Thursday, June 20, 2024

Narcissistic personality disorder in the COG Leadership


People with NPD, diagnosed via psychological surveys, are those focused on an idealized and grandiose image of themselves — often to avoid deep feelings of insecurity.

Men are around twice as likely to be narcissists as women, with signs of the disorder appearing at an early age or in teenage years.

Causes of the disorder include negative experiences as a child — such as trauma or rejection — or having overindulgent parents.

People who have the disorder are likely to exhibit a sense of entitlement, manipulative behavior, and may regularly seek admiration from others.

They may also be arrogant or lack empathy for others.

Estimates suggest about 0.5 percent of the US population, or one in 200 people, has the disorder.The surprising facial feature that could reveal someone is a narcissist


Anonymous said...

Eh, any position of power draws people like that. Just look at politics.

Anonymous said...

Jon Brisby, Church of God, the Eternal.

Anonymous said...

And be sure your mugshot is on your website. Once, a long time ago, late 70's or early 1980's, there were 12 mugs of Herb on one page if I remember correctly, either in the "Good News" or other - could be mistaken.

Anonymous said...

"0.5 percent of the US population" has NPD.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
NPD has become the new code word for psychopathy. The more a society morally declines, the nicer the labels it uses to describe evil.
In the late 1990s, the then NBC Today program had a segment on psychopathy in American high schools. They stated that the average classroom had SEVERAL (definition: "more than two but not many") vile students. Since the average classroom size is about 30 students, that means that over 10% of American high school students are psychopaths.
The people they were interviewing said that young people are being "robbed of their youth."
Unfortunately they'll also be robbed of their middle and old age by these people.

Anonymous said...

NPD, 0.5% or one in 200 people in the US have this condition.
Most of them inhabit the WH or vote Democrat or are ‘ministers’ in the Armstrong movement lol.
And certainly will never wear a MAGA baseball cap.

On a serious note (the above comment is in jest) these figures probably are similar in most countries around the globe.
I remember a young girl asking her dad why humans were crazy.
He replied ‘we are all afflicted with madness to various degrees, some more evident than others’.
Quite so lol.

Kolchak said...

If I'm dislexic, can I wear a M.A.G.M.A. cap? It's red too, like Icelandic lava

or maybe wear a G.R.A.M.A cap like mi abuela

Anonymous said...

Armstrong had NPD looking back in it. And the cronies around him including his son.
I watch these history channel programs on Adolf from time to time and all his hangers on and it’s plain they all were weird NPD types as well.

Anonymous said...

Armstrong,Flurry, his son, Pack and Theil in that order.

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty good description of Bob Thiel and David Pack

Avogadro said...

Kolchak, I love your M.A.G.M.A. hat, but wonder if everyone "got" it. Laughed M.A. off at that one!

Anonymous said...

I found this description of a narcissist. Since many comments here claim this trait describes HWA, GTA, and the Worldwide ministry, I thot it might be of interest to compare the critics here with the formal description of a narcissistic person. Recognize anybody?

Quote: “ They generally lack self-awareness, and will have a difficult time understanding their own traits and narcissistic tendencies, either due to a belief that NPD characteristics do not apply to them, or due to a refusal to accept or endorse negative characteristics in an attempt to maintain a positive self image.[43][44] Narcissists can have difficulty seeing multiple perspectives on issues and black and white thinking.[45] Despite this, people with NPD will often feel as they are skilled at accurately assessing others' feelings.[46]”


Anonymous said...

''.. I thot it might be of interest to compare the critics here with the formal description of a narcissistic person. Recognize anybody?..''
The definition you provide is but part of an understanding.

There is extensive literature on the disorder and it appears in an overall sense it is :
a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings.

Yes having read the definition you provided and what else is said about the disorder it is pretty clear those people such as Armstrong and son do exactly fit the bill - but which you appear to suggest is not the case

Anonymous said...

7:51 a perfect answer. As the quote said, they cannot recognize it in themselves. So, you have helped verify that description. Thanks, I appreciate it.

And, the article was too long to quote the whole thing. But, the rest also describes what is seen here.


Anonymous said...


You wrote:” Yes having read the definition you provided and what else is said about the disorder it is pretty clear those people such as Armstrong and son do exactly fit the bill - but which you appear to suggest is not the case.”

It would help to stop reading into things that were not said or implied. The point is some here are just as bad as the ones they accuse.

We all are humans, we all have our faults, but the narcissists here imply that only HWA, etal, had that trait. Perhaps, it would be wise for all the critics here to actually use their bathroom mirror to take a closer look.

Just sayin’.


Anonymous said...

What about Loma? Are you ignorant of the numerous first hand witnesses who spoke of Loma's personality?
Oh how this blog keeps all discussions on low rank levels. Not highly manipulators yourselves?

Anonymous said...

So a narcissist will refuse to admit to being a narcissist, but a non-narcissist will also deny being a narcissist, so denial does not necessarily mean a person is or is not a narcissist.

Anonymous said...

Right, 5;25. That's why it's generally necessary for a professional in the mental health field to make the diagnosis. It is quite obvious that a great number of Armstrongite ministers are narcissists, so you really would not require a medical degree to see or understand thst.

In our own cases, we were programmed to imitate our leaders. Know what happens if you imitate a narcissist, or act in his valence? In some cases symptoms might cause false positives. In others, years in the cult could have perverted us and turned us into narcissists ourselves.

Whatever the case might be, a rotten damnable cult is the root cause. It's our responsibility as individuals to recognize the damages and work towards our recovery. The good thing about personality disorders is that you can obtain therapy. There's no need to go through your entire life with the full load of damage.