Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dave Pack, Trees, Jesus = Kingdom Of God In Wadsworth?

Forget the Two Tree's.  It is all about Dave's trees now.

We should have all known there was great significance in Dave Packs recent fascination with trees.  Being the strong vocal man the he is, he has been boasting how he has been ripping and running trees on his cult compounding Wadsworth, Ohio.

Here is what he has to say about Jesus coming to his Kingdom on earth.  It will NOT be in Zion or Jerusalem.

Another proof: This is a fascinating thing, go to the end of the Bible, I’m going to read you a stunningstunning verse. All of you around the world—BELIEVE your Bibles I could load you with information I’ve learned, but I have to move fast…Let’s read Revelation 22. Now, in verse 12, Christ said…
“Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be…[You now know that is to set up the Kingdom. Let’s read a little bit more about it.]…I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” (Rev. 22:12-13).
We all know that the Church, in many ways, Christ has always said, is a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. I’ve always viewed the campus this way. Mr. Armstrong thought of it that way with every campus.
“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city” (vs. 14). Now what does that mean?
It cannot be New Jerusalem and it cannot be Zion. Why? Why is it some other, smaller city? Well first of all, the context is He just came, so He isn’t coming to Zion and He’s not coming for 1,000 years to Jerusalem. Here is the reason—the next verse…There is a little, tiny city where, outside it, are dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters, and liars. It is impossible…It’s impossible, people of God, that that is New Jerusalem and the 1,000 years. This is the first period I want to eliminate. There will be no dogs, no false prophets…That is what it means…No liars, no sorcerers…The devil’s bound. There will be no whoremongers, no murderers—that’s impossible.
…We all know—there are no unconverted people on Earth at the start of the Millennium. It cannot be talking about New Jerusalem. It’s a little, tiny city with gates—meaning there are walls—and that is because some can come in and most cannot. But right outside…and everywhere else…still have false ministers, idol worshippers, murderers, whoremongers, liars galore…but not inside this little city.
Now, why couldn’t it be Jerusalem, after we have gone to Zion? Same reason. Go read II Peter 3. I think about verse 10, when He says the new heavens and new earth comes—He says wherein dwells righteousness (II Peter. 3:13). Christ has set up His Kingdom in Zion. It isn’t going to be right outside Zion there are all those terrible things. We read, at the end of Zechariah, there are no false prophets, there are no idols, the devil is gone; there can’t be sorcerers. Christ is going to deal with the whoremongers and everybody else. It cannot be Zion. It cannot be New Jerusalem. It is this little cityright hereIt has to be. There are no other possibilities.
There are only three options; two of them are impossibilities. What’s important—and this is proof—there is space. Apparently, Joshua is told—you keep My courts. He has some kind of authority and power. Trespassers, drunks, vandals, criminals, unbelievers…others…cannot come in to this place. Now, if they come into the Church, then maybe they can. But there are gates…this is a gate that won’t let dogs in—false ministers are not coming on to this campus.
Now why is that a Kingdom? You have to have tremendous sovereign authority…Or anybody could enter through those gates. Only those that do the commandments do. Why? Apparently—and you ought to make note of this—the tree of life is here. Is there any doubt this is the Kingdom of God? That’s what it says. I know it’s in Zion; I know it’s in New Jerusalem, but the description of verse 15does not fit…
“I Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches” (22:16). “Angel” there means “messenger.” At the end of the age, a messenger—there is no angel telling anybody any of this. I’m sure we all know that. The word is “messenger.”
“I have sent my messenger to testify unto you these things in the churches…[I am doing that, and I am going to do it outside the walls of Restored, so to speak. There are no walls today, but you know what I mean—beyond the shores of Restored. I know who I am and what I’m supposed to do. I understand the restitution of all things comes in two phases and an announcement of it, so that God’s people know they are looking for a grain of sand and not a tremendous, earth-shaking event that lasts 1,000 years. So I am doing my part. Who said this?]…the root and the offspring the David, the bright and morning star” (vs. 16). That is happening now.
Now a little point. I will quickly describe it…Zechariah 5verses 1 to 4. This sounds much more like a time the Kingdom of God is in place…where this curse goes out all over the world. It’s a unique curse. It’s just described, in chapter 3, Joshua, and then chapter 4, Zerubbabel and the Two Witnesses. Immediately, God says…after these men are introduced on to the scene and others, of course, with them…that a unique curse goes out over all the earth, Zechariah 5:1 to 4, where if you steal, or you swear falsely in the name of God, who has set up His Kingdom, you will be sealed into your house and you will be dissolved along with the wood and stone that built the house.
Why would you need to do that, in many ways, if there is compliance all over the world? Here’s why? In a world filled with scam artists, thievesliars, people who speak in the name of God because there are dogs, meaning false ministers…In the New Testament, we all understand that’s what “dogs” means. We’re not talking about German Shepherds or Chihuahuas. It’s talking about false ministers. They will be out there. God’s Kingdom is on Earth—they are going to see tremendous opportunity, because scam artists will scam anybody about anything at any time, if they can get a nickel out of it.
God says, in effect, you will not use My government or My name or My Kingdom and pretend to represent it. I will have angels seal you into your house, and I will dissolve you like battery acid fell over you—and your house will be gone, too. Go look at Zechariah 5:1 to 4, and it actually tells you that something different has happened when the men and all the thousands who are with them in chapters 3 and 4 are established, and grace comes out of Zerubbabel’s mouth to the world. Because Mr. Armstrong’s function, I truly do believe—from Day One in the Kingdom—will be about the Kingdom.
Elijah will work with the Church…He will work with the Kingdom, initially. Elijah’s job is to work with Israel and Judah. Zerubbabel’s job appears to be to manage matters of the Kingdom—from Day One—when the Kingdom starts. That’s why I am certain of it. I’ve explained this. Is he the Chief Administrator? Elijah’s function is different. The men of wonder have a different function. I think that is one of the biggest proofs something dramatically different has happened.
Next one: Zechariah 11verse 10…Turn over there. Now this…This is an interesting thing. This is proof that the Kingdom came……
“And [so] it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD” (vs. 11).
Here is what the word of the LORD is: They know that the Kingdom of God has come to Earth, and God has changed everything with all peoples on the face of the earth. Grace is snapped, and now it is God fulfilling Jeremiah 31, and He is writing His Law in people’s hearts anywhere anyone in the world. Anywhere that anyone in the world wants to respond to the Kingdom of God and receive all the blessings and benefits and bounty, as I like to put it, of that Kingdom, they can now do it—and until Christ comes—that is not possible. So it’s a whole new world, starting, of course, with setting up the government to do that……
For now, note that Christ is coming to address trees, with a couple of kinds, here, being described as “reduced” and a couple others “increased” in the same way. You can probably guess the connection, by now, to trees; but there are many verses…I could tell you, right now, nine different places, Old Testament and New, where Christ is very interested in trees, which are leaders. There is a big connection here, but I’ll just leave it for that, until we can get into a list of nine to a dozen verses where Christ is going to work with leaders—ministers—who He describes as trees.

Superfantabulous Dave, new stand in awe.

Philadelphia Church of God "Minister" Mark Saranga Kicks Daughter Out Of House

Mark Saranga Kicks Daughter Out of House:
January 25, 2017 
Mark Saranga took over as head of the PCG Mail Processing Dept. when Mark Nash was unceremoniously fired from that position. His daughter Alicia was seeing a "worldly" boy at the public school she attended, so Mark Saranga kicked her out of the house never to return (which is in keeping with Gerald Flurry's disfellowshipping policy). Alicia was a minor and around 16 years old at the time. She had no place to go as the other PCG members were too afraid of Gerald Flurry putting them out, too, for sheltering someone thrown out of the PCG. People are in fear of the ministry. 
Alicia had to go to the local office of Health and Human Services and tell them she was basically homeless without any means of support. The State put her into foster care and she has been there ever since. Her father Mark Saranga is still an "upstanding minister" in the PCG. He writes for the Philadelphia Trumpet and Royal Vision magazine and his work is predominantly featured on the PCG website. Ironically, one of his current articles on there is about the Sandy Hook tragedy and how to protect your children. This coming from a man who kicked out his minor aged daughter to the curb for seeing a boy in school. 
Not only are Gerald Flurry's insane policies destroying the PCG financially, but they are also causing a local strain on the taxpayers as the kicked out minor aged children of the PCG members are relying on the State to survive. --[name withheld]

This is not the fruit incident of PCG ministers forcing their kids out into the streets. It has been regular occurrence in PCG over the decades, though usually it is the ministry forcing members to kick their kids out.

"PCG Should Be Investigated" Over Mark Saranga and Other Abusive Polices

From Exit and Support:

PCG Should Be Investigated:
January 28, 2017
The letter concerning Mark Saranga and his daughter Alicia breaks my heart. What a cruel and ruthless thing to do. I am reminded of what Jesus preached about the prodigal son and how he treated the lady at the well, and many of the other wonderful things He did for sinners. Flurry claims to preach the gospel to the world. What gospel? One of destroying the family? There is certainly no love, grace and truth in what he and his ministers preach. By not preaching the true gospel the PCG is twice cursed according to the Apostle Paul.
Now that Obama and Clinton have been taken care of and the USA has a Christian and Jewish supporting President, we who are suffering under the PCG rules should contact our new president and request him to have this so called "church" investigated for breaking any law on child care and have the IRS do a financial audit on them. I cannot remember when last we saw audited accounts from the PCG or any of their branches around the world.
I remember many years ago that the FBI were very interested in H Armstrong and the WCG. --W.
FBI Files on Herbert Armstrong: 
March 29, 2006 
I once met with and talked with Anthony Buzzard. I find that his connections (mentioned in the report you link to) are v6ery interesting. I marked some in red for quick perusal. I used to talk to Gene Bailey and I was the one that told him about the files on the WWCG with the FBI, etc. He later tried to obtain them, but they were blacked out and the information hidden. However, I obtained and viewed the files from the early 1970s that weren't blacked out. I had written the Un-American Activities Commission in 1972 and received information that HWA and WWCG were under surveillance and suspected of UnAmerican activities. I also received a letter from the Congressional Library.  
This all documents the connections between the evil powers of the underworld and the WWCG. --Former WCG member [name withheld] 
Comment: The report being referred to is The Conspiracy Was Strong - The Discernment Ministries. Herbert W. Armstrong and Anthony Buzzard and their connections are mentioned in Parts 1-3. (Just search for the words "Worldwide Church of God" in Pt. I.) The FBI files on Herbert Armstrong and Stanley Rader are mentioned. Anthony Buzzard was formerly a lecturer at Ambassador College in Bricket Wood, England. The Ambassador Report #48, May 1991, has a section entitled, "The FBI's Files on the WCG." Ambassador Report #51, October 1992, followed up by saying these files were later released to Gene Bailey but with much blacked out. It is alleged that many groups known as "cults" have a hidden agenda and work together to create a passive people. (Read this part in the Rules of Disinformation which talks about the CIA being involved in Waco and Jonestown.) They have similar methods of deception and abuse are often fronts for intelligence activity. Read more about this and WCG / HWA activities from OIU Newsletter #6, pt. 3
The article about the FBI interest is here:  The Conspiracy Was Strong