Monday, June 24, 2024

Breaking News! Ambassador Auditorium Up For Sale for 45 Million


Get out your wallets boys and girls and help Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or Bob Thiel buy the Ambassador Auditorium! Let them put their faith to the real test and step boldly out to proclaim their message to the world! But, being the cowards and false prophets they are, none of them have the faith to do such a thing.

Harvest Rock Church has owned the 45,000-square-foot building and attached venue since 2004, when it paid $19 million, records show. In 2020, the church scored a $18.3 million loan through the California Municipal Finance Authority to refinance the building.

The church will be relocating, Pastor Che Ahn of Harvest Rock Church said in the announcement. 

“Opportunities of this caliber are rare in the market,” Fridman said in a statement, adding the property could be sold to the City of Pasadena, or investors. Church puts Pasadena’s Ambassador Auditorium up for sale


Anonymous said...

The Pentecostal Harvest Crock Church is being cast out of the Ambassador Auditorium. Hopefully someone will remember to disinfect the building and anoint it to drive out all the evil spirits that had moved in along with the Pentecostal Harvest Crock Church.

The $45,000,000.00 asking price seems expensive. All the WCG splinter groups would have to get back together again and work as a team to be able to afford something like that.

Anonymous said...

Expensive? Don't you know the outside trim is real gold.

Anonymous said...

If all those that had left the wcg donated but $100 each they could all become part owners.
But the $45m price tag is.a complete rip off destined to make any would be buyer bankrupt.

nck said...

Well, from Wilshire B (I.m guessing no relation to the (former) and Son Rader offices,...They are the most exclusive dealers in (the) Holy Land.


Anonymous said...

wonder if the spirit of the fat apostle still wanders the auditorium on certain late nights, and those who might be near if attentive could also hear the words of this self appointed apostle ''.. greeting friends from around the world this is Herbert W Armstrong bringing you the plain truth of today’s world news and prophecies of the world tomorrow!! ... crackle crackle

Anonymous said...

It's so surreal that Herb kept pressuring his mostly poor members to finance this building, only to have it sold off so soon.

Anonymous said...

They should hold a publicity event and blow it up like one of the old Vegas casinos.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, the latter day revival of 'Pentecostal'-experience-Christianity -- referred by church historians as "NeoPentecostalism" -- began in Los Angeles just over 100 years ago! I suspect now they are falling on hard times with negative growth.

Similarly, NeoSabbatarianism also bloomed in the new world ~150 years ago with a significant sub-revival in the mid 20th century by the Armstrong Doomsday Cult (which peaked in the 1970's, followed by a rapid decline/bankruptcy after a prophecy failure.)

DennisCDiehl said...

I remember as a kid at AC, still fresh out of my Dutch Reformed background watching the Auditorium built and thinking, "No church or the Armstrongs are going to build a 10 million dollar "House for God" believe we are really living in the end times of 1972-1975. The "blessed is he is found so doing" was the lame excuse for building up the campus. I suspected their "so doing" was not the same as the scriptural "so doing."

But they so did it anyway. Sodidery at its most duplistic

COG blighter said...

What happens if Dave Pack arm-twists his RCG to fork over the dough to re-claim the bldg. on S. St. John Ave., & then CA Gov. Gavin Newsom allows smash 'n grab flash mobs to wreak havoc on the glass & mahogany & chandeliers? Any kind of old style CA Receivership could be lurking round the corner again & again.

I'm surprised G. Flurry doesn't buy it with a hostile takeover, & then have a duality-double-portion H.Q. based in Edmond AND in Pasadena. Like the way Bolivia has 2 capitals.

Anonymous said...

I hope the splinters do get together and buy the building for 45 milllion. They would then have that much less money to spreed their harmful message of salvation by works.

Tonto said...

I will take it. FULL PRICE!

$1 a month for 45 Million Months, however I will spilt profits 50/50

I plan on converting it into a CASINO!

Anonymous said...

I have tithe money in that bldg. I want it back. Nah. I'm mature enough to admit and forego my losses.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Flurry will sell the England campus and use the proceeds as a down payment. any idea why Harvest Rock is selling? Probably to make a profit and move to a more affordable location, perhaps to Florida.

RSK said...

You know, Tonto, a casino would actually make sense in there. :)

Game Night said...

Make a COG Monopoly® game board, & the auditorium can be either the Park Place or the Boardwalk real estates. And shape the red hotel pieces like A.C. Auditorium. Get out of jail free card can have Big Beak flying away. The money bills can look like Dave Pack's green envelopes.
Ron Weinland served a 3 yr. jail term in 2013 so his caricature can be featured on the "go to jail" corner of the board. Community Chest & Chance can have Stanley Rader offering this 'n that. Game pieces, the race car can be the G III jet.

Anonymous said...

Apostacy in all it's glory.

Anonymous said...

HWA's prophecy failure of 1972 was HUGE, spelled the doom of his sect.

Earl said...


Sodidery is a perfect new word.

Anonymous said...

Hey clown. He never ever prophesied 1972. It was an element of some of the rouge ministry and church members. He actually admonished the church that no body knows when the return of the Messiah will be. Consider yourself informed.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Game Night. Got me a little idea for the logo on yer game box. It's a variation of the Ambassador College seal. The lion is eating the lamb, and the little child is running off screaming in terror!

Also, there was an arcane vernacular nickname for the auditorium floating around the Ambassador underground in the early '70s. "Herbie's Last Erection"

My parental units told me that they were absolutely disgusted by what Lucille Ball did during her visit to one of the cultural events. When told by one of the ushers that there was no smoking in the building, she said "Oh, I'm sorry!" then took one last puff, threw her cigarette on the carpet, and ground it out with her shoe.

As if that was not disgusting enough, some former members once bragged to me that they had dumped what they called "washin' powders" in the pool and fountain containing David Wynn's egrets. I believe I offended them by not thinking vandalism of art was cool in any way. David Wynn was a real salt of the earth type guy, and some of us had played water polo in the AC gym pool after hours with him and his workers.

Game Night said...

Aww drats, 1:12 anon, I just envisioned a more G-rated box cover with maybe chess champ Bobby Fischer manipulating the game pieces round the board. Along with maybe a Regis Philbin off to the side asking Bobby, "you want to call a friend, you want a 50/50"? (handing Bobby a can of Graf's squirt flavored 50/50 retro soda). Ooh another game piece with the G III can be a little lectern podium.

Anonymous said...

Can’t help but wonder if the bean counters at pcog HQ are doing the maths right now?
Can we, can’t we, can we, can’t we……..

Ok here’s the real NEWS.
The campus has been sold and ELVIS will make his come back there.
You read it first here folks.
But then again….lol.

Kolchak said...

Park Place can be Pack Place 💵💵🐎🐎

Anonymous said...

Hey Clown at said "Hey clown. He never ever prophesied 1972. It was an element of some of the rouge ministry and church members. He actually admonished the church that no body knows when the return of the Messiah will be. Consider yourself informed."

Hey Clown! Herbie most certainly DID prophecy 1972. It came straight from Pasadena and Herbie knew exactly what they were preaching because all of it was discussed at a ministerial conference that he was in attendance at. Herb was a liar and those who claim he was too stupid to know what was going on are liars too. I was there so I know exactly what he said and what the church did. Stop gaslighting.

Anonymous said...

Hey clown. He never ever look prophesied 1972. It was an element of some,……
,,,, that the comment may have been wrong means nought in the scheme of things given what we know of this man’s statements over fifty years. His article in the Jan 1984 Good News is one I find compelling proof the guy was a fraud.
It’s entitled ‘What lies ahead now’, proving beyond doubt his frauds lasted the entire 50 years of his unfortunate work.

Anonymous said...

7.04 PM Hey Clown at said "Hey clown. He never ever prophesied 1972

Armstrong is a proven liar, I agree, a liar from the beginning and running right through his entire religious career with one of his most dramatic failures being just a few years prior to his death in 1986. Any clown who tries to defend his ridiculous record ought book at first opportunity a mental health consultant.

COG blighter said...

Ya for sure, & it's a likelyhood that Mr. HWA got a little overly wound up over the 1973 Yom Kippur War ushering in either the 3.5 yrs., or the 7 yrs., what have you. The same way splinters now are getting frantically worked up over the jittery petrodollar, the Bilderberg Conference, the IMF, the WEF, the Great Reset, the T CrB white dwarf supernova soon near Boötes, strife in Ukraine, young Kim's E.M.P. frying the cellphones, latest bird flu, lions/tigers/bears oh-my.

It is interesting though to watch if Ft. Knox, KY ever gets emptied of it's golden booty.

Anonymous said...

You can't have 1975 without 1972 (when everyone boards jets for Petra)
It was in 1972 that Perbert had a Dave Pack style prophecy-fail moment

Anonymous said...

1.12 pm ''Oh, I'm sorry!" then took one last puff, threw her cigarette on the carpet, and ground it out with her shoe.''

Pity it didn't smolder away and in the late hours when all had gone home the whole vain temple paid for by largely by the poor didn't come a tumbling down good try Lucille

Anonymous said...

He quickly moved the 1972 onto 1975 which bought time but longer time members got wise.

Anonymous said...

I can’t imagine how Flurry would even make a grab for it, much less have someone run it. To date, their SoCal congregation only stands around 40. Ministers that have visited said the place is filled with bad spirits, and have “witnessed “ people who appeared to be possessed. He will probably want to to barter for more expensive idolatrous trinkets left behind, so he can tell everyone what God wanted him to have for the “House of God”, as being part of “The Work”… and the”One true church “.

nck said...

COG funny guy. The Europeans have already returned home most of their gold stored in the NY and other vaults a decade ago.

It's easily verifiable in normal media as subprime definitely ended American moral leadership in the world and the allies it had built through Aldo HWA's efforts... as substantial part of the Empires power was built on "soft power" and goodwill.


Anonymous said...

Like the name Perbert it about says everything , and one insisting on the PULL man lifestyle

Sweetblood777 said...

My thoughts are the same as the first poster - I wonder if bed bugs and cockroaches have taken over the building. Wouldn't that be something? Imagine sitting there and all of a sudden bugs started to crawl all over you. It will drive you screaming away from your seat.

Anonymous said...

We wouldn't have Star Trek without Lucille. She had to sell her studio on account of backing the show.

Anonymous said...

11.01 pm He quickly moved the 1972 onto 1975 which bought time but longer time members got wise.

This is evidence just how much Armstrong held the average church member in distain. He reasoned he could do and say pretty well anything such was his level of sheer hatred

Sweetblood777 said...

My thoughts are the same as the first poster - I wonder if bed bugs and cockroaches have taken over the building. Wouldn't that be something? Imagine sitting there and all of a sudden bugs started to crawl all over you. It will drive you screaming away from your seat.

Anonymous said...

People tend to defend and to cling to their cherished mindsets regardless of what ever is presented to challenge them.

I understand the steel trap mindset of Armstrongites, because the way In which they hang on to it and defend it so vociferously no matter what is presented is the same way I defend my rock n roll music.

One of my first tipoffs that HWA was so bogus came when I realized that he hated rock music. That always bugged me even more than the false prophecy. As the Brits say, "Sod him!"

Anonymous said...

All the WCG splinter groups would have to get back together again and work as a team to be able to afford something like that - first post.

Can you imagine what hell of a fight would ensue if that was attempted by the numbers of all the one true churches, each leader vying to become top dog, nay apostle?

Anonymous said...

It was 1972 that high-school-dropout Perbert went into full damage-control on his disastrous 1975 prophecy with an editorial in Tomorrow's World magazine. If you haven't read it yet, you must, it's a masterpiece of manipulation of the 'dumb sheep'.

You see, by '72 his 'dumb sheep', as he called them, were to buy tickets for Jumbo jets to get them to Jordan to hide out in caves - however no order to depart was issued by Perbert! And his own personal executive jet remained parked at Burbank airport, while his pilots hung around on full salary!

COG blighter said...

oh so thaaaat's why the folk drive for miles & miles & hours & hours each Sat. to LCG (or RCG) despite their presiding boxed-elders ranting & raving cubic ft. of hot wind

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 8:09 AM said...“One of my first tipoffs that HWA was so bogus came when I realized that he hated rock music. That always bugged me even more than the false prophecy.”

“Great genius and skill in music was created in him [Satan]. Now that he has become perverted in all thinking, acting and being, he is the real author of modern perverted music and the modern rock beat -- of discordant moans, squawks, shrieks,wails -- physically and emotionally excitable beats -- unhappy, discouraged moods.” -- From Mystery of the Ages (Copyright 1985) by Herbert W. Armstrong, pages 83-84.

Anonymous said...

See what I mean, 9:56? HWA's description of the rock genre is a broad and sweeping inaccurate generalization, indicating that he lacked even a casual or cursory familiarity with the music. He did what he did with rock as he did with all of his research. There was no following of any evidentiary trail. He decided in advance his conclusion and then sought out sound bites and proof texts to support his point.

As a young boy, I read something similar in one of the church publications and thought to myself, "That doesn't sound like Buddy Holly to me!'"

When I got around to studying classical music, and composers, I started to really learn about demonic influence in music. But, we weren't allowed to discuss those details at AC! Had to repress it.

RSK said...

Thats just an old man being cantankerous. Some people stop growing in middle age or earlier.