Sunday, August 15, 2021

Philadlphia Church of God Cult: Kicked out of PCG because she was a "threat to their cause"

We have had a lot on here over the years about how the PCG and particularly Cal Culpepper and Wayne Turgeon have treated members like dirt. Both of these men are particularly despised in PCG circles for their extreme nastiness and unbiblical ways of dealing with people. 

Exit and Support Network had this letter up from a young woman who was kicked out of PCG by Culpepper over mental health issues. 

The Church of God over the decades has treated members with mental health issues in appalling ways. From being told they are possessed by demons, telling them that medicines that could assist them were wrong, to outright kicking them out of the church because they "looked bad". The church looked down on mental health professionals and called them all kinds of names and disparaged their professions all the while claiming that all a person needed to do was to draw closer to God and stop sinning because that was the main issue of their mental health issues.

I Was Described as a Threat to PCG’s Cause:
August 15, 2021 
I am a child who was mentioned in Case #3 in “Abuses I Was Aware of in Philadelphia Church of God.” I would like to elaborate on that story and talk about where I am now. 
The reason I was thrown out was because of my mental health. I was deeply depressed, self harming nearly every day. It got to the point that I was admitted to a hospital. When the PCG found out what happened, my dad read a letter that was addressed to me. PCG described me as “a threat to their cause.” 
I had so many friends that I deeply miss from my time there, but I know I’ll never see them again. As far as my life after this, I’m finally getting help and going to therapy. I tried to go to a church to appease a friend, and as soon as I entered I felt an overwhelming sense of dread. I haven’t been back since. 
I don’t know if I’ll ever heal from it, but I’ve at least accepted that it happened. –Child survivor of PCG [name withheld]

Case #3: [This was as recent as 2013] 

This concerns a member from Louisville, KY. This man was a loyal servant of the congregation. He went to all of the PCG activities. He did the garage sale for the building fund, was in Spokesman’s Club, went to the cookouts, picnics, etc. He had joint custody of his 15 year old daughter. The girl was torn between her dad and mom. Cal Culpepper verbally abused the girl at a PCG activity in Ohio. The girl was then condemned by Culpepper and told to not come to services. The father was told not to have any contact with the girl (15 years old) at all. The man refused and was disfellowshipped. 
There are many more cases like this but these three will suffice to give a picture of the unbiblical and illegal practice of abandoning your minor teens. 
In a recent PCG sermon it was stated how the non-PCG performers who do the Concert Series at God’s House [Armstrong Auditorium] gush and rave telling the HQ people how they were “treated like Kings” with fine dining and accommodations while they stayed at the Auditorium. I wonder if these people were told how minor age children were being tossed out in the street by orders from PCG ministry? Would they still be willing to perform for the Philadelphia Church of God? 
I have witnessed much suffering amongst the youth in PCG. One girl in the congregation was told by Wayne Turgeon she could not go to the college because she was “too fat” and did not “fit the proper image of the church.” Many of the youth are leaving PCG. 
There are a lot of people with drinking problems in the PCG. One “contact person” in a Kentucky congregation sometimes comes to services high. But he attends Spokesman’s Club and is in good with the regime. 
There are ministerial scandals (especially in the North West region) going on. One minister was carrying on a two year affair with a woman in a congregation! He tried to get his wife to leave him. When that did not happen, he tried to convince the PCG that she was “crazy or demon possessed.” He took it to HQ and they suspended the wife. Then it came out about the affair and they kicked him out and let her back. 
Also, J. C., a member, was doing security detail at a HQ function in Edmond, OK a few years ago. Grant Turgeon1 (son of Wayne Turgeon) came into an area off limits to people. When confronted by J. C., the little Turgeon said, “Do you know who I am? My father is Wayne Turgeon.” Later, this member was accosted verbally by Wayne Turgeon for telling his son where to go and was suspended not long after. 
Whenever I walked into services, there would be no warmth at all; no encouragement from the podium, no mention even once that God loves us–just law, judgment, threats, and doom.

By Chris

For more first hand abuse check put these addtional letters and articles on Exit and Support Network:

Recommended Material:

Profile on a Sociopath (A number of abusive, religious leaders may exhibit many of these behavioral characteristics)

Grant Turgeon Has an Attitude (2013 letter to ESN)

Crazy statement by Wayne Turgeon (What Wayne Turgeon once said)

Related Testimonies:

Fear and Dread in PCG (5-24-13 letter to ESN that covers Culpepper)

Why I’m Ex-PCG (8-28-14 testimony; cruel and cold-hearted abuse by Culpepper)

True Love Lacking in PCG Members (3-6-07 letter to ESN)

Footnote by ESN:

1 Read: Grant Turgeon Has an Attitude (1-3-13 email to ESN)

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Crackpot COG Prophet Admits His Members Not Protected During Haiti Earthquake


Nowadays in the COG movement, none of them can claim immunity to world disasters, disease, and other tragedies that befall people in the world, like the church did in the past. These days COG members are right in the mix.

The Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasians said today that some of his people in Haiti have lost homes and some were injured. Of course, as Dennis noted this morning, the Great Bwana blamed this on his creature "jesus" who predicted such things.

Haiti has already had many problems and troubles, and this quake looks to make matters worse.
The quake was centered close to where most of the Continuing Church of God brethren in Haiti live.
I received three reports related to CCOG members there. 5 of the brethren in the area now do not have housing due to the quake and one woman broke her leg. There look to be other issues as well.
Our leader in Haiti is going around his area to visit the brethren. .
Please keep those in Haiti in your prayers.
We are also trying to figure out how to best assist physically as well.
Of course, we all realize that Jesus predicted earthquakes and troubles:

8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be…troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming — in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning — 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (Mark 13:33-37)

Notice that Jesus listed earthquakes as one of the signs that precede the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:4-21) and told His followers to watch.
Regular readers of this COGwriter Church of God News page may recall that earthquakes were number 5 of my list of 21 items to prophetically watch in 2021

Imagine that, a COG prophet predicting earthquakes! Amazing! Who knew such things happened? The amazing things the god of Bob reveals are truly mind-shattering! 

Essentially, the Bible shows that there will be the greatest earthquake of all time that will level mountains, and this will be followed by the sea and the waves roaring. And if most of the frozen waters have melted by then, the height of these roaring waves apparently will be enough to destroy most who live on islands. As well as affect those who live in coastal regions and islands.

Get off your Laodicean butts people! Join the one true church and the one true doubly-blessed leader so that you too will know the right time to flee to Petra!  Petra will be the only safe place on earth at that point. Bwana Bob's god will send a cloud to cover Petra so that fighter jets can not bomb the area. Rain will suddenly fill the valleys and food will be abundant to fete the thousands of COG members and co-workers who will all converge there as Pack, Flurry, Weinland, Weston, Kubik, and others lead the faithful to meet Bwana Bob, the King of Petra. At this point in time, Flurry, Pack, Weinland, Weston, Kubik, and all the other COG leaders will turn over their leadership roles to the Great Bwana Bob Thiel. and submit to his awesomeness.

Bob's god is an awesome god! The Place of Final Training will be superfantabulous!


Dave Pack: Toasting 22 Years of Failed Prophecies, Greed, and Deception


From an RCG source:

On Saturday, May 8, members at the Headquarters congregation gathered after services in the Hall of Administration to mark and celebrate 22 years since the corporation was instituted.
 Prior to a toast, Pastor General David Pack commented on the growth of members as well as the 
facilities that allow God's Work to move forward.

This photo of Dave's ministers in 2010 shows the amazing defection of ministers from the church. 

Even more of those faces uncovered above are also now gone.

Apparently, this is the kind of  "growth" members need to be proud of.

When your own leaders walk away it should be an indicator that something's wrong in Wadsworth.