do that then their eternal lives are at stake. They will curse DP and the ministry at their judgement day when they realize they lost their eternal life because they believed a fraud.
In the first century, the word "Apostle" carried a good connotation. If all we had today were the examples from over the past hundred years, and knew nothing of ancient history, that same term would almost be considered to be derogatory, a pejorative akin to "sleazebag", "scheister", "conman", "scammer", "bullshit artist", or even "criminal". That is because it is a name with which such people cloak themselves in order to control others, and rob them of their blessings. It is a word which has been co-opted by those with less than good intentions. It is used to whiten a sepulchre.
Marc Cebrian asked: "...What do you call a man who re-declares himself Elijah the Prophet and the very next day changes what he prophesied?..."
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Well, of course, "Elijah the Prophet!"
Well, how about:
false apostle?
deceitful worker?
apostle of Christ?
minister of righteousness?
2 Cor 11:14
15 Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
No! How about "ridiculous buffoon?"
Well, actually, ignore Paul's thoughts and ignore my thoughts, because I'd probably rather just use the words of sweet, humble, "little Lord Jesus", who said the following timely advice:
"Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44
So, what do you call a man who re-declares himself Elijah the Prophet and the very next day changes what he prophesied?
Time will tell...
Well it is Wednesday and yet another no show. Any takers when the next pronouncement will be? Even though the math was perfect, somebody got stiffed yet AGAIN!
Part 376 @ 12:56 “…they’re helpful in positioning these 14 ½ days. If you can take all of those and and you can shift them one day, because you’re you you would advance four weeks and one day, 29 days which so you’d advance everything would shift by one day, does it [Tammuz] fit? And what if it not only fits, it fits better? So for now I’m gonna tell you it absolutely fits if you went one more one more uh uh month. It does."
I have had this same conversation with my wife in the not too distant past. She came home from on of her shopping excursions with a purchased outfit that was very similar to the one she just purchased the previous month. I said why would you purchase something so similar to what you just purchased and whats with the need for all these outfits since you are now working from home? She said this outfit fits better than the one I purchased last month.
So the RCG prophecy scramble is not much different than a fashion conscience woman on the never ending hunt for the perfect fit. In Dave's version, he goes to the "bible store" and comes home to his wife and proclaims; "you won't believe what I found today" - it is the perfect fit! That Dave can somehow frame these shopping trips as a righteous search for the truth belies the hard facts of reality.
If stacking false scriptural narratives upon false scriptural narratives and false prophetic conclusions upon false prophetic conclusions for almost seven years is a righteous truth seeking adventure, then are there not questions we need to ask? First off all, Is the bible some word shifting, vague meaning, mystery laden, code filled book that had to wait for a man in the 21st century to approach it as an unsolved puzzle?
The second question we could ask; Should we in good conscience believe this same man has truth at the forefront of his mind when he has continually proclaimed in some way for the past 6.5 years that the mystery has been solved and the conclusion is at hand either quarterly or sometimes monthly and at other times weekly and even day by day?
Dave Pack has said that his solving of the "Greatest Story" is the summation of what is truly the whole of the gospel. If that is the case then, those who have experienced a miraculous calling from God - many clear back in the WCG days, have never understood the gospel - the true gospel.
Dave Pack is the arbiter of the bible and the gospel - his "perfect fit" is now our perfect fit his biblical rearrangement is now our biblical rearrangement - Herbert Armstrong be damned and God get out of the way.
I just mentioned to my wife that I have the perfect shopping partner for her. She said who? Dave Pack I said - both of you are always on the look out for the perfect fit. She said it would never work; "I like my dresses a little above the knees and that is a mystery that Dave Pack could never solve".
WATT, Dude...I'm crying with laughter over here. I howl at some of the things you say and the way you say it. Great analysis, again. Why the hell don't YOU have your own blog?
Was any thing said about us praying for him to be wrong again? I know last week he was emphatic that we pray for him to be wrong. Guess it worked yet again.
Dunning-Kruger effect in full force
Are they having Feasr registration this year? Kind of hypocritical rith all these return guarantees don't you think?
Another Millerite Elijah: Victor Houteff (SDA Davidian)
"Florence Houteff responded to the unexpected death of the Rods first
prophet by declaring herself a prophet. Davidians had thought Victor was
the "new Elijah who would help usher in the reign of God." As such, he
should not die." (Albert A.C. Waite, "From Seventh-day Adventism to David Koresh", Newbold College, Berkshire, England)
Notice that the Branch Davidians named their compound "Mt. Carmel," the location where Elijah opposed the prophets of Baal.
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DCP probably HATES when I throw his own words back in his face.
Part 270 given on October 6, 2020 at the FOT:
@ 1:30:32 "...‘Cause there is no way in this life that the Kingdom of God does not come in the fall, in the last season, on the last day [Last Great Day of 2020]. You have to trash and snip from your Bible so many verses you need a second pair of scissors ‘cause the first one would wear out."
So, according to David C. Pack, any person who doesn't believe what he just said has to mangle their Bible.
DCP from 2020 is calling out RCG's Inept Prophet in 2022. Food fight!!!
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